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Robot tagliaerba Navimow i105E in prova: GPS e videocamera per un prato perfetto
Robot tagliaerba Navimow i105E in prova: GPS e videocamera per un prato perfetto
Abbiamo testato per alcune settimane il Navimow i105E, un robot tagliaerba che unisce il segnale RTK alla visione con videocamera intelligente, per un posizionamento preciso e un taglio impeccabile
Xiaomi 14 e Xiaomi 14 Ultra: sono davvero macchine fotografiche 5G?
Xiaomi 14 e Xiaomi 14 Ultra: sono davvero macchine fotografiche 5G?
Xiaomi 14 e Xiaomi 14 Ultra sono due dei più performanti cameraphone del 2024. Li abbiamo messi sotto torchio con tutte le prove che effettuiamo solitamente per le recensioni delle fotocamere, per saggiarne il comportamento e avere tutti i dati tecnici per un confronto ragionato
Corsair One i500: un PC gaming potente che può stare anche in salotto
Corsair One i500: un PC gaming potente che può stare anche in salotto
Corsair One i500 è un PC completo molto potente ma che occupa poco spazio e lo fa con stile. Un sistema che può servire tanto per lavorare quanto per giocare, con molti spunti interessanti ma anche qualche neo. Il prezzo è da capogiro.
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Old 26-03-2024, 16:26   #3001
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Originariamente inviato da GoFoxes Guarda i messaggi
Qui non ho problemi con fibra 100/20 che mi hanno appena fixato, ma quando torno in montagna non vorrei dover riscaricare 140GB che c'ho messo 3 giorni
Sul botolo non ho visto quanto era, ho visto solo che lo segnala (non ho gli update automatici), su PC mi pare fosse intorno ai 700 e qualcosa.

Comunque è un hot-fix, questo è il changelog, l'han postato su Muskiolandia >
- Players can once again capture characters in action poses in photo mode
- Addressed an issue that could cause characters to become stuck repeating a line of dialogue
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Old 26-03-2024, 17:58   #3002
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Su PC 2.7GB
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Old 26-03-2024, 18:07   #3003
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Windows Store, giusto?
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Old 26-03-2024, 19:07   #3004
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Si sul pass
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Old 26-03-2024, 20:03   #3005
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Sì era di quelle dimensioni anche su Xbox
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Old 26-03-2024, 20:36   #3006
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Originariamente inviato da GoFoxes Guarda i messaggi
Qui non ho problemi con fibra 100/20 che mi hanno appena fixato, ma quando torno in montagna non vorrei dover riscaricare 140GB che c'ho messo 3 giorni
736 Mega e spicci (su Steam)
[ ][ Samsung Galaxy S - Google Nexus 5 ]
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Old 27-03-2024, 08:40   #3007
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736 Mega e spicci (su Steam)
Sto su Windows Store avendolo Play Anywhere, quindi saranno i 2.7GB circa di Xbox.

Va bè, ieri son tornato a prendermi la roba della Mantide e la Razorleaf, così non mi devo preoccupare più tanto dell'equip... non so voi, ma io odio questi giochi moderni che prima ti danno un limite di peso inventario, poi ti riempiono di item totalmente inutili che si differenziano gli uni dagli altri di un +1 / -1 nelle stat... irritanti... tipo Diablo direi, mai giocato- Borderlands lo faceva un pelo meglio, ma il migliore è stato Icewind Dale perché man mano che progredivi potevi gettare la roba vecchia e trovavi sempre cose interessanti. Poi il sistema di naming item in Starfield, mutuati dall'altra caxxata Fallout 4, è una delle cose peggiori che abbia mai visto... 12 nomi descrittivi tra parentesi quadre prima del titolo dell'oggetto... assurdo come sia venuto in mente di fare una cosa del genere.

In Starfield servirebbe un sistema per distruggere ogni oggetto e trasformarlo in risorse crafting, che non devono "pesare", come le munizioni, direttamente dall'inventario... è una delle cose speciali di NMS questa, che si differenza anche da Minecraft (o Palworld) che invece richiedono di costruire banchi di crafting... in NMS se hai le risorse crafti al volo, ora che c'è il refiner portatile doppio, l'unica cosa che non è possibile on the fly è refining triplo (va da se che puoi creare base al volo + refiner triplo ovunque in 12 secondi netti). Senza contare che l'inventario è espandibile a livelli pressoché illimitati e volendo hai quello degli exoscafi, della nave, del mercantile, dei container, tutti gestiti in maniera spiccia e accessibili facilmente (non che devo salire sulla nave per accedere all'inventario).

Questo rende l'esplorazione più spensierata, che non ti devi preoccupare di dover tornare alla nave o alla Loggia per craftare... tra l'altro in Starfield le ricerche le fai solo a un banco di ricerca, che o hai nella nave o ti tocca ogni volta tornare alla Loggia o dove lo hai messo, in NMS c'è l'anomalia che è evocabile ovunque nello spazio, entri, e se hai le risorse completi le ricerche in 90 secondi.

Questo è un gioco che ha a cuore il tempo del giocatore, Starfield è 10 minuti gioco e 50 perdita di tempo... che poi è aprire menu, aprire mappa, scegliere desstinazione, premere X e guardare il load screen.

Ultima modifica di GoFoxes : 27-03-2024 alle 09:13.
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Old 28-03-2024, 08:25   #3008
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Finite le Ryujin Industries, belle le reward per uno stealth gamer, e devo dire che mi sono anche divertito, quelle poche volte in cui non dovevo correre da A a B

In un paio di missioni, seppur abbastanza guidate, mi è sembrato di giocate a un Deus Ex. Discreta e abbastanza plausibile anche dal punto di vista narrativo, niente di che, ma meglio di qualsiasi cosa abbia visto in Skyrim, Fallout 3 e 4.

Peccato che scavallato il ventesimo livello, mo' servono più punti di quanti se ne facciano in una intera "gilda"...
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Old 10-04-2024, 10:17   #3009
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Riprovato un pochino sperando in miglioramenti ma c'è poco da fare, è assolutamente noioso.
Se almeno l'esplorazione fosse interessante ci potrei anche passare sopra ai tanti difetti e all'interfaccia assolutamente macchinosa, ma è solo un susseguirsi di inutili locazioni sempre uguali separate da lunghissime passeggiate ancora più noiose...

Perfino F4 era assolutamente più interessante da girare
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Old 11-04-2024, 08:23   #3010
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Originariamente inviato da AlexAlex Guarda i messaggi
Riprovato un pochino sperando in miglioramenti ma c'è poco da fare, è assolutamente noioso.
Se almeno l'esplorazione fosse interessante ci potrei anche passare sopra ai tanti difetti e all'interfaccia assolutamente macchinosa, ma è solo un susseguirsi di inutili locazioni sempre uguali separate da lunghissime passeggiate ancora più noiose...

Perfino F4 era assolutamente più interessante da girare
Io stavo facendo i Freestar, come seconda fazione, anche questa molto lineare, anche se dal punto di vista del writing pare almeno interessante per il mistero della nave rubata, perché attacchino i farmer, ecc

Però mo' NMS Orbital è entrato a gamba tesa e non lo tocco da una settimana circa... finirò tutte le fazioni sicuro alla lunga, ma resta un giocpo fondamentalmente pieno di pessime idee... tipo una serie Disney
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Old 30-04-2024, 07:18   #3011
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Prossima patch sarà annunciata settimana prossima e il DLC autunno 2024.
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Old 30-04-2024, 08:08   #3012
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Originariamente inviato da ulukaii Guarda i messaggi
Prossima patch sarà annunciata settimana prossima e il DLC autunno 2024.
Ma non doveva essere rilasciata settimana prossima? Come "annunciata"??
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- qui ci devo scrivere qualcosa di bello, ma non mi viene in mente niente -
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Old 30-04-2024, 08:53   #3013
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Sì, hai ragione. Verrà annunciata più avanti questa settimana e poi rilasciata settimana prossima (non so se in beta o direttamente in stable).
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Old 30-04-2024, 12:22   #3014
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Il DLC in autunno significa che questo gioco aveva bisogno come minimo di un altro anno di sviluppo, anche perchè la roba grossa annunciata ormai da mesi verrà molto probabilmente rilasciata insieme ad esso. Siamo alle solite insomma... Si può tranquillamente lasciare parcheggiato per altri 6 mesi almeno.
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Old 30-04-2024, 12:38   #3015
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Da quello che sì è capito questa patch dovrebbe introdurre il sistema di "difficoltà" di cui si era accennato tempo fa (personalizzare vari parametri rispetto al semplice slide facile/.../difficile), nuove personalizzazioni per le navi e/o modifiche allo ship-building, le mappe per le città e opzioni grafiche per le console, estratto da una news a caso che deriva comunque dalla recente intervista al Todd:
This update will feature some "gameplay options that we're adding," as well as "other display modes on console that people have asked for." The update also delivers "some great stuff for shipbuilding," and Howard says "we redid the map stuff - so we have some city map stuff."
S'è accennato anche al fatto che il Creation Kit è stato distribuito in close-beta ad alcuni modders e che le mods saranno anche su scatolette, ma per quanto riguarda il CK/mods non sarà roba di questa patch.

Changelog della patch 1.11.33 in beta su PC dal 1 maggio >
Starfield’s latest update is here and it’s bringing several new features with it!
- Improved surface maps - We’ve heard your feedback, and we’ve made some big improvements to surface maps, so you’ll always know just where to go and no longer “get lost” on the way to your parents’ place (and they weren’t buying that excuse anyway, you should really go visit them).
- New gameplay options - For those of you who like a bit of an extra challenge or want to make some aspects of the game easier, you can customize your experience with brand new options in the Settings menu. Want to make ground combat harder but ship combat easier? You can do just that!
- Added Ship Decoration mode to the interior of Ships – now you can decorate your ships just like you can with Outposts!
- Added Tabs to Container menus to make managing your inventory easier.
- Added the ability to change Traits and appearance after entering the Unity.
- Added Dialogue camera toggle in the Settings.
- Added Display settings for Xbox Series X to prioritize Visuals or Performance (Series X).

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Read on for a full list of fixes and improvements!

(PLEASE NOTE: This update is currently in Steam Beta before going live for all players. We don’t anticipate much to change from this update but will let you know when it’s available and any adjustments we make to the notes below. Thank you!)

Xbox Series X Display Settings

We’ve heard from many that you’d like to have more control over the graphic fidelity and performance on Xbox, similar to how PC players can customize their experience. We’re now enabling that on Xbox Series X with a few options that you can use to find the best fit for your playstyle and display.

For each of these, we highly recommend a Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) Display running at 120hz, and to verify your Xbox is setup to use it. If you have it setup this way, Starfield will now default to a frame rate target of 40, while keeping the priority for full visuals.

- Frame Rate Target: You can now choose between 30, 40, 60 or an Uncapped frame rate on VRR displays. If you do not have a VRR display running 120hz, you will still be able to select from 30 or 60. Screen tearing may occur at times when selecting 60 on a non-VRR display.
- Prioritize: You can now prioritize between Visuals and Performance while trying to maintain the frame rate target. If you’re choosing a frame rate target of 60 or above, we recommend changing this to Performance. Prioritizing Visuals keeps the highest resolution while maintaining full detail for special effects, lighting, and crowds. Prioritizing Performance lowers internal resolution and detail for special effects, lighting, and crowds. Both modes may adjust internal resolution dynamically when scenes or action get heavier as well. When switching between modes, you will see the lighting change briefly as the system catches up to the new mode.


- General Stability and Performance improvements.
- General improvements for Character fleeing, avoidance and pathfinding.
- Fixed various issues with object placement.

- Fixed an issue that could cause a ship's maximum shield capacity to appear decreased after loading a save with certain assigned crew.
- Fixed an issue where invisibility could persist on a companion’s weapon after invisibility effect ended.
- Scanning flora/fauna XP is now also awarded via harvesting/killing.
- Resolved an issue with unintended harvest items appearing in flora from blended biomes.
- Addressed an issue that prevented repeated docking with a previously commandeered ship.
- Fixed an issue with Class C flight behavior after entering targeting mode while boosting.
- Addressed an issue that could occur when attempting to dock with a ship as it grav jumps away.
- Fixed a ship scanner issue that could occasionally display incorrect hostility or crew count.
- Fixed an issue where docked ships would appear to overlap after loading a save while boarding.
- Stunned Characters should no longer display the option to talk to them.
- Fixed an issue that could cause apparel to not display as intended on mannequins.
- Helmets placed on Mannequins should no longer cull the neck and torso section.
- Addressed an issue that could cause weapons to duplicate when looting and enemy.
- Addressed a rare issue that could cause characters to not exit dialogue when attacked.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the dialogue camera to quickly shift focus when exiting conversations.
- Neon and Ryujin security should be more diligent on arresting the player for criminal behavior.
- An Autosave should now be created when fast travelling to the player ship if Save on Travel is enabled.
- Fixed an issue with sandstorm hazards not working as intended under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue with weather changing incorrectly when entering a ship.
- Addressed an issue related to using the Starborn Power 'Inner Demon' on certain Robot models.
- Resolved a few issues related to loading a save after using 'Phased Time' power.
- Fixed an issue with lip-sync while ‘Phased Time’ was active.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause legendary Starborn weapons to lose their special effects.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent storing items in containers aboard the Razorleaf.
- Addressed an issue that could cause the player to appear as if they were in zero gravity after completing a temple.
- Fixed an issue with Rifle Certification skill that could prevent faster reloading benefit.
- Resolved issue with certain weapons not being able to fire immediately after they were aimed.
- Resolved and issue that could cause melee attacks to occur without animation.
- Fixed a visual issue with the Laser sight emitted from an enemy Magshear.
- Resolved a weapon visibility issue that could occur when opening the hand scanner with 'Toggle Iron Sight' setting enabled.
- Fixed a weapon visibility issue that could occur when switching between weapons of different types.
- Addressed an issue with how the Subtitles from the ECS Constant were displayed.
- Addressed an issue with gaps appearing on the character when previewing helmets in the Transfer Menu.
- Resolved and issue that could cause clothing to be seen through the spacesuit after aiming with a scope.
- Addressed and issue that could cause enemies to receive unintended force when killed.
- Fixed an issue that could occur when killing a seated character.
- Loading save should retain camera settings.
- Addressed an issue that could cause quests to have a much longer cooldown than intended.
- Resolved an issue where UC ships could still send friendly hails to a member of the Crimson Fleet.
- Fixed areas of Moara's ship where player could become stuck.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the desk inside the Ship Services building in Akila to disappear.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent random ship encounters from landing on planets in some situations.
- Fixed an issue with the turn counter on the persuasion minigame when dealing with the Star Parcel Freighter.
- Ship Service Technicians should now return to their normal location if they had previously wandered away.
- Players who find their way into Benjamin Bayu’s penthouse should now be able to exit properly.

- Exterior ship lights should now appear as intended in Photomode and during travel sequences.
- Fixed various shadow issues (flickering and precision).
- Fixed an issue that could cause the galaxy map to zoom out to an incorrect extent. (PC).
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause the ocean to not blend smoothly with the shore.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the screen to be stretched on 16:10 and 32:10 screens with FSR3 in the character editor (PC).
- Improved the look of depth of field in specific cases.
- Fixed subtle flickering that could occur on some on highlighted parts in the ship editor.
- Improved the look of lighting and shadow under trees.
- Improved wind direction consistency.
- Fixed an issue causing the glow of stars to be slightly visible through planets.
- Fixed a few visual artifacts with some VFX.
- Improved the look of rain ripples on water.
- Fixed an issue that could cause missing fog to occur while landing in Neon.
- Improved flickering artifacts sometimes present with upscaling techniques DLSS, FSR, XeSS (PC).
- Fixed a few flickering and ghosting issues for FSR3 (PC).
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game UI to disappear after changing the Borderless Full Screen option when using FSR3 (PC).
- Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause artifacts during camera transitions.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause missing object highlights in the hand scanner.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause visible rain effects inside a spaceship.
- Fixed an issue that could cause water to turn white in New Atlantis when using a particle beam.
- Adjusting a setting option that read as "Off" to now read as "Low Quality" for motion blur.
- Adjusted the default value for Ship Third Person FOV.
- Fixed an issue that could cause weapons on racks or in containers to disappear or change upon re-entering the player’s ship.

- Fixed an issue that could cause robots to appear unassigned after deleting the Outpost Crew Station.
- Addressed an issue with Cargo Link parts not updating orientation after moving a structure at an Outpost.
- Removed red outline that could sometimes remain on objects after they were repaired at an outpost.
- Fixed an issue where changing greenhouse flora types in Outposts could disconnect the water input.
- Resolved an issue with environmental hazards persisting inside outpost structures built in hazard areas.
- Fixed an issue where greenhouse plants sometimes didn’t move correctly when the greenhouse was relocated.
- Fixed issues where stairs could sometimes be deleted when deleting objects placed on them at an outpost.
- Addressed an issue that allowed the player to reach unintended locations by stacking furniture in Outposts.
- Resolved an issue with storage container auto foundations appearing where stackable containers already exist in Outposts.
- Fixed an issue with Outpost wires not moving correctly when a wired structure was moved.
- Addressed an issue that could cause habitat modules to float when supporting structures were removed.
- Fixed an issue that could unintentionally affect the ambient audio of Outpost items.
- Fixed an issue with inner-system cargo ships not unloading resources to capacity.

- Back to the Grind: Fixed an issue that could cause the camera to unintentionally return to first person when exiting the interview seat with Imogene.
- Breaking the Bank: Fixed an issue where unselected Dialogue options would incorrectly gray out when talking to Chief Purser Murata.
- Breach of Contract: Resolved the issue where Dr. Keala may not have been present at the intended location.
- Crew Encounter: Resolved an issue that could cause Betty Howser to not appear in Jake's bar to be hired.
- Echoes of the Past: Fixed a rare issue that could cause Delgado to get stuck while traversing the canyon.
- High Price to Pay: Fixed an issue where progression could halt if a United Colonies character was hit during the escape.
- Hostile Intelligence: Resolved the issue that could cause the Steam Tunnels to become inaccessible if the mission area was left for a long time.
- Into the Unknown: Addressed an issue that could cause Vladimir to no longer give the Player Temple locations.
- Into the Unknown: Fixed a rare issue where the temple location would not populate when receiving the “Go to” objective.
- Legacy’s End: Fixed an issue that could cause Huan Daiyu to not be positioned as intended at the end of the mission.
- Legacy's End: Fixed in issue that could cause the Crimson Fleet Prisoners to have incorrect idle lines while standing in the Brig of the Vigilance.
- Legacy's End: Resolved an issue with returning to the Key if a freed prisoner was killed.
- Loose Ends: Addressed an issue that could cause the scene between Neshar and Neon Security to not occur as intended.
- No Sudden Moves: Fixed a rare issue that could cause Petrov to get stuck walking to the artifact.
- One Small Step: Addressed an issue that could cause Vasco to appear stuck in the floor of a commandeered Crimson Fleet ship.
- One Small Step: Miners should no longer fire on the player in the Vectera mines.
- One Small Step: Resolved an issue that could prevent fast travel to the ship from the world boundary.
- Rook Meets King: Addressed an issue that could cause idle animations to play on a corpse.
- Sabotage: Fixed an issue that could cause manipulated characters to move in an unintended way.
- Start-up Stopped: Addressed an issue that sometimes caused the quest not to initiate.
- The Best There Is: Fixed an issue that could cause player to incorrectly receive and unintended objective.
- The Devils You Know: Improved where characters were looking in some scenes.
- The Mantis: Fixed a rare issue that could cause the Razorleaf to disappear.
- The Old Neighborhood: Addressed an issue that could occur when using area of effect attacks in Moara's ship.
- War Relics: Addressed an issue that could cause Unit 99 to appear stuck.
- Left Behind: NPCs will no longer talk about being attacked by wildlife on lifeless planets.
- Legacy’s End: Resolved an issue that could cause NPCs to be culled depending on where the player is located.
- Grunt Work: The Terrormorph should no longer get stuck if lured into the room Hadrian is hiding in.
- One Small Step: Miners should no longer fire on the player in the Vectera mines.
- One Small Step: Resolved an issue that could prevent fast travel to the ship from the world boundary.
- Rook Meets King: Addressed an issue that could cause idle animations to play on a corpse.
- Sabotage: Fixed an issue that could cause manipulated characters to move in an unintended way.
- Start-up Stopped: Addressed an issue that sometimes caused the quest not to initiate.
- The Best There Is: Fixed an issue that could cause player to incorrectly receive and unintended objective.
- The Devils You Know: Improved where characters were looking in some scenes.
- The Mantis: Fixed a rare issue that could cause the Razorleaf to disappear.
- The Old Neighborhood: Addressed an issue that could occur when using area of effect attacks in Moara's ship.
- War Relics: Addressed an issue that could cause Unit 99 to appear stuck.
- Left Behind: NPCs will no longer talk about being attacked by wildlife on lifeless planets.
- Legacy’s End: Resolved an issue that could cause NPCs to be culled depending on where the player is located.
- Grunt Work: The Terrormorph should no longer get stuck if lured into the room Hadrian is hiding in.
Qui, invece, c'è un recap video delle aggiunte/modifiche (mappe, interni nave e opzioni/QoL) > New Features & Improvements

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 01-05-2024 alle 17:11. Motivo: aggiunto link
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Old 01-05-2024, 17:47   #3016
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Messaggi: 20723 cacceranno il DLC prima del 31 Dicembre e Stalker 2 non sarà un fail, ludicamente parlando mi riterrò soddisfatto per quest'anno e potrò "riaccendere" la 7900XT a oggi ferma da tipo 5 mesi
Case: CM690III PSU: Seasonic M12II Evo 750w Mobo: Asus x470 Prime Pro CPU: AMD Ryzen 5700x Dissi: Arctic Freezer 33CO Ram: 32Gb (2*16Gb) Corsair Vengeance LPX 3200/C16 VGA: Sapphire Pulse 7900XT ventigigaBAIT Storage: nvme M2 Sabrent 512Gb + HDD WD Black 2Tb
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Old 01-05-2024, 19:04   #3017
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Originariamente inviato da Ale55andr0 Guarda i messaggi cacceranno il DLC prima del 31 Dicembre e Stalker 2 non sarà un fail, ludicamente parlando mi riterrò soddisfatto per quest'anno e potrò "riaccendere" la 7900XT a oggi ferma da tipo 5 mesi
Sembra un buon update, questo autunno il gioco potrebbe finalmente essere pronto per me.
PC: i9 10940X + H115i|128GB RAM G.Skill F4-3200C14Q-64GVK|3x 980 Pro 2TB + Sata SSD&HDD|SB X3|ASUS X299 TUF Mark 1 3701|RTX 4090 MSI SXL|ROG THOR v2 1200W|OS: Win 10 Edu 64||Asus PG43UQ + PG278Q + HP 27q|M.M.O.7| G510|G13| Listen to this!!/\STAR WARS Series/\Seguimi su Spotify
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Old 01-05-2024, 23:42   #3018
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[Thread Ufficiale] Starfield (PC) - Steam & Game Pass

Scusate se chiedo qui ma non ho trovato la discussione nella sezione console&hellip;

Come si accede, su Series X, alla scelta delle nuove modalità grafiche?

Edit: pensavo fosse uscito oggi, come non detto

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
"Most people think that skydivers like to jump because we love the adrenaline rush.
That's not at all.
We love to jump because WE LOVE TO FLY!"

Ultima modifica di CARVASIN : 01-05-2024 alle 23:52.
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Old 02-05-2024, 08:42   #3019
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Originariamente inviato da Ale55andr0 Guarda i messaggi cacceranno il DLC prima del 31 Dicembre e Stalker 2 non sarà un fail, ludicamente parlando mi riterrò soddisfatto per quest'anno e potrò "riaccendere" la 7900XT a oggi ferma da tipo 5 mesi
hahahah uguale!! (oddio per me basta anche Stalker 2... visto che Starfield ormai.. dubito cambierà tantissimo.. se non con il CK)
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Old 02-05-2024, 09:09   #3020
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Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
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Originariamente inviato da Ale55andr0 Guarda i messaggi cacceranno il DLC prima del 31 Dicembre e Stalker 2 non sarà un fail, ludicamente parlando mi riterrò soddisfatto per quest'anno e potrò "riaccendere" la 7900XT a oggi ferma da tipo 5 mesi
dopo l'update mi sa che lo prendo anche io
Monitor: LG27GR95QE Case: banchetto Dimastech Cpu: 7800x3d Dissi: Noctua NH-D15 Ram: 2x32 GB DDR5 Kingston Fury Mobo: MSI MAG X670E Tomahawk VGA: Powercolor RX 7900 XTX Storage: Samsung 990 Pro M.2 PSU: Corsair RM 850x SO: Windows 11 Pro.
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