Shuttle annuncia la nuova linea di monitor LCD

Shuttle annuncia la nuova linea di monitor LCD

Il noto produttore di sistemi compatti annuncia oggi la nuova linea di monitor TFT LCD, ideali da essere abbinati con soluzioni XPC

di pubblicata il , alle 17:13 nel canale Periferiche

Con il seguente comunicato stampa ufficiale Shuttle annuncia il lancio di una nuova linea di monitor TFT LCD caratterizzati da un design molto affine ai sistemi XPC della compagnia. Si tratta di monitor da 17 pollici, con risoluzione di 1280x1024. Gli schermi sono disponibili in colorazione nero e argento.

Elmshorn – 23. July 2004 - As from today, the first models of the TFT produced by Shuttle will be on sale. "We are very pleased to have launched a further product range in addition to the mainboards and XPCs", explains Bastian Fröhlig, PR Manager of Shuttle Computer Handels GmbH.

The XP17 was specially developed for the XPC and offers superb design and performance for all application areas. The Shuttle TFT provides a 1280 x 1024 resolution. A 16 milliseconds’ response time guarantees rapid representation for games and films. The integrated DVI input ensures digital signal transfer without loss. Combined with the pivot function, which enables the monitor picture to turn 90 degrees, the Shuttle XP17 is also extremely suitable for layout and graphic work.

In addition to the technical data, the XP17’s individual design in XPC style is excellent. An aluminium frame with stable integrated handles makes it easy and safe to move around. An optional bag (PF50) is available, which also protects the TFT from damage. The XP17 is set up on a robust board that’s easy to adjust and takes up little room. It not only looks good, it saves space as well. Those who want to use all their desk space can install the optional wall mount, which corresponds to the standard VESA and ensures the TFT is stable.

"After 12 months’ work, our design team has produced a really fantastic product", explains Bastian Fröhlig, adding that "The XP17 completes the overall picture on the desk at home or in the office."

The Shuttle XP17 is immediately available in black and silver.

3 Commenti
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OverCLord23 Luglio 2004, 17:18 #1
Chissa' perche' mi ricorda il Mac!

Bisogna vedere quanto vogliono...
Il response time non e' male...
Berty24 Luglio 2004, 00:26 #2
A 16 milliseconds’ response time guarantees rapid representation for games and films. [/QUOTE]
Ottimo, ma bisogna vedere le altre prestazioni & soprattutto i prezzi!
Muscy_8724 Luglio 2004, 10:14 #3
se non fosse per la maniglia in alto... IMHO è un po' penosa, poi a cosa serve, ti porti il monitor così ai lan party??

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