Disponibile Apache HTTP server 2.0.45

Disponibile  Apache HTTP server 2.0.45

E' disponibile una nuova release beta per Apache web server (ver. Apache 2.0.45), il software per server http più utilizzato online.

di pubblicata il , alle 16:31 nel canale Programmi

Nome immagine

E' disponibile una nuova release beta per Apache web server (ver. Apache 2.0.45), il software per server http più utilizzato online.
Apache HTTP Server è rilasciato con licenza open source ed al momento, in termini di potenzialità e sicurezza, è il software di riferimento.

Il download è disponibile a questo indirizzo.
Qui di seguito riportiamo le principali modifiche apportate:

Security vulnerabilities closed since Apache 2.0.44

  • SECURITY [CAN-2003-0132]: Close a Denial of Service vulnerability identified by David Endler on all platforms. Details embargoed until their announcement on 7 April 2003.
  • SECURITY: Eliminated leaks of several file descriptors to child processes, such as CGI scripts. This fix depends on the latest APR library release 0.9.2, which is distributed with the httpd source tarball for Apache 2.0.45. PR 17206 [Christian Kratzer , Bjoern A. Zeeb ]

Bugs fixed and features added since Apache 2.0.44

  • Prevent endless loops of internal redirects in mod_rewrite by aborting after exceeding a limit of internal redirects. The limit defaults to 10 and can be changed using the RewriteOptions directive. PR 17462.
  • Configurable compression level for mod_deflate.
  • Allow SSLMutex to select/use the full range of APR locking mechanisms available to it (e.g. same choices as AcceptMutex.)
  • mod_cgi, mod_cgid, mod_ext_filter: Log errors when scripts cannot be started on Unix because of such problems as bad permissions, bad shebang line, etc.
  • Try to log an error if a piped log program fails and try to restart a piped log program in more failure situations.
  • Added support for mod_auth_LDAP, with a new AuthLDAPCharsetConfig directive, to convert extended characters in the user ID to UTF-8, before authenticating against the LDAP directory.
  • No longer removes the Content-Length from responses via mod_proxy.
  • Enhance mod_isapi's WriteClient() callback to provide better emulation for isapi extensions that use the first WriteClient() to send status and headers, such as the foxisapi module.
  • Win32: Avoid busy wait (consuming all the CPU idle cycles) when all worker threads are busy.
  • Introduced .pdb debugging symbols for Win32 release builds.
  • Fixed piped access logs on Win32.
  • Fix path handling of mod_rewrite, especially on non-unix systems. There was some confusion between local paths and URL paths.
  • Added an rpm build script.
5 Commenti
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Aryan04 Aprile 2003, 17:33 #1
Zhurlo04 Aprile 2003, 18:08 #2
ben detto aryan
cionci04 Aprile 2003, 18:14 #3
Concordo... Viva AMP !!!
FabioD7704 Aprile 2003, 22:55 #4
Sto imparando PHP + mysql e sul mio pc ho installato apache 1.3. qualcosa e 24. Non vedo l'ora di mettere mano su web server veri... a proposito: studiando il php ogni mattina per 3/4 ore, quanto ci metterò prima di essere operativo senza grandissime pretese??? Scusate se sembra una domanda stupida... ;-)
carlos06 Aprile 2003, 03:21 #5
Bisogna vedere cosa vuoi arrivare a fare

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