Industry Update: 01/2001

Industry Update: 01/2001

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
A questo indirizzo è stato pubblicato l'Industry Update: gennaio 2001 di Dean Kent, articolo che analizza le dinamiche di mercato verificatesi nell'ultimo mese.
Sono stati analizzati pressoché tutti gli aspetti legati all'hardware per PC ma particolare attenzione è stata rivolta a motherboard e processori; il seguente estratto analizza le percentuali di vendita di schede madri per processori AMD dei produttori taiwanesi:
My comments last week regarding the market momentum that AMD seems to have as it pertains to motherboard shipments was met with some disbelief (just as my comments about VIA were last year). As a follow up, I contacted several other manufacturers and received confirmation. At issue was the statement that those I had spoken with indicated between 30% and 50% of their shipments were Socket A boards. Though a few indicated that their shipments were relatively small (perhaps 10% to 15%), a few others confirmed the 50% figure, and one even claimed that 70% of their motherboards are AMD based (both Socket 7 and Socket A). It would not be surprising to see most motherboard makers achieve the 30% or greater shipment numbers during the next several months as DDR hits the market in volume, though it is certainly not a given.
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