scheda aggiornata il 30/06/2016


  • Versione: 4.52
  • Dimensione: 3.0 MB
  • Licenza: Freeware closed source
  • Scaricato: 199052 volte
  • Link:
  • 9


Utility per il monitoraggio della temperatura e delle ventole di raffreddamento del proprio PC. Questo software, abbinato ad alcuni chipset che supportano l' hardware monitoring, consente di impostare la velocità di rotazione delle ventole in funzione della temperatura; ciò consente ad esempio di ridurre notevolmente la rumorosità del sistema.

Di seguito le note fornite a corredo di questa versione:

- added full support for Fintek F71811U

- added full support for Nuvoton NCT6106D

- added full support for Nuvoton NCT6792D

- added full support for Fintek F71878A/F71868A

- added full support for ITE IT8783F

- added full support for Intel C610/X99 SMBus

- added full support for ITE IT8620E

- added support for Nuvoton NCT6683D

- fixed Fintek F71808A PWM MODE setting

- added PWM 4 ENABLE and PWM 5 ENABLE to advanced options for the ITE IT8620E to enable or disable PWM 4 and 5 writes

- smbus access is disabled for Sapphire PC-AM2RD790

- fixed fan speed readings on the NCT6791D

- SCSI Scan is automatically disabled if iastorA.sys driver is installed - use /DOSCSISCAN to force enable it

- fixed Fintek F71811U PWM TYPE advanced setting

- greatly improved RAM SPD decoding for SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, DDR2 FB-DIMM and DDR3

- improved identification of newer revisions of Microchip MCP9843 and MCP98243

- fixed STTS3000 and STTS2002 temperature reporting

- fixed old IT8705F identification

- events can now be triggered if something happens for, at least, up to 9999 times (it was 99)

- battery charge is now properly updated on the EXOTICS tab

- NCT6791D IO Space accessibility is now tested upon resume from suspend and fixed, if needed

- restored DIMM access on latest Intel chipsets

- added manifest to improve support up to Windows 10

- configuration dialog now always opens at the center of the main window
