GF2 Ultra review #5

GF2 Ultra review #5

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Hot Hardware ha pubblicato la propria recensione della reference board Nvidia GeForce2 GTS Ultra; dalle foto pubblicate si nota molto chiaramente come sia stato utilizzato un dissipatore di dimensioni decisamente generose, e dissipatori sui chip di memoria altrettanto vistosi; l'articolo a questo indirizzo

As you can see here, this is a bit of a 1-2 punch from nVIDIA. First, the obvious ramp up in core clock speed and the huge ramp up in memory interface speed, should really get things moving. The Achilles Heel nVIDIA always had, as was widely published, was memory bandwidth. The memory bandwidth issue is almost a non-issue now.

What is more surprising here is the driver optimization that nVIDIA has seemingly pulled out of their collective hats. Not only does this driver enhance the current GeForce2 architecture but GeForce1 and TNT2 owners are supposedly going to get a big shot in the arm in terms of a performance increase. This says a lot for nVIDIA's driver team. Most High Tech OEMs have a much harder time with the software side of things than the hardware. As a result, Software Engineers usually out number Hardware Engineers 2 to 1. It seems as if nVIDIA has been making the investments in all the right places. The enhancements like the reduction in OpenGL driver call overhead, can only be gained by grinding things out in the lab. We'll take a look at the fruits of that labor in the following pages.
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