Schede video Visiontek

Schede video Visiontek

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Hard OCP ha pubblicato, a questo indirizzo, la recensione di quattro schede video Visiontek, tutte basate su differenti versioni dei chip nVidia GeForce:


Who is Visiontek, and where have they come from? Both of those are pretty good questions. According to their website, Visiontek was founded in 1988. This is well before many of the companies whose products grace your box - and credit card receipts for that matter - were even a twinkle in their respective CEO's eye. If you've utilized a product from Dell, Compaq, DEC, Gateway, IBM, Sun, Toshiba, or Intel, chances are its got a little Visiontek luvin' in it somewhere. While as of late Visiontek's been getting press for their video cards, they're really known throughout the industry as one of the leading producers of memory related products. Products such as compact flash, RAMBUS, SDRAM, and... well... pretty much every other type of memory you can think of. Visiontek is also one of the few companies to offer a lifetime warranty (3 year warranty for video products) and a 100% compatibility guarantee. Shoot, they've even got a 1-800 number you can call for tech support. (1-800-360-7173 Give 'em a call and tell 'em I said hola.) It's no wonder their products have been chosen by all the top dogs in the computer industry.

With that said, when a company such as NVIDIA chooses you to be the sole designer of their reference hardware, that says a little something about what you're doing. Namely that Visiontek, and the people they employ, have their game so tight that if you stuck a piece of coal in their... (Ooops. I'm not supposta say stuff like that anymore...) *ahem* Visiontek knows quality. So much so that many OEMs that sell NVIDIA products don't even bother to make their own. Instead, they buy, rebadge, and resell Visiontek video cards as their own (*cough* Elsa *cough*). So if any of these video cards look remotely familiar to you, well, now you know why.
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