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Recensione Zenfone 11 Ultra: il flagship ASUS ritorna a essere un 'padellone'
Recensione Zenfone 11 Ultra: il flagship ASUS ritorna a essere un 'padellone'
Zenfone 11 Ultra ha tantissime qualità interessanti, fra cui potenza da vendere, un display di primissimo livello, un comparto audio potente e prestazioni di connettività fra le migliori della categoria. Manca però dell'esclusività del predecessore, che in un settore composto da "padelloni" si distingueva per le sue dimensioni compatte. Abbiamo provato il nuovo flagship ASUS, e in questa recensione vi raccontiamo com'è andata.
Appian: non solo low code. La missione è l’ottimizzazione dei processi con l'IA
Appian: non solo low code. La missione è l’ottimizzazione dei processi con l'IA
Abbiamo partecipato ad Appian World 2024, evento dedicato a partner e clienti che si è svolto recentemente nei pressi di Washington DC, vicino alla sede storica dell’azienda. Nel festeggiare il 25mo anniversario, Appian ha annunciato diverse novità in ambito intelligenza artificiale
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Lenovo ThinkVision 3D 27, la steroscopia senza occhialini
Primo contatto con il monitor Lenovo ThinkVision 3D 27 che grazie a particolari accorgimenti tecnici riesce a ricreare l'illusione della spazialità tridimensionale senza che sia necessario utilizzare occhialini
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Old 04-02-2013, 09:23   #61
Jon Irenicus
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Vero, adesso però sarebbe ora di qualche altro screen o artwork!
System of a Mario
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Old 11-02-2013, 06:55   #62
Jon Irenicus
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The Gor!
Update #32 · Feb. 10, 2013

The final playable race!

It's Chris here ready to introduce you all to the final playable race in Arakion. After a lot of internal debate, conceptualizing and fussing we decided to make an entirely new race exclusive to the Arakion universe.

Without further anticipation here are some shots of the Gor! (right click copy image url if you cant click on it for full size)

Creating the Race

When creating the race we wanted to not only bring something new to Arakion (without borrowing from other mythology) but we also wanted to create something that people would be excited to play. After-all what's the point of a playable race if no one wants to conquer the world with them. With all of that in mind we created the Gor (working name), a cross between goat, ape and human.

The males average height is 5'3" while the females average height is 5'7". As you can see from the images they are extremely muscular and robust.

Battlemages also originate from the Gor society. The Gor make excellent Warriors and Battlemages.

A Brief History

**The history and story of this race is still a work in progress**

The Gor are an extremely stout and hardy race existing deep within the desolated forests of the Eastern Continent. Forged from millenia of war and hardships, they are the only race to survive on the Eastern Continent and not come under the rule, slavery and mutation of the Fae. The fact that they exist on the Eastern Continent means during your travels in Arakion you'll come across multiple groups of them.

They are in addition to everything else, the only race that wasn't involved in The War of the Skies. Both Fae and Human were wary of bringing them into the war, concerned by their battle prowess and uncertain allegiance.

The following is from Jacks desk

Gor Society

Gor have a religious society, happy with mystical matters and comfortable with unending rituals. Their existence is marked by a long list of rituals that guides them from birth to death, through every day of their life.

The Gor are conservative and conformist in the extreme. Their complex religion demands them to follow strict rules; furthermore Gor society supports the caste system and limits use of magic to lower castes.

Every caste has its own rituals and the entire society has major interconnected ceremonies, involving great season festivals.

The ruler of their nation claims to be a god, descendant of an ancient deity. The political and religious systems are inseparable: the ruler of the land is also the head of their main Temple.

Oh. Do you remember when I said that Gor society limits the use of magics? That’s because Gor law allows to practice magics only to battlemages! And Gor are the main race who can follow the path of the battlemage.

(BTW for now these are only setting laws, NOT gameplay rules. To be more clear: Gor characters can play any class and a character of any race can play a Battlemage.)

Battlemages have been employed as elite squadrons of the temples for centuries. They follow a strict code of behavior and they’re paragons of their race. Their training is ruthless. They have the respect of their society, standing out from every other caste.

Any Gor, of any caste, can try to become a battlemage. But battlemages can’t quit their training and failure for them means slavery or death. Usually the former leads quickly to the latter.

Gor and the other races

Fae military and cultural expansionism have threatened the way of living of the Gor for a very long time: that’s one of the main reasons the two races became deep seeded enemies. Gor look at the Human race with mistrust because human societies seem too chaotic, and in all of the years the Gor have fought the Fae, Humans have never once came to their aid.

Oh. Gor are a vegetarian race... did I mention that? So ents... beware!

*end of stuff from Jacks desk*

Next week we're going to go in depth on the Battlemage, with in game footage, screenshots, class mechanics and more!!

Altro update con immagini. Anche con questa le razza paiono abbastanza caratterizzate e differenziate esteticamente.
System of a Mario

Ultima modifica di Jon Irenicus : 11-02-2013 alle 20:48.
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Old 25-02-2013, 19:15   #63
Iscritto dal: Jan 2007
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Hey Kickstarterees,

Chris here for another Sunday update. There are a few things I want to discuss in this update including character creation, magic structure and backer rewards. I've been wanting to show you all the excellent combat system that Arakion has in place, but I'm going to have to put it off for another week. Everyone on the Arakion team is working hard squashing bugs that popped up after we upgraded our software systems (we upgraded two weeks ago, hence the lack of an update last week) so we haven't been able to record good combat footage to tease you, but you'll get it soon! Important: Backer Rewards!

The first thing I want to mention here is that we've received additional funding for another content pack. So all backers will be receiving an additional campaign for the main story arc. If there is something you would like to specifically see in the game feel free to discuss it below. I've been working hard with people interested in helping fund the game to get as much content as possible for you all.

The Card Game: we are all still working hard creating Arakion as well as the card game. The card game beta is still at least a month away but I just want to let everyone know that there will be exclusive beta (and alpha if you're in the category) access for each Kickstarter backer! Each Kickstarter backer additionally will receive in game funds as a special thank you for supporting Arakion.

Custom content backers: Now that we've finally gotten our software purchased, learned and the team is settled in, we'll be getting a hold of all the custom content backers soon! So get ready to create some awesome content for Arakion! Character Creation

The character creation system in Arakion has received a complete overhaul, and while we're not quite ready to show off all the cool new features that are involved I want to talk to you about them today.

When I originally created the prototype for Arakion I hearkened back to the old days of RPGs where you had preset faces that you would choose from. While this is very nostalgic, a lot of backers asked if we could implement a fully customize able system. So after a lot of tinkering and hard work, we now have a full customization system in place for Arakion.

Now since the shoulder up is the main area you'll be seeing throughout the game, we took special care to add in a lot of customize able features for each race. Here are just a few of the things each race has to offer

2 - 4 Unique features for each race (for example, Tree Ents have twig growth, Gor have distinct tattoos, Satyr have horns) 8+ unique hairs and 16+ generic hairs for each race / sex Hair Length Eye Colour 8+ unique noses, eyes, lips for each race / sex Facial Morphers for complete control of sizes and shape 8+ Distinct heads for each race Texture Blending to combine multiple facial looks (for example this gives you a gradient of age or makeup you can add rather than having "steps") Multiple jewelry and tattoo options Lots of hat/helmet/headgear options Voice selections with tone and pitch modifiers appropriate to each race and much more...

Our goal with Arakion is to create a deep RPG experience where you are in love with not only the story and game but every character you make, and having preset faces just wasn't cutting it. So I hope our overhaul has you all excited. Magic Structure

(A work in progress please add comments about the system below)

In Arakion, magic isn't structured in the same fashion as your typical RPG. There are 3 main types of magic in the game, light, dark and arcane (Good, Evil and Neutral). These magics act in a "rock paper scissors" fashion. The type of Magic each character leans towards is a reflection of their personality. We understand that no character is all good or all evil so we've added a good gradation when it comes to this approach.

There are also multiple minor magics in the game, these include your typical fire, earth, ice etc... These have no damage bearing on each other (water magic does not deal additional damage against fire) instead each element adds a specific type of damage to your skills or weapons. For instance fire magic adds a damage over time effect while ice adds a freeze effect.

So what does this all mean? Well what this ends up doing is creating some very cool possibilities for each character. Keeping with the fire example, lets say one of your characters is an evil S.O.B and has been heartless the whole game. His skills and equipment will reflect that. If he has a "Fire Sword" that suddenly becomes a Hellfire Sword gaining a darker aura and dealing additional damage to light based enemies.

The reason why we decided on this sort of structure is so that each decision you make has just a little more impact on how your character plays. Inner Party Dialogue and Relationships

So this is something very cool and I'm excited about that we're currently implementing in Arakion. Instead of being non moving heads at the bottom of the screen, each character in the party will be able to look at, talk to each other, point things out during your adventure and even build relationships with one another! A little example...

Lets say your party comes upon a locked chest. This party happens to have a wary seeker and a overconfident warrior.

Seeker: This chest... looks trapped...

Warrior: Whaturya doin waitin for it there r' goodies inside! Traps be damned -lets force er' open!

Seeker: Warrior, you're going to get us all killed! I advise we either move on, or attempt to disarm it.

Warrior: You th' eart uva pansy!

Player has the warrior force open the chest, a trap is set off damaging the Seeker.

Seeker: ARGH!!

Warrior (laughing hysterically): oops... Ahhh HAHAHAHA

Seeker: One of these nights, when you're sleeping I am going to FINISH YOU!!!!!

Warrior: BAH HAHA HAHA, did ya see tha' I open th' chest and u're all POOF... Sizzle!!! Ahhhhhhhh HAHAHA

Seeker: sigh...

So throughout your adventures in Arakion you'll come across a lot of situations where your characters dialogue is pertinent and they may have different opinions regarding the situation to help you through it. Even if you're wandering around they could simply strike up a conversation with one another. Each characters personality is based off traits, class and race. A Final Note

I want to just to let everyone once again know how grateful I am for the opportunity of a lifetime you have given me. Every team member is working hard to make sure we make something special and unforgettable.

Two updates next week, the first regarding the software we're using the second will (hopefully) be the combat update. As always if you have any ideas or comments please add them below!

Until next time,

Chris Taylor
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Old 02-04-2013, 06:34   #64
Jon Irenicus
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A procedural world
Update #34 · Apr 1, 2013

Con video (che adesso non posso vedere).
Certo siamo distanti dallo scheduling promesso di aggiornamenti. Sarò strano io che son dell'opinione che prima di promettere qualcosa occorra pensarci davvero molto bene, ma meglio di niente.
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Old 02-04-2013, 15:07   #65
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Oh casca proprio a fagiolo, giusto la settimana scorsa stavo cercando info visto che la promessa di news settimanali era caduta nel vuoto siderale...

Ora ci do un'occhio con calma
"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐
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Old 02-04-2013, 15:43   #66
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Ok, finito di vedere il video.

Notevole, davvero notevole.
In pratica ha lavorato ad un sistema completamente procedurale per la creazione e la modifica dei personaggi, il tutto estremamente leggero sia in termini computazionali che di dati archiviati.

Nel video fa vedere quanti passaggi sono necessari per ottenere un occhio che sia realistico e facilmente editabile (spoiler: tanti) per poi passare a mostrare come funziona il tutto su un'intero corpo, mostrando ferite lievi sul viso (un'occhio nero ed un pò di sangue che cola dal naso) e l'età che avanza (rughe d'espressione e capelli imbiancati).

Ha aggiunto inoltre che non sono cambiamenti esclusivamente visivi, rispecchieranno l'evoluzione del personaggio, con un fisico che tenderà a crescere se viene allenato, con ferite e cicatrici sul corpo e così via, il tutto senza fare uso di alcuno shader.

Ha aggiunto inoltre che grazie a questo sistema nel gioco non si avrà mai a che fare due volte con lo stesso NPC, visto che gli stessi nemici sfruttano questo sistema con parametri random.

Ora che questo sistema è più o meno completo possono cominciare a dedicarsi ai contenuti e mostrare più roba.
Si aspetta quindi di rilasciare molti update in futuro ed uno proprio in questa settimana (che è anche il suo compleanno)

Mi ritengo soddisfatto, per il momento si tratta di modelli statici (sebbene ottimi ed estremamente dettagliati), ora son curioso di vedere come saranno in movimento.
"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:00   #67
Jon Irenicus
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Visto anche io il video, è un'aggiunta in più che male non fa e che non era scontato ci fosse.
Cmq eccone un altro, anche questo me lo vedrò in un altro momento:

An update from Maus - Data Structure
Update #35 · Apr 2, 2013
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Old 06-05-2013, 18:42   #68
Jon Irenicus
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Quick update, team members, alpha and more.

Hey guys!

Chris here first, just introducing all of our new team members. I also want to quickly nudge in here that we're on time with production and we'll be launching alpha in July and beta a couple of months after! I'll have a more exact date soon. On to the new team members!

Andrew (Coder): He is Arakion's experienced new lead coder. He's working on shoring up all our systems and creating everything we need moving into alpha testing.

"Greetings & such. I'm Andrew. I'm coding the guts of a game I love in a language I love in an engine I love so I'm gonna get right back to that."

Periyanna (Coder): Peri is a great coder who has taken over lead on the card game.

"Hi Guys, I am Prasanna I am working on the card game logic and multiplayer, I love challenges, I love coding , and I am enjoying every bit of it

Nikki (Intern Artist): Currently working on character and pet concept art

Drew (Level Design): Developing ideas, puzzles and layouts for tons of new levels for everyone to enjoy.

"Hello all, I'm Drew, not to be confused with Andrew. I'm working on level design and really pushing myself and the team to create great content. Hoping to stump a few of you with my puzzles."


Jack's here now for the introduction of a new type of updates: the "flash updates"

We’re striving to write new updates every week to keep you posted, and we hope you enjoyed the last ones.

But long posts are time consuming and we need time to develop the game, so let’s try out this new “revolving” template for quick updates.

Here’s how the revolving method works:

This first time we’re going to post a complete report for every section involved in the development. For future updates we plan to split the updates into sections and post about one section at a time. There are four sections, so we hope to update you monthly about every one of them. They are: Art & Animation, Story & Level Design, Coding & Testing, and Game Design.

Here we go: the first flash update about the Arakion team!

Story & Setting (from Jack):
Creating concepts for the Darkest Night setting
Writing and choosing concepts to implement enemies to be faced in The Darkest Night
Editing and completing the Floating Islands concepts
Editing and completing the Ancients concept
Editing and completing the main antagonist
Designing primary character dialogue structures based on character personalities

Coding (from Maus, Acade, Periyanna and Chris):
Working on the database structure
Creating custom tools needed to develop the game
Developing the network capabilities for card game and Arakion multiplayer
Refining current code within the game
Refining the GUI System
Optimizing the path finding system

Art (Chris, Drew, Audrey and the rest of the art team)
Temple Region
Forest Region
Animation from Mixamo
Multiple prop and character creations
Working towards finalizing the alpha levels

Game Design (Chris)
Restructured the stat system
Gor are no longer a playable race, being replaced with a yet to be released race
Restructured the UI (it is now a diagetic UI)
Structuring DLC and Expansion systems
Fleshing out the final character design systems
We will send you more of these flash updates just to let you know what’s going on.
Any feedback is welcome, you may post your comments here or on the Arakion forum.

See you soon!

Attached is a obligatory image.
Potrebbe interessare a gaxel che aspettava la beta...
Structuring DLC and Expansion systems? Mmh...
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Old 20-05-2013, 19:26   #69
Jon Irenicus
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Back in the community & alpha

Update #37 · May 20, 2013
I'm back on the forums, we've finally got good chunks of the game and graphics implemented and it's moving into alpha in July with beta to follow shortly. So now I have a some free time to get back to the community! Up to this point the team has spent every working hour implementing and creating all the systems that are going into Arakion and none of us have had very much time to spare which is the reasoning for Jack being on the forums trying to moderate.

I've already apologized before but I apologize again, implementing the base systems to create a great game for all of us to play has been extremely hard work. While I'm not happy that it took so much time away from the community and may have hurt our image we laser focused on the game so that it would be an amazing experience. We aren't aiming for mediocre or good we're aiming for great cause you deserve no less.

Lets first talk about Alpha and what's going to be in it.
All Kickstarter backers will be able to join alpha a 2-5 weeks after initial release. For the initial release only people in the tiers that have alpha status will be able to join.

A few questions that people have asked that I'd like to answer first.

Will alpha be on steam?

While steam has been releasing stuff that's in alpha for whatever reason. We don't plan on releasing alpha on steam as we will be rapidly implementing changes throughout. Beta may be on steam.

Why haven't we seen screenshots?!

We want the graphics closer to finished before we start releasing stuff. We'll begin releasing media closer to alpha

Will everyone get to play alpha?

As stated above as a bonus for your patience we'll be allowing everyone into alpha mid to late alpha.

When will the alpha be released?

We're aiming for an early July release (July 2nd) but it may not release until late July. So just assume sometime in July.

What's the benefit of playing alpha?

Everyone benefits from playing in alpha, as the gamer you will get to play and help define the game. Making notes and letting us know what you do and don't like. You'll also get to play levels that may not make the final game or help define levels as they mold and change. It helps us because we get vital information from you to help make the game great.

So what's actually in the alpha?

I want to go through a few important points of interest that are in the alpha.

Alpha Classes:

Monk :: Warrior :: Community Decided

We're wanting to get the community involved again so we'll let the community decide on the third class they'd like to see in the alpha. It can be any of the currently mentioned classes and we'll hold a poll on it later this week.

Alpha Races:

Human :: Ent :: Satyr

Our reasoning for these three, is that outside of the Gor (which are no longer playable) they are the most complete, our character setups take a significant amount of time to layout because of our pipeline but they look fantastic in game.


4-5 Levels

In the alpha initial release you'll be able to play up to the point you acquire your town. This should be a good couple hours of gameplay. You can expect some bugs and missing graphics but for the most part it should give you a good sense of what you'll be expecting as the game moves forward in development.


Full range of pets

Character Customization

Fully Implemented!


This one may take a small bit of adjustment for people. We have implemented a system that doesn't use bars or numbers but is visually representative. This means that when you're beating up on an enemy you wont see a health bar telling you how close he is to dead, but you'll have to look for visual cues. This means if you're fighting a human, they'll be bloody broken and beat down with dented armor and blood running down their body. We've implemented a system that is more visually engaging because we felt the immersion would be deeper. The same goes across the board for all the GUI systems, there is very little text to read and everything is in a representative system.

Again our main reasoning for this is we want people to feel like their apart of the world and actually adventuring, seeing numbers and text all over the place reminding you your in a game just wasn't what we were aiming for.

Updating the alpha:

We'll be releasing alpha updates sporadically as we find bugs or errors. Major updates (levels, classes, races) will be released every couple weeks.

What's after the alpha?

Naturally the beta will be after the alpha. We'll be moving into beta 2-3 months after alpha. While beta will not be the whole game it will be about half of it.

What wont be in initial release?

Cinematics and a lot of animations will be filler.

As a final note you can now expect me to respond and post on the forums regularly, as stated above we have a lot of systems implemented and our team is working hard to make everyone a great game to play, now that things are at a better place and I'm not working 24/7 I can relax a little and get involved with the community.

With that said if you have any questions about what will and will not be in the alpha feel free to discuss on here or in the forums and I'll try to answer everything the best I can.

Look forward to seeing everyone in the alpha!!

Chris Taylor

Oh... we also have multiplayer...

It's completely separate from singleplayer
Da notare:
"Will everyone get to play alpha?

As stated above as a bonus for your patience we'll be allowing everyone into alpha mid to late alpha."

Non so se sarei contento se fossi uno che ha fundato per l'alpha, cmq ottimo pensiero!
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Old 20-05-2013, 20:36   #70
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Originariamente inviato da Jon Irenicus Guarda i messaggi
Da notare:
"Will everyone get to play alpha?

As stated above as a bonus for your patience we'll be allowing everyone into alpha mid to late alpha."

Non so se sarei contento se fossi uno che ha fundato per l'alpha, cmq ottimo pensiero!
Probabilmente faranno come Castle Story: l'alpha sarà un'esclusiva temporale di chi ha fundato l'alpha
"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐
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Old 29-05-2013, 07:41   #71
Jon Irenicus
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Wow, altro update
Riguarda un sondaggio per una classe con 3 immagine di arte.
Inoltre dicono che tra poco ci sarà un update grosso.
Chissà abbiano trovato la regolarità negli aggiornamenti.
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Old 29-05-2013, 08:25   #72
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Originariamente inviato da Jon Irenicus Guarda i messaggi
Wow, altro update
Riguarda un sondaggio per una classe con 3 immagine di arte.
Inoltre dicono che tra poco ci sarà un update grosso.
Chissà abbiano trovato la regolarità negli aggiornamenti.
E sarebbe anche ora

Non che mi interessi più di tanto il fatto che rilascino update o meno, di roba da giocare nel frattempo ne ho davvero tanta
Sarei curioso di vedere un video dell'attuale gameplay però, già durante il Kickstarter era estremamente pregevole per essere fatto da una singola persona...
"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐
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Old 08-06-2013, 08:08   #73
Jon Irenicus
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Alpha Classes
Update #39

Chris here again,

For those of you that have been reading up you should know by now that we will only have three classes in alpha as well as the potential for only 3-4 throughout most if not all of beta. The reasoning for this is that each class is so highly customize-able and extensive to build, we need to focus on making sure the classes are done properly and balanced well before we move on to new ones.

What each class consists of:

20-40 unique weapon models and skins
2-4 complete armor sets fully customizeable
Comprehensive particle and animation system customized for each class
4 skills each with their own fleshed out set of customizations
A full set of traits that are class dependent
Housing attachments that are unique to each class
As has been stated before we have two guaranteed classes that are in alpha, this is the Monk and the Warrior.

Why were these chosen?

These were chosen because they both represent the very base functionality of what we want in the game with both their skills and play style. They allow for the full range of healing, skill/melee/ranged damaging, tanking, support etc... They also represent the backbone of the party, most groups will have one or the other in regards to the warrior or monk.

So moving into alpha we have decided to allow the backers to pick what the final class in the alpha will be. The choices are as follows.

Each class has it's perks and everyone on the team is rooting for their own specific one so head over to the forums and make your voice heard. They're all fantastic in the prototyping stage but only one will make it to alpha!

You can find the poll here!

Stavolta si meritano un "bravi" per l'aggiornamento!
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Old 08-06-2013, 23:26   #74
Jon Irenicus
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Santi numi, qua stiamo recuperando con gli aggiornamenti!

An in-depth analysis of "The Alchemist" : Skills
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Old 09-06-2013, 11:43   #75
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Originariamente inviato da Jon Irenicus Guarda i messaggi
Santi numi, qua stiamo recuperando con gli aggiornamenti!

An in-depth analysis of "The Alchemist" : Skills
E che è successo?!

Troppe informazioni, non ero abituato :asd
"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐
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Old 10-06-2013, 07:27   #76
Jon Irenicus
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Allora preparati a questo!

Project Update #41: Arakion progress and the next steps

Il titolo dice tutto: "Three days, three updates! New Record!"
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Old 10-06-2013, 08:32   #77
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Letto proprio ora, davvero interessante, specialmente la parte sul multi e sul salvataggio su server...
Possiamo quindi addirittura aspettarci server closed à la
"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐
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Old 11-06-2013, 14:06   #78
Jon Irenicus
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Iscritto dal: May 2001
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Cmq update anche su indiegogo:
Chris here again,

Thanks to AaronD for pointing out the lack of indiegogo updates. I’ll get you guys caught up throughout the day.

For those of you that have been reading up you should know by now that we will only have three classes in alpha as well as the potential for only 3-4 throughout most if not all of beta. The reasoning for this is that each class is so highly customize-able and extensive to build, we need to focus on making sure the classes are done properly and balanced well before we move on to new ones.

What each class consists of:

20-40 unique weapon models and skins
2-4 complete armor sets fully customizeable
Comprehensive particle and animation system customized for each class
4 skills each with their own fleshed out set of customizations
A full set of traits that are class dependent
Housing attachments that are unique to each class
As has been stated before we have two guaranteed classes that are in alpha, this is the Monk and the Warrior.

Why were these chosen?

These were chosen because they both represent the very base functionality of what we want in the game with both their skills and play style. They allow for the full range of healing, skill/melee/ranged damaging, tanking, support etc… They also represent the backbone of the party, most groups will have one or the other in regards to the warrior or monk.
So moving into alpha we have decided to allow the backers to pick what the final class in the alpha will be. The choices are as follows.

Battlemage :: Seeker :: Alchemist
Each class has it’s perks and everyone on the team is rooting for their own specific one so head over to the forums and make your voice heard. They’re all fantastic in the prototyping stage but only one will make it to alpha!

You can find the poll at,

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Old 22-06-2013, 18:25   #79
Jon Irenicus
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Iscritto dal: May 2001
Messaggi: 15644
Altro update: Contest: Alpha and more!

Sotto il testo di quello tramite indiegogo
Hey Everybody,

As many of you know “Stage 1 Alpha” is right around the corner (we’re still on track for a late July release), and with that in mind we’d like to give you the opportunity to join in at the ground floor.

Who better to get involved with the Alpha than all of you? Which is why we have decided to create a System to not only grant you early access but also other goodies such as in game jazz! All you have to do is be involved in the Arakion community.

So what exactly is this system Chris?

Strictly speaking, this “Karma System” grants access to alpha and beta builds of the game as they are released (if you don’t already have it) as well as some other cool rewards.

How do I get these rewards you speak of?

It’s simple, you earn “Karma”. We’ll be posting questions on the forums, the first three people to answer the questions right get 30, 20, and 15 points respectively, you can also earn Karma in other ways such as posting comments and being active (we’re currently fine tuning these settings). In turn you’ll be able to use the Karma in our “Karma Store” (coming soon) and purchase things such as in game items (dyes, hats, outfits), early access (again provided you don’t already have it) and more!

You can view your current Karma by simply going to your user page.

Any rules?

The only rule is you have to be a backer for early access!

The first question has just been posted and you can find it on the forums! We’ll be posting questions regularly and remember you can also earn Karma by simply participating on the forums!

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Old 01-08-2013, 07:38   #80
Jon Irenicus
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Iscritto dal: May 2001
Messaggi: 15644
Update 43, I'm running out of titles.
Hey everyone,

A brief update today, there will be a very in-depth one Saturday. We have good news and we have bad news. To get the bad news out of the way we’re delaying alpha release for a few weeks to sort out some bugs. Namely we need to finish our update system. As it stands right now we have to send you the entire game every time we update and we update about three times a week. This is too much of a load for our system to handle. With that in mind we’re creating a system that will allow us to patch (unity can’t natively patch) and it should be ready to go shortly.

Now on to the good news. Although it was delayed the actual state of the game is alpha ready, as soon as the patcher system is finished we’ll be sending out the first alpha versions. I’m not going to set a date because it’s unfair to all of you but the patcher system is all that stands in the way at this point. So once it’s ready you’ll know. We’ve added tons of new features into the game including an all new discovery and invention system.

Here is a brief modified list of the most recent changes

Internal Changelog

Prototype 0.1.3


Added difficulty (easy): Easy mode allows for health regen but does not allow for most achievements. Testers were complaining the game was too hard, silly testers.
Added achievements, these unlock multiple aesthetic items within the game.
Increased material count on tutorial area (you can actually build your weapons in level 1 now)
Increased general substance computation time by 80%
Decreased general draw calls
Finalized the atmosphere system and secondary planet.
Prototyping started on town dungeon creation
Map phase 1 implemented
Temporarily removed Sappling and Satyr from the game will reemploy late alpha.
Temporarily employed Yin.
Temporarily removed turn based gameplay, will reemploy it in beta.
Added “permanent” scaring upon death. In order to remove you need to go to the tattoo artist in town. Added 16 facial and scars per race and sex. Scars are a consequence of taking too much damage or dying
Added Formations.
Started working on the town defense minigame.
Added the first post town area. Enjoy.
Implemented dynamic texture resizing within substances, this allows for someone with a bad computer to get nearly the same quality experience as someone with a good computer in regards to the texture.
Added the black, white and gray moral system. Weapon choices and town choices are affected by this
Re-implemented the Warrior. Issues have been resolved.
Character Creation

Final character creation system has been decided upon, complete overhaul required. This is our final overhaul as to much time has been spent on it up to this point.
Implemented base functionality of new system, able to pick race and class
Began implementing the mesh modification system, you can view it by clicking the top right box.
Added 30 tattoos race / sex dependent.
Discovery System

The discovery system has been implemented. With this you’re given the tools to record the things you see in your environment and apply them to your town as well as gain information about enemies.
Added in the basic functionality, it currently works with banners, torches, formations and enemies.
Added 50 banner discoveries.
Added 15 torch discoveries.
Added 16 formations

Prototype formations implemented
Formations represent how your party is setup on the grid.Formations add additional stats or benefits based on the formation used.
16 current formations in the game
Players start with 4 formations the rest are discovered or earned through achievements
Unit size within the formation ranges from 2 to 4, Ents are the only player class above 2.
Added formation size to all enemies.
Invention System

This is still in early phase testing. It will be used to create additional items for your town. You can test the system by going to the inventors hut. We will need to update the discovery system to fully implement this.

Fixed snow errors within the environment substance • Increased substance calculation speed by an average of 80%
Fixed diffuse mapping errors caused by facial scaring.
Implemented the dynamic texture sizing system.
Finalized the automated character texturing alpha 1 system.
Added customizable banners. Patterns and symbols are unlocked through the discovery and achievements.
Fixed a bug causing town substances to reset

New Champions Mark: This is a character creation trait that replaces your health indicator from the necklace to head tattoos. Tattoos glow red, orange and green to indicate health level. Like all traits this is permanent so make sure you want it if you choose it.
Standard Bearer: Fixed numerical error causing player to gain 10 endurance

Began the process of minimalizing the UI with the goal to simply show information needed.

That’s it for today expect a major update Saturday, with graphics (hopefully)! Oh, we’re still putting up questions on the forum. If you don’t have early alpha access it’s one way to earn it!


In the spirit of Kickstarter I'm going to plug some that I think deserve a look. For this update I'm plugging Space Shock . Seems like a high quality game that deserves some love.
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