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Recensione Turtle Beach Vulcan II TKL Pro: una tastiera analogica senza compromessi
Recensione Turtle Beach Vulcan II TKL Pro: una tastiera analogica senza compromessi
Abbiamo messo le mani sulla Vulkan II TKL Pro, tastiera hall effect di Turtle Beach che offre un'ampia gamma di funzionalità molto ricercate dai giocatori più esigenti. Ci ha accompagnati per oltre un mese nelle nostre sessioni di gioco e non solo: ecco le nostre impressioni.
SuiteWorld e CloudWorld: nel 2024 le parole d'ordine sono neutralità e apertura
SuiteWorld e CloudWorld: nel 2024 le parole d'ordine sono neutralità e apertura
Siamo volati a Las Vegas per prendere parte a un doppio evento: Oracle CloudWorld e NetSuite SuiteWorld, per la prima volta, si sono svolti in contemporanea. Più che un dettaglio logistico, questa doppia conferenza ci ha permesso di capire come entrambe le aziende stiano cambiando profondamente il proprio approccio: Oracle si posiziona come un fornitore neutrale di tecnologia, mentre NetSuite si apre maggiormente
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Recensione Nothing Phone (2a) Plus: poco Plus ma è sempre più convincente
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Old 04-10-2007, 19:35   #1
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Iscritto dal: Jan 2002
Città: Firenze, Perugia, Formia(LT)
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Leonard is a physicist from Caltech that rooms with Sheldon in their rundown apartment building, in which the elevator always seems to be out of order. He keeps a whiteboard in their living room on which he works on theoretical physics. While Sheldon's genius seems to be focused primarily in math and science, Leonard is insinuated to be proficient in literature and history as well as the sciences; he is able to solve a woman's crossword puzzle in seconds, the answers being mostly literature based, e.g Vladimir Nabokov. It is also insinuated that Leonard's IQ is not as high as Sheldon's; Sheldon scoffs at Leonard's white board theories as common enough to "be scribbled in every men's stall in MIT". Leonard feels at home with his genius colleagues, but wants more socially. He is reluctant to let Penny know about his recreational activities (such as Klingon Boggle) and is probably reluctant to even partake in such activities in the first place, because although he secretly likes them, he doesn't like to be seen as a nerd. He also dislikes his friends' habit of rattling off different trivial facts, something to which all the other geniuses enjoy both listenign and participating. Sweet but sarcastic, Leonard also seems to be the most well-adjusted one of the group; he is quick to try new things apart from his nerd friends and, between he and Sheldon, is the only who feels that he "should do something" when Penny begins to recount her recent break up. Despite his attempts to reject his nerd status, he certainly is one, with his Star Wars hygiene products and his ability to blurt out the wrong things in front of women, such as when he's trying to invite Penny to lunch and mentions that curry is a natural laxative. He falls head over heels for Penny within seconds of spotting her and while at first it seems like lust rather than love, by the end of the pilot episode he has already announced to Sheldon, "our babies will be smart and beautiful." Sheldon, however, is quick to add, "not to mention imaginary."

* Leonard wants to win a Nobel prize someday
* Leonard has a grandmother with Alzheimer's.
* Leonard wears boxer shorts.
* Leonard cannot process corn and is lactose intolerant.
* Leonard has Darth Vader shampoo and Luke Skywalker conditioner.
* Leonard is a huge Superman fan, so much so that he owns all of the Superman films and more than 2600 Superman comics.


Sheldon is Leonard's best friend, roommate, and colleague. He's a physicist like Leonard and, also like Leonard, keeps a white board in the living room for scientific theories. He seems particularly fond of string theory in the aftermath of the big bang, which is the source of the sitcom's title and is mentioned twice in the pilot alone. Unlike Leonard, however, he embraces his genius fully and doesn't mind sharing details of his life that Leonard finds embarrassing, such as their main weekend activity being Klingon Boggle tournaments until 1 AM. It's insinuated that Sheldon's genius is concentrated fully on science and that his IQ is higher than Leonards; he tends to question Leonard's theories and has a larger background full of behavior common to child prodigies. When he was a child, he conducted experiments involving the height of stairs and deduced that if a step on a staircase is 2 millimeters off or more, a person is always likely to trip (this resulted in his father breaking his clavicle). At age 14, he dabbled in lasers and this resulted in his being sent to boarding school; it is heavily implied in a CBS promotional clip that the government took Sheldon's laser away and hushed the college professor who witnessed the experiment. Sheldon graduated high school very early; he asks Penny, in complete disbelief, "It took you four years to graduate high school?!" Sheldon also has common symptoms of being a genius, such as an inflated ego, social ineptness, and an inability to identify emotionally with others. He fails to understand not only the simplest sarcastic jokes made by Leonard, but also why Penny's break up after dating a man for four years was upsetting to her and doesn't fall for Penny like Leonard does. Sheldon also remains un-swayed by Penny's beauty. He also has symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder; when he finds Penny's apartment messy, he sneaks in during the night and cleans it up because he can't stand being in the same hallway with something so disastrous. Also, he refuses to sit anywhere other than his designated spot on the couch. He is calculating and cynical, believing that Leonard is only setting himself up for disappointment as he continues to crush on Penny.

* Sheldon, according to Leonard, masturbates quite often.
* Sheldon has a sister who hostesses at Fuddrucker's.
* Sheldon has 212 friends on Myspace.
* Sheldon wears briefs.
* Sheldon is allergic to bees.
* Sheldon loves [[Battlestar Gallactica]].


Penny is Leonard and Sheldon's new neighbor across the hallway and is, as described by Wallowtiz, a "cheesecake-scented goddess". This description is fairly accurate, considering Penny works for minimum wage at the local Cheesecake Factory. She is also writing a movie about a girl from Lincoln, Nebraska who travels to Los Angeles to becomes an actress but ends up working at the Cheesecake Factory instead. When Leonard asks if the movie is autobiographical, she replies no because she's from Omaha, Nebraska. The reason Penny is in the apartment building in the first place is because she recently split with her boyfriend of four years, Kurt, and was thrown out of their place. She says she still loves him but wants custody of their television set. The shower in her apartment is currently broken, much to Leonard and Sheldon's friends' delight (she now uses Leonard and Sheldon's shower and tends to wear nothing but a towel). She is very aware of her neighbors' nerd status but remains friends with them anyway, revealing her kindly nature. She's either ignorant of or all too aware of her effect on the boys, because within minutes of meeting them, she asks Leonard to retrieve her television set from ex-boyfriend's apartment, which he immediately sets out to do. It is not known if Penny returns Leonard's affections, but one can assume that she doesn't because she has just met him and, although she is friends with him, thinks of him as an undateable nerd. She is messy and disorganized but appears to like it that way; when Sheldon breaks into her apartment to clean it, rather than be happy that her place is now clean, she screams, "You sick geeky bastards!"

* Penny is a a Sagittarius but most people think that she's a water sign.
* Leonard and Sheldon's previous neighbor before Penny was a transvestite with a skin condition named Louis/Louise.
* Penny claims to be a vegetarian but will eat fish and "...the occasional steak. I love steak!"
* Penny grew up on a farm and built an entire tractor by herself before she was fourteen.
* Penny wears vanilla perfume.
* Penny has a sister, who once shot her husband.

Ultima modifica di icoborg : 25-08-2009 alle 12:41.
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Old 04-10-2007, 23:17   #2
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fraido dacci più informazioni almeno
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Old 05-10-2007, 10:41   #3
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Bel thread, molto esplicativo
Intel Corei7 3930k ** Asus Rampage IV Formula ** 4 x 4GB DDR3 G.Skill 1600MHz 8-8-8-24
Asus GTX970 Strix ** Samsung 840Pro 512GB ** Samsung 850 EVO 1TB ** Thermaltake Armor+
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Old 05-10-2007, 13:11   #4
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sono andato oltre laltruistico^^ ora usate le zampe
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Old 17-10-2007, 22:43   #5
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troppo nerd come serie bellissima

l'ultima puntata è stata la tipo lungo e la mamma
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Old 18-10-2007, 16:50   #6
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Iscritto dal: Oct 2005
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Serie spassosa, con i classici nerd all'ennesima potenza Le puntate durano 20 minuti quindi sono un ottimo riempitivo tra vari serial più impegnativi. Insieme a Chuck, una delle sorprese migliori della nuova stagione Usa ^__^

Sheldon è il mio preferito, nell'ultima puntata (la 4^) mi ha fatto morire
Movie on the Radio (?!?) Blog - XboxLive Tag: MangiaEDormi
Concluso Felicemente con: Danko78 - Koji - Crush - Tellone - Giankarlo - Sam_88 - Gim1979
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Old 18-10-2007, 16:55   #7
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non è una mantiglia, è un poncho
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Old 31-10-2007, 08:13   #8
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Serie divertentissima, il super genio alto assomiglia ad un mio amico....cioe.. e' proprio lui.
Milanista Dissidente...espatriato!
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Old 31-10-2007, 18:47   #9
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mi son preso tutte le puntate uscite fin'ora, ho appena finito di guardare la 4^...grazie a chi l'ha consigliato, è veramente MAGNIFICO
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Old 31-10-2007, 19:06   #10
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mi sono anche sentito in obbligo di modificare l'avatar in onore di Leonard
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Old 02-11-2007, 00:20   #11
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appena vista la sesta, ho rischiato di svegliare i miei coinquilini dal ridere
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Old 02-11-2007, 11:36   #12
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effetto doppler.....
Milanista Dissidente...espatriato!
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Old 08-11-2007, 16:50   #13
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è uscita la setteeee
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Old 08-11-2007, 17:30   #14
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forse la migliore delle serie
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Old 08-11-2007, 17:56   #15
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A causa dello sciopero degli sceneggiatori che è in atto in Usa, Big Bang rischia la cancellazione

Link alla news ->
Movie on the Radio (?!?) Blog - XboxLive Tag: MangiaEDormi
Concluso Felicemente con: Danko78 - Koji - Crush - Tellone - Giankarlo - Sam_88 - Gim1979
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Old 08-11-2007, 20:02   #16
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Old 08-11-2007, 23:07   #17
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era naturale che le serie al primo anno fossero quelle più a rischio sospensione....
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Old 09-11-2007, 08:59   #18
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Non penso che questo sciopero duri molto, c'e' un giro di milioni di dollari in ballo non indifferente...e cmq...alla fine le serie che vanno....non verranno sospese.

Cmq...figo il torneo di Halo...
Milanista Dissidente...espatriato!
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Old 09-11-2007, 09:57   #19
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halo 3
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Old 09-11-2007, 10:26   #20
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Originariamente inviato da markus_81 Guarda i messaggi
halo 3
Tra l'altro l'ho finito proprio il giorno prima
Milanista Dissidente...espatriato!
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