Yamaha CRW2100E review

Yamaha CRW2100E review

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
StorageReview ha pubblicato la recensione del masterizzatore 16X Yamaha CRW2100E; la trovate a questo indirizzo

We were shocked at how loud our sample was during full-RPM operation. Even after securing the drive with all four screws and closing the testbed case, the noise and vibration generated by this drive when reading pressed CDs at full speed was unbelievable. Moving the drive into my personal system's Fong Kai case did not help. It was at this point that we voiced our concerns to Hyper Microsystems; they offered to send us a second sample. We were certain the original drive had a damaged spindle or something. Unfortunately though, the second sample was just as loud. The good news is, the drive is relatively quiet while burning (when RPMs are obviously much lower), but the racket starts up as soon as the drive starts spinning up to 40X CAV speeds.

A nice side effect of having the 2nd evaluation sample was the ability to confirm unexpected results. We're thankful to Hyper Microsystems for letting us hold onto both for the duration of our tests.
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