PC150 High Perf. REV. 3.0

PC150 High Perf. REV. 3.0

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Ricercate memoria SDRAM ad elevate prestazioni? A questo indirizzo è stata pubblicata la recensione della memoria Mushkin PC150 High Perf. REV. 3.0,l specificamente pensata per offrire elevate prestazioni velocistiche anche a frequenze di bus ben oltre quelle da specifica. Durante i test è stato possibile ottenere funzionamento stabile della memoria sino a 157 Mhz di bus, impostando il CAS al valore di 2:
I'm going to show you Sandra scores for 150 MHz CAS2, 157 MHz CAS2, and 160 MHz CAS3. 150 MHz CAS2 is the rated speed of the memory, so that's where we started. We then incremented the FSB by 1 MHz at a time until we hit this sticks highest stable speed at CAS2: 157 MHz. We then changed the CAS to 3 and tried to go as high as we could like that. 160 MHz was all the test bed could take, unfortunately. The CUSL2-C allowed 166 MHz as a valid FSB speed, but the Maxtor drive couldn't take the out of spec PCI speed that resulted from that (42 MHz IIRC). We're quite sure it wasn't the RAM or CPU that was the limiting factor, as Jim and I have both had ample experience with instability caused by each of these things, and it was definitely the Maxtor drive that was keeping us from 166 MHz FSB bragging rights.
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