Prezzi delle memorie

Prezzi delle memorie

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
SharkyExtreme ha pubblicato la guida settimanale ai prezzi delle memorie, on line a questo indirizzo.
Anche questa settimana i prezzi delle memorie sono ulteriormente scesi, raggiungendo valori decisamente bassi:
Just like last week, and the week before, and so on, SDRAM prices are still low and even falling! We expect that component makers are currently selling below cost, and we are well into the bottom end of the memory price cycle. We're a bit surprised things have gotten as low as they have. If history can tell us anything about what will happen, we expect a price upswing. Of course, we have expected it for a while, but its arrival is just a matter of time. So, like we said before, now is a good time to buy. Some forecasts we have heard expect a 50% increase in memory demand in the coming year. If you ever took a microeconomics class, you'll know that a large increase in demand usually means an increase in price.

As usual, we are recommending Crucial PC133 CAS2 memory because of our consistent good experiences with said memory. If you want to push your FSB past 133MHz, you may want to consider PC150 memory instead. Prices may go up any minute, and when they do, the change will likely be drastic, so we recommend you do your planned memory upgrades now while the getting is good.
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