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SuiteWorld e CloudWorld: nel 2024 le parole d'ordine sono neutralità e apertura
SuiteWorld e CloudWorld: nel 2024 le parole d'ordine sono neutralità e apertura
Siamo volati a Las Vegas per prendere parte a un doppio evento: Oracle CloudWorld e NetSuite SuiteWorld, per la prima volta, si sono svolti in contemporanea. Più che un dettaglio logistico, questa doppia conferenza ci ha permesso di capire come entrambe le aziende stiano cambiando profondamente il proprio approccio: Oracle si posiziona come un fornitore neutrale di tecnologia, mentre NetSuite si apre maggiormente
Recensione Nothing Phone (2a) Plus: poco Plus ma è sempre più convincente
Recensione Nothing Phone (2a) Plus: poco Plus ma è sempre più convincente
Nothing decide di porre sul mercato una versione Plus del suo intrigante Phone (2a). Una versione appena più pompata nel processore, con delle variazioni nel design della scocca e con qualche altra chicca. La sostanza non cambia, il prezzo varia di poco ma il tutto è sempre più convincente. 
Recensione HONOR MagicPad 2, con un meraviglioso OLED da 12,3'' è un vero affare
Recensione HONOR MagicPad 2, con un meraviglioso OLED da 12,3'' è un vero affare
HONOR MagicPad 2 offre hardware premium a un prezzo estremamente concorrenziale, e può essere abbinato a una cover con tastiera e un pennino dedicati con meno di 5€ al lancio. Si tratta di un vero e proprio affare in questa categoria, anche in considerazione dell'ampio display OLED da 12,3 pollici che da vedere è una vera e propria gioia per gli occhi.
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Old 16-05-2013, 14:16   #1
Senior Member
L'Avatar di Donbabbeo
Iscritto dal: Jul 2006
Messaggi: 8152
[Thread Aspettando\Ufficiale] Divinity: Original Sin

"Immagina una versione moderna di un mondo non dissimile da quello di Ultima VII,
esplorabile da solo o in compagnia di un amico, che ti vedrà ingaggiare avversari con un sistema tattico a turni ispirato dai vecchi RPG a turni del passato.
Un mondo pieno fino all'orlo di scelte e conseguenze, NPC reattivi ed un considerabile ammontare di sorprese.
Un mondo che cattura il feeling di giocare ad un RPG Pen & Paper con gli amici.
Ora aggiungi altra roba..."

Divinity: Original Sin è un RPG isometrico, single player e multiplayer cooperativo con combattimento tattico a turni, un mondo profondamente interattivo e ricco di scelte e conseguenze.
Il gioco uscirà con lo stesso editor con cui è stato fatto, permettendo a chiunque di creare le proprie avventure e pubblicarle online.

Le principali caratteristiche parlano di:
  • un CRPG isometrico
  • singleplayer o multiplayer cooperativo
  • sistema di dialoghi cooperativo
  • mondo estremamente reattivo
  • profondo sistema di sviluppo del personaggio
  • pieno di scelte e conseguenze
  • editor completo
  • combattimento molto tattico e turn-based: skill e spell combo, attacchi di opportunità, punti azione e molto altro...
  • esplorazione fortemente incentivata
  • plasma i tuoi personaggi in base al tuo stile di gioco usando un sistema classless fatto di skill e stat
  • interazione completa con ogni singolo oggetto del mondo
  • crafting estremamente dinamico, è possibile combinare tantissimi oggetti
  • musiche composte da Kirill Pokrovsky e suonate da un'orchestra sinfonica
  • schedule completo per ogni NPC: dormono, mangiano, vanno al lavoro, tornano a casa la sera.
  • ciclo giorno/notte e sistema atmosferico che influenza magia e comportamento degli NPC
  • sistema atmosferico e fasi lunari che influenzano le varie scuole di magia

Il gioco è sviluppato dai Larian Studios famosi per gli altri capitoli della saga (sebbene questo sia il primo capitolo completamente autoprodotto).
Release prevista per la fine dell'anno.

Blah blah blah. Poi lo rifaccio per bene, questo è tanto per avere un segnaposto.

"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐

Ultima modifica di Donbabbeo : 20-10-2013 alle 18:28.
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Old 16-05-2013, 14:17   #2
Senior Member
L'Avatar di Donbabbeo
Iscritto dal: Jul 2006
Messaggi: 8152

Finalmente nel forum di Larian Studios c’è il thread per chiedere che Divinity: Original Sin, il grande capolavoro annunciato, venga localizzato anche in Italiano
Andiamo tutti qui, iscriviamoci e facciamo sentire la nostra voce!
Lo scopo è anche quello di suggerire a Larian Studios e a FXInteractive di prendere accordi, dalla loro collaborazione uscirebbe certamente una versione per noi impeccabile di quello che sarà certamente il miglior RPG dell’anno (e certamente tra i migliori di questo millennio)
Consiglio anche di stressare FX nella loro pagina facebook e magari inviargli una mail all’indirizzo
non facciamoci del male, cerchiamo di darci da fare!!!

"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐

Ultima modifica di Donbabbeo : 20-10-2013 alle 18:28.
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Old 16-05-2013, 14:17   #3
Senior Member
L'Avatar di Donbabbeo
Iscritto dal: Jul 2006
Messaggi: 8152
Novità Enhanced Edition

  • Created new icons for dozens of existing interactable items that didn't need icons before. E.g. fireplace, bed, chair, coals, coffin, lever, mirror, roadsign, rack, woodpile, ballista, sand pile, traps, mines...
  • Completely new cutscenes
  • Created Blood Altar
  • Created picnic and suntanning art assets
  • Created bolt stricken zombie
  • Created sand creatures
  • Created waterproof exploskeleton
  • Created angry chest
  • Created bloated corpse and feverish corpse
  • Created poisonous mushroom
  • Created spawners
  • Created air ward
  • Created earth ward
  • Created elemental ward
  • Created fire ward
  • Created iron ward
  • Created water ward
  • Created enchanged armour
  • Created cannister grenade and texture variations
  • Created round grenade and texture variations
  • Created grenade models and textures
  • Created wand variations
  • Updated fire surface
  • UI container art for sheep
  • UI container art for fishracks
  • Icons for all primary and secondary stats, resistances, etc.
  • Portraits for all talents
  • Portraits for all abilities
  • New portraits for more NPC variations and for more specific NPCs
  • New icons for weapons (more variation)
  • Can rotate the camera 360 in all areas
  • Can rotate the camera 360 around all characters and objects
  • New animations for Boars
  • New animations for Bulls
  • - New animations for Cats
  • New animations for Chickens
  • New animations for Cows
  • New animations for Crabs
  • New animations for The Giant Crab
  • New animations for Deers
  • New animations for Dogs
  • New animations for Jellyfish2
  • New animations for Pigs
  • New animations for Rabbits
  • New animations for Rats
  • New animations for The Rat King
  • New animations for Roosters
  • New animations for Sheep
  • New animations for Spiders
  • New animations for all the Cyclops type characters
  • New animations for all the Death Knights
  • New animations for the Walking Armours
  • New animations for Demons
  • New animations for the Void Dragon
  • New animations for the Goblins
  • New animations for the Catapult goblin
  • New animations for the goblin tank
  • New animations for the spitfire totem
  • New animations for the imps
  • New animations for the orcs
  • New animations for the orc drummers
  • New animations for the female orcs
  • New animations for the orc shamans
  • New animations for the shadow creatures
  • New animations for the trife
  • New animations for the skeletons
  • New animations for the Sparkmaster
  • New animations for the Exploskeletons
  • New animations for the skeletal bard
  • New animations for all zombies
  • New animations for the giant mount
  • New animations for the Source abomination
  • New animations for the stone titans
  • New animations for the artillery flowers
  • New animations for the spider eggs
  • New animations for the elemental rocks
  • New animations for the evil mushrooms
  • New animations for fanged butterflies
  • New animations for Arhu
  • New animations for Astarte
  • New animations for the Giant Leandra in the dream scene
  • New animations for regular NPCs
  • New animations for throwing grenades
  • New animations for dual wielding different weapon combinations
  • New animations for using a wand
  • New animations for all the elemental summons
  • New animations for all wards

Story, Writing & Design
  • Madora's dialogs and arc have been edited and revised.
  • Jahan's arc has been repaced and the delivery tweaked.
  • Bairdotr's arc ending has been moved to a unique region.
  • Companions now banter with one another in addition to making one-off comments.
  • Guardian Sourcerer situation added to beach cave entrance
  • Journal entries improved and clarified
  • End game redesigned, including several new regions, animations, puzzles, and
  • encounters
  • Important end-game character added
  • End-game cutscene added after facing the Conduit
  • Epilogue region added, featuring 10+ NPCs and new dialogs
  • Zandalor, Icara, and Leandra arcs re-finished, including new encounters and dialogs
  • Councillor Jake reimagined and rewritten
  • Arhu "wizard-to-cat" animation added and used in dialogs
  • Arhu encounters added throughout game
  • Discoverable Arhu arc added
  • Arhu arc completion situation incorporated into Act III
  • Homestead sequence totally rescripted
  • Homestead observatory (landing site) expanded and revised
  • Zixzax and Weaver of Time resequenced and rewritten
  • Cassandra, the Lich Queen rewritten and her arc revised
  • Forest Spirit tied to outside quests and dialog added
  • The Conduit's involvement in Cyseal has been re-imagined, featuring new encounters
  • and situations.
  • Thousands of combat cries and variations added
  • Item descriptions revised and added
  • Tapestry of Time movies resequenced and amended
  • New cutscene added to "the truth about the murder" conversation.
  • Headless Nick Quest Revamped
  • The Fair in Cyseal Improved
  • Katarina the Fair and associated quests and dialogs added
  • Stagemaster Chaucer and associated quests and dialogs added
  • Fair audience will react to new quests-whether they're alive or dead
  • Aureus quests in part moved to new character Selenia
  • Hortun and Charla Quest Added
  • Skeleton trader added to Cyseal beach
  • Guardians Character Arc Homestead
  • General Alessa added to Homestead
  • Mushroom riddle scenario has been redesigned
  • Various dialogs and texts tweaked and revised to improve clarity
  • Edited books, notes and dialogs of Thelyron and Evelyn so that they mention the
  • White Witch.
  • The orcs near Black Cove now explicitly say they're looking for the Star Stone.
  • The hooded person in the church (before Braccus) is now the Conduit. She now
  • mentions Braccus' Star Stone.
  • When you find Thelyron before Braccus, he's alone (Jake is no longer there). Thelyron
  • tells you his story.
  • After you fight Braccus, Arhu now appears and directs you toward the White Witch.
  • He then sends you off to the Shelter Plane.
  • Added a dual dialog after the Braccus fight and after Arhu to reflect on what you have
  • accomplished and about what you should do now.
  • Near the confrontation with Evelyn, orcs mention that they're there to report about
  • the Star Stone.
  • At the confrontation with Evelyn, The Conduit was added... and she's angry with
  • Evelyn.
  • After the confrontation with Evelyn, Arhu appears to send you to Braccus or to find
  • the White Witch.
  • Added a dual dialog after the Evelyn fight.
  • After the confrontation with Evelyn, changed the dialog with Jake. He doesn't lie
  • anymore.
  • In the Homestead, Zixzax now tells you about the functions of each room.
  • In the Homestead, you can ask the Weaver of time to watch the Guardian movies
  • again.
  • After you return from the Homestead, Arhu will talk to you at any Waypoint in
  • Cyseal. He gives you a teleporter pyramid.
  • Rewrote the Shelter Plane dialogs with every new Star Stone.
  • Arhu now appears at the entrance of Luculla to guide you toward the Witch's cabin. If
  • you haven't done the Jake quest by now, he'll tell you to go back instead.
  • Samid (running miner) now appears more toward Silverglen-not at the entrance of
  • Luculla.
  • In the Witch Cave in Luculla, added a character that can foreshadow what the Witch
  • will reveal.
  • NPCs in the Luculla mines now mention Hiberheim and the White Witch.
  • After finding the manual on how to kill Death Knights, player is urged to go to Sacred
  • Stone. If you haven't freed Icara yet, Arhu will tell you, but will also send you to the
  • cabin first.
  • If you missed the manual in the mines, Icara and/or Arhu will send you back.
  • Rewrote and revamped all tutorials
  • Redecorated the Conduit's HQ in the Immaculate Cathedral.
  • Added Conduit notes about her raising an army.
  • Added a map in the Conduit's HQ with Phantom Forest on it that the players
  • comment on. Finding the map adds a map marker to your journal.
  • When a companion has something to say about a topic, they will indicate this with an
  • AD.
  • Changed the flow and logic of all the companion dialogs so that they progress more
  • logically. Anything new is immediately the main topic.
  • After you learn the truth about Jake's murder, you can now ask Arhu and Zixzax
  • about the love triangle.
  • Added the "Lore Quest": this game wide quest informs you about the backstory and
  • the Guardians. You can find "lore books" that add to this quest. Each of these books
  • unlock a bit more of the story.
  • Custom animation for Orc in Black Cove
  • Custom animation for Imp Crafter in Hibberheim
  • Custom animation for Dying Apprentice in Hiberheim
  • Custom animation for Thelyron in Cyseal
  • During the end game, different types of key players are provided (e.g. If you killed any
  • of the main characters, they appear as zombies).
  • There is a portal on the path to the final fight that spawns Death Knights and
  • Zandalor jumps through.
  • After the final fight, you get teleported to the Epilogue Region
  • Beach at the West Gate of the Harbour Revamped
  • Black Cove Nick Area Revamped
  • Tactician Mode Traps Added
  • Noxious Bulb Traps Added
  • Elemental Mine Traps Added
  • Phantom Forest Revamped

  • Audio options now has Master Volume slider
  • All dialogues are voiced
  • New, more fitting distribution of songs
  • Players and companions sometimes let out a battle cry when performing skills

Character Creation
  • Can now cancel out of character customization
  • Can now see what skills preset starts with
  • Rebalanced preset builds (new skills)
  • New preset Inquisitor
  • Enchanter preset now starts with a wand
  • Shadowblade preset now dual wields a dagger and a sword
  • Wayfarer starts with a crossbow now
  • Melee classes start with a grenade

Dual Wielding
  • A character can now dual wield two 1H weapons
  • A new DW ability makes dual wielding characters better at it

  • Added Leandra to the tomb robber scene at the beginning of the game
  • First time you meet Arhu at the gates, Arhu is a cat and transforms mid dialog
  • Throughout the game, Arhu appears in catform or human form and talks about his
  • different forms.
  • Cassandra has locked up Arhu in catform. You need the Soul Forge spell from
  • Cassandra and there are different ways to handle this. These all have a different
  • impact on Arhu.
  • Edited books, notes and dialogs of Thelyron and Evelyn so that they mention the
  • White Witch.
  • The orcs near Black Cove now explicitly say they're looking for the Star Stone.
  • The hooded person in the church (before Braccus) is now Leandra. She now mentions
  • Braccus' Star Stone.
  • When you find Thelyron before Braccus, he's alone (Jake is no longer there). Thelyron
  • tells you his story. He kept up his end of the bargain, but Leandra betrayed him and
  • struck him down.
  • After you fight Braccus, Arhu now appears and directs you toward the White Witch.
  • He then sends you off to the Shelter Plane.
  • Added a dual dialog after the Braccus fight and after Arhu to reflect on what you have
  • accomplished and about what you should do now.
  • Near the confrontation with Evelyn, orcs mention that they're there to report about
  • the Star Stone.
  • At the confrontation with Evelyn, Leandra was added and she's angry with Evelyn.
  • After the confrontation with Evelyn, Arhu appears to send you to Braccus or to find
  • the White Witch.
  • Added a dual dialog after the Evelyn fight.
  • After the confrontation with Evelyn, changed the dialog with Jake. He doesn't lie
  • anymore.
  • Rewrote the flow when entering the Shelter Plane.
  • In the Homestead, Zixzax now tells you about the functions of each room.
  • In the Homestead, you can ask the Weave of time to watch the Guardian movies
  • again.
  • In the Homestead, as you unlock rooms, ghostly NPCs from your past now appear in
  • the Hall. They banter about your deeds.
  • After you return from the Homestead, Arhu will talk to you at any Waypoint in
  • Cyseal. He gives you a teleporter pyramid.
  • Rewrote the Shelter Plane dialogs with every new Star Stone.
  • Arhu now appears at the entrance of Luculla to guide you toward the Witch's cabin. If
  • you haven't done the Jake quest by now he'll tell you to go back instead.
  • Samid (running miner) now appears more toward Silverglen-not at the entrance of
  • Luculla anymore.
  • In the Witch Cave in Luculla, added a character that knows the love triangle and can
  • foreshadow what Icara will reveal.
  • In the event that you go toward the mines (across the bridges) before solving the
  • Witch's cabin, Arhu pops up to suggest you find the White Witch first.7
  • If you solve the mines before solving the White Witch, Arhu pops up at the end (after
  • the mines collapse) to direct you toward the White Witch.
  • NPCs in the Luculla mines now mention Hiberheim and the White Witch.
  • After finding the manual on how to kill Death Knights, made it so that the player is
  • urged to go to Sacred Stone. If you haven't freed Icara yet, Arhu will tell you, but will
  • also send you to the cabin first.
  • If you missed the manual in the mines, Icara and/or Arhu will send you back.
  • Introduced a new cutscene after freeing Icara.
  • Redecorated Leandra's HQ in the Immaculate Cathedral.
  • Added Leandra notes about her raising an army.
  • Added a map to the HQ with Phantom Forest on it that the players comment on.
  • Finding the map adds a map marker to your journal.
  • When a companion has something to say about a topic, they will indicate this with an
  • AD.
  • Changed the flow and logic of all the companion dialogs so that they progress more
  • logically. Anything new is immediately the main topic.
  • After you learn the truth about Jake's murder, you can now ask Arhu and Zixzax
  • about the love triangle.
  • Added the "Lore Quest": this game wide quest informs you about the backstory and
  • the Guardians. You can find "lore books" that add to this quest. Each of these books
  • unlock a bit more of the story.
  • Custom animation for Orc in Black Cove
  • Custom animation for Imp Crafter in Hibberheim
  • Custom animation for Dying Apprentice in Hiberheim
  • Custom animation for Thelyron in Cyseal
  • Created new level: Gnik Barc Nni
  • Leandra's voice triggers here and there at the Gnik Barc Nni
  • The trife is the bartender at the Gnik Barc Nni
  • Esmeralda and the Duke are in the Gnik Barc Nni
  • Sam is at the Gnik Barc Nni but as a skeleton cat
  • Zixzax + Weaver are at the the Gnik Barc Nni
  • Icara is looking for Leandra at the Gnik Barc Nni
  • Jake is a human again at the Gnik Barc Nni
  • Special behaviour when you try to fight at the Gnik Barc Nni
  • THere is creepy stuff going on at the Gnik Barc Nni, like rotating paintings etc
  • THere is a basement and 2 floors at the Gnik Barc Nni, the top floor triggers combat
  • Extra Homestead areas for endscene created
  • During the end game, different types of key players are provided (e.g. If you killed any
  • of the main characters, they appear as zombies)
  • Leandra and Icara can be soulforged and they become Icandra
  • Final area in the game re-created
  • There is a portal on the path to the final fight that spawns Death Knights and
  • Zandalor jumps through
  • After the final fight, you get teleported to the Source Academy
  • Source Academy: Source Hunter captain dialog
  • Source Academy: dialog with Icara/Zandalor
  • Added The Divine's Speech to Zixzax's desk8
  • Beach at the West Gate of the Harbour Revamped
  • Black Cove Nick Area Revamped
  • Tactician Mode Traps Added
  • Noxious Bulb Traps Added
  • Elemental Mine Traps Added
  • Phantom Forest Revamped
  • Rewrote and revamped all tutorials
  • Rephrased a lot of stat, ability, talent and item tooltips
  • Rephrased combat log a lot (e.g. Dice rolls)
  • Quest markers are added to the map to keep track of the main quest or when
  • locations are specifically mentioned.
  • There are no longer skillbooks that are "unique" and only hidden in the world. There
  • are still skillbooks hidden in the world (replaced with up to level and up to date
  • skillbooks) but if you miss them, they may still show up in loot or specialized shops.
  • Spark Master's party mode is real now. He has confetti and he's not afraid to use it.
  • There is a skill called "Summon Zombie Nick"
  • The Summon Zombie Nick has his own model, icon, stats and skill
  • If anyone in your party has an important item someone needs, this item will be
  • seen as "shared" and you won't have to ask for it anymore and transfer it from one
  • inventory to the other
  • If anyone in your party can identify, an item in your inventory can be identified
  • without having to give it to them
  • If anyone in your party can repair, an item in your inventory can be repaired without
  • having to give it to them
  • Ice King Talent and Demon Talent are incompatible with each other
  • Backstab Talent no longer requires Rogue Lore
  • Resistdead cannot be combined with leech and vice versa
  • Raistlin cannot be combined with lonewolf and vice versa
  • Demon now only requires firespecialist 4 instead of 5
  • Iceking now only requires waterspecialist 4 instead of 5
  • Iceking now only requires waterspecialist 4 instead of 5
  • New status Oiled
  • Certain objects should not drop from treasure chests (e.g. Intestines. That's just gross.)
  • Creating the Buffalo Sword will now autolevel it to the crafter's level
  • Opening a backpack costs zero AP
  • Can now create ARM_Wood_Torso_Barrel_A with barrel and rope
  • Crafting a spear now destroys the knife/dagger you make it with
  • Can now combine arrowhead with all potion sizes
  • Parchments no longer read "Use to read" if they are just ingredients and if they are
  • not readable
  • Special parchments with text now have a special name
  • Max resistance of player chars was capped to 80%, this is now 100%
  • Wolgraff has dual wielding
  • Jahan starts with 9 INT
  • Ismashell gives you a unique treasure
  • Mephisto trade table is consistent with the dialog.
  • Spider boss in BC gives you a unique treasure9
  • Troll king in Luculla gives you a unique treasure
  • Specific treasure for the new NKCI dream area
  • Learning a skill from a book does not cost any AP
  • Changed movement bonuses and penalties on unarmed, weapons and armour
  • Zixzax has better gear and combat behaviour
  • Tweaked perception checks
  • Improved archer behaviour when enemy was near
  • Don't use charm on Charmed | AggroMark | Dying | Wounded | Petrified | Frozen |
  • Fear | KnockedDown | Infected | Stunned
  • Revamped weresheep fight
  • Archer should not try to shoot enemies that can't be seen
  • Improved AI behaviour around oil surfaces and clouds
  • Created extra henchmen
  • Bleeding and the Leech talent are still a strong combination, but cannot be abused
  • anymore
  • Leadership gives less of a damage boost and more crit chance
  • 2H ability boosts crit
  • Crossbow ability boosts crit
  • Eagle Eye talent now requires Rogue ability
  • Eagle Eyes talent inverts the ranged cth penalty.
  • Avoid Opportunists requires RangerLore 1
  • Updated ranged penalty formula to scale better into late game and high PER values.
  • The way armour was being calculated has been improved so that it matters more to
  • keep your armour score up to par with your level.
  • The way saving throws against statuses were being calculated (along with Willpower
  • and Bodybuilding) was improved and scales better, from the start of the game till the
  • end of the game.

  • Replaced easy difficulty mode with "Explorer": regular AI will not use crowd control
  • skills (bosses may use them)
  • Replaced hard difficulty mode with "Tactician": regular AI has extra skills, abilities,
  • scrolls, special arrows, grenades and potions
  • Introduced new "Honour". Same setting as Tactician, but you only have one savegame
  • Localisation
  • Provided more context for translators so that quality of translation improves
  • Proofread all dialogues in French
  • Proofread all dialogues in German
  • Added Spanish localization

  • Some enemies have familiars (e.g. a dog). These creatures' behaviour has been
  • scripted so that they all behave the same now. When their master dies and you leave
  • them alone, they will remain neutral.
  • Assassins will try to backstab, and will use invisibility potions if they have them.
  • All ghosts may inflict Chilled status on melee attack.
  • Changed the appearance and the stats of the false Source Hunters in the Cyseal
  • mirror dungeon fight.
  • Headless zombies are fast but blind. As long as the player keeps moving, zombies will
  • have to look for them.
  • Renamed the mutating dogs in Cyseal, Toxa and Sheba, to Canine Monstrosity after
  • they mutate.
  • Zombies are slow and have low AP but are deadly.
  • Troll toll in Luculla: Grumble has 3 boars
  • Troll toll in Luculla: Fumble has 3 earth elementals
  • Troll toll in Luculla: Archibald has 3 slugs
  • Added Death Blaster to Pontius Pirate's ship.
  • Infiltration mechanics: certain enemies will only attack you after they STILL see you
  • after x seconds, x is shorter in tactician and honour mode
  • Defined recognizable groups and archetypes for orcs, goblins, immaculates
  • Overhauled the Troll King's cave
  • Overhauled the end fight completely
  • All archers must have a dagger so that they can switch when you come too close
  • New Combat Features
  • Added Radagoth to the game, on the west beach of Cyseal.
  • Immune to lightning and poison, may stun melee attackers.
  • Sand golem
  • Waterproof exploskeleton
  • Enchanted armour
  • Soul of desperation
  • Angry chest. Spits gold and bites.
  • Enemy skill Arcane Vortex
  • Enemy skill Windwalker
  • Enemy skill Iron command
  • Enemy skill Dark Avenger
  • Enemy skill Summon Nether Jester
  • Enemy skill Delayed Projectile
  • Enemy skill Remorse
  • Enemy skill Metal Rain
  • Enemy skill Purifying Tide
  • Enemy skill Liquid stone11
  • Enemy skill Consume Life Force
  • Enemy skill summon spitfire totem
  • Enemy skill Void Hail
  • Enemy skill Earth Shard
  • Enemy skill Blood Spit
  • Enemy skill Barbed Hair
  • Enemy skill Chitin Dart
  • Enemy skill Spore Spit
  • Enemy skill Void Shard
  • Enemy skill Gold Spit
  • Enemy skill Shackles of Pain
  • Enemy skill Decaying Touch
  • Enemy skill Mark of Death
  • Enemy skill Wind Walker
  • Enemy skill Crawling Infestation
  • Enemy skill Summon Poison Slug
  • Enemy skill Summon Enchanted Armor
  • Enemy skill Earth Spray
  • Enemy skill Shattered Stone
  • Enemy skill Norok's Stun Shout
  • Enemy skill Tiny Metal Rain
  • Bloated corpse. Creates poison cloud when damaged.
  • Feverish corpse. Explodes when damaged.
  • Unholy altar. An altar can heal HP of NPCs.
  • Protection crystal, needs to be destroyed to make an NPC vulnerable (e.g. Braccus fight)
  • Void crystal
  • Poisonous mushroom, you can shoot it and it'll create a poisonous cloud.
  • Spawners (pitch dark tunnels) are static objects that can spawn creatures as long as it
  • is not destroyed or as long as combat lasts.

  • NPCs can have or cast an aura that affects nearby allies
  • Fire Aura
  • Ice Aura
  • Air Aura
  • Earth Aura
  • Initiative Aura

  • A ward spreads an aura that grants powers to their owners. Wards are protectors and don't fight. They float so are immune to surfaces. Some wards cannot move, some
  • follow their owners.
  • Air ward.
  • Earth ward.
  • Elemental ward.
  • Fire ward.
  • Iron ward.
  • Water ward.

  • Cyseal Traphouse Courtyard Ooze Pit Sequence
  • Cyseal Traphouse Courtyard Ooze Pit Key Sequence
  • Cyseal Traphouse Courtyard Ooze Pit Sequence Hardcore
  • Cyseal Traphouse Courtyard Ooze Pit Key Sequence Hardcore
  • Cyseal Traphouse Courtyard Elemental Mine Sequence Hardcore
  • Cyseal Traphouse Entrance Room Gas Pit Sequence Hardcore
  • Cyseal Traphouse Lava Room Sequence Hardcore
  • Cyseal Traphouse Lava Room Key Sequence Hardcore
  • Cyseal Traphouse Projectile Room Sequence Hardcore
  • Cyseal Traphouse Projectile Room Key Sequence Hardcore
  • Cyseal Graveyard Entrance Trap Sequence
  • Cyseal Graveyard Entrance Trap Sequence Hardcore
  • Cyseal Undertaker Hut Trap Redone
  • Cyseal Undertaker Hut Trap Redone Hardcore
  • Cyseal Tavern Cellar Trap Hardcore
  • Black Cove Totem Trap 1
  • Black Cove Totem Trap 1 Hardcore
  • Black Cove Totem Trap 2
  • Black Cove Totem Trap 2 Hardcore
  • Black Cove Pirate Office Key Hardcore
  • Black Cove Ramp Down to Harbor
  • Black Cove Ramp Down to Harbor Hardcore
  • Black Cove Harbour Totem Trap
  • Black Cove Harbour Totem Trap Hardcore
  • Black Cove Harbour Gas Pit Trap
  • Black Cove Harbour Gas Pit Trap Hardcore
  • Black Cove Harbour Trap Multiple Solution
  • Black Cove Harbour Trap Multiple Solution Hardcore
  • Luculla Forest South East Cathedral Road
  • Luculla Forest South East Cathedral Road Hardcore
  • Luculla Forest South West Cathedral Road
  • Luculla Forest South West Cathedral Road Hardcore
  • Hiberheim Castle Corridor Trap 1
  • Hiberheim Castle Corridor Trap 1 Hardcore
  • Hiberheim Castle Corridor Trap 2
  • Hiberheim Castle Corridor Trap 2 Hardcore
  • Hiberheim Castle Corridor Trap 3
  • Hiberheim Castle Corridor Trap 3 Hardcore
  • Hiberheim Castle Corridor Trap 4
  • Hiberheim Castle Corridor Trap 4 Hardcore
  • Hiberheim Castle Troll King Trap
  • Hiberheim Castle Troll King Trap Hardcore
  • Hiberheim Telekinesis Room
  • Hiberheim Telekinesis Room Hardcore3
  • Hiberheim Prison Passage
  • Hiberheim Prison Passage Hardcore
  • Hiberheim Castle Treasure Room Corridor Trap
  • Hiberheim Castle Treasure Room Corridor Trap Hardcore
  • Hiberheim Wishing Well Trap
  • Hiberheim Wishing Well Trap Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Hunter's Edge Trap 1
  • Phantom Forest Hunter's Edge Trap 1 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Hunter's Edge Trap 2
  • Phantom Forest Hunter's Edge Trap 2 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Hunter's Edge Trap 3
  • Phantom Forest Hunter's Edge Trap 3 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Hunter's Edge Trap 4
  • Phantom Forest Hunter's Edge Trap 4 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Hortun and Charla Cellar Trap
  • Phantom Forest Hortun and Charla Cellar Trap Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Druid Dungeon Trap 1
  • Phantom Forest Druid Dungeon Trap 1 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Druid Dungeon Trap 2
  • Phantom Forest Druid Dungeon Trap 2 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Druid Dungeon Trap 3
  • Phantom Forest Druid Dungeon Trap 3 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Sneak Route Part 1
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Sneak Route Part 1 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Sneak Route Part 2
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Sneak Route Part 2 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Trap Route Part 1
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Trap Route Part 1 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Trap Route Part 2
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Trap Route Part 2 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Trap Route Part 3
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Trap Route Part 3 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Puzzle Route Part 1
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Puzzle Route Part 1 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Puzzle Route Part 2
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Puzzle Route Part 2 Hardcore
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Puzzle Route Part 3
  • Phantom Forest Inner Sanctum Entrance Puzzle Route Part 3 Hardcore

  • Fortified and Frozen adds % of armor instead of standard value
  • You need bodybuilding as a saving throw against Frozen

Skill System Overhaul
  • Tier system: each skill belongs to a tier: novice, adept, master
  • Skill Abilities now grant a certain number of skills that can be learned in one or more
  • tiers
  • Rebalanced skills: damage, AP cost, cooldown, chances of setting a status, distance,
  • AoE radius...
  • To encourage non-damage skills (set status, help allies), these skills were buffed
  • As the player invests in the Skill school ability, the cooldown reduction is calculated
  • more fairly, better scaled.
  • Moved skills around so that learning skills become progressively cooler (i.e. you can
  • learn certain skills sooner now, but other skills have become higher level)
  • Removed skills that felt like copies so that skills are original and unique and so that
  • certain schools are the only ones that have certain powers and statuses
  • A lot of skills got new effects, especially master tier skills that now look like total
  • overkill
  • Splintered Arrow (Ranger): explodes into splinters on impact and distributes damage
  • among enemies in range
  • Boulder Bash (Earth): a concrete ball of stone falls from the sky on the target
  • Mass Healing (Water): an AoE healing skill
  • Decaying Touch (Source): inflicts a status on an enemy so that he takes damage from
  • healing skills and potions (instead of healing, obviously)
  • Coup De Grace (Fatality, Rogue): does 3 times regular weapon damage on targets
  • with low HP
  • Crawling Infestation (Rogue): plants an egg on an enemy that "comes out" after a
  • certain amount of turns. When the egg comes out, the enemy dies and is replaced by a
  • spider.
  • Shackles Of Pain (Warrior): creates a "damage link" between the target and the
  • warrior, target takes half the damage the warrior receives
  • Shadow Step (Rogue): teleport to the back of an enemy, backstab, and jump back to
  • original spot
  • Netherswap (Air): switch the position of two characters
  • Rain Of Arrows (Ranger): rain down arrows from the sky
  • Summon Ooze (Earth): summon an ooze
  • Target Corpses (Ranger): ranger aims at all corpses in a radius and explodes them all
  • Taunt (Warrior): enemies find the taunter more interesting to attack
  • Hoverfeet (EtherealSoles, Rogue): the rogue can walk over surfaces
  • Elemental Tortoise (Warrior): shield stance that makes all your elemental resistances
  • go up by 50%
  • Barbed Wire (Warrior): shield stance that makes you reflect damage
  • Adrenaline (Rogue): gain AP this turn (you lose this AP next turn)
  • Created new skillbooks and scrolls
  • Added new skillbooks and scrolls to shops and treasure generation
  • Replaced manually placed skillbooks and scrolls in the world with appropriate ones
  • Created AI scripts so that AI can use new skills
  • All summons have a unique skill5
  • Earth Summon can now also cast BoulderBash
  • Spider Summon now has a Weakening Touch skill (Spider bite)
  • Undead Summon now has a Draw Blood skill
  • Greater Undead Summon now has a Taunt skill
  • Wolf Summon now has a Bleeding skill (Neck bite)
  • Fixed stats and equipment of Ooze Summon
  • Spider now does piercing damage
  • ImmuneToFreezing is now a water skill and also cures freezing
  • ImmuneToBurning is now a fire skill and also cures burning
  • Elemental Shield skills totally redone
  • Self Immolation grants temporary fire resistance
  • TargetedPerception lasts longer
  • Farseer also gives 50% cth extra with ranged weapons
  • Tornado now also clears INVISIBLE, BURNING, WARM, HASTED
  • TreatPoisoning now gives temp boost to poison res
  • Infect now plants an Infectious Disease
  • Infectious Disease now also decreases bodybuilding
  • Healing skills heal a percentage of HP and not with a levelmap
  • Some master tier skills can only be cast once per combat
  • Remove petrification skill is now called Wind Of Change
  • Remove petrification skill can now also remove Slowed status
  • ExplodeSelf skill now gives preview instead of immediately executing
  • Bomber Go Boom skill now gives preview instead of immediately executing
  • Survivor's Karma grants more crit chance and it lasts longer
  • FirstAid now also heals you a bit
  • FirstAid now also cures infectious disease
  • Doctor now also gives you bodybuilding for a while
  • Doctor now also cures diseased
  • Lightning Strike is now called Thunder Jump
  • Cleansing Water can now fix Decaying Touch
  • Melee Defensive Stance does not give a CTH penalty but a damage penalty
  • Melee Defensive Stance gives more armor boost
  • Melee Power Stance gives movement boost
  • Ranged Precision Stance does not give AP penalty but movement penalty
  • Immune To ... skills now also freeze/burn/stun/poison on contact so that the skills are
  • less underwhelming
  • Splinter Arrow hit radius is now larger so that it's harder to catch only one enemy in
  • its radius
  • Mass Heal now heals less but over more rounds (slower)
  • Bless now also removes Cursed status
  • Farsight: also cures Blinded
  • Can cast FirstAid and doctor in a larger radius
  • RemovePetrification also cures stunned status now
  • Malediction removes blessed status now
  • EarthSpray now has less chance to petrify targets because OP
  • Tornado's Chance to remove surface is now a lot higher
  • BlessedEearth now removes curse
  • Shackles of pain now shares 100% of the damage instead of 50%
  • Inspire also gives 1 CON now
  • FireSurfaceSelf gives 25 Fire res but also clears freezing and stunned
  • BurningTouch does more damage
  • Firesurfaceself cleans frozen and stunned in a 4m radius and gives everyone in a 4m
  • radius some fire res
  • Malediction now both curses and weakens
  • Precise Incision does 1.5 times your weapon damage instead of 1/3 of it
  • Eye Gouge does 100% your weapon's damage instead of 1/3 of it
  • Lacerate does 1.5 times your weapon damage instead of 100%
  • Resurrection Skill heals for 50%
  • Resurrection can not be found as a scroll, this is now a Resuscitate scroll which costs 10 AP, heals for 20%
  • Summoning the little bomber costs 2 AP instead of 8 AP
  • The little bomber does a little less damage

  • New item Armour Piercing Grenade
  • New item Nailbomb
  • New item Razzle Dazzle Grenade
  • New item Firestorm Grenade
  • New item Meteor Grenade
  • New item Love Grenade
  • New item Plague Grenade
  • New item Nightmare Grenade
  • New item Frost Grenade
  • New item Holy Hand Grenade
  • New item Tremor Grenade
  • New item Thunderbolt Grenade
  • New item Smoke Grenade
  • New item Toxic Grenade
  • New item Water Balloon
  • New item Oil Flask
  • New item Poison Flask
  • New talent Pinpoint improves accuraccy
  • New talent Slingshot improves distance
  • New item for creating grenade(s): empty perfume bottle
  • New item for creating grenade(s): empty cannister
  • New item for creating grenade(s): empty grenade
  • New item for creating grenade(s): empty flask
  • New item for creating grenade(s): sovereign's orb
  • Created AI scripts so that AI can use grenades

  • Any bottle + hammer = broken bottle
  • Broken bottle + empty round grenade = armor piercing
  • Poison + empty round grenade = Mustardgas
  • Intestines or rotten eggs + canister = chem warfare
  • Bottle + oil barrel = bottle of oil
  • Bottle of oil + fuse = molotov cocktail
  • Rope + rope = fuse
  • Tormented soul + canister = terror grenade
  • Pixie Dust + Empty Perfume bottle = love grenade
  • Magic star fish (any) + empty holy grenade = holy hand grenade (healing)
  • Air res potion + canister = Flashbang
  • Jellyfish mushroom + canister = Flashbang
  • Bottle or cup or barrel or bucket of water + intestines = water balloon
  • Earth essence + canister = tremor grenade
  • Water essence + empty round grenade = ice grenade
  • Fire essence + empty round grenade = fire grenade
  • Bottle or cup or barrel of OIL + empty flask = oil flask
  • Added ingredients to treasure generation
  • Added grenades to treasure generation

New Achievements
  • Efilesin
  • Father Lucifer
  • Hey Hey Do The Zombie Stomp
  • Kill With Power
  • Memory Motel
  • Never Say Die
  • Sister of Mercy
  • Stray Cat Strut
  • That Voice Again
  • The Glimmer Twins
  • Wolfpack
  • You've Got That Something Special

Loading Screen
  • New hints appear during the loading screen

  • Added wands to the game. Wands come in different elemental versions and can shoot
  • projectiles. They also grant you a certain skill with a limited amount of uses. The skill
  • they grant is always a bit higher level than what you're used to.
  • New item for creating inert wand
  • Added crafting combinations to create wands
  • Added wands to treasure generation
  • New ability: Wand
  • Loot Generation Overhaul
  • Treasure tables were completely re-balanced
  • More specific treasure tables were created for specific encounters and locations
  • Certain treasure tables were joined together to help the new random in reaching its
  • true assured variation algorithm
  • Shopkeeper inventories were completely re-balanced
  • Skillbook traders now offer a better array of skillbooks
  • Now uses a different type of random, call it "counted randomness", where drops are
  • assured instead of having a lower or higher chance of dropping
  • Treasure is generated the first time the level is loaded and saved in the savegame

  • Every item now has a description
  • Gear now drops more logically and progressively (e.g. You can find a wood axe early
  • on in the game, because it's a tool and not an advanced weapon. You will not find it
  • in mid or late game anymore. In the same vein, you won't find a double headed battle
  • axe early on in the game anymore. In the original game, item progression felt very
  • random.)
  • Higher level gear no longer has names that feel unappropriate for high level items.
  • (E.g. Mid level and high level items no longer get prefixes like Rusty and Broken.)
  • Damage, crit chance and AP cost of all weapons was rebalanced.
  • THe blocking chance of shields is higher at the beginning of the game
  • Crossbows can now drop from level 1 onwards
  • Most requirements have gone down
  • Created DIY items. These are weapons that can be upgraded. Every upgrade also
  • upgrades the weapon level. Charla (Cyseal beach) sells the base weapons. There is a
  • manual with instructions available in the world. All upgrades are hidden in the world
  • and must be found by the player.
  • Shields break more often, have less durability
  • Removed the default resistances on leather armor and metal armor
  • Sarongs no longer have an INT requirement

  • In the inventory, you can have the sort functionality fill in empty slots to clear empty
  • gaps
  • Crafting UI was added
  • In the crafting UI, you can experiment and look for valid combinations. Unlocked
  • recipes give quick access to crafting combinations you have already found.
  • All tooltips (skills, equipment) follow a general everything is always in the same order,
  • and icons immediately clarify what the numbers are about.
  • Tooltip borders look less bulky
  • Most in-game actions are now listed in the skill window, with their own neat
  • little icon. This way, game actions can be mapped to the Hot Bar. This gives the
  • user multiple ways of doing things and makes it easier for people that play with a
  • controller. (E.g. Attack ground, delay turn, disarm trap, end turn, enter sneak, flee,
  • identify, repair, pick lock)
  • Arhu's remote control for the Sparkmaster has an actual user interface design that
  • looks like a remote control. (You used to interact with it through a dialogue.)
  • Added a new tab to the skill window for skills that were granted by equipment (e.g.
  • Skills granted by wands but also skills granted by magical equipment)
  • Created activesearch for controller mode
  • Hot Bar has improved glows
  • Updated "End Turn" button highlight on the Hot Bar
  • Combat turn order revamped
  • Hold In Hand functionality and UI for controller mode
  • Improved context menu with actions on items
  • New EE logo
  • All UI have bigger canvases to prevent cutoffs
  • New Examine UI
  • Journal shows newest quest entries on top
  • Loading screen new art and animations
  • Difficulty mode artwork in main menu
  • Tooltips about buttons in main menu
  • Messagebox reskin
  • Messagebox New Skill new art and animation
  • Overhead information improvements, new art and icons
  • Target all party members and summons via portraits
  • All statuses have names, descriptions and icons
  • Save/Load UI displays an icon next to Honour savegames
  • Improved equipment compare functionality, also in trade UI
  • Improved tutorial messaging system
  • Support improved tutorial system with highlights and showing elements on certain
  • coordinates
  • Waypoint UI displays current waypoint
  • New cursors for magic and throw actions

  • Compile in 64bit
  • Use DirectX11
  • Splitscreen support: rendering
  • Seamless splitscreen
  • Splitscreen support: show UI on one half
  • Controller support (input)
  • Context sensitive icons in the world
  • Input in splitscreen: Link PlayerIDs to UIs to send input to the correct Uis
  • Insane amount of optimizations
  • Multithreading: Offload animation update
  • Multithreading: Offload effects
  • Multithreading: Offload UI
  • Multithreading: Offload manager updates where possible
  • Multithreading: Offload server
  • Multithreading: Rendering
  • Support grenades
  • Support wands
  • Support all the new hardcore requests from the designers
  • Controller input: Never auto-avoid surfaces with controller
  • Controller input: Sensitivity scale for thumb sticks
  • Created Controller UI for Inventory
  • Created Controller UI for Quest log
  • Created Controller UI for Trade
  • Created Controller UI for Dialog
  • Created Controller UI for Stats
  • Created Controller UI for Equipment + paperdoll
  • Created Controller UI for Minimap
  • Created Controller UI for Mainhud
  • Created Controller UI for Skill UI
  • Created Controller UI for Henchman UI
  • Created Controller UI for Character creation
  • Created Controller UI for Character assignment
  • Created Controller UI for Chat
  • Created Controller UI for Combat log
  • Created Controller UI for Containers
  • Created Controller UI for Crafting
  • Created Controller UI for Generic message box
  • Created Controller UI for In-game notifications
  • Created Controller UI for Main menu
  • Created Controller UI for Combat UI
  • Created Controller UI for Book UI
  • Created Controller UI for Target info
  • Created Controller UI for Player portraits
  • Created Controller UI for Options21
  • Created Controller UI for Overhead dialog
  • Created Controller UI for Profile
  • Created Controller UI for Quickslot bar
  • Created Controller UI for Tooltips
  • Created Controller UI for Waypoints
  • Created Controller UI for Lobby
  • Created Controller UI for DLC
  • Created Controller UI for RPS minigame
  • Trading UI has Sell Junk functionality
  • Supports cursor mode with controller
  • Controller UI has radial for party member selection
  • Controller UI has radial for choosing main UI
  • Impltemented Controller D-pad functionality
  • Supports vibration on controller
  • Select amount and split is controller friendly
  • New skills automatically go to next free slot on hotbar
  • Shows paperdoll in equipment screen
  • Show Backstabbing area as a preview
  • Support 4K

  • Gear, loot, items: game economy was completely rebalanced.

Magical Gear
  • Magical gear can now grant a skill
  • Magical gear can now reflect damage as a certain type of damage
  • Contact boosts granted by magical items don't last long (OP)
  • New magical boosts were created, existing ones were rebalanced. There's more
  • variation now and more different combinations are possible.
  • Magically boosted gear now becomes progressively more interesting as you go
  • through the game: magical boosts become stronger as you level up, so "old" low level
  • items become less interesting.
  • Magically boosted gear comes in 5 tiers: uncommon, rare, epic, legendary and divine.
  • You will not find divine items early on in the game, but as you level up, uncommon
  • and even rare items become more commonplace.

New Sound Effects
  • Repair
  • Bloated corpse
  • Pick up crystal
  • Generic notification
  • Goblin drum
  • Fountain
  • Splintered arrow
  • Boulderbash
  • Mass healing
  • Decaying touch
  • Fatality
  • Crawling infestation
  • Shackles of pain
  • Shadow step
  • Netherswap
  • Rain of arrows
  • Summon ooze
  • Target corpses
  • Taunt
  • Hoverfeet
  • Elemental tortoise
  • Barbed wire
  • Adrenaline
  • Gaspit flower trap
  • UI sound updates, e.g. Select panel, level up, quest complete, savegame
  • Ghost death
  • Armour Piercing Grenade
  • Nailbomb
  • Razzle Dazzle Grenade
  • Firestorm Grenade
  • Meteor Grenade
  • Love Grenade
  • Plague Grenade
  • Nightmare Grenade
  • Frost Grenade
  • Holy Hand Grenade
  • Tremor Grenade
  • THunderbolt Grenade
  • Smoke Grenade
  • Toxic Grenade
  • Water Balloon
  • Oil Flask
  • Poison Flask
  • Zombie Nick grenade23
  • Tombstone animation
  • Dreamscene with Leandra (laughter, breathing, spawning, rage, death)
  • Angry chest explosion
  • Undead bard
  • Stone door sliding open
  • Spawn sounds for different creatures
  • Idle wands
  • (un)sheathing wands
  • Dual wielding wands
  • Using wands
  • Custom imp animations: angry, dying, sad, sneaky
  • Custom NPC animations: booing, cheering
  • Lying down
  • Updated drinking, using, crafting
  • Ambient updates, e.g. Bellegar, Homestead, Gnik Barc Nni, but also generic like
  • graveyards
  • Updated orc effects: drinking, idling, death, emotes
  • Updated various animal effects: cat, chicken, deer, pig, rabbit, boar, rat...
  • Wards
  • Spawners
  • Spitfire totem
  • Ooze summon
  • Walking armour
  • New and updated zombie effects
  • Updated ballista sounds
  • Blood altar
  • Script Improvements
  • Some chars that were setonstage now use appear so they use spawning animation
  • Some chars that were setonstage are now actual summons
  • AI doesn't heal zombies
  • AI doesn't use resurrect on summons
  • AI should not retaliate on dead characters
  • Slow arrow will not be used on frozen target
  • Freezing arrow will not be used on slowed target
  • CreateSurface takes lifetime argument now

New Visual Effects
  • Ward spheres
  • Ward spawning, hit, death
  • Ward healing
  • Tomb opening effect
  • Earth projectiles
  • Earth spray
  • Question mark
  • Auras
  • Liquid stone beam
  • Earth spell impact
  • Void Crystals
  • Air skill materials
  • Chitin projectile
  • Gold projectile
  • Camera shakes added and adjusted to several effects
  • Earthquake skill
  • Ethereal soles
  • Lucky four leaf clover
  • Iceshard trap
  • Wollocks totem burn
  • Iron Command skill
  • Mark of death
  • Witchcraft generics
  • Bonepile
  • Teleport smoke
  • Metal Rain enemy skill
  • Midnight oil changes
  • Tapestry repair materials
  • Fire totem
  • Become Air skill
  • Magic Halo
  • Summon ooze spawn and death
  • Wind Walker skill
  • Taunt
  • Water summon split, death, spawn
  • Water hit
  • Fatality skill
  • Electricity projectile
  • Watersplashes
  • Move materials and textures
  • Stone Soul
  • Dark Avenger skill
  • Remorse skill
  • Nether Swap skill
  • Crawling Infestation skill
  • Corpse explosion skill
  • Shackles of pain skill
  • Light pillars
  • Shattered Stone skill
  • Wind Up Toy update
  • DaggersDrawn skill update
  • Lacerate skill update
  • CloakAndDagger skill update
  • EyeGouge skill update
  • PreciseIncision skill update
  • VenomousStrike skill update
  • Crab water spit
  • Trip
  • Consume Life Force
  • Boulder Bash impact
  • Survivors karma revamped
  • First Aid skill update
  • Treat Poisoning skill update
  • Decaying Touch skill update
  • Targeting a position
  • Added impact position effects (healing, ice and witchcraft)
  • Adjusted witchcraft charm
  • Adjusted vamperic touch
  • Elemental Tortoise skill
  • Redone Tactical Retreat
  • Added Tenebrium staff effect
  • Added Tenebrium wand effect and projectile
  • Luculla Forest Witch Cabin Dome Material/Animation
  • Icandra effects
  • Barbed Coat skill
  • Blink skill
  • Sandcorpse explosion
  • Updated Storm skill
  • Updated Water Elemental spawn/death
  • Added angel wing variation
  • Adjusted healing effects
  • Armour Piercing Grenade trail, explode
  • Nailbomb trail, explode
  • Razzle Dazzle Grenade trail, explode
  • Firestorm Grenade trail, explode
  • Meteor Grenade trail, explode
  • Love Grenade trail, explode
  • Plague Grenade trail, explode
  • Nightmare Grenade trail, explode
  • Frost Grenade trail, explode
  • Holy Hand Grenade trail, explode26
  • Tremor Grenade trail, explode
  • THunderbolt Grenade trail, explode
  • Smoke Grenade trail, explode
  • Toxic Grenade trail, explode
  • Water Balloon trail, explode
  • Oil Flask trail, explode
  • Poison Flask trail, explode
  • Zombie Nick grenade trail, explode
  • Updated Flare explosion
  • Cave entrance
  • Dragon teleport fx
  • Sea mine
  • Cripple skill
  • Boreas skills
  • Dark minion death effects
  • Avatar skills
  • Prison door fx
  • Ballista fx
  • Trife spawning
  • Selection sphere
  • Weaver of time aura
  • Master skill hail
  • Tornado skill updated
  • Mass disease update
  • Wand effects
  • Adrenaline skill
  • Adjusted Stun fx to fit new animation timing
  • Endgame magic door
  • Infectious flame updated
  • Special arrow effects
  • Overall, changed billboards to decals
  • Homestead is on fire!
  • Updated Staff of Magus skill
  • Mass Slow skill
  • Spider balls update
  • Petrification death adjusted
  • Deadly spore projectile updated
  • Soul of desperation skill
  • Blood projectile skill
  • Shambling Oak wand skill
  • Feverish and bloated corpse

Tactician Specific
  • At the Cyseal Abandoned House, the archer has Nether Swap.
  • At the Cyseal west gate, there are two extra enemies: bolt-stricken zombies.
  • Bibius and Junius get help from their dog Tuesday. Junius has an oil grenade and
  • Bibius has a Nailbomb.
  • In the dog ambush fight near the trapdoor, AI has extra skills and a grenade.
  • In the fields near the West gate, archers will target bloated corpses.
  • In the fields near the West gate, there's an extra Waterproof Exploskeleton.
  • In the tunnel underneath the small graveyard in Cyseal, 2 Exploskeletons spawn
  • behind the player in the easy fight.
  • In the tunnel underneath the small graveyard in Cyseal, the Scorcher has an Ethereal
  • Soles shout and Purify.
  • Near the zombie carriage, a pitch dark tunnel was added.
  • Ragequin can create scorching surfaces and his ghost can use Blitz Bolt. His archers
  • have special arrows.
  • The AI in the orc landing fight in Cyseal can make the barrels explode.
  • The false Source Hunters in the mirror dungeon fight have summon skills.
  • The Lighthouse fight has a Ward protecting the ghoul.
  • The orc landing fight in Cyseal has 2 extra cultists.
  • The second fight of the Wulfram escort quest has become a lot tougher: extra archers
  • with special arrows and an extra Decapitator.
  • THe skeleton ambush
  • THe Undead Pyromancer west of Cyseal has one more fire summon and some extra
  • skills.
  • Toxa and Sheba have Crawling Infestation.
  • Toxa and Sheba may inflict Disease to melee attackers.
  • Tutorial fight in Cyseal has 2 more archers, one of them has a special arrow. Lieutenant has grenade.
  • Undead encounter north of Cyseal, the priest removes healing and shields and casts
  • ethereal soles on his party
  • Second undead encounter north of Cyseal, 2 extra archers spawn when a boar dies.
  • One mage can cast an arcane vortex that gives elemental immunity to all, and that
  • teleports enemies.
  • The enemies in the sparkmaster fight have different locations
  • The sparkmaster can fire missiles that will fall on target after one turn.
  • The seaside thugs are joined by a Summoner that can summon a nether jester.
  • Dietmar casts wind walker on himself which teleports him every time he's hit with
  • melee.
  • Sand golems don't die after 3-4 turns but after 6-8 turns
  • Bellegar can use mark of death and shackles of pain
  • Evelyn fight is joined by 3 orc rangers and a shaman that spawn at the cave entrance.
  • The Aenemic cultists can summon a slug.
  • The Aenemic cultists are not weakened
  • The Aenemic cultists can heal at a blood altar
  • Evelyn casts shackles of pain28
  • The shaman at the Black Cove entrance has a fire aura
  • Grulbarg starts the fight with Dark Avenger
  • We gave Lady Anna an Initiative Aura and an Iron Ward.
  • Diederik has a Banish Summon skill
  • The wolves to the East of Cyseal have a Decaying Touch debuff. Also added Curse and
  • Purifying shout.
  • The undead fight north of the wolves, added Poisonous Mushrooms around the area
  • that archers can shoot if the player is standing too close to them. One of the archers
  • on the bridge also has a Molotov Grenade
  • In the charred undead fight, gave the Knight and the Pikeman Cluster Bomb
  • Grenades. Added 2 Pike men.
  • In the second charred undead fight, one of the Charred-Bone Footmen can use the
  • Summon Arcane Vortex skill
  • In the third charred undead fight, the knight has a remorse skill
  • In the fourth charred undead fight, the archer can summon a spitfire totem
  • The executioner that is helping out the Twins by fire joined can use purifying fire to
  • clear healing and shields.
  • Added explosive corpses near the Incandescent Wanderer
  • The Zombie troll in Cyseal can summon a slug
  • In the graveyard in Cyseal, the madman also summons waterproof exploskeletons
  • In the graveyard in Cyseal, the madman can shoot oil and ooze barrels
  • Added a soul of desperation to the graveyard in Cyseal
  • One of the stone guardians has shattered stone
  • In the cathedral in Cyseal, five more cultists join the fight after one turn.
  • Braccus creates 3 Protection Crystals that make him invulnerable as long as one of
  • them is still active
  • In the orc and skeleton fight in the Black Cove, the shaman has a fire ward.
  • In the orc and skeleton fight in the Black Cove, 2 archers and 2 mages join the fight
  • from the little room but can be aggro'd before this fight.
  • The source abomination has banish summon and haste.
  • The burrowed crabs in Black Cove are joined by an Angry Chest.
  • The burrowed crabs encounter in Black Cove now has a crab mound that generates a
  • crab per turn.
  • The burrowed crabs encounter in Black Cove spawns 2 exploskeletons when the
  • archers are dead
  • Pontius can teleport barrels directly onto the player & can cast Ethereal Soles
  • Pontius is joined by an angry chest on the pier.
  • THe Source Nightmare boss of Black Cove (spider) has the Crawling Infestation skill
  • During the flower fight in Luculla, a Shambling Oak spawns on turn 2
  • In Luculla, the Blood Wasps have the Decaying Touch debuff
  • During the Bjorn Escort, a cutthroat has nail grenades
  • Every student in the student group north of Luculla can summon something
  • The orc slavers in Luculla will use Haste and rage, and earth shield
  • The immaculate guards north of Luculla have molotov and mustard gas grenades
  • The drunk goblins of Luculla are not drunk
  • One of the drunk goblins of Luculla has a water ward9
  • One of the plants near the drunk goblins of Luculla has an earth ward
  • Grumble can hasten himself and use Rage
  • Fumbla has an Air ward
  • Added void crystals near the shadow summoner in Luculla
  • The Whisperer in the shadow summoner encounter in Luculla has iron command
  • The second shadow summoner encounter summons 5 spiders and can use banish
  • summon
  • The orc buddies in Luculla are joined by a Shaman with a Liquid Stone skill
  • In the Luculla cave, the aeromancer has a banish summon skill
  • In the Luculla cave, 2 flame champions spawn in the pyromaniac fight
  • In the animal slaughter encounter in the Luculla cave, the necromancer will charm
  • your strongest party member
  • Vaelanna can summon earth elementals
  • Garkulda's shaman can banish summons
  • Near the Luculla bridges near the mines, the first group has a shaman with a fire aura
  • Near the Luculla bridges near the mines, the first group has a ranger that can
  • summon slugs
  • Near the Luculla bridges near the mines, the sleeping goblin group has an Iron Ward
  • is hidden behind the northern barricade
  • Near the Luculla bridges near the mines, the third group has an extra archer and the
  • mystic can use nether swap
  • Near the Luculla bridges near the mine entrance, the ranger has grenades
  • At the bridge to the barren lands, the Immaculate Duelist has the Mark of Death skill
  • The first spider group in the barren lands have Helping Hand
  • The spider ambush in Luculla has bloated corpses
  • The Spider Queen can now weave a web of poison
  • Meleeing woebringer in the trials may inflict stunned
  • Archibald has the Delayed Explosion ability
  • Loic can summon Nether Jester
  • Loic can cast Invulnerable on himself
  • A soul of desperation was added to the Attenberah fight
  • Sadakandras can cast Mark Of Death
  • Kromkromkris has an Earthquake Grenade & a Disease Grenade
  • The Immaculate Teacher can cast Iron Ward and Consume Life Force
  • In the Mangoth intro fight, the poison demon uses Bless and the fire demon uses
  • Summon Spitfire Totem
  • In the Librarian fight in Luculla, we gave Banish Summon to Ulka Word-Carver&
  • Mark of Death to Arros Frozen-Page.
  • In the Troll King fight, an Air Ward is present
  • We gave the Rafflesia the Remorse skill
  • Maradino can cast the Invulnerability skill
  • In the Doom Immaculate fight, the air mage can summon an Arcane Vortex
  • In the Doom Immaculate fight, the Enchanter can summon a Floating Enchanted
  • Armor
  • THe Void Shepherd can cast Windwalker and Consume Life Force
  • Jareth can cast Haste
  • Jaline can cast Mark Of Death and Finger Of Death0
  • Kaden has grenades
  • In Hiberheim, more robot rats spawn when you kill one of the alphas
  • The Mecha Roosters in Hiberheim can use Metal Rain
  • In Hiberheim, a group of Ice enemies patrols the area
  • THe wolfmaster near the demon gate in Hiberheim has fire immunity and his friends
  • have grenades.
  • THe wolf ambush in Hiberheim has a fire ward
  • When Boreas changes seasons, he also summons the corresponding Elemental Ward.
  • Good luck with that.
  • In the mud huntresses encounter in dark forest, one has crawling infestation
  • Bruil has grenades
  • We added bloated corpses to the lost explorer campsite
  • Baeltog has grenades and the cartographer can cast Banish Summon
  • Raalzen Ax'axaroth has purifying fire
  • In the Dark forest spider ambush, three spiders will use decaying touch
  • The Rat King has consume life force and his friends have extra skills too
  • Hitting Cassandra with melee curses
  • Norok can use a Demoralizing shout
  • Weresheep have mass weakness
  • Imal can cast Purifying Tide
  • The Void Knights in the Leandra fight can use Banish Summon
  • In the void dragon fight, a void widow spawns every 2 turns
"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐

Ultima modifica di Donbabbeo : 03-11-2015 alle 18:50.
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Old 16-05-2013, 14:39   #4
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ho tutti i divinity su steam
| case: HAF XB EVO | mobo: Asus RANGER VIII| cpu: Intel i7 6700K | dissy: Noctua U12S |
| ram: 16gb G.Skill Ripjaws V DDR4 | gpu: Gigabyte 4070 Super | ali: EVGA G2 850 |
| ssd: 2tb = Samsung 860 | display: LG OLED 48 C3 evo 4k | | Profilo Steam | Steam Deck OLED|
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Old 16-05-2013, 14:46   #5
Rainy nights
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APC BR1600SI - Ryzen 7900@95w - MSI PRO X670-P WIFI - ARCTIC Liquid Freezer II 420 - Radeon 6900XT - G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO DDR5 RGB 32GB - M.2 990 pro 2T - Fractal Design 7 XL - Corsair HX850 - Dell 2721 DGFA QHD - ASUS ROG Strix Flare II Animate - Logitech G502 LIGHTSPEED – 2x M-audio BX8 d3 - SMSL SU-8 2ES9038Q2M ♥ iphone 14 pro max purple - Apple Watch S8 - MacBook Pro M1 pro - iPad Air 4ª ♥
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Old 16-05-2013, 14:50   #6
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A me piace tantissimo il "Blah blah blah. Poi lo rifaccio per bene, questo è tanto per avere un segnaposto.":
voto affinchè il primo post resti tale
Questa è poesia!
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Old 16-05-2013, 15:01   #7
Jon Irenicus
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Ovviamente seguo, ho chiuso l'altro thread.
Non ho giocato ad alcun Divinity, questo cmq mi ispira più degli altri.

Ultima modifica di Jon Irenicus : 16-05-2013 alle 15:08.
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Old 16-05-2013, 15:09   #8
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Forse interessato...
POE profile
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Old 16-05-2013, 15:15   #9
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Ovviamente seguo, ho chiuso l'altro thread.
allora copio/incollo (spero che i moderatori perdonino il cross post )
Finalmente nel forum di Larian Studios c’è il 3ad per chiedere che Divinity: Original Sin, il grande capolavoro annunciato, venga localizzato anche in Italiano
Andiamo tutti qui:
iscriviamoci e facciamo sentire la nostra voce!
Lo scopo è anche quello di suggerire a Larian Studios e a FXInteractive di prendere accordi, dalla loro collaborazione uscirebbe certamente una versione per noi impeccabile di quello che sarà certamente il miglior RPG dell’anno (e certamente tra i migliori di questo millennio)
Consiglio anche di stressare FX nella loro pagina facebook:
e magari inviargli una mail all’indirizzo:
non facciamoci del male, cerchiamo di darci da fare
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Old 16-05-2013, 15:16   #10
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Ottimo lavoro
Now Playing: Pillars of Eternity (path of the damned); Puzzle Quest 2; Diablo III (normal)
Next in Queue: Spellforce 3 Reforced; Triangle Strategy; Prey (2017)
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Old 16-05-2013, 15:21   #11
City Hunter '91
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Un primo post degno del mago gabriel
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Old 16-05-2013, 15:33   #12
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Originariamente inviato da F5F9 Guarda i messaggi
allora copio/incollo (spero che i moderatori perdonino il cross post )
Poi lo copio in prima pagina

Originariamente inviato da Jon Irenicus Guarda i messaggi
Ovviamente seguo, ho chiuso l'altro thread.
Non ho giocato ad alcun Divinity, questo cmq mi ispira più degli altri.
Imho potevi lasciarlo aperto, dopotutto il thread doveva essere su Divine Divinity, eravamo noi ad essere OT lì

Originariamente inviato da Custode Guarda i messaggi
A me piace tantissimo il "Blah blah blah. Poi lo rifaccio per bene, questo è tanto per avere un segnaposto.":
voto affinchè il primo post resti tale
Originariamente inviato da T_zi Guarda i messaggi
Ottimo lavoro
Originariamente inviato da City Hunter '91 Guarda i messaggi
Un primo post degno del mago gabriel
grazie grazie

Quello che dovevo dimostrare come OPer l'ho dimostrato con D3, non rifarò mai un thread così arzigogolato
"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐
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Old 16-05-2013, 15:37   #13
Jon Irenicus
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Originariamente inviato da Donbabbeo Guarda i messaggi
Imho potevi lasciarlo aperto, dopotutto il thread doveva essere su Divine Divinity, eravamo noi ad essere OT lì
Originariamente inviato da F5F9 Guarda i messaggi
allora copio/incollo (spero che i moderatori perdonino il cross post )
Errore mio che l'ho chiuso, va da sè che di Original Sin si parla qui e basta.
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Old 16-05-2013, 15:39   #14
yume the ronin
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Originariamente inviato da Donbabbeo Guarda i messaggi
Quello che dovevo dimostrare come OPer l'ho dimostrato con D3, non rifarò mai un thread così arzigogolato
CPU: Intel Core i9 9900k .. MOTHERBOARD: Gigabyte Z370 Aorus Gaming 5 .. RAM: Corsair Dominator 32gb DDR4 3466mhz .. VGA: Zotac RTX 3090 Trinity .. HDD: MZ-V7P1T0 970 PRO SSD da 1TB Pcle NVMe M.2 .. MONITOR: Alienware QD-OLED AW3423DWF 34” @ 3440*1440
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Old 16-05-2013, 15:53   #15
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Originariamente inviato da Jon Irenicus Guarda i messaggi
....Non ho giocato ad alcun Divinity, questo cmq mi ispira più degli altri.
allora ti consiglio (anzi: raccomando) di recuperare il primo gioco "divine divinity" (mi pare ci sia su gog e si trova facilmente la trad ita amatoriale)
è spesso scambiato per un semplice H&S ma contiene più ruolo di molti altri celebrati RPG
longevo, impegnativo, ancora (IMHO) bello da vedere, con dungeons difficilotti e lunghissimi (se li affronti non sufficientemente equipaggiato è game over), bella trama, ottima sceneggiatura e, soprattutto, un humor auto ironico straordinario
lo spin off beyond divinity, invece, lo eviterei: malgrado trabocchi di ottime idee è soprattutto un dungeon crowler molto frustante
infine c'è la dragon kight saga (divinity 2 + exp) che è in 3d e molto action ma piena di genialate (a cominciare dalla telepatia), con un formidabile sistema i crescita del personaggio, gran trama, splendido visivamente e, di nuovo, con un humor sopraffino
insomma: han fatto dei gran giochi e questa volta hanno i soldi per fare l'RPG dei loro (e dei miei e dei nostri) sogni
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Old 16-05-2013, 16:00   #16
Jon Irenicus
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Non ricordo se ho Divine o Beyond da rivista, la Dragon Knight Saga si su Steam.
Il problema è che ho da recuperare titoli più vecchi che mi ispirano anche di più e poco tempo...
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Old 16-05-2013, 16:10   #17
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Originariamente inviato da yume the ronin Guarda i messaggi
Tu dovresti capirlo meglio di me visto che hai fatto tutto il lavoro sporco

Originariamente inviato da F5F9 Guarda i messaggi
allora ti consiglio (anzi: raccomando) di recuperare il primo gioco "divine divinity" (mi pare ci sia su gog e si trova facilmente la trad ita amatoriale)
è spesso scambiato per un semplice H&S ma contiene più ruolo di molti altri celebrati RPG
longevo, impegnativo, ancora (IMHO) bello da vedere, con dungeons difficilotti e lunghissimi (se li affronti non sufficientemente equipaggiato è game over), bella trama, ottima sceneggiatura e, soprattutto, un humor auto ironico straordinario
lo spin off beyond divinity, invece, lo eviterei: malgrado trabocchi di ottime idee è soprattutto un dungeon crowler molto frustante
infine c'è la dragon kight saga (divinity 2 + exp) che è in 3d e molto action ma piena di genialate (a cominciare dalla telepatia), con un formidabile sistema i crescita del personaggio, gran trama, splendido visivamente e, di nuovo, con un humor sopraffino
insomma: han fatto dei gran giochi e questa volta hanno i soldi per fare l'RPG dei loro (e dei miei e dei nostri) sogni
Il 2 ammetto di non averlo mai giocato ma il primo divinity è davvero ben fatto. Preso su qualche rivista eoni fa (credo fosse GMC) e spacciato per H&S è in realtà un ottimo RPG open world senza alcun level scaling.
E poi ho sempre adorato la possibilità di interagire con ogni cosa
"Quiquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur" 😐
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Old 16-05-2013, 16:20   #18
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Iscritto e in trepidante attesa per la data di uscita!
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Old 16-05-2013, 16:22   #19
Rainy nights
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Originariamente inviato da Donbabbeo Guarda i messaggi
Tu dovresti capirlo meglio di me visto che hai fatto tutto il lavoro sporco

Il 2 ammetto di non averlo mai giocato ma il primo divinity è davvero ben fatto. Preso su qualche rivista eoni fa (credo fosse GMC) e spacciato per H&S è in realtà un ottimo RPG open world senza alcun level scaling.
E poi ho sempre adorato la possibilità di interagire con ogni cosa
Idem, poi comprai subito beyond ma insomma... Il primo amore quello resta.
APC BR1600SI - Ryzen 7900@95w - MSI PRO X670-P WIFI - ARCTIC Liquid Freezer II 420 - Radeon 6900XT - G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO DDR5 RGB 32GB - M.2 990 pro 2T - Fractal Design 7 XL - Corsair HX850 - Dell 2721 DGFA QHD - ASUS ROG Strix Flare II Animate - Logitech G502 LIGHTSPEED – 2x M-audio BX8 d3 - SMSL SU-8 2ES9038Q2M ♥ iphone 14 pro max purple - Apple Watch S8 - MacBook Pro M1 pro - iPad Air 4ª ♥
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Old 16-05-2013, 16:35   #20
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In grande attesa.
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