GeForce FAQ 15.6

GeForce FAQ 15.6

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Christopher Hill ha aggiornato le GeForce FAQ alla release 15.6; le potete trovare a questo indirizzo, mentre di seguito sono riportate le aggiunte effettuate:

Changed AGP Miniport Driver link in 'What's all this with the GeForce and the Athlon?' question to a webpage link so I don't have to keep updating the link when the file is updated. Added a link to another website to 'What is a Quadro and how can I convert my GeForce into a Quadro?' question. Added Detonator 3 (6.18) drivers information to all driver questions and added archives for all old driver versions. Added Asheron's Call note to Windows 9x 5.33 notes. Added TV-OUT support page link to 'How can I make the TV-OUT display stretch to the full size of my TV, and generally tweak TV-OUT?' question. Added DVI information page link to 'Does the GeForce / GeForce 2 support flat panel (DVI) correctly?' question. Added motherboard incompatibility warning link to 'Will my motherboard work with the GeForce?' question. Added 6.18 tip to 'I have problems with Need for Speed 5: Porsche. How can I fix them?' question. Added 6.18 notes to all drivers questions. Added 'I have a Video Memory option in my BIOS that I can set to UC or USWC. What should it be set to?' question. Added 'How can I force AGP1X to be used instead of AGP2X or AGP4X?' question and referred all questions that tell you to disable AGP1X to it. Added 'How can I disable AGP Fast Writes?' question and referred the 'I have an Intel i820 based motherboard and I have various problems. How can I fix it?' and 'My GeForce keeps on locking up. How can I fix it?' questions to it. Added precaching tip to 'How can I speed up Unreal Tournament on my GeForce?' question.
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