Roadmap Intel #2

Roadmap Intel #2

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
A questo indirizzo trovate un'immagine della roadmap Intel; da segnalare che da tale roadmap emerge come Intel desideri molto probabilmente utilizzare le memorie Rambus soltanto per il mercato professionale, workstation e server. Per la categoria consumer, quella ad esempio in cui sono racchiusi i videogiocatori, saranno utilizzate memorie Sdram, con un piccolo spiraglio aperto forse anche alle DDR-Sdram:

One noteworthly distinction readily apparent in the roadmap is the lack of any Rambus DRAM platforms selling in systems below $2000. Considering the vast majority of consumer PCs sold today are priced at well under $2000, it would seem that a great deal of Intel's strategy over the next year and beyond relies upon a non-Rambus memory type.

Indeed, Intel's SDRAM-capable i815 chipset has become one the most popular options for the Pentium III, even though the company has still lost substantial marketshare to VIA. During the third quarter, Intel's die-shrunk Pentium III, Tualatin, will debut with Almador, an SDRAM (and potentially DDR SDRAM) chipset to support it. This revved Pentium III, along with its value-minded core logic, will be targetted at the low-end of the market while the DRDRAM-based Pentium 4 will sell in systems priced above $2000.
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