IDE CD-RW roundup

IDE CD-RW roundup

di pubblicata il , alle 06:58 nel canale Storage
Digit-Life ha pubblicato una pèrova comparativa fra i masterizzatori TEAC CD-W512EB e TEAC CD-W58E; entrambi sono in grado di raggiungere una velocità di 12X, e il primo è dotato della tecnologia Burn Proof. Trovate l'articolo, con nuemrosissimi benchmarks, a questo indirizzo

Comparing with the beautiful graphs of the W58E model, this one looks poor. But the first impression is wrong. The recorder is more expensive than its low-speed analog, and offers high speeds which are rare in demand. But there are still some advantage of the W512EB over the W58E. Apart from high speeds, it gives more quality record. Besides, it supports Burn-Proof technology which will be useful in case you are recording and simultaneously working with applications exacting to resources. Besides, I can state that the 12 x CD-RW drive from TEAC is more reliable than its opponent. And above all, pay attention to a quite good audio data extraction speed.

I think, that the CD-W512EB drive will become an optimal choice for those who need high quality record even at the max speed.
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