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Recensione Kobo Clara Colour: il primo eReader a colori. Che spettacolo!
Recensione Kobo Clara Colour: il primo eReader a colori. Che spettacolo!
Kobo Clara Colour è il primo eReader dell’azienda insieme al Libra Colour a proporre agli utenti un display E INK a colori. È senza dubbio affascinante, con alcuni vantaggi che sono sicuramente tutti inerenti alla lettura dei fumetti o libri illustrati. Farà effettivamente la differenza sul mercato? Cerchiamo di scoprirlo in questa nostra recensione.
ASUS Advanced BTF: basta cavi in vista, assemblare un bel PC è un gioco da ragazzi
ASUS Advanced BTF: basta cavi in vista, assemblare un bel PC è un gioco da ragazzi
Advanced BTF (Back To Future) è l'evoluzione dell'ecosistema di componenti ASUS che permette di realizzare PC belli e anche molto potenti, liberi dai cavi in vista. Non solo schede madri con connettori sul retro o case compatibili, ma anche una RTX 4090 innovativa che sembra alimentata senza cavi.
Recensione Logitech G PRO 60 X: la prima tastiera 60% del marchio convince solo a metà
Recensione Logitech G PRO 60 X: la prima tastiera 60% del marchio convince solo a metà
Logitech G lancia la sua prima tastiera da gaming con layout al 60%, debuttando così in una categoria dove i grandi concorrenti della casa elvetica operano già da anni. Il produttore opta per gli switch ottici e, nonostante la partnership con i pro player, rinuncia ad alcune funzionalità 'essenziali' per il gaming competitivo. Il prezzo di vendita, inoltre, non è molto incoraggiante.
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Old 30-01-2007, 11:59   #20101
Iscritto dal: Mar 2006
Messaggi: 235
Ragazzi,scusate il disturbo,nessuno sa proprio nulla riguardo la stampante?
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Old 30-01-2007, 12:14   #20102
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Iscritto dal: May 2004
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Originariamente inviato da Tkx
Ragazzi,scusate il disturbo,nessuno sa proprio nulla riguardo la stampante?
install libcupsimage2-dev libcupsimage-dev libcupsimage2

e ridai make e vedi un po che ti dice??

ti rifaccio la domanda che ieri ti ho fatto su msn: hai risolto update coi repo?
[HWU Debian Clan Official GOOGLER]-[GNU/Filosophy][Debian SID User #\402616]
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Old 30-01-2007, 12:30   #20103
Miky Mouse
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Iscritto dal: Mar 2002
Città: Roma
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Originariamente inviato da Herod2k
fodamentalmente dipende dal chipset che controlla il lettore di schede...tu intendi SD, MicroSD, MiniSD etc etc?

è un lettore SD - MMC e il chipset è sicuramente intel anche se non mi ricordo il modello preciso, ma appena posso guardo se è quella la cosa da sapere
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Old 30-01-2007, 12:34   #20104
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Originariamente inviato da Miky Mouse
è un lettore SD - MMC e il chipset è sicuramente intel anche se non mi ricordo il modello preciso, ma appena posso guardo se è quella la cosa da sapere
Si perché una volta capito che modello è va caricato il modulo (se esiste) e poi puoi accedere alla tua scheda usando un semplice mount ...
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Old 30-01-2007, 13:42   #20105
Iscritto dal: Mar 2006
Messaggi: 235


Grazie dome! Mancava il pacchetto dev e per questo non si riusciva a installare!!

Un applauso a Carcass!!!
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Old 30-01-2007, 13:48   #20106
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Iscritto dal: Dec 2000
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Originariamente inviato da Tkx


Grazie dome! Mancava il pacchetto dev e per questo non si riusciva a installare!!

Un applauso a Carcass!!!
Ma il configure nn c'era o non lo diceva?
---- Debian Clan official Sherlock Holmes ----
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Old 30-01-2007, 13:55   #20107
Iscritto dal: Mar 2006
Messaggi: 235
Non c'era proprio...
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Old 30-01-2007, 14:34   #20108
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Iscritto dal: Dec 2000
Città: Milano
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Originariamente inviato da Tkx
Non c'era proprio...
---- Debian Clan official Sherlock Holmes ----
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Old 30-01-2007, 16:04   #20109
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L'Avatar di Carcass
Iscritto dal: May 2004
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Originariamente inviato da Tkx


Grazie dome! Mancava il pacchetto dev e per questo non si riusciva a installare!!

Un applauso a Carcass!!!
no dai non mi fare arrossire
[HWU Debian Clan Official GOOGLER]-[GNU/Filosophy][Debian SID User #\402616]
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Old 30-01-2007, 17:06   #20110
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Iscritto dal: Aug 2005
Città: Non su questo forum!
Messaggi: 4857
Ragazzi scusate! Avendo demolito la partition table ho perso i sistemi operativi! (Fortunatamente ho recuperato i dati) - Ho finito di reinstallare Windows, mo tocca a Debby. La domanda è: "posso usare quell'exe che si lancia direttamente da windows per fare un'installazione "netinstall" della etch?
OT - sull'hard disk meglio piazzarlo dopo XP (20 Giga) o alla fine (quindi dopo i primi 20 di XP piu 245 Di dati)?
Termina, dopo tanti anni, la mia storia con HWU. È stato bello(?) finché è durato ma, si sa, ogni cosa ha un inizio e una fine.
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Old 30-01-2007, 17:24   #20111
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Iscritto dal: Feb 2004
Messaggi: 1630
Ciao ragazzi, ho una domanda parecchio niubba ( ). Come devo fare per evitare di dezippare ogni archivio tar.gz da Konsole? C'è qualche pacchetto da installare per poter integrare questa funzione nel menù che si apre cliccando sull'archivio con il tasto destro? Uso KDE.
Grazie a tutti dell'attenzione.
| HWU Debian Clan - HWU Ubuntu Clan |
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Old 30-01-2007, 18:27   #20112
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Iscritto dal: Sep 2003
Città: San Mauro Torinese
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Originariamente inviato da sangueimpazzito
Come devo fare per evitare di dezippare ogni archivio tar.gz da Konsole?
Installa ark
Suonare come superamento, anche se per pochi attimi, della realtà costrittiva, come espressione, comunicazione, con modalità proprie, agli altri;
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Old 30-01-2007, 18:37   #20113
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Iscritto dal: Feb 2004
Messaggi: 1630
Perfetto, grazie mille.
| HWU Debian Clan - HWU Ubuntu Clan |
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Old 30-01-2007, 19:14   #20114
Senior Member
L'Avatar di Carcass
Iscritto dal: May 2004
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Originariamente inviato da sangueimpazzito
Perfetto, grazie mille.
meglio karchiver
[HWU Debian Clan Official GOOGLER]-[GNU/Filosophy][Debian SID User #\402616]
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Old 30-01-2007, 19:51   #20115
Iscritto dal: Mar 2006
Messaggi: 235
Ciao ragazzi..siccome non ero pienamente soddisfatto ho reinstallato la debianuzza sul portatile con gnome e ho installato:

evince (visualizzatore di documenti PDF)
file-roller (gestore di archivi zip, tgz, bz2)
firefox (browser web)
flashplayer-mozilla (plugin Flash per Firefox)
gnome-power-manager (configura il risparmio energetico)
mozilla-mplayer (plugin multimediale per firefox) (suite Office, programma per fogli di calcolo) (suite Office, programma per grafica vettoriale) (suite Office, help file) (suite Office, programma per presentazioni) (suite Office, file della lingua italiana) (suite Office, programma per videoscrittura)
rhythmbox (player audio di Gnome)
totem-xine (player video di Gnome)

Consigliate qualcos'altro?

Ciao a tutti!!

ps. si può metter gnome 2.16?
Altri repo buoni da mettere oltre quelli presenti sulle faq?
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Old 30-01-2007, 21:11   #20116
L'Avatar di redcloud
Iscritto dal: Feb 2003
Città: Anche Chuck Norris usa Debian e Gnome
Messaggi: 1265
Ecco cosa ho installato io attualmente, vedi se c'è qualcosa che ti interessa (non è segnalata però la cartella con le foto di lucy pinder che uso come desktop a 1280x800 )

| Stato=Non/Installato/file Config./U:spacchett./conf. Fallita/H:inst.parzial.
|/ Err?=(nessuno)/H:bloc./necess.Reinst./X=entrambi (Stato,Err: maiusc.=grave)
||/ Nome                            Versione                           Descrizione
ii  aa3d                            1.0-5                              ASCII art stereogram generator
ii  abiword-common                  2.4.6-1.1                          WYSIWYG word processor based on GTK2
ii  abiword-gnome                   2.4.6-1.1                          WYSIWYG word processor based on GTK2/GNOME2
ii  abuse                           0.7.0-5                            SDL port of the Abuse action game
ii  abuse-frabs                     2.10-7                             levels and graphics for Abuse
ii  acidrip                         0.14-0.2                           ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer 
ii  acm                             5.0-23                             A multi-player aerial combat simulation
ii  acpi                            0.09-2                             displays information on ACPI devices
ii  acpi-support                    0.90-3                             scripts for handling many ACPI events
ii  acpid                           1.0.4-5                            Utilities for using ACPI power management
ii  adduser                         3.102                              Add and remove users and groups
ii  aegis-virus-scanner             0.1.1-1                            A virus scanner for Linux/Unix systems
ii  afuse                           0.1.1-1                            automounting file system implemented in user
ii  aide                            0.13.1-3                           Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment
ii  alacarte                        0.8-5                              easy GNOME menu editing tool
ii  albumshaper                     2.1-2.1                            Photo album creator and photo manipulator
ii  alien                           8.65                               install non-native packages with dpkg
ii  allegro-demo-data               3.9.36-7                           graphics and audio data for allegro-demo
ii  alsa-base                       1.0.13-3                           ALSA driver configuration files
ii  alsa-oss                        1.0.12-1                           ALSA wrapper for OSS applications
ii  alsa-utils                      1.0.13-2                           ALSA utilities
ii  amphetamine                     0.8.10-12                          jump'n run game with unique visual effects
ii  amphetamine-data                0.8.7-12                           data files for the game "Amphetamine"
ii  amule                           2.1.3-1                            client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like e
ii  amule-common                    2.1.3-1                            common files for the rest of aMule packages
ii  anjuta                          1.2.4a-5                           A GNOME development IDE for C/C++
ii  anjuta-common                   1.2.4a-5                           Data files for Anjuta
ii  ant                             1.6.5-6                            Java based build tool like make
ii  ant-optional                    1.6.5-6                            Java based build tool like make - optional l
ii  antlr                           2.7.6-6                            language tool for constructing recognizers, 
ii  anyevent-perl                   2.0-0.0                            provide framework for multiple event loops
ii  apt                                              Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii  apt-utils                                        APT utility programs
rc  apt-watch-backend               0.3.2-7.1                          Applet that monitors apt sources for upgrade
ii  aptitude                        0.4.4-1                            terminal-based apt frontend
ii  ardour-doc                      0.99.3-1                           Ardour documentation
ii  ardour-gtk-i686                 0.99.3-1                           digital audio workstation (graphical gtk int
ii  argouml                         0.19.6-2.1                         modelling tool to help you do your design us
ii  armagetron                                    3D Tron-like high speed game
ii  armagetron-common                             Common files for the Armagetron packages
ii  at                              3.1.10                             Delayed job execution and batch processing
ii  autoconf                        2.61-4                             automatic configure script builder
ii  automake1.9                     1.9.6+nogfdl-3                     A tool for generating GNU Standards-complian
ii  autotools-dev                   20060920.1                         Update infrastructure for config.{guess,sub}
ii  avidemux                        2.3.0-0.0                          a small editing software for avi (especially
ii  balazar                         0.3.3.ds1-1                        3D adventure and roleplaying game
rc  base-config                     2.53.10                            Debian base system configurator
ii  base-files                      4                                  Debian base system miscellaneous files
ii  base-passwd                     3.5.11                             Debian base system master password and group
ii  bash                            3.1dfsg-8                          The GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii  bb                              1.3rc1-7                           ASCII-art demo based on AAlib
ii  bc                              1.06-20                            The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator la
ii  bcm43xx-fwcutter                006-1                              Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmwar
ii  beryl                           0.2.0+svn20070126-r3240+imudebian0 Compositing window manager, decorator and th
ii  beryl-core                      0.2.0+svn20070126-r3240+imudebian0 Compositing window manager - Beryl Project
ii  beryl-manager                   0.2.0+svn20070121-r2920+imudebian1 Tray application launcher tool - Beryl Proje
ii  beryl-plugins                   0.2.0+svn20070126-r3239+imudebian0 Collection of plugins for Beryl
ii  beryl-plugins-data              0.2.0+svn20070126-r3239+imudebian0 Plugins data - Beryl Project
ii  beryl-settings                  0.2.0+svn20070126-r3216+imudebian0 Plugin and configuration tool - Beryl Projec
ii  beryl-settings-bindings         0.1.5+svn20070125-r3145+imudebian0 Plugin and configuration tool - Beryl Projec
ii  billard-gl                      1.75-9                             3D billiards game
ii  billard-gl-data                 1.75-9                             3D billards game - data files
ii  bin86                           0.16.14-1.4                        16-bit x86 assembler and loader
ii  bind9-host                      9.3.4-2                            Version of 'host' bundled with BIND 9.X
ii  binfmt-support                  1.2.8                              Support for extra binary formats
ii  binutils                        2.17-3                             The GNU assembler, linker and binary utiliti
ii  bison                           2.3.dfsg-4                         A parser generator that is compatible with Y
ii  bloboats                        1.0.1.dsfg-1                       a boat racing game
ii  blobwars                        1.05-4                             A platform shooting game
ii  blop                            0.2.8-5                            Bandlimited wavetable-based oscillator plugi
ii  blt                             2.4z-4                             the BLT extension library for Tcl/Tk - run-t
ii  bluefish                        1.0.7-1                            advanced Gtk+ HTML editor
ii  boinc-app-seti                  5.13+cvs20060510-1                 SETI@home application for the BOINC client
ii  boinc-client                    5.4.11-4                           core client for the BOINC distributed comput
ii  boinc-manager                   5.4.11-4                           GUI to control and monitor the BOINC core cl
ii  bombermaze                      0.6.6-16                           A bomberman clone for GNOME, for 2-4 players
ii  brutalchess                     0.5+dfsg-1                         3d chess with reflection of the chessmen
ii  bsdmainutils                    6.1.6                              collection of more utilities from FreeBSD
ii  bsdutils                        2.12r-16                           Basic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite
ii  bsh                             2.0b4-4                            Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Versi
ii  bug-buddy                       2.14.0-4                           GNOME Desktop Environment bug reporting tool
ii  build-essential                 11.3                               informational list of build-essential packag
ii  busybox                         1.1.3-4                            Tiny utilities for small and embedded system
ii  bzip2                           1.0.3-6                            high-quality block-sorting file compressor -
ii  ca-certificates                 20061027.1                         Common CA Certificates PEM files
ii  camstream                       0.26.3+dfsg-2                      Collection of tools for webcams and other vi
ii  capplets-data                   2.14.2-6                           configuration applets for GNOME 2 - data fil
ii  cdda2wav                        1.1.2-1                            Dummy transition package for icedax
ii  cdrdao                          1.2.2-6                            records CDs in Disk-At-Once (DAO) mode
ii  cdrecord                        1.1.2-1                            Dummy transition package for wodim
ii  ceferino                        0.97.5-1                           action game similar to Super Pang
ii  ceferino-data                   0.97.5-1                           action game similar to Super Pang
ii  celestia-common                 1.3.2-4                            Datafiles for Celestia, a real-time visual s
ii  celestia-glut                   1.3.2-4                            A real-time visual space simulation (GLUT fr
ii  checkinstall                    1.6.1-1                            installation tracker
ii  chromium                        0.9.12-12                          Fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space sh
ii  chromium-data                   0.9.12-2                           Data pack for chromium
ii  cmt                             1.15-3.1                           Computer Music Toolkit (cmt) a collection of
ii  conquest-data                   8.2-2                              a real-time, multi-player space warfare game
ii  conquest-gl                     8.2-2                              a real-time, multi-player space warfare game
ii  conquest-libs                   8.2-2                              a real-time, multi-player space warfare game
ii  console-common                  0.7.69                             Basic infrastructure for text console config
ii  console-data                    1.01-6                             Keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback table
ii  console-tools                   0.2.3dbs-65                        Linux console and font utilities
ii  coreutils                       5.97-5.2                           The GNU core utilities
ii  cpio                            2.6-17                             GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of 
ii  cpp                             4.1.1-15                           The GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
ii  cpp-3.3                         3.3.6-15                           The GNU C preprocessor
ii  cpp-4.1                         4.1.1-21                           The GNU C preprocessor
ii  cpufrequtils                    002-2                              utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux ker
ii  cramfsprogs                     1.1-6                              Tools for CramFs (Compressed ROM File System
ii  cron                            3.0pl1-100                         management of regular background processing
ii  cupsys                          1.2.7-2                            Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server
ii  cupsys-common                   1.2.7-2                            Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - common fil
ii  cvs                             1.12.13-7                          Concurrent Versions System
ii  dash                            0.5.3-6                            The Debian Almquist Shell
ii  dbus                            1.0.2-1                            simple interprocess messaging system
ii  dc                              1.06-20                            The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polis
ii  debconf                         1.5.11                             Debian configuration management system
ii  debconf-i18n                    1.5.11                             full internationalization support for debcon
ii  debhelper                       5.0.42                             helper programs for debian/rules
ii  debian-archive-keyring          2006.11.22                         GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
ii  debianutils                     2.17.5                             Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
ii  defoma                          0.11.10                            Debian Font Manager -- automatic font config
ii  desktop-base                    4.0.0                              common files for the Debian Desktop
ii  desktop-file-utils              0.11-1                             Utilities for .desktop files
ii  dh-make                         0.42                               tool that converts source archives into Debi
ii  dhcdbd                          2.0-2                              D-Bus interface to the ISC DHCP client
rc  dhcp-client                     2.0pl5-19.4                        DHCP Client
ii  dhcp3-client                    3.0.4-13                           DHCP Client
ii  dhcp3-common                    3.0.4-13                           Common files used by all the dhcp3* packages
ii  dia                             0.95.0-4.1+b1                      Diagram editor
ii  dia-common                      0.95.0-4.1                         Diagram editor (common files)
ii  dia-gnome                       0.95.0-4.1+b1                      Diagram editor (GNOME version)
ii  dia-libs                        0.95.0-4.1+b1                      Diagram editor (library files)
ii  dialog                          1.0-20060221-2                     Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii  dictionaries-common             0.70.12                            Common utilities for spelling dictionary too
ii  diff                            2.8.1-11                           File comparison utilities
ii  discover1                       1.7.19                             hardware identification system
ii  discover1-data                  2.2007.01.21                       Data lists for Discover hardware detection s
ii  dmidecode                       2.8-4                              Dump Desktop Management Interface data
ii  dnsutils                        9.3.4-2                            Clients provided with BIND
ii  doc-debian                      3.1.4                              Debian Project documentation, Debian FAQ and
ii  doc-linux-text                  2006.12-1                          Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in ASCII format
ii  docbook-xml                     4.4-5                              standard XML documentation system, for softw
ii  dosfstools                      2.11-2.1                           Utilities to create and check MS-DOS FAT fil
ii  dpkg                            1.13.25                            package maintenance system for Debian
ii  dpkg-dev                        1.13.25                            package building tools for Debian
ii  driconf                         0.9.0-2                            DRI configuration applet
ii  dselect                         1.13.25                            user tool to manage Debian packages
ii  dvd+rw-tools                    7.0-7                              DVD+-RW/R tools
ii  dvdrip                          0.98.2-0.0                         perl front end for transcode
ii  dvdrip-doc                      0.98-0.0                           Documentation for dvd::rip
ii  e2fslibs                        1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-1    ext2 filesystem libraries
ii  e2fsprogs                       1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-1    ext2 file system utilities and libraries
ii  eclipse                         3.2.1-4                            Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE
ii  eclipse-jdt                     3.2.1-4                            Java Development Tools plug-ins for Eclipse
ii  eclipse-pde                     3.2.1-4                            Plug-in Development Environment to develop E
ii  eclipse-platform                3.2.1-4                            Eclipse platform without plug-ins to develop
ii  eclipse-rcp                     3.2.1-4                            Eclipse rich client platform
ii  eclipse-source                  3.2.1-4                            Eclipse source code plug-ins
ii  ed                              0.2-20                             The classic unix line editor
ii  education-tasks                 0.813                              Debian Edu tasks for tasksel
ii  egoboo                          2.22-28                            3D dungeon crawling adventure in the spirit 
ii  egoboo-data                     2.220-1                            Egoboo data files
ii  einstein                        2.0.dfsg.2-3                       Puzzle game inspired on Einstein's puzzle
ii  eject                           2.1.4-2.1                          ejects CDs and operates CD-Changers under Li
ii  ekiga                           2.0.3-2                            H.323 and SIP compatible VOIP client
ii  emerald                         0.2.0+svn20070126-r3207+imudebian0 Decorator for beryl
ii  enigma                          1.00-1                             A game where you control a marble with the m
ii  enigma-data                     1.00-1                             Data file for the game enigma
ii  enigmail                        0.94.2-1                           GnuPG support for Icedove
ii  eog                             2.16.2-1                           Eye of Gnome graphics viewer program
ii  epiphany-browser                2.14.3-5                           Intuitive GNOME web browser
ii  esound                          0.2.36-3                           Enlightened Sound Daemon - Support binaries
ii  esound-clients                  0.2.36-3                           Enlightened Sound Daemon - clients
ii  esound-common                   0.2.36-3                           Enlightened Sound Daemon - Common files
ii  evince                          0.4.0-5                            Document (postscript, pdf) viewer
ii  evolution                       2.6.3-3                            groupware suite with mail client and organiz
ii  evolution-common                2.6.3-3                            architecture independent files for Evolution
ii  evolution-data-server           1.6.3-3                            evolution database backend server
ii  evolution-data-server-common    1.6.3-3                            architecture independent files for Evolution
ii  exim4                           4.63-17                            metapackage to ease exim MTA (v4) installati
ii  exim4-base                      4.63-17                            support files for all exim MTA (v4) packages
ii  exim4-config                    4.63-17                            configuration for the exim MTA (v4)
ii  exim4-daemon-light              4.63-17                            lightweight exim MTA (v4) daemon
ii  fakeroot                        1.5.12                             Gives a fake root environment
ii  falconseye                      1.9.3-16                           A port of NetHack using SDL
ii  falconseye-data                 1.9.3-16                           Data files for Falcon's Eye
ii  fast-user-switch-applet         2.14.2-1                           Applet for the GNOME panel providing a menu 
ii  fastjar                         4.1.1-21                           Jar creation utility
ii  fdutils                         5.5-20060227-1                     Linux floppy utilities
ii  fftw2                           2.1.3-20                           library for computing Fast Fourier Transform
ii  fftw3                           3.1.2-1                            library for computing Fast Fourier Transform
ii  fgfs-base                       0.9.10-1                           Flight Gear Flight Simulator -- base files
ii  file                            4.19-1                             Determines file type using "magic" numbers
ii  file-roller                     2.14.4-2                           an archive manager for GNOME
ii  findutils                       4.2.28-1                           utilities for finding files--find, xargs, an
ii  finger                          0.17-10                            user information lookup program
ii  flash-plugin                                   Adobe Flash Player 9.0
ii  flashplayer-mozilla                          Macromedia Flash Player
ii  flex                            2.5.33-11                          A fast lexical analyzer generator.
ii  flightgear                      0.9.10-2                           Flight Gear Flight Simulator
ii  fontconfig                      2.4.2-1                            generic font configuration library - support
ii  fontconfig-config               2.4.2-1                            generic font configuration library - configu
ii  foobillard                      3.0a-2                             a 3D billiards game using OpenGL
ii  fping                           2.4b2-to-ipv6-14                   sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network h
ii  freeglut3                       2.4.0-5                            OpenGL Utility Toolkit
ii  ftp-ssl                         0.17.12+0.2-6                      The FTP client with SSL or TLS encryption su
ii  fuse-source                     2.2.1-4sarge2                      Filesystem in USErspace (source for kernel m
ii  fuse-utils                      2.5.3-4.2                          Filesystem in USErspace (utilities)
ii  g++                             4.1.1-15                           The GNU C++ compiler
ii  g++-3.3                         3.3.6-15                           The GNU C++ compiler
ii  g++-4.1                         4.1.1-21                           The GNU C++ compiler
ii  gaim                            2.0.0+beta5-9                      multi-protocol instant messaging client
ii  gaim-data                       2.0.0+beta5-9                      multi-protocol instant messaging client - da
ii  gawk                            3.1.5.dfsg-4                       GNU awk, a pattern scanning and processing l
ii  gbackground                     1.0-1                              Program to change the gnome background perio
ii  gbatnav                         1.0.4cvs20051004-2                 networked BattleShip game
ii  gcalctool                       5.8.25-1                           A GTK2 desktop calculator
ii  gcc                             4.1.1-15                           The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-3.3                         3.3.6-15                           The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-3.3-base                    3.3.6-15                           The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gcc-3.4-base                    3.4.6-5                            The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gcc-4.1                         4.1.1-21                           The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.1-base                    4.1.1-21                           The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gcj-4.1-base                    4.1.1-20                           The GNU Compiler Collection (gcj base packag
ii  gconf-editor                    2.16.0-2                           An editor for the GConf configuration system
ii  gconf2                          2.16.0-3                           GNOME configuration database system (support
ii  gconf2-common                   2.16.0-3                           GNOME configuration database system (common 
ii  gdb                             6.5.dfsg-2                         The GNU Debugger
ii  gdebi                           0.1.6-0.1                          Simple tool to install deb files
ii  gdk-imlib1                      1.9.14-32                          compatibility package for gdk-imlib11
ii  gdk-imlib11                     1.9.14-32                          imaging library for use with gtk
ii  gdm                             2.16.4-1                           GNOME Display Manager
ii  gdm-themes                      0.5.1                              Themes for the GNOME Display Manager
ii  gedit                           2.14.4-6                           official text editor of the GNOME desktop en
ii  gedit-common                    2.14.4-6                           official text editor of the GNOME desktop en
ii  geki2                           2.0.3-7                            Xenon-like vertical shoot'em-up
ii  geki3                           1.0.3-7                            R-Type-like horizontal shoot'em-up
ii  genisoimage                     1.1.2-1                            Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images
ii  gettext                         0.16.1-1                           GNU Internationalization utilities
ii  gettext-base                    0.16.1-1                           GNU Internationalization utilities for the b
ii  gfslicer                        1.5.4-7                            utility to split and join files
ii  gij-4.1                         4.1.1-20                           The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
ii  gimp                            2.2.13-1                           The GNU Image Manipulation Program
ii  gimp-data                       2.2.13-1                           Data files for The GIMP
ii  gksu                            2.0.0-1                            graphical frontend to su
ii  gl-117                          1.3.2-1.1                          An action flight simulator
ii  gl-117-data                     1.3.2-1.1                          Data files for gl-117
ii  glade-common                    2.12.1-7                           Common files for GTK+ 2 User Interface Build
ii  glade-gnome                     2.12.1-7                           GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder (with GNOME 2 
ii  gnome                                            The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra co
ii  gnome-about                     2.14.3-1                           The GNOME about box
ii  gnome-applets                   2.14.3-4                           Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - binary f
ii  gnome-applets-data              2.14.3-4                           Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - data fil
ii  gnome-art                       0.2-5                              install GNOME themes from
ii  gnome-audio                     2.0.0-2                            Audio files for Gnome
ii  gnome-backgrounds               2.16.2-1                           a set of backgrounds packaged with the GNOME
ii  gnome-bin                       1.4.2-35                           Miscellaneous binaries used by GNOME
ii  gnome-breakout                  0.5.2-5                            Clone of the classic game Breakout, written 
ii  gnome-cards-data                2.16.3-1                           data files for the GNOME card games
ii  gnome-chess                     0.3.3-6                            GNOME Chess
ii  gnome-common                    2.12.0-2                           common scripts and macros to develop with GN
ii  gnome-control-center            2.14.2-6                           utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
ii  gnome-core                                       The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential c
ii  gnome-cups-manager              0.31-3                             CUPS printer admin tool for GNOME
ii  gnome-desktop-data              2.14.3-1                           Common files for GNOME 2 desktop apps
ii  gnome-desktop-environment                           The GNOME Desktop Environment
ii  gnome-doc-utils                 0.6.1-3                            a collection of documentation utilities for 
ii  gnome-extra-icons               1.1-1                              Optional GNOME icons
ii  gnome-games                     2.16.3-1                           games for the GNOME desktop
ii  gnome-games-data                2.16.3-1                           data files for the GNOME games
ii  gnome-games-extra-data          2.14.0-1                           games for the GNOME desktop (extra artwork)
ii  gnome-hearts                    0.1.3-2                            The classic hearts card game for the GNOME d
ii  gnome-icon-theme                2.14.2-2                           GNOME Desktop icon theme
ii  gnome-icon-theme-blankon        1.0-2                              BlankOn icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
ii  gnome-icon-theme-dlg-neu        0.5-2                              Dropline Gnome Neu icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
ii  gnome-icon-theme-gartoon        0.5-4                              Gartoon icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
ii  gnome-icon-theme-nuovo          0.5-2                              Dropline Nuovo icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
ii  gnome-icon-theme-suede          0.2.5-1                            Suede icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
ii  gnome-keyring                   0.6.0-3                            GNOME keyring services (daemon and tools)
ii  gnome-keyring-manager           2.16.0-2                           keyring management program for the GNOME des
ii  gnome-libs-data                 1.4.2-35                           Data for GNOME libraries
ii  gnome-media                     2.14.2-4                           GNOME media utilities
ii  gnome-media-common              2.14.2-4                           GNOME media utilities - common files
ii  gnome-menus                     2.16.1-2                           an implementation of the freedesktop menu sp
ii  gnome-mime-data                 2.4.3-1                            base MIME and Application database for GNOME
ii  gnome-netstatus-applet          2.12.0-5+b2                        Network status applet for GNOME 2
ii  gnome-nettool                   2.14.2-1                           network information tool for GNOME
ii  gnome-office                                     The GNOME Office suite
ii  gnome-panel                     2.14.3-4                           launcher and docking facility for GNOME 2
ii  gnome-panel-data                2.14.3-4                           common files for GNOME 2 panel
ii  gnome-power-manager             2.14.3-3+b1                        frontend for gnome-powermanager
ii  gnome-screensaver               2.14.3-3                           GNOME screen saver and locker
ii  gnome-session                   2.14.3-5                           The GNOME 2 Session Manager
ii  gnome-splashscreen-manager      0.2-5                              manage your GNOME splash screen images
ii  gnome-sudoku                    0.5.0-1                            A game for the popular Japanese sudoku logic
ii  gnome-system-monitor            2.14.5-1                           Process viewer and system resource monitor f
ii  gnome-system-tools              2.14.0-3                           Cross-platform configuration utilities for G
ii  gnome-terminal                  2.14.2-1                           The GNOME 2 terminal emulator application
ii  gnome-terminal-data             2.14.2-1                           Data files for the GNOME terminal emulator
ii  gnome-themes                    2.14.3-1                           official themes for the GNOME 2 desktop
ii  gnome-themes-extras             0.9.0-5                            various themes for the GNOME 2 desktop
ii  gnome-user-guide                2.14.2-2                           GNOME user's guide
ii  gnome-utils                     2.14.0.dfsg-4                      GNOME desktop utilities
ii  gnome-volume-manager            1.5.15-1+b1                        GNOME daemon to auto-mount and manage media 
ii  gnomebaker                      0.6.0-6                            application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME
ii  gnomemeeting                    1.2.3-7                            The GnomeMeeting Voice Over IP Suite
ii  gnu-efi                         3.0c-1                             Library for developing EFI applications
ii  gnumeric                        1.6.3-4                            GNOME spreadsheet application
ii  gnumeric-common                 1.6.3-4                            common files for Gnumeric, the GNOME spreads
ii  gnupg                           1.4.6-1                            GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
ii  gnuplot                         4.0.0-5                            A command-line driven interactive plotting p
ii  gnuplot-nox                     4.0.0-5                            A command-line driven interactive plotting p
ii  gnuplot-x11                     4.0.0-5                            X11-terminal driver for gnuplot
ii  gnusound                        0.7.4-5                            multitrack sound editor for GNOME
ii  gparted                         0.2.5-2                            GNOME partition editor
ii  gpgv                            1.4.6-1                            GNU privacy guard - signature verification t
ii  gqcam                           0.9.1-3                            GTK Webcam control
ii  grep                            2.5.1.ds2-6                        GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
ii  groff-base                                    GNU troff text-formatting system (base syste
ii  grub                            0.97-21                            GRand Unified Bootloader
ii  grub-splashimages               1.0.0                              a collection of great GRUB splashimages
ii  gs-common                       0.3.11                             Common files for different Ghostscript relea
ii  gs-esp                          8.15.3.dfsg.1-1                    The Ghostscript PostScript interpreter - ESP
ii  gsfonts                         8.11+urwcyr1.0.7~pre41-1           Fonts for the Ghostscript interpreter(s)
ii  gsfonts-x11                     0.20                               Make Ghostscript fonts available to X11
ii  gstreamer0.10-alsa              0.10.10-4                          GStreamer plugin for ALSA
ii  gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg            0.10.1-7                           FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer
ii  gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs          0.10.10-4                          GStreamer plugin for GnomeVFS
ii  gstreamer0.10-lame              0.10.4-0.0                         GStreamer lame plugins
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base      0.10.10-4                          GStreamer plugins from the "base" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-good      0.10.4-4                           GStreamer plugins from the "good" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly      0.10.4-4                           GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
ii  gtk2-engines                    2.8.2-1                            theme engines for GTK+ 2.x
ii  gtk2-engines-pixbuf             2.8.20-5                           Pixbuf-based theme for GTK+ 2.x
ii  gtk2-engines-spherecrystal      0.7-13                             A blue vector theme for GTK+ 2.x
ii  gtk2-ex-formfactory-perl        0.65-0.0                           Makes building complex GUI's easy
ii  gtkhtml3.8                      3.12.1-2                           HTML rendering/editing library - bonobo comp
ii  gucharmap                       1.6.0-1                            Unicode character picker and font browser
ii  gui-apt-key                     0.3-2                              Graphical Key Manager for APT
ii  guile-1.6-libs                  1.6.8-6                            Main Guile libraries
ii  gwget                           0.98.1-2                           GNOME front-end for wget
ii  gzip                            1.3.9-2                            The GNU compression utility
ii  hal                                             Hardware Abstraction Layer
ii  hdparm                          6.9-1                              tune hard disk parameters for high performan
ii  hedgewars                       0.8.1-9                            Worms style game
ii  hibernate                       1.94-2                             smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend
ii  hicolor-icon-theme              0.10-1                             default fallback theme for i
ii  holotz-castle                   1.3.8-2                            platform game with high doses of mystery
ii  holotz-castle-data              1.3.8-2                            platform game with high doses of mystery - d
ii  holotz-castle-milanb            0.0.20050210-1                     platform game with high doses of mystery - e
ii  hostname                        2.93                               utility to set/show the host name or domain 
rc  hotplug                         0.0.20040329-25                    Linux Hotplug Scripts
ii  html2text                       1.3.2a-3                           An advanced HTML to text converter
ii  iamerican                                    An American English dictionary for ispell
ii  ibritish                                     A British English dictionary for ispell
ii  iceape-browser                  1.0.7-2                            Iceape Navigator (Internet browser) and Comp
ii  icedax                          1.1.2-1                            Creates WAV files from audio CDs
ii  icedove                                   free/unbranded thunderbird mail client
ii  icedove-gnome-support                     GNOME support package for icedove/thunderbir
ii  iceweasel                                  lightweight web browser based on Mozilla
ii  ifupdown                        0.6.8                              high level tools to configure network interf
ii  imagemagick                            Image manipulation programs
ii  imlib-base                      1.9.14-32                          Common files needed by the Imlib/Gdk-Imlib p
ii  industrial-cursor-theme                            flat-looking cursor theme for X
ii  info                            4.8.dfsg.1-4                       Standalone GNU Info documentation browser
ii  initramfs-tools                 0.85e                              tools for generating an initramfs
ii  initrd-tools                                     tools to create initrd image for prepackaged
ii  initscripts                     2.86.ds1-37                        Scripts for initializing and shutting down t
ii  inkscape                        0.44.1-1                           vector-based drawing program
ii  intltool                        0.35.0-3                           Utility scripts for internationalizing XML
ii  intltool-debian                 0.35.0+20060710.1                  Help i18n of RFC822 compliant config files
ii  ipchains                        1.3.10-15                          Network firewalling for Linux 2.2.x
ii  iproute                         20061002-4                         Professional tools to control the networking
ii  iptables                                 administration tools for packet filtering an
ii  iputils-arping                  20020927-5                         Tool to send ICMP echo requests to an ARP ad
ii  iputils-ping                    20020927-5                         Tools to test the reachability of network ho
ii  iso-codes                       1.0a-1                             ISO language, territory, currency codes and 
ii  ispell                                       International Ispell (an interactive spellin
ii  jack-rack                       1.4.4-3                            LADSPA effects "rack" for JACK
ii  jackd                           0.101.1-2                          JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and exampl
ii  java-common                     0.25                               Base of all Java packages
ii  java-gcj-compat                 1.0.65-10                          Java runtime environment using GIJ
ii  junit                                           Automated testing framework for Java
ii  kernel-headers-2.4.27-2         2.4.27-12                          Header files related to Linux kernel version
ii  kernel-package                  10.066                             A utility for building Linux kernel related 
ii  klibc-utils                     1.4.31-1                           small statically-linked utilities built with
ii  klogd                           1.4.1-20                           Kernel Logging Daemon
ii  ladcca2                         0.4.0-6                            LADCCA shared library files
ii  language-env                    0.68                               simple configuration tool for native languag
ii  lapack3                         3.0.20000531a-6                    library of linear algebra routines 3 - share
ii  laptop-detect                   0.12.1                             attempt to detect a laptop
ii  less                            394-4                              Pager program similar to more
ii  liba52-0.7.4                    0.7.4-10                           Library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams
ii  libaa1                          1.4p5-31                           ascii art library
ii  libacl1                         2.2.42-1                           Access control list shared library
ii  liballegro4.2                   4.2.0-5                            portable library for cross-platform game and
ii  libalut0                        1.0.1-1                            OpenAL Utility Toolkit
ii  libao2                          0.8.6-4                            Cross Platform Audio Output Library
rc  libapache2-mod-jk               1.2.18-1                           Apache 2 connector for the Tomcat Java servl
ii  libapm1                         3.2.2-8                            Library for interacting with APM driver in k
ii  libapr1                         1.2.7-8.2                          The Apache Portable Runtime Library
ii  libaprutil1                     1.2.7+dfsg-2                       The Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library
ii  libapt-pkg-perl                 0.1.20                             Perl interface to libapt-pkg
ii  libarchive-tar-perl             1.30-2                             Archive::Tar - manipulate tar files in perl
ii  libarchive-zip-perl             1.16-1                             Module for manipulation of ZIP archives
ii  libart-2.0-2                    2.3.17-1                           Library of functions for 2D graphics - runti
ii  libart2                         1.4.2-35                           The GNOME canvas widget - runtime files
ii  libartsc0                       1.5.5-1                            aRts sound system C support library
ii  libasound2                      1.0.13-1                           ALSA library
ii  libaspell15                     0.60.4-4                           GNU Aspell spell-checker runtime library
ii  libasyncns0                     0.1-1                              Asyncronous name service query library
ii  libatk1-ruby                    0.15.0-1.1                         ATK bindings for the Ruby language
ii  libatk1.0-0                     1.12.4-1                           The ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libatm1                         2.4.1-17                           shared library for ATM (Asynchronous Transfe
ii  libatspi1.0-0                   1.7.12-1                           C binding libraries of at-spi for GNOME Acce
ii  libattr1                        2.4.32-1.1                         Extended attribute shared library
ii  libaudio-dev                    1.8-2                              The Network Audio System (NAS). (development
ii  libaudio2                       1.8-2                              The Network Audio System (NAS). (shared libr
ii  libaudiofile0                   0.2.6-6                            Open-source version of SGI's audiofile libra
ii  libavahi-client3                0.6.16-2                           Avahi client library
ii  libavahi-common-data            0.6.16-2                           Avahi common data files
ii  libavahi-common3                0.6.16-2                           Avahi common library
ii  libavahi-compat-howl0           0.6.16-2                           Avahi Howl compatibility library
ii  libavahi-glib1                  0.6.16-2                           Avahi glib integration library
ii  libavc1394-0                    0.5.3-1+b1                         control IEEE 1394 audio/video devices
ii  libavcodec0d                    0.cvs20060823-4                    ffmpeg codec library
ii  libavcodeccvs51                 20070119-0.1                       library to encode decode multimedia streams 
ii  libavformat0d                   0.cvs20060823-4                    ffmpeg file format library
ii  libavformatcvs51                20070119-0.1                       ffmpeg file format library
ii  libavifile-0.7c2                   shared libraries for AVI read/writing
ii  libavutilcvs49                  20070119-0.1                       avutil shared libraries
ii  libbcel-java                    5.1-6                              Analyze, create, and manipulate (binary) Jav
ii  libbeecrypt6                    4.1.2-6                            open source C library of cryptographic algor
ii  libberyldecoration0             0.2.0+svn20070126-r3240+imudebian0 Settings library for plugins - Beryl Project
ii  libberylsettings0               0.2.0+svn20070126-r3240+imudebian0 Settings library for plugins - Beryl Project
ii  libbind9-0                      9.3.4-2                            BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND
ii  libblkid1                       1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-1    block device id library
ii  libbluetooth2                   3.7-1                              Library to use the BlueZ Linux Bluetooth sta
ii  libbonobo2-0                    2.14.0-3                           Bonobo CORBA interfaces library
ii  libbonobo2-common               2.14.0-3                           Bonobo CORBA interfaces library -- support f
ii  libbonoboui2-0                  2.14.0-5                           The Bonobo UI library
ii  libbonoboui2-common             2.14.0-5                           The Bonobo UI library -- common files
ii  libboost-program-options1.33.1  1.33.1-10                          program options library for C++
ii  libboost-regex1.33.1            1.33.1-10                          regular expression library for C++
ii  libboost-signals1.33.1          1.33.1-10                          managed signals and slots library for C++
ii  libboost-thread1.33.1           1.33.1-10                          portable C++ multi-threading
ii  libbz2-1.0                      1.0.3-6                            high-quality block-sorting file compressor l
ii  libc6                           2.3.6.ds1-10                       GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libc6-dev                       2.3.6.ds1-10                       GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Hea
ii  libcaca0                        0.99.beta11.debian-2               colour ASCII art library
ii  libcairo-perl                   1.01-1                             Perl interface to the Cairo graphics library
ii  libcairo-ruby                   1.2.0-1                            Cairo bindings for the Ruby language
ii  libcairo-ruby1.8                1.2.0-1                            Cairo bindings for the Ruby language
ii  libcairo2                       1.2.4-4                            The Cairo 2D vector graphics library
ii  libcal3d11c2a                   0.10.0-7                           Skeletal based 3d character animation librar
ii  libcamel1.2-8                   1.6.3-3                            The Evolution MIME message handling library
ii  libcap1                         1.10-14                            support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabil
ii  libcdio6                        0.76-1                             library to read and control CD-ROM
ii  libcdparanoia0                  3.10+debian~pre0-4                 audio extraction tool for sampling CDs (libr
ii  libcln4                         1.1.13-2                           Class Library for Numbers (C++)
ii  libcomerr2                      1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-1    common error description library
ii  libcommons-beanutils-java       1.7.0-4                            utility for manipulating JavaBeans
ii  libcommons-collections-java     2.1.1-6                            A set of abstract data type interfaces and i
ii  libcommons-collections3-java    3.1a-3.1                           A set of abstract data type interfaces and i
ii  libcommons-dbcp-java            1.2.1-4                            Database Connection Pooling Services
ii  libcommons-digester-java        1.7-2                              Rule based XML Java object mapping tool
ii  libcommons-el-java              1.0-3                              Implementation of the JSP2.0 Expression Lang
ii  libcommons-fileupload-java      1.0-14                             File upload capability to your servlets and 
ii  libcommons-launcher-java        1.1-3                              cross platform java application launcher
ii  libcommons-logging-java         1.0.4-5                            commmon wrapper interface for several loggin
ii  libcommons-modeler-java         1.1-8                              A convenience library to use Java Management
ii  libcommons-pool-java            1.3-1                              pooling implementation for Java objects
ii  libcommons-validator-java       1.1.4a-1                           ease and speed development and maintenance o
ii  libcompress-zlib-perl           1.42-2                             Perl module for creation and manipulation of
ii  libconfig-inifiles-perl         2.39-2                             Read .ini-style configuration files
ii  libconsole                      0.2.3dbs-65                        Shared libraries for Linux console and font 
ii  libcpufreq0                     002-2                              shared library to deal with the cpufreq Linu
ii  libcroco3                       0.6.1-1                            a generic Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) parsin
ii  libcrypto++5.2c2a               5.2.1c2a-3                         General purpose cryptographic shared library
ii  libcucul0                       0.99.beta11.debian-2               low-level Unicode character drawing library
ii  libcupsimage2                   1.2.7-2                            Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - image libs
ii  libcupsys2                      1.2.7-2                            Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - libs
ii  libcupsys2-dev                  1.2.7-2                            Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - developmen
ii  libcurl3                        7.15.5-1                           Multi-protocol file transfer library
ii  libcurl3-gnutls                 7.15.5-1                           Multi-protocol file transfer library
ii  libdb1-compat                   2.1.3-9                            The Berkeley database routines [glibc 2.0/2.
ii  libdb3                          3.2.9+dfsg-0.1                     Berkeley v3 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdb4.2                        4.2.52+dfsg-1                      Berkeley v4.2 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdb4.3                        4.3.29-6                           Berkeley v4.3 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdb4.4                        4.4.20-8                           Berkeley v4.4 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdbi-perl                     1.53-1                             Perl5 database interface by Tim Bunce
ii  libdbus-1-2                     0.62-4                             simple interprocess messaging system
ii  libdbus-1-3                     1.0.2-1                            simple interprocess messaging system
ii  libdbus-glib-1-2                0.71-3                             simple interprocess messaging system (GLib-b
ii  libdc1394-13                    1.1.0-3+b1                         high level programming interface for IEEE139
ii  libdevmapper1.02                1.02.12-1                          The Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace lib
ii  libdirectfb-0.9-25                             direct frame buffer graphics - shared librar
ii  libdiscover1                    1.7.19                             hardware identification library
ii  libdivxdecore0                  5.0.1-1                            DivX MPEG-4 Codec - decoder library
ii  libdjvulibre15                  3.5.17-3                           Runtime support for the DjVu image format
ii  libdmx1                         1.0.2-2                            X11 Distributed Multihead extension library
ii  libdns16                        9.2.4-1sarge2                      DNS Shared Library used by BIND
ii  libdns21                        9.3.2-P1.0-1                       DNS Shared Library used by BIND
ii  libdns22                        9.3.4-2                            DNS Shared Library used by BIND
ii  libdrm2                         2.0.2-0.1                          Userspace interface to kernel DRM services -
ii  libdv4                          1.0.0-1                            software library for DV format digital video
ii  libdvbpsi4                      0.1.5-2                            library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decod
ii  libdvdnav4                      0.1.10-0.1                         The DVD navigation library
ii  libdvdread3                     0.9.7-2                            library for reading DVDs
ii  libebook1.2-5                   1.6.3-3                            Client library for evolution address books
ii  libecal1.2-6                    1.6.3-3                            Client library for evolution calendars
ii  libedata-book1.2-2              1.6.3-3                            Backend library for evolution address books
ii  libedata-cal1.2-5               1.6.3-3                            Backend library for evolution calendars
ii  libedataserver1.2-7             1.6.3-3                            Utility library for evolution data servers
ii  libedataserverui1.2-6           1.6.3-3                            GUI utility library for evolution data serve
ii  libedit2                        2.9.cvs.20050518-2.2               BSD editline and history libraries
ii  libeel2-2                       2.14.3-2                           Eazel Extensions Library (for GNOME2)
ii  libeel2-data                    2.14.3-2                           Eazel Extensions Library - data files (for G
ii  libegroupwise1.2-10             1.6.3-3                            Client library for accessing groupwise POA t
ii  libemeraldengine0               0.2.0+svn20070126-r3207+imudebian0 Decoration engines for beryl
ii  libenchant1c2a                  1.3.0-2                            a wrapper library for various spell checker 
ii  libesd-alsa0                    0.2.36-3                           Enlightened Sound Daemon (ALSA) - Shared lib
rc  libesd0                         0.2.36-3                           Enlightened Sound Daemon - Shared libraries
ii  libevent-execflow-perl          0.62-0.1                           High level API for event-based execution flo
ii  libevent-perl                   1.06-1                             Generic Perl event loop
ii  libevent-rpc-perl               0.90-1                             Event based transparent Client/Server RPC fr
ii  libevent1                       1.1a-2                             An asynchronous event notification library
ii  libexchange-storage1.2-1        1.6.3-3                            Backend library for evolution calendars
ii  libexif12                       0.6.13-5                           library to parse EXIF files
ii  libexpat1                       1.95.8-3.4                         XML parsing C library - runtime library
ii  libexpat1-dev                   1.95.8-3.4                         XML parsing C library - development kit
ii  libfaac0                        1.25-0.1                           an AAC audio encoder - library files
ii  libfaad0                        2.5-2                              freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime fi
ii  libfaad2-0                      2.5-2                              freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - dummy pack
ii  libfam0                         2.7.0-12                           Client library to control the FAM daemon
ii  libfame-0.9                     0.9.1-0.2                          A video encoding library - runtime files
ii  libfile-scan-perl               1.43-1                             Perl lib to scan files for viruses
ii  libflac++5                      1.1.2-6                            Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ runtime libr
ii  libflac7                        1.1.2-6                            Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C librar
ii  libflash-mozplugin              0.4.13-9                           GPL Flash (SWF) Library - Mozilla-compatible
ii  libflash0c2                     0.4.13-9                           GPL Flash (SWF) Library - shared library
ii  libfltk1.1                      1.1.7-2                            Fast Light Toolkit shared libraries
ii  libfluidsynth1                  1.0.7a-1                           Real-time MIDI software synthesizer (runtime
ii  libfontconfig1                  2.4.2-1                            generic font configuration library - runtime
ii  libfontconfig1-dev              2.4.2-1                            generic font configuration library - develop
ii  libfontenc1                     1.0.2-2                            X11 font encoding library
ii  libfox1.4                       1.4.34-1                           The FOX C++ GUI Toolkit
ii  libfreetype6                    2.2.1-5                            FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files
ii  libfreetype6-dev                2.2.1-5                            FreeType 2 font engine, development files
ii  libfribidi0                     0.10.7-4                           Free Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algo
ii  libfs6                          1.0.0-4                            X11 Font Services library
ii  libfuse-dev                     2.5.3-4.2                          Filesystem in USErspace (development files)
ii  libfuse2                        2.5.3-4.2                          Filesystem in USErspace library
ii  libg2c0                         3.4.6-5                            Runtime library for GNU Fortran 77 applicati
ii  libgadu3                        1.7~rc2-1                          Gadu-Gadu protocol library - runtime files
ii  libgail-common                  1.8.11-4                           GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library -
ii  libgail-gnome-module            1.1.3-3                            GNOME Accessibility Implementation Module fo
ii  libgail17                       1.8.11-4                           GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library -
ii  libgammu0                       1.09.00-1                          Mobile phone management library
rc  libgc1                          6.4-1                              conservative garbage collector for C and C++
ii  libgc1c2                        6.8-1                              conservative garbage collector for C and C++
ii  libgcc1                         4.1.1-21                           GCC support library
ii  libgcj-common                   4.1.1-21                           Java runtime library (common files)
rc  libgcj7                         4.1.1-10                           Java runtime library for use with gcj
ii  libgcj7-0                       4.1.1-20                           Java runtime library for use with gcj
ii  libgcj7-awt                     4.1.1-20                           AWT peer runtime libraries for use with gcj
ii  libgcj7-jar                     4.1.1-20                           Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar f
ii  libgconf2-4                     2.16.0-3                           GNOME configuration database system (shared 
ii  libgconf2-ruby                  0.15.0-1.1                         GConf 2 bindings for the Ruby language
ii  libgcrypt11                     1.2.3-2                            LGPL Crypto library - runtime library
ii  libgcrypt11-dev                 1.2.3-2                            LGPL Crypto library - development files
ii  libgd2-noxpm                    2.0.33-6                           GD Graphics Library version 2 (without XPM s
ii  libgda2-3                       1.2.3-4                            GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
ii  libgda2-common                  1.2.3-4                            Common files for GNOME Data Access library f
ii  libgdbm3                        1.8.3-3                            GNU dbm database routines (runtime version)
ii  libgdk-pixbuf-gnome2            0.22.0-11                          The GNOME1 Canvas pixbuf library
ii  libgdk-pixbuf2                  0.22.0-11                          The GdkPixBuf image library, gtk+ 1.2 versio
ii  libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby             0.15.0-1.1                         Gdk-Pixbuf 2 bindings for the Ruby language
ii  libgdl-1-0                      0.6.1-1                            GNOME DevTool libraries - development files
ii  libgdl-1-common                 0.6.1-1                            GNOME DevTool libraries - common files
ii  libgef-java                     0.11.999.0.11.3M10-1               Graph Editing Framework written entirely in 
ii  libgfortran1                    4.1.1-21                           Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications
ii  libggi2                         2.2.1-5                            General Graphics Interface runtime libraries
ii  libgii1                         1.0.1-3                            General Input Interface runtime libraries
ii  libgii1-target-x                1.0.1-3                            General Input Interface X input target
ii  libgimp2.0                      2.2.13-1                           Libraries necessary to Run the GIMP
ii  libginac1.3c2a                  1.3.5-3                            The GiNaC symbolic framework (runtime librar
ii  libgksu1.2-0                    1.3.8-1                            library providing su and sudo functionality
ii  libgksu2-0                      2.0.3-5                            library providing su and sudo functionality
ii  libgksuui1.0-1                  1.0.7-2                            a graphical fronted to su library
rc  libgl1-mesa                     6.5.1+cvs20060824                  A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- G
ii  libgl1-mesa-dev                 6.5.1-0.5                          A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- G
ii  libgl1-mesa-dri                 6.5.1-0.5                          A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- D
ii  libgl1-mesa-glx                 6.5.1-0.5                          A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- G
ii  libglade-gnome0                 0.17-8                             library to load .glade files at runtime (Gno
ii  libglade0                       0.17-8                             library to load .glade files at runtime
ii  libglade2-0                     2.6.0-4                            library to load .glade files at runtime
ii  libglade2-ruby                  0.15.0-1.1                         Libglade 2 bindings for the Ruby language
ii  libglade2.0-cil                 2.8.3-2                            CLI binding for the Glade libraries 2.6
ii  libglew1                        1.3.4-5                            The OpenGL Extension Wrangler - runtime envi
ii  libglib-perl                    1.140-1                            Perl interface to the GLib and GObject libra
ii  libglib1.2                      1.2.10-17                          The GLib library of C routines
ii  libglib2-ruby                   0.15.0-1.1                         Glib 2 bindings for the Ruby language
ii  libglib2.0-0                    2.12.6-2                           The GLib library of C routines
ii  libglib2.0-cil                  2.8.3-2                            CLI binding for the GLib utility library 2.8
ii  libglibmm-2.4-1c2a              2.12.0-1                           C++ wrapper for the GLib toolkit (shared lib
ii  libglitz-glx1                   0.5.6-1                            Glitz OpenGL library GLX backend
ii  libglitz1                       0.5.6-1                            Glitz OpenGL image compositing library
ii  libglpng                        1.45-3                             PNG loader for OpenGL
ii  libglu1-mesa                    6.5.1-0.5                          The OpenGL utility library (GLU)
ii  libgmime-2.0-2                  2.2.3-3                            MIME library, unstable version
ii  libgmp3c2                       4.2.1+dfsg-4                       Multiprecision arithmetic library
ii  libgnome-desktop-2              2.14.3-1                           Utility library for loading .desktop files -
ii  libgnome-keyring0               0.6.0-3                            GNOME keyring services library
ii  libgnome-media0                 2.14.2-4                           runtime libraries for the GNOME media utilit
ii  libgnome-menu2                  2.16.1-2                           an implementation of the freedesktop menu sp
ii  libgnome-pilot2                 2.0.15-0.1                         Support libraries for gnome-pilot
ii  libgnome-window-settings1       2.14.2-6                           Utility library for getting window manager s
ii  libgnome2-0                     2.16.0-2                           The GNOME 2 library - runtime files
ii  libgnome2-canvas-perl           1.002-1+b1                         Perl interface to the GNOME canvas library
ii  libgnome2-common                2.16.0-2                           The GNOME 2 library - common files
ii  libgnome2-perl                  1.040-1                            Perl interface to the GNOME libraries
ii  libgnome2-vfs-perl              1.060-1                            Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOM
ii  libgnome32                      1.4.2-35                           The GNOME libraries
ii  libgnomecanvas2-0               2.14.0-2                           A powerful object-oriented display - runtime
ii  libgnomecanvas2-common          2.14.0-2                           A powerful object-oriented display - common 
ii  libgnomecups1.0-1               0.2.2-5                            GNOME library for CUPS interaction
ii  libgnomecupsui1.0-1c2a          0.31-3                             UI extensions to libgnomecups
ii  libgnomeprint2.2-0              2.12.1-7                           The GNOME 2.2 print architecture - runtime f
ii  libgnomeprint2.2-data           2.12.1-7                           The GNOME 2.2 print architecture - data file
ii  libgnomeprintui2.2-0            2.12.1-4                           GNOME 2.2 print architecture User Interface 
ii  libgnomeprintui2.2-common       2.12.1-4                           GNOME 2.2 print architecture User Interface 
ii  libgnomesupport0                1.4.2-35                           The GNOME libraries (Support libraries)
ii  libgnomeui-0                    2.14.1-2                           The GNOME 2 libraries (User Interface) - run
ii  libgnomeui-common               2.14.1-2                           The GNOME 2 libraries (User Interface) - com
ii  libgnomeui32                    1.4.2-35                           The GNOME libraries (User Interface)
ii  libgnomevfs2-0                  2.14.2-5                           GNOME virtual file-system (runtime libraries
ii  libgnomevfs2-bin                2.14.2-5                           GNOME virtual file-system (support binaries)
ii  libgnomevfs2-common             2.14.2-5                           GNOME virtual file-system (common files)
ii  libgnomevfs2-extra              2.14.2-5                           GNOME virtual file-system (extra modules)
ii  libgnorba27                     1.4.2-35                           GNOME CORBA services
ii  libgnorbagtk0                   1.4.2-35                           GNOME CORBA services (Gtk bindings)
ii  libgnucrypto-java               2.1.0-1.1                          full-featured cryptographic library in Java
ii  libgnujmi-java                  0.0cvs20050116-2                   free implementation of the java metadata int
ii  libgnutls-dev                   1.4.4-3                            the GNU TLS library - development files
ii  libgnutls11                     1.0.16-14+b1                       GNU TLS library - runtime library
ii  libgnutls13                     1.4.4-3                            the GNU TLS library - runtime library
ii  libgoffice-1-2                  0.2.1-4                            Document centric objects library - runtime f
ii  libgoffice-1-common             0.2.1-4                            Document centric objects library - common fi
ii  libgpg-error-dev                1.4-2                              library for common error values and messages
ii  libgpg-error0                   1.4-2                              library for common error values and messages
ii  libgpmg1                        1.19.6-24                          General Purpose Mouse - shared library
ii  libgpod0                        0.4.0-0.3                          a library to read and write songs and artwor
ii  libgraphicsmagick++1            1.1.7-11                           format-independent image processing - C++ sh
ii  libgraphicsmagick1              1.1.7-11                           format-independent image processing - C shar
ii  libgsf-1-114                    1.14.3-1                           Structured File Library - runtime version
ii  libgsf-1-common                 1.14.3-1                           Structured File Library - common files
ii  libgsf-gnome-1-114              1.14.3-1                           Structured File Library - runtime version fo
ii  libgsl0                         1.8-3                              GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- library pack
ii  libgsm1                         1.0.10-13                          Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
ii  libgssapi2                      0.10-4                             A mechanism-switch gssapi library
ii  libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 0.10.10-4                          GStreamer libraries from the "base" set
ii  libgstreamer0.10-0              0.10.10-3                          Core GStreamer libraries and elements
ii  libgstreamer0.8-0               0.8.12-2                           Core GStreamer libraries, plugins, and utili
ii  libgtk-canvas1                  0.1.1-8                            port of GNOME Canvas back to gtk+
ii  libgtk1.2                       1.2.10-18                          The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
ii  libgtk1.2-common                1.2.10-18                          Common files for the GTK+ library
ii  libgtk2-gladexml-perl           1.006-1                            Perl interface to use user interfaces create
ii  libgtk2-perl                    1.140-1                            Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp
ii  libgtk2-ruby                    0.15.0-1.1                         GTK+ bindings for the Ruby language
ii  libgtk2.0-0                     2.8.20-5                           The GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii  libgtk2.0-bin                   2.8.20-5                           The programs for the GTK+ graphical user int
ii  libgtk2.0-cil                   2.8.3-2                            CLI binding for the GTK+ toolkit 2.8
ii  libgtk2.0-common                2.8.20-5                           Common files for the GTK+ graphical user int
ii  libgtkhtml2-0                   2.11.0-3                           HTML rendering/editing library - runtime fil
ii  libgtkhtml3.8-15                3.12.1-2                           HTML rendering/editing library - runtime fil
ii  libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a               2.8.8-1                            C++ wrappers for GTK+ 2.4 (shared libraries)
ii  libgtkmm1.2-0c2a                1.2.10-8                           C++ wrappers for GTK+ 1.2 (shared libraries)
ii  libgtksourceview-common         1.8.3-1                            common files for the GTK+ syntax highlightin
ii  libgtksourceview1.0-0           1.8.3-1                            shared libraries for the GTK+ syntax highlig
ii  libgtkspell0                    2.0.10-3+b1                        a spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView wi
ii  libgtop2-7                      2.14.4-3                           gtop system monitoring library
ii  libgtop2-common                 2.14.4-3                           common files for the gtop system monitoring 
ii  libgucharmap4                   1.6.0-1                            Unicode browser widget library (shared libra
ii  libguile-ltdl-1                 1.6.8-6                            Guile's patched version of libtool's libltdl
ii  libhal-storage1                                 Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library 
ii  libhal1                                         Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library
ii  libhdf5-serial-1.6.5-0          1.6.5-3                            Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) - runtime 
rc  libhsqldb-java                                  Java SQL database engine
ii  libhtml-parser-perl             3.56-1                             A collection of modules that parse HTML text
ii  libhtml-tagset-perl             3.10-2                             Data tables pertaining to HTML
ii  libhtml-tree-perl               3.23-1                             represent and create HTML syntax trees
ii  libi18n-java                    0.1.3a-2                           internationalization library for java
ii  libice-dev                      1.0.1-2                            X11 Inter-Client Exchange library (developme
ii  libice6                         1.0.1-2                            X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
ii  libicu34                        3.4.1a-1                           International Components for Unicode (librar
ii  libicu36                        3.6-2                              International Components for Unicode (librar
ii  libid3-3.8.3c2a                 3.8.3-6                            Library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag
ii  libid3tag0                      0.15.1b-10                         ID3 tag reading library from the MAD project
ii  libident                        0.22-3                             simple RFC1413 client library - runtime
ii  libidl0                         0.8.7-0.1                          library for parsing CORBA IDL files
ii  libidn11                        0.6.5-1                            GNU libidn library, implementation of IETF I
ii  libiec61883-0                   1.1.0-2                            an partial implementation of IEC 61883
ii  libimlib2                                powerful image loading and rendering library
ii  libintl-perl                    1.16-1                             Uniforum message translations system compati
ii  libio-zlib-perl                 1.04-1                             IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
ii  libisc11                        9.3.4-2                            ISC Shared Library used by BIND
ii  libisc7                         9.2.4-1sarge2                      ISC Shared Library used by BIND
ii  libisccc0                       9.3.4-2                            Command Channel Library used by BIND
ii  libisccfg1                      9.3.4-2                            Config File Handling Library used by BIND
ii  libiso9660-4                    0.76-1                             library to work with ISO9660 filesystems
ii  libiw28                         28-1                               Wireless tools - library
ii  libjack0.100.0-0                0.101.1-2                          JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries)
ii  libjackasyn0                    0.11-2                             The Asynchrounous JACK Library
ii  libjasper-1.701-1               1.701.0-2                          The JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library
ii  libjaxp1.2-java                 1.2.01-2                           Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM, S
ii  libjaxp1.3-java                 1.3.03-5                           Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM, S
ii  libjdom0-java                   0.9b-3                             lightweight and fast library using XML
ii  libjessie-java                  1.0.1-3                            free implementation of the Java Secure Socke
ii  libjline-java                   0.9.5-2                            Java library for handling console input
ii  libjpeg62                       6b-13                              The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime li
ii  libjpeg62-dev                   6b-13                              Development files for the IJG JPEG library
ii  libjsch-java                    0.1.28-2                           java secure channel
ii  libjsw2                         1.5.5-1                            Joystick Library
ii  libklibc                        1.4.31-1                           minimal libc subset for use with initramfs
ii  libkpathsea4                    3.0-29                             path search library for teTeX (runtime part)
ii  libkrb53                        1.4.4-6                            MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
ii  libkxl0                         1.1.7-12                           multimedia library for game development
ii  liblame0                        3.97-0.0                           LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
ii  liblcms1                        1.15-1                             Color management library
ii  liblcms1-dev                    1.15-1                             Color management library (Development header
ii  libldap-2.2-7                   2.2.23-8                           OpenLDAP libraries
ii  libldap2                        2.1.30-13.2                        OpenLDAP libraries
ii  liblircclient0                  0.8.0-9                            LIRC client library
ii  liblocale-gettext-perl          1.05-1                             Using libc functions for internationalizatio
ii  liblockfile1                    1.06.1                             NFS-safe locking library, includes dotlockfi
ii  liblog4j1.2-java                1.2.13-3                           Logging library for java
ii  libloudmouth1-0                 1.1.4-2                            Lightweight C Jabber library
ii  liblrdf0                        0.4.0-1                            a library to manipulate RDF files describing
ii  libltdl3                        1.5.22-4                           A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU 
ii  liblua5.1-0                     5.1.1-2                            Simple, extensible, embeddable programming l
ii  liblua50                        5.0.3-2                            Main interpreter library for the Lua 5.0 pro
ii  liblualib50                     5.0.3-2                            Extension library for the Lua 5.0 programmin
ii  liblucene-java                  1.4.3.dfsg-1.2                     full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
ii  liblucene-java-doc              1.4.3.dfsg-1.2                     demonstration programs and example code for 
ii  liblwres1                       9.2.4-1sarge2                      Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND
ii  liblwres9                       9.3.4-2                            Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND
ii  liblzo-dev                      1.08-3                             data compression library (old version) (deve
ii  liblzo1                         1.08-3                             data compression library (old version)
ii  libmad0                         0.15.1b-2.1                        MPEG audio decoder library
ii  libmagic1                       4.19-1                             File type determination library using "magic
ii  libmagick9                             Image manipulation library
ii  libmdbtools                   mdbtools libraries
ii  libmeanwhile1                   1.0.2-2                            open implementation of the Lotus Sametime Co
ii  libmetacity0                    2.14.5-2                           library of lightweight GTK2 based Window Man
ii  libmikmod2                      3.1.11-a-6                         A portable sound library
ii  libmimedir0                     0.4-4                              A library to parse RFC 2425 Directory Inform
ii  libmjpegtools0                  1.8.0-0.4                          MJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG e
ii  libmng-dev                      1.0.9-1                            M-N-G library (Development headers)
ii  libmng1                         1.0.9-1                            Multiple-image Network Graphics library
ii  libmodplug0c2                   0.7-5.2                            shared libraries for mod music based on ModP
ii  libmono-cairo1.0-cil                            Mono Cairo library
ii  libmono-corlib1.0-cil                           Mono core library (1.0)
ii  libmono-system1.0-cil                           Mono System libraries (1.0)
ii  libmozjs0d                                      The Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript library
ii  libmpcdec3                      1.2.2-1                            Musepack (MPC) format library
ii  libmpeg2-4                      0.4.1-1                            MPEG1 and MPEG2 video decoder library
ii  libmpich1.0c2                   1.2.7-2                            mpich runtime shared library
ii  libmusicbrainz4c2a              2.1.4-1                            Second generation incarnation of the CD Inde
ii  libmx4j-java                    2.1.1-4                            An open source implementation of the JMX(TM)
ii  libmyspell3c2                   3.1-18                             MySpell spellchecking library
ii  libmysqlclient15off             5.0.32-3                           mysql database client library
ii  libnautilus-burn3               2.14.3-8                           Nautilus Burn Library - runtime version
ii  libnautilus-extension1          2.14.3-7                           libraries for nautilus components - runtime 
ii  libncurses5                     5.5-5                              Shared libraries for terminal handling
ii  libncurses5-dev                 5.5-5                              Developer's libraries and docs for ncurses
ii  libncursesw5                    5.5-5                              Shared libraries for terminal handling (wide
ii  libneon25                       0.25.5.dfsg-6                      An HTTP and WebDAV client library
ii  libneon26                       0.26.2-3.1                         An HTTP and WebDAV client library
ii  libnet-daemon-perl              0.38-1.1                           Perl module for building portable Perl daemo
ii  libnetcdf3                      3.6.1-1                            An interface for scientific data access to l
rc  libnewt0.51                     0.51.6-20                          Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode win
ii  libnewt0.52                     0.52.2-10                          Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode win
rc  libnfsidmap1                    0.17-1                             An nfs idmapping library
ii  libnfsidmap2                    0.18-0                             An nfs idmapping library
ii  libnl1-pre6                     1.0~pre6-4                         Library for dealing with netlink sockets
ii  libnm-glib0                     0.6.4-6                            network management framework (GLib shared li
ii  libnm-util0                     0.6.4-6                            network management framework (shared library
ii  libnotify-bin                   0.4.3-1                            sends desktop notifications to a notificatio
ii  libnotify1                      0.4.3-1                            sends desktop notifications to a notificatio
ii  libnspr4                        1.7.13-0.3                         Netscape Portable Runtime Library
ii  libnspr4-0d                                     NetScape Portable Runtime Library
ii  libnss-db                       2.2.3pre1-2                        NSS module for using Berkeley Databases as a
ii  libnss3-0d                                      Network Security Service libraries
ii  libnsuml-java                   0.4.20-12.1                        Novosoft UML (Unified Modeling Language) lib
ii  libntfs-3g0                     0.0.0+20061031-6                   ntfs-3g filesystem in userspace (FUSE) libra
ii  libntfs-dev                     1.13.1-6                           library that provides common NTFS access fun
ii  libntfs-gnomevfs                1.13.1-6                           NTFS GNOME virtual filesystem module
ii  libntfs9                        1.13.1-6                           library that provides common NTFS access fun
ii  libocl-argo-java                1.1-10                             Dresden OCL (Object Constraint Language) Jav
ii  libode0c2                       0.5-5                              Open Dynamics Engine - runtime library
ii  libogg0                         1.1.3-2                            Ogg Bitstream Library
ii  liboil0.3                       0.3.10-1                           Library of Optimized Inner Loops
ii  libopal-2.2.0                   2.2.3.dfsg-3                       Open Phone Abstraction Library - successor o
ii  libopenal0a                     0.0.8-4                            OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatiali
ii  libopencdk8                     0.5.9-2                            Open Crypto Development Kit (OpenCDK) (runti
ii  libopencdk8-dev                 0.5.9-2                            Open Crypto Development Kit (OpenCDK) (devel
ii  libopenh323-1.18.0              1.18.0.dfsg-1                      H.323 aka VoIP library
ii  libopensync0                    0.19-1.2                           Synchronisation framework for email/pdas/and
ii  liborbit0                       0.5.17-11.1                        Libraries for ORBit - a CORBA ORB
ii  liborbit2                       2.14.4-1                           libraries for ORBit2 - a CORBA ORB
ii  liboro-java                     2.0.8a-1                           Regular expression library for Java
ii  libotr2                         3.0.0-2                            Off-the-Record Messaging library
ii  libpam-modules                  0.79-4                             Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM
ii  libpam-runtime                  0.79-4                             Runtime support for the PAM library
ii  libpam0g                        0.79-4                             Pluggable Authentication Modules library
ii  libpanel-applet2-0              2.14.3-4                           library for GNOME 2 panel applets
ii  libpango1-ruby                  0.15.0-1.1                         Pango bindings for the Ruby language
ii  libpango1.0-0                   1.14.8-5                           Layout and rendering of internationalized te
ii  libpango1.0-common              1.14.8-5                           Modules and configuration files for the Pang
ii  libpaper1                       1.1.21                             Library for handling paper characteristics
ii  libparted1.7-1                  1.7.1-5                            The GNU Parted disk partitioning shared libr
ii  libparted1.7-dbg                1.7.1-5                            The GNU Parted disk partitioning library deb
ii  libparted1.7-dev                1.7.1-5                            The GNU Parted disk partitioning library dev
ii  libparted1.7-i18n               1.7.1-5                            The GNU Parted disk partitioning library i18
ii  libpcap0.7                      0.7.2-7                            System interface for user-level packet captu
ii  libpcap0.8                      0.9.5-1                            System interface for user-level packet captu
ii  libpci2                         2.1.11-3                           Obsolete shared library for accessing pci de
ii  libpcre3                        6.7-1                              Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library
ii  libperl5.8                      5.8.8-7                            Shared Perl library
ii  libphysfs-1.0-0                 1.0.0-5                            filesystem abstraction library for game prog
ii  libpisock8                      0.11.8-24                          Library for communicating with a PalmOS PDA
ii  libpisock9                      0.12.1-5                           library for communicating with a PalmOS PDA
ii  libpisync0                      0.12.1-5                           synchronization library for PalmOS devices
ii  libplrpc-perl                   0.2017-1.1                         Perl extensions for writing PlRPC servers an
ii  libpng12-0                      1.2.15~beta5-1                     PNG library - runtime
ii  libpng12-dev                    1.2.15~beta5-1                     PNG library - development
ii  libpng3                         1.2.15~beta5-1                     PNG library - runtime
ii  libpoppler0c2                   0.4.5-5.1                          PDF rendering library
ii  libpoppler0c2-glib              0.4.5-5.1                          PDF rendering library (GLib-based shared lib
ii  libpopt-dev                     1.10-3                             lib for parsing cmdline parameters - develop
ii  libpopt0                        1.10-3                             lib for parsing cmdline parameters
ii  libportaudio0                   18.1-4                             Portable audio I/O - shared library
ii  libportaudio2                   19+svn20070113-1                   Portable audio I/O - shared library
ii  libpostproc0d                   0.cvs20060823-4                    ffmpeg video postprocessing library
ii  libpostproccvs51                20070119-0.1                       postproc shared libraries
ii  libpq4                          8.1.6-1                            PostgreSQL C client library
ii  libproc-pid-file-perl           1.24-2                             Perl module for managing process id files
ii  libpt-1.10.0                    1.10.2-2                           Portable Windows Library
ii  libpt-plugins-alsa              1.10.2-2                           Portable Windows Library Audio Plugin for th
ii  libpt-plugins-v4l               1.10.2-2                           Portable Windows Library Video Plugin for Vi
ii  libpulse0                       0.9.5-5                            PulseAudio client libraries
ii  libpvm3                         3.4.5-9                            Parallel Virtual Machine - shared libraries
ii  libqhull5                       2003.1-2                           Calculate convex hulls and related structure
ii  libqt3-headers                  3.3.7-3                            Qt3 header files
ii  libqt3-mt                       3.3.7-3                            Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), V
ii  libqt4-core                     4.2.1-2                            Qt 4 core non-GUI functionality runtime libr
ii  libqt4-gui                      4.2.1-2                            Qt 4 core GUI functionality runtime library
ii  libqt4-qt3support               4.2.1-2                            Qt 3 compatibility library for Qt 4
ii  libqt4-sql                      4.2.1-2                            Qt 4 SQL database module
ii  libqthreads-12                  1.6.8-6                            QuickThreads library for Guile
ii  libquicktime0                   0.9.7-2                            library for reading and writing Quicktime fi
ii  librapi2                        0.9.3-3                            Make RAPI calls to a WinCE device, runtime l
ii  libraptor1                      1.4.13-1                           Raptor RDF parser and serializer library
ii  libraw1394-5                    0.10.1-1.1                         library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (
ii  libraw1394-8                    1.2.1-2                            library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (
rc  libreadline4                    4.3-11                             GNU readline and history libraries, run-time
ii  libreadline5                    5.2-2                              GNU readline and history libraries, run-time
ii  libregexp-java                  1.4-3                              regular expression library for Java
ii  librexml-ruby                         pure Ruby non-validating XML parser supporti
ii  librpcsecgss3                   0.14-2                             allows secure rpc communication using the rp
ii  librpm4                         4.4.1-14                           RPM shared library
ii  librra0                         0.9.1-1                            Library to deal with synchronisation with Wi
ii  librsvg2-2                      2.14.4-2                           SAX-based renderer library for SVG files (ru
ii  librsvg2-common                 2.14.4-2                           SAX-based renderer library for SVG files (ex
ii  libruby1.8                      1.8.5-4                            Libraries necessary to run Ruby 1.8
ii  libsamplerate0                  0.1.2-2                            audio rate conversion library
ii  libsamplerate0-dev              0.1.2-2                            development files for audio rate conversion 
ii  libsasl2                        2.1.22.dfsg1-8                     Authentication abstraction library
ii  libsasl2-2                      2.1.22.dfsg1-8                     Authentication abstraction library
ii  libsasl2-modules                2.1.22.dfsg1-8                     Pluggable Authentication Modules for SASL
ii  libscrollkeeper0                0.3.14-12                          Library to load .omf files (runtime files)
ii  libsdl-gfx1.2-4                 2.0.13-2+b1                        drawing and graphical effects extension for 
ii  libsdl-image1.2                 1.2.5-3                            image loading library for Simple DirectMedia
ii  libsdl-mixer1.2                 1.2.6-1.1+b2                       mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1
ii  libsdl-net1.2                   1.2.5-7+b1                         network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
ii  libsdl-ttf2.0-0                 2.0.8-3+b1                         ttf library for Simple DirectMedia Layer wit
ii  libsdl1.2debian                 1.2.11-7                           Simple DirectMedia Layer
ii  libsdl1.2debian-alsa            1.2.11-7                           Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and ALSA 
ii  libselinux1                     1.32-3                             SELinux shared libraries
ii  libsensors3                     2.10.1-2                           library to read temperature/voltage/fan sens
ii  libsepol1                       1.14-2                             Security Enhanced Linux policy library for c
ii  libservlet2.3-java              4.0-8                              Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 Java classes and doc
ii  libservlet2.4-java              5.0.30-3                           Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 Java classes and doc
ii  libsexy2                        0.1.10-1                           collection of additional GTK+ widgets - libr
ii  libshout3                       2.2.2-1                            MP3/Ogg Vorbis broadcast streaming library
ii  libsidplay1                     1.36.59-4                          SID (MOS 6581) emulation library
ii  libsigc++-1.2-5c102             1.2.5-4                            type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
ii  libsigc++-2.0-0c2a              2.0.17-2                           type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
ii  libsigc++0c2                    1.0.4-9.1                          Type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
ii  libslang2                       2.0.6-4                            The S-Lang programming library - runtime ver
ii  libslp1                         1.2.1-6                            OpenSLP libraries
ii  libsm-dev                       1.0.1-3                            X11 Inter-Client Exchange library (developme
ii  libsm6                          1.0.1-3                            X11 Session Management library
ii  libsmbclient                    3.0.23d-4                          shared library that allows applications to t
ii  libsmpeg0                       0.4.5+cvs20030824-1.9              SDL MPEG Player Library - shared libraries
ii  libsndfile1                     1.0.16-1                           Library for reading/writing audio files
ii  libsoundtouch1c2                1.3.0-2.1                          sound stretching library
ii  libsoup2.2-8                    2.2.99-1                           an HTTP library implementation in C -- Share
ii  libspeex1                       1.1.12-3                           The Speex Speech Codec
ii  libsqlite0                      2.8.17-1                           SQLite shared library
ii  libsqlite3-0                    3.3.8-1                            SQLite 3 shared library
ii  libss2                          1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-1    command-line interface parsing library
ii  libssl0.9.7                     0.9.7k-3                           SSL shared libraries
ii  libssl0.9.8                     0.9.8c-4                           SSL shared libraries
ii  libssp0                         4.1.1-21                           GCC stack smashing protection library
ii  libstartup-notification0        0.8-2                              library for program launch feedback (shared 
ii  libstdc++5                      3.3.6-15                           The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libstdc++5-3.3-dev              3.3.6-15                           The GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development
ii  libstdc++6                      4.1.1-21                           The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libstdc++6-4.1-dev              4.1.1-21                           The GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development
ii  libstlport4.6c2                 4.6.2-3                            STLport C++ class library
ii  libstlport5.0                   5.0.2-11                           STLport C++ class library
ii  libsvga1                        1.4.3-24                           console SVGA display libraries
ii  libsvn1                         1.4.2dfsg1-2                       Shared libraries used by Subversion
ii  libswidgets-java                0.1.4-1                            various swing gui controls java library
ii  libswt3.2-gtk-java              3.2.1-4                            Fast and rich GUI toolkit for Java, gtk2 ver
ii  libswt3.2-gtk-jni               3.2.1-4                            Platform dependent files for libswt3.2-gtk-j
ii  libsynce0                       0.9.3-1                            A helper library for synce, a tool to sync W
ii  libsysfs2                       2.1.0-1                            interface library to sysfs
ii  libtag1c2a                      1.4-4                              TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library
ii  libtar                          1.2.11-4                           C library for manipulating tar archives
ii  libtasn1-0                      0.1.2-5                            Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
ii  libtasn1-2                      0.2.17-2                           Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
ii  libtasn1-3                      0.3.6-2                            Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
ii  libtasn1-3-dev                  0.3.6-2                            Manage ASN.1 structures (development)
ii  libtext-charwidth-perl          0.04-4                             get display widths of characters on the term
ii  libtext-iconv-perl              1.4-3                              converts between character sets in Perl
ii  libtext-wrapi18n-perl           0.06-5                             internationalized substitute of Text::Wrap
ii  libtextwrap1                    0.1-5                              text-wrapping library with i18n - runtime
ii  libtheora0                      0.0.0.alpha7.dfsg-2                The Theora Video Compression Codec
ii  libtiff4                        3.8.2-7                            Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library
ii  libtomcat5-java                 5.0.30-12                          Java Servlet engine -- core libraries
ii  libtomcat5.5-java               5.5.20-4                           Java Servlet engine -- core libraries
ii  libtool                         1.5.22-4                           Generic library support script
ii  libtoolbar-java                 1.3-1                              extension of java swing component JToolBar
ii  libtotem-plparser1              2.16.4-2                           Totem Playlist Parser library - runtime vers
ii  libtwolame0                     0.3.9-1                            MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library
ii  libufsparse                     1.2-7                              collection of libraries for computations for
ii  libungif4g                      4.1.4-4                            shared library for GIF images
ii  liburi-perl                     1.35-2                             Manipulates and accesses URI strings
ii  libusb-0.1-4                    0.1.12-4                           userspace USB programming library
ii  libuuid1                        1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-1    universally unique id library
ii  libvcdinfo0                     0.7.23-3                           library to extract information from VideoCD
ii  libvisual-0.4-0                 0.4.0-1                            Audio visualization framework
ii  libvlc0                         0.8.6.a.debian-1                   multimedia player and streamer library
ii  libvolume-id0                   0.103-2                            libvolume_id shared library
ii  libvorbis0a                     1.1.2.dfsg-1.2                     The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
ii  libvorbisenc2                   1.1.2.dfsg-1.2                     The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
ii  libvorbisfile3                  1.1.2.dfsg-1.2                     The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
ii  libvte-common                   0.12.2-4                           Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 2.0 - comm
ii  libvte4                         0.12.2-4                           Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 2.0 - runt
ii  libwine                         0.9.29-1                           Windows API Implementation (Library)
ii  libwine-gl                      0.9.29-1                           Windows API Implementation (OpenGL Module)
ii  libwmf0.2-7                                     Windows metafile conversion library
ii  libwnck-common                  2.14.3-1                           Window Navigator Construction Kit - common f
ii  libwnck18                       2.14.3-1                           Window Navigator Construction Kit - runtime 
ii  libwpd8c2a                      0.8.7-4                            Library for handling WordPerfect documents (
ii  libwrap0                        7.6.dbs-12                         Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library
ii  libwww-perl                     5.805-1                            WWW client/server library for Perl (aka LWP)
ii  libwxbase2.6-0                                wxBase library (runtime) - non-GUI support c
ii  libwxgtk2.6-0                                 wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GT
ii  libx11-6                        1.0.3-4                            X11 client-side library
ii  libx11-data                     1.0.3-4                            X11 client-side library
ii  libx11-dev                      1.0.3-4                            X11 client-side library (development headers
ii  libxalan2-java                  2.7.0-3                            XSL Transformations (XSLT) processor in Java
ii  libxau-dev                      1.0.1-2                            X11 authorisation library (development heade
ii  libxau6                         1.0.1-2                            X11 authorisation library
ii  libxaw7                         1.0.2-4                            X11 Athena Widget library
ii  libxcomposite1                  0.3-3                              X11 Composite extension library
ii  libxcursor-dev                  1.1.7-4                            X cursor management library (development fil
ii  libxcursor1                     1.1.7-4                            X cursor management library
ii  libxdamage1                     1.0.3-3                            X11 damaged region extension library
ii  libxdmcp-dev                    1.0.1-2                            X11 authorisation library (development heade
ii  libxdmcp6                       1.0.1-2                            X11 Display Manager Control Protocol library
ii  libxerces-java                  1.4.4-2                            Validating XML parser for Java
ii  libxerces2-java                 2.8.1-2                            Validating XML parser for Java with DOM leve
ii  libxerces27                     2.7.0-3                            validating XML parser library for C++
ii  libxext-dev                     1.0.1-2                            X11 miscellaneous extensions library (develo
ii  libxext6                        1.0.1-2                            X11 miscellaneous extension library
ii  libxfixes-dev                   4.0.1-5                            X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library 
ii  libxfixes3                      4.0.1-5                            X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library
ii  libxfont1                       1.2.2-1                            X11 font rasterisation library
ii  libxft-dev                                      FreeType-based font drawing library for X (d
ii  libxft2                                         FreeType-based font drawing library for X
ii  libxi-dev                       1.0.1-4                            X11 Input extension library (development hea
ii  libxi6                          1.0.1-4                            X11 Input extension library
ii  libxine1                        1.1.2+dfsg-2                       the xine video/media player library, binary 
ii  libxinerama-dev                 1.0.1-4.1                          X11 Xinerama extension library (development 
ii  libxinerama1                    1.0.1-4.1                          X11 Xinerama extension library
ii  libxkbfile1                     1.0.3-2                            X11 keyboard file manipulation library
ii  libxklavier10                   2.2-4                              X Keyboard Extension high-level API
ii  libxml++2.6-2                   2.14.0-0.1                         A C++ interface to the GNOME XML library (li
ii  libxml-parser-perl              2.34-4.2                           Perl module for parsing XML files
ii  libxml1                         1.8.17-14                          GNOME XML library
ii  libxml2                         2.6.27.dfsg-1                      GNOME XML library
ii  libxml2-utils                   2.6.27.dfsg-1                      XML utilities
ii  libxmlsec1                      1.2.9-5                            XML security library
ii  libxmlsec1-nss                  1.2.9-5                            Nss engine for the XML security library
ii  libxmlsec1-openssl              1.2.9-5                            Openssl engine for the XML security library
ii  libxmu-dev                      1.0.2-2                            X11 miscellaneous utility library (developme
ii  libxmu-headers                  1.0.2-2                            X11 miscellaneous utility library headers
ii  libxmu6                         1.0.2-2                            X11 miscellaneous utility library
ii  libxmuu1                        1.0.2-2                            X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library
ii  libxosd2                        2.2.14-1.3                         X On-Screen Display library - runtime
ii  libxp6                          1.0.0.xsf1-1                       X Printing Extension (Xprint) client library
ii  libxpm4                         3.5.5-2                            X11 pixmap library
ii  libxrandr-dev                                   X11 RandR extension library (development hea
ii  libxrandr2                                      X11 RandR extension library
ii  libxrender-dev                  0.9.1-3                            X Rendering Extension client library (develo
ii  libxrender1                     0.9.1-3                            X Rendering Extension client library
ii  libxres1                        1.0.1-2                            X11 Resource extension library
ii  libxslt1.1                      1.1.19-1                           XSLT processing library - runtime library
ii  libxss1                         1.1.0-1                            X11 Screen Saver extension library
ii  libxt-dev                       1.0.2-2                            X11 toolkit intrinsics library (development 
ii  libxt-java                      0.20050823-2                       An implementation in Java of XSL Transformat
ii  libxt6                          1.0.2-2                            X11 toolkit intrinsics library
ii  libxtrap6                       1.0.0-4                            X11 event trapping extension library
ii  libxtst6                        1.0.1-5                            X11 Testing -- Resource extension library
ii  libxul-common                                   Gecko engine library - common files
ii  libxul0d                                        Gecko engine library
ii  libxv1                          1.0.2-1                            X11 Video extension library
ii  libxvidcore4                    1.1.2-0.1                          High quality ISO MPEG4 codec library
ii  libxvmc1                        1.0.2-2                            X11 Video extension library
ii  libxxf86dga1                    1.0.1-2                            X11 Direct Graphics Access extension library
ii  libxxf86misc1                   1.0.1-2                            X11 XFree86 miscellaneous extension library
ii  libxxf86vm1                     1.0.1-2                            X11 XFree86 video mode extension library
ii  liby2-14                        2.14.5-2                           Y Sound Server Library
ii  libzipios++0c2a                a small C++ library for reading zip files (l
ii  libzvt2                         1.4.2-35                           The GNOME zvt (zterm) widget
ii  libzvt2.0-0                     2.0.1cvs20021009-5+b1              The GNOME 2 zvt (zterm) widget - runtime fil
ii  linux-headers-2.6.18-3          2.6.18-8                           Common header files for Linux 2.6.18
ii  linux-headers-2.6.18-3-k7       2.6.18-8                           Header files for Linux 2.6.18 on AMD K7
pc  linux-image-              Linux kernel binary image for version 2.6.17
ii  linux-image-2.6.18-3-k7         2.6.18-8                           Linux 2.6.18 image on AMD K7
ii  linux-image-                Linux kernel binary image for version 2.6.19
ii  linux-kbuild-2.6.18             2.6.18-1                           Kbuild infrastructure for Linux 2.6.18
ii  linux-kernel-headers            2.6.18-6                           Linux Kernel Headers for development
ii  linux-sound-base                1.0.13-3                           base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems
ii  locales                         2.3.6.ds1-10                       GNU C Library: National Language (locale) da
ii  localization-config             1.0                                configures different programs' locale settin
ii  login                                          system login tools
ii  logrotate                       3.7.1-3                            Log rotation utility
ii  londonlaw                       0.2.1-7                            london law game
ii  lpr                             2006.11.04                         BSD lpr/lpd line printer spooling system
ii  lsb-base                        3.1-23                             Linux Standard Base 3.1 init script function
ii  lsdvd                           0.16-3                             read the content info of a DVD
ii  lsof                            4.77.dfsg.1-3                      List open files
ii  luxman                          0.41-24                            Pac-Man clone (svgalib based)
ii  lynx                            2.8.5-2sarge2.2                    Text-mode WWW Browser
ii  m4                              1.4.8-2                            a macro processing language
ii  mail-notification               4.0~rc2.dfsg.1-4                   mail notification in system tray
ii  mailx                           8.1.2-0.20050715cvs-1              A simple mail user agent
ii  make                            3.81-3                             The GNU version of the "make" utility.
ii  makedev                         2.3.1-83                           creates device files in /dev
ii  man-db                          2.4.3-6                            The on-line manual pager
ii  manpages                        2.39-1                             Manual pages about using a GNU/Linux system
ii  manpages-dev                    2.39-1                             Manual pages about using GNU/Linux for devel
ii  manpages-it                     0.3.4-5                            Contains a collection of Italian man pages
ii  mawk                            1.3.3-11                           a pattern scanning and text processing langu
ii  mencoder                        1.0-rc1cvs20070118-0.2             MPlayer's Movie Encoder
ii  menu                            2.1.33                             generates programs menu for all menu-aware a
ii  menu-xdg                        0.2.3                     menu compliant window manage
ii  mesa-common-dev                 6.5.1-0.5                          Developer documentation for Mesa
ii  mesa-utils                      6.3.2-2.1                          Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities
ii  metacity                        2.14.5-2                           A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager
ii  metacity-common                 2.14.5-2                           Shared files of lightweight GTK2 based Windo
ii  mime-support                    3.39-1                             MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and sup
ii  mkisofs                         1.1.2-1                            Dummy transition package for genisoimage
ii  mktemp                          1.5-2                              Makes unique filenames for temporary files
ii  mldonkey-gui                    2.8.2-2                            Graphical frontend for mldonkey based on GTK
ii  modconf                         0.3.1                              Device Driver Configuration
ii  module-assistant                0.10.11                            tool to make module package creation easier
ii  module-init-tools               3.3-pre4-1                         tools for managing Linux kernel modules
ii  modutils                                       Linux module utilities
ii  mono-common                                     common files for Mono
ii  mono-jit                                        fast CLI JIT/AOT compiler for Mono
ii  mount                           2.12r-16                           Tools for mounting and manipulating filesyst
ii  mozilla-browser                 1.8+1.0.7-2                        Transition package for Iceape Navigator and 
ii  mozilla-mplayer                 3.31+main-1                        MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla
ii  mpack                           1.6-4                              tools for encoding/decoding MIME messages
ii  mplayer                         1.0-rc1cvs20070118-0.2             The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux
ii  mplayer-skin-blue               1.6-1                              blue skin for mplayer
ii  mtools                          3.9.10.ds1-3                       Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
ii  mtr-tiny                        0.71-2                             Full screen ncurses traceroute tool
ii  multisync                       0.82-8                             A program to synchronize PIM data
ii  multisync0.90                   0.91.0-3                           PIM Synchronization Tool
ii  mutt                            1.5.13-1.1                         text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, 
ii  myspell-en-us                   2.0.4~rc1-3                        English_american dictionary for myspell
rc  mysql-admin                     1.1.10-1                           GUI tool for intuitive MySQL administration
ii  mysql-common                    5.0.32-3                           mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql
rc  mysql-query-browser             1.1.18-5                           Official GUI tool to query MySQL database
rc  mysql-server-5.0                5.0.24a-5                          mysql database server binaries
ii  nano                            2.0.2-1                            free Pico clone with some new features
ii  nautilus                        2.14.3-7                           file manager and graphical shell for GNOME
ii  nautilus-actions                1.2-3+b1                           nautilus extension to configure programs to 
ii  nautilus-cd-burner              2.14.3-8                           CD Burning front-end for Nautilus
ii  nautilus-data                   2.14.3-7                           data files for nautilus
ii  nautilus-script-manager         0.0.5-0ubuntu3                     A simple management tool for nautilus script
ii  nautilus-sendto                 0.8-2                              integrates Evolution and Gaim into the Nauti
ii  ncurses-base                    5.5-5                              Descriptions of common terminal types
ii  ncurses-bin                     5.5-5                              Terminal-related programs and man pages
ii  ncurses-term                    5.5-5                              Additional terminal type definitions
ii  ndiswrapper-common              1.30-1                             Common scripts required to use the utilities
rc  ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.18      1.23-1+2.6.18-10.00.Custom         Ndiswrapper linux kernel module
rc  ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.18-3-k7 1.30-1+2.6.18-8                    Ndiswrapper linux kernel module
ii  ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.8-3-k7  1.1-2sarge1                        Ndiswrapper linux kernel module
ii  ndiswrapper-source              1.30-1                             Source for the ndiswrapper linux kernel modu
ii  ndiswrapper-utils               1.1-5                              Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper
ii  ndiswrapper-utils-1.1           1.1-5                              Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper
ii  ndiswrapper-utils-1.9           1.30-1                             Userspace utilities for the ndiswrapper linu
ii  net-tools                       1.60-17                            The NET-3 networking toolkit
ii  netbase                         4.28                               Basic TCP/IP networking system
rc  netkit-inetd                    0.10-10.3                          The Internet Superserver
ii  netris                          0.52-6                             free, networked version of T*tris
ii  network-manager                 0.6.4-6                            network management framework daemon
ii  network-manager-gnome           0.6.4-6                            network management framework (GNOME frontend
ii  neverball                       1.4.0-1                            3D arcade games: neverball & neverputt
ii  neverdata                       1.4.0-1                            data files for neverball & neverputt
ii  nexuiz                          2.2.3-1                            A fast-paced 3D Ego-Shooter
ii  nexuiz-data                     2.2.3-1                            Nexuiz game data files
ii  nexuiz-music                    2.2.3-1                            Nexuiz music files
ii  nfs-common                      1.0.10-6                           NFS support files common to client and serve
ii  notification-daemon             0.3.5-1+b1                         a daemon that displays passive pop-up notifi
ii  ntfs-3g                         0.0.0+20061031-6                   read-write NTFS driver for FUSE
rc  ntfs-config                     0.4.2-1                            Enable/disable write support for NTFS device
ii  ntp                             4.2.2.p4+dfsg-1                    Network Time Protocol daemon and utility pro
ii  ntp-simple                      4.2.2.p4+dfsg-1                    transition package
ii  ntpdate                         4.2.2.p4+dfsg-1                    client for setting system time from NTP serv
ii  nvi                             1.79-25                            4.4BSD re-implementation of vi
rc  octave2.9                       2.9.8-2                            GNU Octave language for numerical computatio
ii  odbcinst1debian1                2.2.11-13                          Support library and helper program for acces
ii  openarena                       0.6.0-2                            A fast-paced 3D Ego-Shooter
ii  openarena-data                  0.6.0-1                            OpenArena game data
ii  openbsd-inetd                   0.20050402-4                       The OpenBSD Internet Superserver
ii  opencity                        0.0.4stable-1                      a 3D city simulator game
rc             2.0.4~rc1-1               office suite - database
ii             2.0.4.dfsg.2-4            office suite - spreadsheet
ii           2.0.4.dfsg.2-4            office suite architecture ind
ii             2.0.4.dfsg.2-4            office suite architecture dep
ii             2.0.4.dfsg.2-4            office suite - drawing
ii          2.0.4.dfsg.2-4                     Italian help for
ii          2.0.4.dfsg.2-4            office suite - presentation
ii      2.0.4.dfsg.2-4            office suite Java support arc
ii          2.0.4.dfsg.2-4                     Italian language package for
ii             2.0.4.dfsg.2-4            office suite - equation edito
ii           2.0.4.dfsg.2-4            office suite - word processor
ii  openssh-client                  4.3p2-8                            Secure shell client, an rlogin/rsh/rcp repla
ii  openssh-server                  4.3p2-8                            Secure shell server, an rshd replacement
ii  openssl                         0.9.8c-4                           Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
ii  orbital-eunuchs-sniper          1.30+svn20060923-2                 An anti-terrorist, pro-Eunuchs, satellite sn
ii  ov511-source                    2.32-3                             Driver source for the OV511, a USB-only chip
ii  p7zip                           4.43~dfsg.1-2                      7zr file archiver with high compression rati
ii  p7zip-full                      4.43~dfsg.1-2                      7z and 7za file archivers with high compress
ii  passwd                                         change and administer password and group dat
ii  patch                           2.5.9-4                            Apply a diff file to an original
ii  pathogen                        1.1.1-1+b1                         Puzzle game about matching 3D model structur
ii  pciutils                        2.2.4-1                            Linux PCI Utilities
ii  pcmcia-cs                       3.2.8-9                            PCMCIA Card Services for Linux (deprecated)
ii  pcmciautils                     014-3                              PCMCIA utilities for Linux 2.6
ii  penguin-command                 1.6.10-1.1                         a missile command clone
ii  perl                            5.8.8-7                            Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report
ii  perl-base                       5.8.8-7                            The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
ii  perl-modules                    5.8.8-7                            Core Perl modules
ii  pidentd                         3.0.19.ds1-1                       TCP/IP IDENT protocol server with DES suppor
ii  pkg-config                      0.21-1                             manage compile and link flags for libraries
ii  planetpenguin-racer             0.3.1-8                            another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Li
ii  planetpenguin-racer-data        0.3.1-8                            data files for the game PlanetPenguin Racer
ii  planetpenguin-racer-extras      0.5-3                              Additional courses for PlanetPenguin Racer
ii  planner                         0.14.2-2                           project management application
ii  plib1.8.4c2                     1.8.4-6                            Portability Libraries: Run-time package, sta
ii  pmount                          0.9.13-1+b1                        mount removable devices as normal user
ii  po-debconf                      1.0.8                              manage translated Debconf templates files wi
ii  pokerth                         0.3-1                              Texas hold'em game
ii  poppler-utils                   0.4.5-5.1                          PDF utilitites (based on libpoppler)
ii  portmap                         5-25                               The RPC portmapper
ii  powermgmt-base                  1.29                               Common utils and configs for power managemen
ii  ppp                             2.4.4rel-5                         Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon
ii  pppconfig                       2.3.15                             A text menu based utility for configuring pp
ii  pppoe                           3.8-1.1                            PPP over Ethernet driver
ii  pppoeconf                       1.13                               configures PPPoE/ADSL connections
ii  procmail                        3.22-16                            Versatile e-mail processor
ii  procps                          3.2.7-3                            /proc file system utilities
ii  psmisc                          22.3-1                             Utilities that use the proc filesystem
ii  pwc-source                      10.0.12-rc1+final-2                source for the Philips webcams pwc driver
ii  pyracerz                        0.2-4                              multiplayer top view 2D racing game
ii  python                          2.4.4-2                            An interactive high-level object-oriented la
ii  python-2play                    0.1.9-2                            peer-to-peer network game engine
ii  python-apt                      0.6.20                             Python interface to libapt-pkg
ii  python-cairo                    1.2.0-1                            Python bindings for the Cairo vector graphic
ii  python-central                  0.5.12                             register and build utility for Python packag
ii  python-cerealizer               0.5-1                              secure pickle-like module for Python
ii  python-crypto                   2.0.1+dfsg1-1.2                    cryptographic algorithms and protocols for P
ii  python-editobj                  0.5.7-6                            Python object editor
ii  python-egenix-mxdatetime        2.0.6-4                            date and time handling routines for Python
ii  python-egenix-mxtools           2.0.6-4                            collection of new builtins for Python
ii  python-glade-1.2                0.6.12-8                           Put a bit of python code behind interfaces b
ii  python-glade2                   2.8.6-8                            GTK+ bindings: Glade support
ii  python-gmenu                    2.16.1-2                           an implementation of the freedesktop menu sp
ii  python-gnome2                   2.12.4-6                           Python bindings for the GNOME desktop enviro
ii  python-gnome2-desktop           2.14.0-3                           Python bindings for the GNOME desktop enviro
ii  python-gnome2-extras            2.14.2-1+b1                        Python bindings for the GNOME desktop enviro
ii  python-gst0.10                  0.10.5-5                           generic media-playing framework (Python bind
ii  python-gtk-1.2                  0.6.12-8                           GTK support module for Python
ii  python-gtk2                     2.8.6-8                            Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set
ii  python-imaging                  1.1.5-11                           Python Imaging Library
ii  python-imaging-tk               1.1.5-11                           Python Imaging Library ImageTk Module
ii  python-libxml2                  2.6.27.dfsg-1                      Python bindings for the GNOME XML library
ii  python-minimal                  2.4.4-2                            A minimal subset of the Python language (def
ii  python-newt                     0.52.2-10                          A NEWT module for Python
ii  python-numeric                  24.2-7                             Numerical (matrix-oriented) Mathematics for 
ii  python-pygame                   1.7.1release-4.1                   SDL bindings for games development in Python
ii  python-pyogg                    1.3-1.1                            A Python interface to the Ogg library
ii  python-pyorbit                  2.0.1-5                            A Python language binding for the ORBit2 COR
ii  python-pyvorbis                 1.3-1.2                            A Python interface to the Ogg Vorbis library
ii  python-soya                     0.12-2                             high level 3D engine for Python
ii  python-support                  0.5.6                              automated rebuilding support for python modu
ii  python-tk                       2.4.4-1                            Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Pytho
ii  python-tofu                     0.5-2                              high-level network game engine for Python
ii  python-twisted                  2.4.0-3                            Event-based framework for internet applicati
ii  python-twisted-bin              2.4.0-3                            Event-based framework for internet applicati
ii  python-twisted-conch            0.7.0-1                            The Twisted SSH Implementation
ii  python-twisted-core             2.4.0-3                            Event-based framework for internet applicati
ii  python-twisted-lore             0.2.0-2                            Documentation generator with HTML and LaTeX 
ii  python-twisted-mail             0.3.0-1                            An SMTP, IMAP and POP protocol implementatio
ii  python-twisted-names            0.3.0-1                            A DNS protocol implementation with client an
ii  python-twisted-news             0.2.0-1                            An NNTP protocol implementation with client 
ii  python-twisted-runner           0.2.0-1                            Process management, including an inetd serve
ii  python-twisted-web              0.6.0-1                            An HTTP protocol implementation together wit
ii  python-twisted-words            0.4.0-2.1                          Chat and Instant Messaging
ii  python-uno                      2.0.4.dfsg.2-4                     Python interface for
ii  python-vte                      0.12.2-4                           Python bindings for the VTE widget set
ii  python-wxgtk2.6                               wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wx
ii  python-wxversion                              wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wx
ii  python-xdg                      0.15-1.1                           A python library to access s
ii  python-xml                      0.8.4-6                            XML tools for Python
ii  python-zopeinterface            3.3.0-6                            The implementation of interface definitions 
ii  python2.3                       2.3.5-16                           An interactive high-level object-oriented la
ii  python2.4                       2.4.4-2                            An interactive high-level object-oriented la
ii  python2.4-minimal               2.4.4-2                            A minimal subset of the Python language (ver
ii  qc-usb-source                   0.6.6-1                            source code for QuickCam Express kernel modu
ii  qc-usb-utils                    0.6.6-1                            Utility programs for the qc-usb kernel modul
ii  qt3-dev-tools                   3.3.7-3                            Qt3 development tools
ii  radeontool                      1.5-5                              utility to control ATI Radeon backlight func
ii  rar                             3.6.0-1                            Archiver for .rar files
ii  rar-2.80                        2.80-2                             Archiver for .rar files
ii  rcs                             5.7-18                             The GNU Revision Control System
ii  readline-common                 5.2-2                              GNU readline and history libraries, common f
ii  realtimebattle                  1.0.8-2                            Programming game
ii  realtimebattle-common           1.0.8-2                            Programming game
ii  refblas3                        1.2-8                              Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 3, shared l
ii  reportbug                       3.33                               reports bugs in the Debian distribution
ii  rezound                         0.12.2beta-8                       Audio file editor
ii  rhythmbox                       0.9.6-6                            music player and organizer for GNOME
ii  ri-li                           2.0.0-2                            a toy train simulation game
ii  ri-li-data                      2.0.0-2                            data files for Ri-li, a toy train simulation
ii  rpm                             4.4.1-14                           Red Hat package manager
ii  rrootage                        0.23a-5                            arcade-style space shooting game
ii  rrootage-data                   0.23a-5                            space shooting game - data files
ii  ruby                            1.8.2-1                            An interpreter of object-oriented scripting 
ii  ruby1.8                         1.8.5-4                            Interpreter of object-oriented scripting lan
ii  sablecc                         2.18.2-1                           object-oriented compiler framework
ii  sabre                           0.2.4b-23                          fighter plane simulator for svgalib
ii  sabre-common                    0.2.4b-23                          data for the SABRE fighter plane simulator
ii  scorched3d                      40.1d.dfsg-1                       3D artillery game similar to Scorched Earth
ii  scorched3d-data                 40.1d.dfsg-1                       data files for Scorched3D game
ii  scrollkeeper                    0.3.14-12                          A free electronic cataloging system for docu
ii  scummvm                         0.9.1-1                            free implementation of LucasArts' S.C.U.M.M 
ii  searchandrescue                 0.8.2-7                            fly aircraft to search (for) and rescue peop
ii  searchandrescue-common          0.8.2-7                            common files and documentation for searchand
ii  searchandrescue-data            0.8.2-1                            common data files for searchandrescue
ii  sed                             4.1.5-1                            The GNU sed stream editor
ii  sgml-base                       1.26                               SGML infrastructure and SGML catalog file su
ii  sgml-data                       2.0.3                              common SGML and XML data
ii  sgt-puzzles                     6879-1                             Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection - 
ii  shared-mime-info                0.19-2                    shared MIME database and spe
ii  sharutils                       4.2.1-15                           shar, unshar, uuencode, uudecode
ii  sillypoker                      0.25.5-5+b1                        A poker game
ii  simgear0                        0.3.10-2                           Simulator Construction Gear -- shared librar
ii  singularity                     0.25-1                             game where one becomes the singularity
ii  singularity-data                0.25-2                             game data for singularity
ii  skype                                          Free Internet Telephony - The whole world ca
ii  slang1                          1.4.9dbs-8                         The S-Lang programming library - runtime ver
ii  slang1a-utf8                    1.4.9dbs-8                         The S-Lang programming library with utf8 sup
ii  slune                           1.0.12-1                           3D racing and car-crashing game
ii  sound-juicer                    2.14.5-1                           GNOME 2 CD Ripper
ii  soundconverter                  0.9.3-1                            convert sound files to other formats
ii  space-orbit                     1.01-9                             A 3D space combat simulator
ii  space-orbit-common              1.01-9                             common files for space-orbit
ii  spca5xx-source                  20060501-2                         source for the spca5xx driver
ii  spellcast                       1.0-21                             The classic hand-waving multi-player X game 
ii  ssh                             4.3p2-8                            Secure shell client and server (transitional
ii  ssl-cert                        1.0.13                             Simple debconf wrapper for openssl
ii  starfighter                     1.1-6                              2D scrolling shooter game
ii  starfighter-data                1.1-6                              data files for Starfighter game
ii  stellarium                      0.8.2-3                            real-time photo-realistic sky generator
ii  stellarium-data                 0.8.2-3                            datafiles for Stellarium, a real-time photo-
ii  strace                          4.5.14-2                           A system call tracer
ii  subversion                      1.4.2dfsg1-2                       Advanced version control system
ii  sudo                            1.6.8p12-4                         Provide limited super user privileges to spe
ii  sun-java5-bin                   1.5.0-10-3                         Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (
ii  sun-java5-demo                  1.5.0-10-3                         Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 demos
ii  sun-java5-jdk                   1.5.0-10-3                         Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0
ii  sun-java5-jre                   1.5.0-10-3                         Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (
ii  sun-java5-plugin                1.5.0-10-3                         The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0
ii  supertuxkart                    0.2-1                              a kart racing game
ii  supertuxkart-data               0.2-1                              data files for supertuxkart, a kart racing g
ii  svgalibg1                       1.4.3-24                           transitional dummy package which can be safe
ii  sweep                           0.9.0-2                            An editor for sound samples
ii  swh-plugins                     0.4.14-1.1                         Steve Harris's LADSPA plugins
ii  synaptic                                     Graphical package manager
ii  synce-multisync-plugin          0.9.0-4                            a plugin for multisync to sync with your Win
ii  sysklogd                        1.4.1-20                           System Logging Daemon
ii  system-tools-backends           1.4.2-3                            System Tools to manage computer configuratio
ii  sysv-rc                         2.86.ds1-37                        System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
ii  sysvinit                        2.86.ds1-37                        System-V-like init utilities
ii  sysvinit-utils                  2.86.ds1-37                        System-V-like utilities
ii  tango-icon-theme                0.7.2+cvs06.07.31-1                Tango Icon theme
ii  tar                             1.16-2                             GNU tar
ii  tasksel                         2.66                               Tool for selecting tasks for installation on
ii  tasksel-data                    2.66                               Official tasks used for installation of Debi
ii  tcl8.4                          8.4.12-1.1                         Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.4 - run-t
ii  tcpd                            7.6.dbs-12                         Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
ii  tcsh                            6.14.00-7                          TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkel
ii  tdfsb                           0.0.9-2                            3D filesystem browser
ii  teamspeak-client                2.0.32-2                           VoIP chat for online gaming
ii  teamspeak-server                               VoIP chat for online gaming (server)
ii  teg                             0.11.1-3+b1                        Turn based strategy game
ii  telnet                          0.17-35                            The telnet client
ii  texinfo                         4.8.dfsg.1-4                       Documentation system for on-line information
ii  time                            1.7-21                             The GNU time program for measuring cpu resou
ii  tk8.4                           8.4.12-1                           Tk toolkit for Tcl and X11, v8.4 - run-time 
rc  tomcat5-admin                   5.0.30-11                          Java Servlet engine -- admin web interfaces
ii  torcs                           1.2.4-2                            3D racing cars simulator game using OpenGL
ii  torcs-data                      1.2.4-1                            base data files for TORCS game
ii  torcs-data-cars                 1.2.4-1                            data files for TORCS game - Cars set
ii  torcs-data-tracks               1.2.4-1                            data files for torcs game - Tracks set
ii  toshset                         1.72-2                             Access much of the Toshiba laptop hardware i
ii  totem                           2.16.4-2                           A simple media player for the Gnome desktop 
ii  totem-mozilla                   2.16.4-2                           Totem Mozilla plugin
ii  totem-xine                      2.16.4-2                           A simple media player for the Gnome desktop 
ii  traceroute                      1.4a12-21                          traces the route taken by packets over a TCP
ii  transcode                       1.0.2-0.11                         Utility to encode raw video/audio streams
ii  transcode-doc                   1.0.2-0.11                         Documentation for transcode
ii  tremulous                       1.1.0-3                            Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with e
ii  tremulous-data                  1.1.0-2                            Tremulous datas
ii  trigger                         0.5.2-2                            free 3D rally racing car game
ii  trigger-data                    0.5.2-1                            free 3D rally racing car game - data files
ii  ttf-bitstream-vera              1.10-7                             The Bitstream Vera family of free TrueType f
ii  ttf-dejavu                      2.14-1                             Vera font family derivate with additional ch
ii  ttf-freefont                    20060501cvs-10                     Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts
ii  ttf-opensymbol                  2.0.4.dfsg.2-4                     The OpenSymbol TrueType font
ii  tuxpuck                         0.8.2-2.1                          "Shufflepuck Cafe" Clone
ii  tzdata                          2007a-1                            Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time Data
ii  ucf                             2.0018.1                           Update Configuration File: preserves user ch
ii  udev                            0.103-2                            /dev/ and hotplug management daemon
ii  unison                          2.13.16-5                          A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Win
ii  unison-gtk                      2.13.16-5                          A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Win
ii  unixodbc                        2.2.11-13                          ODBC tools libraries
ii  unrar                           3.7.2-1                            Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
ii  unrar-free                      0.0.1+cvs20060609-1                Unarchiver for .rar files
ii  unzip                           5.52-9                             De-archiver for .zip files
ii  update-inetd                    4.27-0.2                           inetd.conf updater
ii  usbutils                        0.72-7                             USB console utilities
ii  util-linux                      2.12r-16                           Miscellaneous system utilities
ii  vbetool                         0.7-1.1                            run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardw
ii  vdrift                          0.0.2006.10.06-1                   drift racing simulation
ii  vdrift-full                     0.0.2006.10.06-1                   drift racing simulation
ii  vdrift-minimal                  0.0.2006.10.06-1                   drift racing simulation
ii  video4linux-nw802-source        0.0.99-1                           Source for the nw802 driver
ii  vim                             7.0-164+3                          Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
ii  vim-common                      7.0-164+3                          Vi IMproved - Common files
ii  vim-runtime                     7.0-164+3                          Vi IMproved - Runtime files
ii  vino                            2.16.0-5                           VNC server for GNOME
ii  viruskiller                     1.0-1-1                            Game about viruses invading your computer
ii  vlc                             0.8.6.a.debian-1                   multimedia player and streamer
ii  vlc-nox                         0.8.6.a.debian-1                   multimedia player and streamer (without X su
ii  vlc-plugin-alsa                 0.8.6.a.debian-1                   dummy transitional package
ii  vobcopy                         0.5.14-2                           A tool to copy DvD VOBs to hard disk
ii  w32codecs                       20061022-0.0                       win32 binary codecs
ii  w3m                             0.5.1-5.1                          WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/fr
ii  wamerican                       6-2                                American English dictionary words for /usr/s
ii  wavemon                         0.4.0b-9                           Wireless Device Monitoring Application
ii  wengophone                      2.0.0~rc5-svn8108-3                SIP-based software telephone with video and 
ii  wesnoth                         1.2-1                              fantasy turn-based strategy game
ii  wesnoth-data                    1.2-1                              data files for Wesnoth
ii  wesnoth-ei                      1.2-1                              Eastern Invasion official campaign for Wesno
ii  wesnoth-httt                    1.2-1                              Heir to the Throne official campaign for Wes
ii  wesnoth-music                   1.2-1                              music files for Wesnoth
ii  wesnoth-trow                    1.2-1                              The Rise of Wesnoth official campaign for We
ii  wesnoth-tsg                     1.2-1                              The South Guard official campaign for Wesnot
ii  wesnoth-ttb                     1.2-1                              A Tale of Two Brothers official campaign for
ii  wesnoth-utbs                    1.2-1                              Under the Burning Suns official campaign for
ii  wget                            1.10.2-2                           retrieves files from the web
ii  whiptail                        0.52.2-10                          Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii  whois                           4.7.20                             the GNU whois client
ii  widelands                       build9half-10                      fantasy real-time strategy game
ii  widelands-data                  build9half-10                      fantasy real-time strategy game (data files)
ii  wifi-radar                      1.9.7-1                            graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profile
ii  wine                            0.9.29-1                           Windows API Implementation (Binary Loader)
ii  wine-utils                      0.9.29-1                           Windows API Implementation (Utilities)
ii  wireless-tools                  28-1                               Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extens
ii  wmwave                          0.4-7                              Monitor status of an 802.11 wireless etherne
ii  wodim                           1.1.2-1                            command line CD/DVD writing tool
ii  wormux                          0.7.4-3                            A funny fight game on 2D maps
ii  wormux-data                     0.7.4-3                            Data files for the game wormux
ii  wpasupplicant                   0.5.5-4                            Client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11
ii  x11-common                      7.1.0-11                           X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure
ii  x11proto-core-dev               7.0.7-2                            X11 core wire protocol and auxiliary headers
ii  x11proto-fixes-dev              4.0-2                              X11 Fixes extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-input-dev              1.3.2-4                            X11 Input extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-kb-dev                 1.0.3-2                            X11 XKB extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-randr-dev              1.1.2-4                            X11 RandR extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-render-dev             0.9.2-4                            X11 Render extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-xext-dev               7.0.2-5                            X11 various extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-xf86dri-dev            2.0.3-4                            X11 DRI extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-xinerama-dev           1.1.2-4                            X11 Xinerama extension wire protocol
ii  xbase-clients                   7.1.ds1-2                          miscellaneous X clients
ii  xbitmaps                        1.0.1-2                            Base X bitmaps
ii  xbomb                           2.1a-6.1                           A 'minesweeper' game with squares, hexagons 
ii  xchat                           2.6.8-0.3                          IRC client for X similar to AmIRC
ii  xchat-common                    2.6.8-0.3                          Common files for X-Chat
ii  xfonts-base                     1.0.0-4                            standard fonts for X
ii  xfonts-encodings                1.0.0-6                            Encodings for X.Org fonts
ii  xfonts-utils                    1.0.1-1                            X Window System font utility programs
ii  xine-ui                         0.99.4+dfsg+cvs20061111-2          the xine video player, user interface
ii  xkb-data                        0.9-4                              X Keyboard Extension (XKB) configuration dat
ii  xml-core                        0.09-0.1                           XML infrastructure and XML catalog file supp
ii  xmms                            1.2.10+20061201-1                  Versatile X audio player
ii  xmms-cdread                     0.14a-13                           input plugin for XMMS that reads audio data 
ii  xmms-crossfade                  0.3.11-3                           XMMS Plugin for Crossfading / Continuous Out
ii  xmms-fmradio                    1.5-2                              FM Radio input plugin for XMMS
ii  xmms-mp4                        2.5-2                              an MP4/AAC audio plugin for XMMS
ii  xmms-skins                      0.6-1                              Skins for XMMS
ii  xmms-wmdiscotux                 1.3-3                              Tux dancing to the music played by xmms
ii  xmoto                           0.2.4-2                            2D motocross platform game
ii  xmoto-data                      0.2.4-2                            2D motocross platform game
ii  xracer                          0.96.9-12.1                        Futuristic racing game
ii  xserver-xgl                     7.0.0+cvs20060625                  GL-based X server
ii  xserver-xorg                    7.1.0-11                           the X.Org X server
ii  xserver-xorg-core               1.1.1-15                           X.Org X server -- core server
ii  xserver-xorg-input-all          7.1.0-11                           the X.Org X server -- input driver metapacka
ii  xserver-xorg-input-evdev        1.1.2-6                            X.Org X server -- evdev input driver
ii  xserver-xorg-input-kbd          1.1.0-4                            X.Org X server -- keyboard input driver
ii  xserver-xorg-input-mouse        1.1.1-3                            X.Org X server -- mouse input driver
ii  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics    0.14.6-1                           Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org/XFree86 
ii  xserver-xorg-input-wacom                          X.Org X server -- wacom input driver
ii  xserver-xorg-video-ati          6.6.3-2                            X.Org X server -- ATI display driver
ii  xserver-xorg-video-dummy        0.2.0-3                            X.Org X server -- dummy display driver
ii  xserver-xorg-video-fbdev        0.3.1-1                            X.Org X server -- fbdev display driver
ii  xserver-xorg-video-v4l          0.1.1-3                            X.Org X server -- Video 4 Linux display driv
ii  xserver-xorg-video-vesa         1.3.0-1                            X.Org X server -- VESA display driver
ii  xserver-xorg-video-vga          4.1.0-3                            X.Org X server -- VGA display driver
ii  xsltproc                        1.1.19-1                           XSLT command line processor
ii  xterm                           223-1                              X terminal emulator
ii  xtrans-dev                      1.0.1-3                            X transport library (development files)
ii  xulrunner-gnome-support                          Support for Gnome in xulrunner applications
ii  xutils                          7.1.ds.3-1                         X Window System utility programs
ii  xutils-dev                      7.1.ds-6                           X Window System utility programs for develop
ii  xwine                           1.0.1-1                            graphical user interface for the WINE emulat
ii  yelp                            2.14.3-1                           Help browser for GNOME 2
ii  zenity                          2.14.3-1                           Display graphical dialog boxes from shell sc
ii  zip                             2.32-1                             Archiver for .zip files
ii  zlib1g                          1.2.3-13                           compression library - runtime
ii  zlib1g-dev                      1.2.3-13                           compression library - development
redcloud è offline  
Old 30-01-2007, 22:27   #20117
Iscritto dal: Mar 2006
Messaggi: 235
Ciao red!più che esaustivo!!

Grazie ancora!ps. gnome 2.16 si può metter?
Tkx è offline  
Old 30-01-2007, 22:28   #20118
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: Feb 2004
Messaggi: 1630
Originariamente inviato da Carcass
meglio karchiver
Domani proverò anche lui: grazie anche a te.
| HWU Debian Clan - HWU Ubuntu Clan |
sangueimpazzito è offline  
Old 30-01-2007, 23:08   #20119
L'Avatar di redcloud
Iscritto dal: Feb 2003
Città: Anche Chuck Norris usa Debian e Gnome
Messaggi: 1265
Originariamente inviato da Tkx
Ciao red!più che esaustivo!!

Grazie ancora!ps. gnome 2.16 si può metter?
A quanto ne so solo dal ramo experimental e per 64bit
redcloud è offline  
Old 31-01-2007, 14:45   #20120
Iscritto dal: Jun 2005
Città: Napoli
Messaggi: 219

Premetto che non ne so molto a riguardo di Linux e Debian.
Ecco il problema, ho una asus p5b con un controller pci raid e 2 hd, mentre invece il dvd sta sulla porta ide della motherboard. Faccio partire il dvd, incomincia l'installazione ma dopo la lingua e il layout della tastiera mi esce il messaggio "Cannot mount cdrom" se proseguo mi da' l'errore che non puo' caricare i moduli ide.
Il dvd e' buono perche' ho fatto l'installazione su un altro pc e fila tutto liscio.
Come posso risolvere?
Asus P5K DLX ** e6700@360** **2xWD Raptor 160gb** 2xseagate 500gb sata2** ATI X1950XTX GDDR4** **Coolermaster stacker T01**Enermax liberty 720W **Laing D4**SWIFTECH STORM G4 REV2**SWIFTECH MCW30**MIPS on SB- transistors **2Gb OCZ-9200 FlexSeries**Terastation 1.6TB
mat8861 è offline  
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