Prestazioni memorie SDRAM

Prestazioni memorie SDRAM

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Siete interessati ad analizzare al meglio le prestazioni delle memorie SDRAM attualmente in commercio? A questo indirizzo è stato pubblicato un eccellente articolo che analizza le difefrenti performances ottenibili variando numerosi timings di funzionamento delle memorie SDRAM, con frequenze di lavoro da 100 Mhz sino a 150 Mhz.
Well, as you can see there really isn’t that much difference between a well setup 200MHz FSB Athlon system using PC100 CAS 2 and one using PC133, or even a 266MHz FSB. To be honest I was surprised by the results. I would have expected to see a trend with the video test in particular that showed an advantage to PC133 & CAS 2 along with a 266MHz FSB. But I just didn’t see it. By looking at the results you can see that there are some programs that will perform better with PC133 CAS 2 or even a 266MHz FSB, but it seems to vary too much to give a good rule of thumb as to which those may be.
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