Guida ai prezzi delle cpu

Guida ai prezzi delle cpu

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
SharkyExtreme ha pubblicato, a questo indirizzo, la guida settimanale ai prezzi dei processori. L'estratto seguente riguarda i prezzi dei processori AMD Duron e Athlon:
AMD Prices in 1D

AMD prices have dropped slightly overall. The classic Athlon high-end processors continue to fall in price by leaps and bounds, but they're still not worth picking up, in our books. We like the look of the Athlon Thunderbird 1GHz, which runs for a mere $175, actually up a few dollars from last week, but it gives you GHz level bragging rights. Another price point we would look at is the Thunderbird 850. At $101, it provides plenty of speed and leaves you with about $75 bucks you can use to buy software.

AMD's New Duron

Demand for AMD Duron processors is expected to improve next quarter with the availability of chipsets (KM-133 for example) featuring integrated graphics for the value-conscious buyer (any SE-reader caught dead without a real 3D accelerator put your hands up now). A recent addition to the charts is AMD's new Duron 850, which currently runs for $101, the same price as the 850MHz Athlon Thunderbird. We would rather have the full-fledged Athlon.

Duron Prices

With Intel dropping their high-end prices, AMD price cuts may also be in store. We actually have been expecting a price cut, but AMD has surprised us by letting Intel cut prices first. Even after Intel's price cut, AMD maintains a sizeable price/performance lead, but nothing like it was two weeks ago. Still, at these prices, why not buy?
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