Interfaccia ATA-100

Interfaccia ATA-100

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
A questo indirizzo è stato pubblicato un articolo che illustra le prestazioni dell'interfaccia ATA-100 per hard disk EIDE, in comparazione con quelel ATA-66 e ATA-33. L'articolo mostra chiaramente come l'impiego dell'interfaccia ATA-100 non porti ad ottenere gli incrementi prestazionali che, succa carta, ci si aspetterebbe.
ATA/100, sometimes called UDMA Mode 5, is the big selling 'feature' these days when it comes to IDE hard disks and mainboards. The question is: Does it really offer any 'realworld' performance gain over ATA/66 (or even ATA/33 for that matter)? I’ve stated it publicly many times – No it does not, plain and simple. I get questioned all the time as to why I state that, many times being told that I am wrong (and sometimes not too politely). I’ve based my opinion on many hours of testing, using a number of different mainboards, chipsets and hard disks, so I figured it was time to do some actual comparison testing and publish the results.
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