AMD e "VirtuHammer"

AMD e VirtuHammer

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
AMD ha annunciato quest'oggi di aver stretto un accordo con Virtutech per la produzione di software specificamente ottimizzato per l'impiego con i processori della serie Hammer:
SUNNYVALE, CA-January 16, 2001*AMD and Virtutech today announced the two companies are working together to further enable the development of software supporting AMD's next-generation Hammer family of processors. The two companies have jointly developed an innovative, high-performance tool, codenamed "VirtuHammer", that will allow software developers to write and test 64-bit programs in preparation for the planned commercial introduction of the next-generation AMD processors in the first half of 2002.

Virtutech's Simics software enables a computer featuring the 32-bit AMD Athlon* processor to simulate the operations of a 64-bit Hammer processor-based computer, allowing developers to use currently available technology to quickly and accurately test and debug their 64-bit software for AMD's next-generation processors. Hammer processors will be the first AMD processors capable of 64-bit operation, and are being designed to deliver leading-edge performance on both the 64-bit software used by high-end workstations and servers and the 32-bit software used by the majority of desktop computers. AMD has already begun delivering VirtuHammer simulators to targeted software partners, helping ensure they have the resources, time, and support required to develop 64-bit operating systems, tools and applications for the Hammer family of processors.
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