ATI Mobility Radeon

ATI Mobility Radeon

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Anandtech ha pubblicato una interessante preview del chip video ATI Mobility Radeon, la proposta di ATi destinta al mercato dei personal computer portatili di fascia alta. Nelle prossime settimane è attesa la disponibilità dei primi notebook basati sul chip video nVidia GeForce 2 Go!, proposta di nVidia per il mercato dei portatili di fascia alta: è prevedibile, pertanto, che lo scontro sarà molto aspro e ne trarrà sicuramente giovamento chi ricerca elevate prestazioni in ambiente 3D anche su personal computer portatili:
There is no question that the Mobility Radeon is a step up from the current notebook solutions. Offering not only more power, but smarter use of the power, the Mobility Radeon will finally start bringing 3D to the notebook market. However, the question of whether the Mobility Radeon can take on NVIDIA's GeForce2 Go still stands.

The only downside that the Mobility Radeon seems to have when compared to NVIDIA's GeForce2 Go is its lack of T&L support. As discussed above, T&L certainly would not hurt performance and could very well increase battery life to a small amount. Then again, the Mobility Radeon has iDCT, something that the GeForce2 Go does not have. This feature seems that it will increase battery life to at least some extent when performing DVD playback.
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