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Recensione Zenfone 11 Ultra: il flagship ASUS ritorna a essere un 'padellone'
Recensione Zenfone 11 Ultra: il flagship ASUS ritorna a essere un 'padellone'
Zenfone 11 Ultra ha tantissime qualità interessanti, fra cui potenza da vendere, un display di primissimo livello, un comparto audio potente e prestazioni di connettività fra le migliori della categoria. Manca però dell'esclusività del predecessore, che in un settore composto da "padelloni" si distingueva per le sue dimensioni compatte. Abbiamo provato il nuovo flagship ASUS, e in questa recensione vi raccontiamo com'è andata.
Appian: non solo low code. La missione è l’ottimizzazione dei processi con l'IA
Appian: non solo low code. La missione è l’ottimizzazione dei processi con l'IA
Abbiamo partecipato ad Appian World 2024, evento dedicato a partner e clienti che si è svolto recentemente nei pressi di Washington DC, vicino alla sede storica dell’azienda. Nel festeggiare il 25mo anniversario, Appian ha annunciato diverse novità in ambito intelligenza artificiale
Lenovo ThinkVision 3D 27, la steroscopia senza occhialini
Lenovo ThinkVision 3D 27, la steroscopia senza occhialini
Primo contatto con il monitor Lenovo ThinkVision 3D 27 che grazie a particolari accorgimenti tecnici riesce a ricreare l'illusione della spazialità tridimensionale senza che sia necessario utilizzare occhialini
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Old 25-02-2021, 17:19   #5041
Italia 1
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Perlomeno sembra si diano da fare per sistemare tutto
PC "wallet" TR1950x-ROG Zenith Extreme-7970-16GB DDR4 2133 - PC "soffitta" Ryzen9 5950x-Msi Carbon X570-6900xt-32GB DDR4 3000 - PC "camera" Ryzen9 3900x-Crosshair VI Hero-6900xt-32GB DDR4 3000
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Old 25-02-2021, 19:52   #5042
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Originariamente inviato da Italia 1 Guarda i messaggi
Perlomeno sembra si diano da fare per sistemare tutto
Dici ?
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Old 31-03-2021, 09:22   #5043
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Son tornato su PC, perché gira che è una meraviglia e One X ormai non lo regge più bene (e a trovare una Series X...)

Ho iniziato una nuova partita a Normale con delle nuove limitazioni:
- No acquisti di nessun tipo, a parte le fregate.
- No aquisti di upgrade S, A, B o C, ma posso acquistare upgrade X.
- Non uso mappe e non installo scanner sugli exocraft.
- Cerco di usare exocraft solo se necessario (exomech in pianeti estremi, nautilon sott'acqua, colossus come container portatile, Nomade per superare specchi d'acqua).

Obiettivo raggiungere il centro della Galassia senza passare per la main story (che seguo il giusto, se ho voglia, passato il punto in cui si sblocca l'anomalia).

Trovo che così renda l'esplorazione veramente interessante e ogni singolo elemento del gioco fondamentale. Ad esempio esplorare i mercantili alla deriva diventa fondamentale per una marea di cose (e ieri al primo, son morto mi serve uno scudo migliore) così come ogni upgrade trovato, anche classe A o B può rivelarsi utile. Chiaramente gli scambi di multitool e navi sono ancora possibili, tipo trovo un multitool che vale molto, ma ha diversi slot danneggiati e non ho kit di riparazione, lo scambio con uno nuovo ma magari di classe inferiore.
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Old 31-03-2021, 13:03   #5044
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REGOLE SURVIVAL EXPLORATION: The way No Man's Sky is meant to be played.
  • Modalità Sopravvivenza
  • Non si può acquistare nulla alle Stazioni, agli Empori e agli Avamposti, tranne dallo Scrap Dealer.
  • Si possono acquistare solo Upgrade X

Tradotto: Se puo trovarlo, costruirlo, raffinarlo, estrarlo o craftarlo, non puoi comprarlo.

In questa maniera si deve esplorare, esplorare, esplorare. Tutti gli eventi casuali in game hanno valenza, Le missioni alla Stazione, al Nexus e al Mercantile sono fondamentali. E si devono gestire inventario e risorse, sfruttando il refining.

Ultima modifica di GoFoxes : 08-04-2021 alle 16:38.
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Old 31-03-2021, 14:00   #5045
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A voi

Update BOMBA

Ultima modifica di GoFoxes : 31-03-2021 alle 14:07.
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Old 31-03-2021, 14:12   #5046
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  • Expedition Mode is a new game mode, accessed by starting a new game.
  • In Expedition Mode there is no tutorial and the Artemis mission path does not automatically begin.
  • In Expedition mode players start with a randomised ship, Multi-Tool and character customisation set. Their starting technology is also randomised.
  • Every player beginning an expedition starts on the same planet.
  • Expeditions are time limited. Players have a fixed period in which to complete a unique set of new challenges. Completing challenges awards a mission patch and unlocks rewards to assist your progress. These challenges, called milestones, can be undertaken in any order.
  • The Expedition Page will show all earned mission patches, as well as track key exploration stats.
  • Milestones can be pinned as your active mission via the Expedition Page, which offers targeted guidance towards their goal.
  • Several milestones require a visit to a Rendezvous Point. These are specific points in the galaxy at which all players are required to check in in order to complete the expedition.
  • Milestones are grouped into phases. Completing all the milestones in a phase will unlock exclusive rewards, such as new customisation options.
  • The phase rewards for the first expedition include a new style of firework, a new banner, a new title, a new base part, an exclusive golden First Spawn helmet, a new jetpack style and a golden version of the iconic Alpha Vector starship.
  • Once unlocked, these rewards can be redeemed on any save by visiting the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion on the Space Anomaly.
  • When the time available to complete the expedition is up, no further rewards will be earned. However, the save will convert into a Normal Mode save and can be used to continue playing.
  • Some milestones award inventory slots. These can be redeemed immediately or their token brought to the Space Station and applied via the Exosuit Upgrade Terminal.
  • On key expedition planets, protections have been put in place so that resource collection is not synchronized across the entire playerbase, preventing exhaustion of the planet.
  • Added a new mode to the Analysis Visor, the Target Sweep.
  • Missions where the location of the target building is not immediately clear will no longer automatically lead players directly to the building. Instead, they will direct players to the approximate area on the correct planet.
  • When players exit their ship in the correct area, they can now use the Analysis Visor to search for the exact mission location.
  • Players may still use their eyes to locate the correct building from the air or whilst on foot.
  • Many missions across the entire game have been reworked to make use of the Target Sweep mechanic.
  • The Living Ship/Starbirth missions now use a long-range Target Sweep instead of requiring players to manually search coordinates.
  • When a mission requires players collect items from specific planetary objects – such as sac venom, harvestable plants, or ancient bones – the Target Sweep will automatically detect such objects and assist in their location.
  • Players can pin specific objects from the catalogue to gain the assistance of the Target Sweep in locating them.
  • Support has been added for Twitch Drops campaigns. Watch your favourite streamers and earn in-game rewards!
  • The first Twitch Drop campaign runs from April 1st – April 5th 2021.
  • Sign up and learn more at
  • Weekend events have been re-enabled.
  • Weekend events are now generated procedurally.
  • Each weekend event will still send the entire community to a selected planet.
  • Weekend events continue to award significant amounts of quicksilver.
  • The space station mission listings UI has been completely overhauled.
  • The mission listings UI now more clearly displays the rewards and standing on offer for each mission.
  • The mission listings UI now more clearly displays the faction that has commissioned the mission.
  • Significantly improved the value and diversity of mission board rewards.
  • Text and objective clarity in all mission board missions has been significantly improved.
  • Missions involving repairing or locating missing targets have been reworked to incorporate the Target Sweep mechanic.
  • Completely reworked the pirate-hunting missions to more clearly direct the player towards a specific target.
  • Completely reworked the creature/flora/mineral scanning missions to direct the player to complete surveys on undiscovered worlds.
  • Fixed a number of progression blockers that could occur if the player was sent to destroy a depot that had previously been destroyed.
  • Photo missions will now precisely direct players towards an appropriate location to take their photo.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause delivery-style missions to permanently block the use of an outpost trade terminal.
  • The Target Sweep mechanic has been incorporated into a number of multiplayer missions.
  • Added a stage to ensure players are flying nearby each to each other at the start of pirate hunt multiplayer missions.
  • Rescue-style multiplayer missions now require players to look inside buried technology modules instead of the rarer salvageable scrap satellites.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect numbers to appear in the mission description of Nexus missions.
  • Fixed a number of issues in depot raid Nexus missions that could cause progress to desync.
  • Fixed a number of issues where depots that have been previously destroyed could block mission progress.
  • Fixed a number of issues where separate groups undertaking the same multiplayer mission at the same location could influence each others’ mission progress.
  • Fixed an issue where the symbol for a weekend event could incorrectly appear while the player was disconnected from the servers.
  • Added some conclusion text to the end of discovery multiplayer missions.
  • Added guidance to escape sentinel attention at the end of depot raid multiplayer missions.
  • The HUD has been completely overhauled for a fresher, modern look.
  • The new HUD has been scaled to look sharp when the game is running at 4K.
  • All markers in the game have been completely redesigned.
  • Mission markers are now drawn in a different style from building/planetary chart icons, to help players navigate more easily in busy systems.
  • Many markers now change size dynamically to reduce visual clutter.
  • The offsets and light-beams for markers have been visually improved.
  • Many rare planetary items have been given their own bespoke markers, to aid identification at a distance.
  • Players can now use the Quick Menu to switch their primary starship while docked at the Space Anomaly.
  • The Quicksilver Synthesis Companion on the Space Anomaly now allows quicker access to the shop.
  • The cost of repairing broken technology on planetary drop-pods has been significantly reduced.
  • The cost of repairing damaged slots on salvaged starships and recovered Multi-Tools has been reduced.
  • The cost of building Exocraft garages has been reduced.
  • The amount of metal mined from planetary resource deposits has been increased.
  • The economy-related price volatility has been reduced for Gravitino Balls and other similar planetary items.
  • The pinning system has been significantly improved. Pinning damaged components within a technology now results in more accurate and useful instructions.
  • The pinning system now correctly advances past steps where the subcomponent has already been completed or the required items have already been gathered.
  • The pinning system now correctly differentiates between repairs and installs and displays the correct text and item requirements.
  • When pinning items that can be found on planets (such as Sac Venom), a target will be added to the Analysis Visor’s Target Sweep to assist in locating the item.
  • Repair instructions for damaged technologies can now be pinned even if that inventory is currently inaccessible.
  • All products in the catalogue can now be pinned.
  • The damage dealt by starship rockets has been significantly increased.
  • Fixed a number of occasions where the starship reported no valid landing locations when trying to land on the planet surface but near to buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where the pulse drive would lock onto the space station despite the ship being aligned with a planet.
  • In space combat, the distance between your ship and hostile starships is now displayed on the targeting reticle.
  • The error message displayed when trying to summon your freighter to a system that it cannot access has been made more clear.
  • The third-person camera now responds more smoothly in cramped scenarios.
  • Jetpack customisation options now correctly display tooltips.
  • The responsiveness of the Custom Marker deployed from the Analysis Visor has been improved.
  • Introduced a significant number of shader loading and memory optimisations.
  • Introduced a significant number of load time optimisations.
  • Introduced a number of PlayStation 4 memory optimisations.
  • Introduced a number of optimisations for using PSVR on PlayStation 5.
  • Introduced a significant texturing optimisation for PC and Xbox platforms.
  • Introduced a number of CPU optimisations for planet generation on PC.
  • Introduced a significant network bandwidth optimisation.
  • Fixed a number of hitching issues related to creature physics.
  • Fixed a PC-only hitching issue caused by high CPU load during terrain generation.
  • Max FPS has been increased to 240FPS.
  • Planetary Sentinels have been rebalanced.
  • A greater number of Sentinels now spawn in combat scenarios.
  • Sentinel health now scales dynamically with player weapon output.
  • Sentinel Drones shoot faster and more frequently, but deal less damage.
  • Sentinel Drones display a unique icon whilst repairing Quadrupeds or Walkers.
  • Sentinel Quadrupeds turn and track the player more responsively.
  • Sentinel Walkers are now deployed to the planet via atmospheric injection.
  • Colour blind settings have been added to the Options menu to adjust the colours in the Galaxy Map.
  • Controls text and messaging in the Galaxy Map have been clarified and improved.
  • The camera in the Galaxy Map is now more stable, with fewer abrupt changes.
  • Use of the mouse to select a path in the Galaxy Map has been improved.
  • The sprint duration of your companions is now based on their stats. Companions that are well-fed and happy will now sprint much further. Companions with high playfulness, independence or helpfulness ratings will also see an increase in their stamina.
  • A teleportation visual effect is now played when summoning or de-summoning your animal companion.
  • Companions now correctly sync the use of any equipped torches with the state of the player’s torch.
  • An automated light has been added to interactions with animal companions.
  • Companions will now speak to the player when defending their owner from hostile creatures.
  • Animal companions now respond to positive and negative emotes from the player.
  • The sender’s name is now displayed in the inventory when receiving a creature egg from another player.
  • Fixed an issue that caused animal companion thumbnails to be misaligned for some bipedal creatures.
  • Fixed a number of issues with animal companion hunting behaviours.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed predatory creatures to attack the player in Creative Mode.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a brief visual glitch when summoning animal companions.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed animal companions to one-shot Sentinels.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented wild creatures from defecating after being fed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused creature flocks to all spawn from the same location.
  • Fixed an issue that caused animal companions hatched from modified eggs to alter the appearance of their parents.
  • Fixed an issue that caused animal companions hatched from modified eggs to alter the appearance of other creatures on the home planet of their parents.
  • New images have been added to the Mode Select UI.
  • Explorer-style starships have been visually overhauled, adding significant amounts of new detail and higher resolution textures.
  • The rain effect on lush and toxic planets has been tweaked to be more visible.
  • The docking rotate animation on starships has been slightly improved.
  • Controls for photo mode in VR have been significantly improved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the torch to stay on in VR in photo mode.
  • The detail and breadth of automated chat messages has been greatly expanded.
  • A new interaction has been added to Gek observatories.
  • A range of specific new interactions have been added for NPCs on lava and swamp planets.
  • Improved the clarity of the tutorial messaging given when the player first collects Drop Pod Navigation Data.
  • Clarified the text and messaging about PvP damage settings.
  • Fixed a number of issues where incorrect text was displayed when the pulse drive was blocked or disengaging.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause items to disappear from refiners.
  • Fixed a number of issues that could cause interactions to become blocked when a player in a network session loses connection.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause terrain edits to be incorrectly synced in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause player titles to appear twice on the player list in the Nexus.
  • Fixed a networking error that could occur when sending messages to non-existent players.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the starship’s launch system to be automatically repaired when another player docks in the same system.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the freighter inventory to be inaccessible when performing repairs or crafting products/technologies aboard a freighter.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect repair or install requirements to appear when fixing a technology.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause starships to overlap when a large number of players start in one location.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from destroying all the depots at a depot site on Korvax planets.
  • The climax of the Living Ship mission (Starbirth) now recognises that players have earned all relevant parts and allows them to proceed even if the components have been lost.
  • Added a building prevention radius to the mission targets in the Starbirth mission chain, to prevent players blocking mission targets with bases.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Quick Menu option to quickly return to the Space Anomaly to function incorrectly when visiting a Featured Base in a different galaxy.
  • Fixed a number of icon inconsistencies in the tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the VR summoning arc to appear when summoning the ship outside of VR.
  • Fixed a VR issue that caused the wrist stumps to be visible when the body was hidden.
  • Fixed an issue that caused screenshots taken in Photo Mode in VR to be at the wrong aspect ratio.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur on startup.
  • Fixed a PlayStation 5 GPU crash.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when playing PSVR on PlayStation 5.
  • Fixed a crash related to memory allocation.
  • Fixed a crash related to creature pathfinding.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the profanity filter when renaming the starship.
  • Fixed a PC-only crash that could occur when quitting the game.
  • Fixed a hang that could occur when warping to a new system via a black hole.
  • Fixed an issue that caused portal audio to continue playing after the warp was complete.
  • Fixed an issue on PC that caused system audio to be muted when launching the game with a bluetooth headset connected.
  • Fixed an audio issue when repeatedly moving the sun around in Photo Mode.
  • Fixed an issue that caused menu tabs to disappear after viewing the power generator UI pages.
  • Fixed an issue that caused planetary sector messages to ignore any custom names players had uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect planet description to appear when viewing a base from a different galaxy in the teleporter UI.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the UI to be misaligned when viewing the Egg Sequencer page in widescreen.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause untranslated text to appear as an option on the Starship Outfitting station.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause mission icons to be duplicated on the Galaxy Map.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause multiplayer sync failures when undertaking Nexus missions with players on different daylight savings settings.
  • Fixed an issue that caused discovery downloads and uploads to become bloated with duplicates of the same creature at different sizes.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Xbox Live Achievements to fail to update after switching the active user.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player to suddenly change direction when getting in and out of a vehicle in third person.
  • Fixed a minor collision issue on small crystals.
  • Fixed an issue that caused invalid products to appear in the recipe unlock tree.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented all of the alien language from being translated in a small number of interactions.
  • Removed an erroneous duplicate of the Emergency Broadcast Receiver from the Catalogue.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Soul Laser to be significantly too powerful when used as a weapon.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to fire their secondary weapons when dismissing a mission detail box.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the price of deployable items to be listed in units rather than salvage modules.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the power tutorial from advancing if the player built a Solar Panel instead of a Biofuel Generator.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the power and base building tutorials to get out of sync if the player learns specific blueprints out of order.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Signal Booster from appearing in the list of base parts that can be purchased on the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to fail to render when using a small number of unusual resolution settings.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause glitched shadows when running PSVR on PlayStation 5.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a small square to appear in the centre of the screen in HDR.
  • Fixed a visual issue that could cause black blocks to appear in the place of the depth of field effect on Xbox Series X.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause blocky artefacts in light scattering around planets on Xbox Series X.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Artemis to appear out of focus during a particular interaction in their mission chain.
  • Fixed a visual issue that could cause a seam to appear in the planetary atmosphere.
  • Fixed a number of minor visual issues with planetary props.
  • Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause the base computer to appear invisible.
  • Fixed an issue that caused visual effects on the Space Station to be hidden when completing any interaction.
  • Fixed an issue that caused distant stars to jitter.
  • Fixed an issue that caused rare planetary lighting effects to be present on the Atlas Station.
  • Fixed a number of visual issues that could occur when stood at the threshold of a cave

Ultima modifica di GoFoxes : 31-03-2021 alle 14:29.
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Old 31-03-2021, 14:30   #5047
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La versione presente sul Gamepass è aggiornata all'ultimo update?
Asus TUF Gaming FX505DU-BQ024T | Ryzen 7 3750H | 16 GB DDR4 3200 | SSD 512 GB | GTX 1660 Ti 6 GB
Xbox Series X | Nintendo Switch | PS5 Slim
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Old 31-03-2021, 14:33   #5048
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La versione presente sul Gamepass è aggiornata all'ultimo update?
Sì, ma bisogna vedere quando rilasciano Expedition per quella versione. Teoricamente dovrebbe essere in sync con quella Xbox e dovrebbe essere già fuori. Non ho ancora verificato perché sto scaricando ora da Steam.
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Old 31-03-2021, 14:38   #5049
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First Look

Le Spedizioni sono una figata assurda.
Adesso possiamo anche ufficializzarlo come il miglior videogioco sul mercato.

Ultima modifica di GoFoxes : 31-03-2021 alle 14:43.
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Old 31-03-2021, 14:44   #5050
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Non ho ben capito una cosa, ma la EXPEDITION MODE di questo Expedition Update è una roba specifica per il multiplayer o funziona anche offline per esempio? Perchè io non voglio vedere altri giocatori... XD
Ci sono solo 10 tipi di persone al mondo: quelli che capiscono il codice binario e quelli che non lo capiscono.
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Old 31-03-2021, 14:55   #5051
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Originariamente inviato da The_Silver Guarda i messaggi
Non ho ben capito una cosa, ma la EXPEDITION MODE di questo Expedition Update è una roba specifica per il multiplayer o funziona anche offline per esempio? Perchè io non voglio vedere altri giocatori... XD
Da quel che ho capito:
- Una spedizione dura per tot tempo (la prima 2 mesi)
- Le spedizioni sono composte da n fasi, ogni fase da n milestone
- Tutte le fasi iniziano su un pianeta identico per tutti i giocatori
- Ogni giocatore inizia con personaggio, nave, multitool e tech casuali.
- Per passare alla fase successiva un giocatore deve completare tutte le milestone di quella fase, in ordine sparso.
- Le milestone sono "personali" del singolo giocatore, tipo "raggiungi la nave", "crea una base", "scansiona 20 creature".
- Ogni milestone dà rewards al giocatore anche sotto forma di roba tangibile in game (tipo ugrade al multitool)
- Al termine dell'ultima fase, il giocatore riceve le reward finali, sottoforma di oggetti cosmetici, ma non solo (tipo navi), sbloccabili all'anomalia in qualsiasi save sulla stessa macchina
- Al termine il save Expedition diventa un save Normal.

Se ho capito bene quindi, è totalmente giocabile in single con multi disattivato, a meno che non ci siano milestone che necessitano del multi. Inoltre tutto l'universo e le scoperte sono state syncate con tutte le piattaforme, quindi ora l'universo è esattamente lo stesso per PC, Xbox, PS, ecc e idem le scoperte, e si dà precedenza incasi di scoperte multiple, al primo che l'ha fatta.
Qui si vedono le milestone della fase uno dell'attuale expedition, per dare una idea. Presumo che le fasi sono a difficoltà incrementale

Ultima modifica di GoFoxes : 31-03-2021 alle 15:01.
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Old 31-03-2021, 14:57   #5052
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Però il fatto che quel gamemode sia a tempo (tipo gli eventi ingame Ubisoft) e il fatto che parli sempre di anche altri giocatori mi fa pensare che o sei collegato oppure niente, non mi sembra roba pensata per un uso offline singleplayer classico diciamo.
Ci sono solo 10 tipi di persone al mondo: quelli che capiscono il codice binario e quelli che non lo capiscono.
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Old 31-03-2021, 15:08   #5053
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Originariamente inviato da The_Silver Guarda i messaggi
Però il fatto che quel gamemode sia a tempo (tipo gli eventi ingame Ubisoft) e il fatto che parli sempre di anche altri giocatori mi fa pensare che o sei collegato oppure niente, non mi sembra roba pensata per un uso offline singleplayer classico diciamo.
Allora, è a tempo chiaro, ma si parla di 2 mesi. Sono "eventi" come quelli settimanali (che torneranno), che si potevano fare in single, ma si svolgevano sullo stesso pianeta per tutti.

L'idea è spronare il multi chiaramente, visto che ogni fase inizia sullo stesso pianeta per tutti, quindi ci si incontra, ma anche di offrire una sorta di "Nuova Partita" casuale ogni tot mesi (poi vedremo le tempistiche)

Per intenderci, dal video, la prima fase attuale ha queste milestone:
  • Trova la tua nave
  • Lascia il pianeta
  • Balza in un nuovo sistema
  • Stabilisci una base
  • Scopri 20 creature
  • Compra un mercantile
  • Esplora per 10.000u a piedi
  • Raggiungi il primo rendez-vous

Quindi, tu inizi con nave multitool, personaggio e tech casuali, sullo stesso pianeta di tutti gli altri giocatori, e hai quelli elencati sopra come obiettivi. Se ho capito bene, il rendez-vous lo conoscerai solo quando hai completato le altre milestone, nell'ordine che preferisci. Son tutte milestone da fare in single chiaramente, il rendez-vous poi sarà un pianeta particolarmente trafficato perché è lo stesso per tutti su tutte le pattaforme, ma se non hai attivo il multi a te non cambia nulla.

Per dare l'idea della lunghezza di una spedizione, questa è la Fase 1 di 6... e la cosa bella è che come arrivi agli obiettivi è affar tuo e avendo equip di partenza causale, e volendo anche danneggiato, ogni volta è una nuova avventura.

Ultima modifica di GoFoxes : 31-03-2021 alle 15:13.
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Old 31-03-2021, 15:11   #5054
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Allora, è a tempo chiaro, ma si parla di 2 mesi. Sono "eventi" come quelli settimanali (che torneranno), che si potevano fare in single, ma si svolgevano sullo stesso pianeta per tutti.

L'idea è spronare il multi chiaramente, visto che ogni fase inizia sullo stesso pianeta per tutti, quindi ci si incontra, ma anche di offrire una sorta di "Nuova Partita" casuale ogni tot mesi (poi vedremo le tempistiche)

Per intenderci, dal video, la prima fase attuale ha queste milestone:
  • Trova la tua nave
  • Lascia il pianeta
  • Balza in un nuovo sistema
  • Stabilisci una base
  • Scopri 20 creature
  • Compra un mercantile
  • Esplora per 10.000u a piedi
  • Raggiungi il primo rendez-vous

Quindi, tu inizi con nave multitool, personaggio e tech casuali, sullo stesso pianeta di tutti gli altri giocatori, e hai quelli elencati sopra come obiettivi. Se ho capito bene, il rendez-vous lo conoscerai solo quando hai completato le altre milestone, nell'ordine che preferisci. Son tutte milestone da fare in single chiaramente, il rendez-vous poi sarà un pianeta particolarmente trafficato perché è lo stesso per tutti su tutte le pattaforme, ma se non hai attivo il multi a te non cambia nulla.

Per dare l'idea della lunghezza di una spedizione, questa è la Fase 1 di 6...
Quindi dici che secondo te basta collegarsi il giorno che l'expedition viene "attivata" diciamo e poi poi tornare offline che quella sarà quindi lì pronta e potrai avviarla e completarla offline?
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Old 31-03-2021, 15:18   #5055
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Quindi dici che secondo te basta collegarsi il giorno che l'expedition viene "attivata" diciamo e poi poi tornare offline che quella sarà quindi lì pronta e potrai avviarla e completarla offline?
No ferma, Expedition è una nuova modalità di gioco, non è che è attivata.
Tu inizi proprio una nuova partita su un nuovo save, ogni 2 mesi (ipotizzo) è come se la "main story" cambiasse e se non hai finito la precedente ti attacchi:
  • Expedition Mode is a new game mode, accessed by starting a new game.
  • In Expedition Mode there is no tutorial and the Artemis mission path does not automatically begin.
  • In Expedition mode players start with a randomised ship, Multi-Tool and character customisation set. Their starting technology is also randomised.
  • Every player beginning an expedition starts on the same planet.
  • Expeditions are time limited. Players have a fixed period in which to complete a unique set of new challenges. Completing challenges awards a mission patch and unlocks rewards to assist your progress. These challenges, called milestones, can be undertaken in any order.
  • The Expedition Page will show all earned mission patches, as well as track key exploration stats.
  • Milestones can be pinned as your active mission via the Expedition Page, which offers targeted guidance towards their goal.
  • Several milestones require a visit to a Rendezvous Point. These are specific points in the galaxy at which all players are required to check in in order to complete the expedition.
  • Milestones are grouped into phases. Completing all the milestones in a phase will unlock exclusive rewards, such as new customisation options.
  • The phase rewards for the first expedition include a new style of firework, a new banner, a new title, a new base part, an exclusive golden First Spawn helmet, a new jetpack style and a golden version of the iconic Alpha Vector starship.
  • Once unlocked, these rewards can be redeemed on any save by visiting the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion on the Space Anomaly.
  • When the time available to complete the expedition is up, no further rewards will be earned. However, the save will convert into a Normal Mode save and can be used to continue playing.
  • Some milestones award inventory slots. These can be redeemed immediately or their token brought to the Space Station and applied via the Exosuit Upgrade Terminal.
  • On key expedition planets, protections have been put in place so that resource collection is not synchronized across the entire playerbase, preventing exhaustion of the planet.
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Old 31-03-2021, 15:25   #5056
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Si l'avevo capito che è un gamemode a parte, intendevo che essendo a tempo e creata lato server necessiterà per forza di essere collegati affinchè si "aggiorni" diciamo. Nel caso uno giochi offline presumo che la prima expedition sia compresa nella patch e che quindi se non ti colleghi più semplicemente hai tempo indefinito per completarla (e nel mentre ovviamente non puoi giocare quella nuova) allora giusto?
Ci sono solo 10 tipi di persone al mondo: quelli che capiscono il codice binario e quelli che non lo capiscono.
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Old 31-03-2021, 15:30   #5057
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Si l'avevo capito che è un gamemode a parte, intendevo che essendo a tempo e creata lato server necessiterà per forza di essere collegati affinchè si "aggiorni" diciamo. Nel caso uno giochi offline presumo che la prima expedition sia compresa nella patch e che quindi se non ti colleghi più semplicemente hai tempo indefinito per completarla (e nel frattempo ovviamente non puoi accedere a quella nuova) allora giusto?
Ah quello non lo so.

Può anche essere che ogni nuova expedition venga rilasciata sotto forma di update, che il timer sia interno al gioco e idem le reward, non so.

Comunque in NMS online e multiplayer son due cose diverse. Puoi disattivare il multi, ma i servizi online restano attivi, come l'upload delle scoperte ad esempio. CIoè, tu anche in "solo mode" diciamo hai accesso all'Anomalia, alle missioni Nexus e agli eventi settimanali.
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Old 31-03-2021, 15:52   #5058
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Ah quello non lo so.

Può anche essere che ogni nuova expedition venga rilasciata sotto forma di update, che il timer sia interno al gioco e idem le reward, non so.

Comunque in NMS online e multiplayer son due cose diverse. Puoi disattivare il multi, ma i servizi online restano attivi, come l'upload delle scoperte ad esempio. CIoè, tu anche in "solo mode" diciamo hai accesso all'Anomalia, alle missioni Nexus e agli eventi settimanali.
Ah si giusto è vero non ci avevo pensato effettivamente.
Ci sono solo 10 tipi di persone al mondo: quelli che capiscono il codice binario e quelli che non lo capiscono.
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Old 31-03-2021, 16:25   #5059
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Ah si giusto è vero non ci avevo pensato effettivamente.
Quello che credo accadrà è che questo expedition mode funzionerà a stagioni, ogni 2-3 mesi una stagione finirà e ne inizierà una nuova.

Ogni stagione sarà composta da fasi e ogni fase da milestone, sarà giocabile interamente in solo a meno che una stagione non sia appositamente studiata per il multi, ma dubito. Le varie fasi o anche intere stagioni potranno essere strutturata per sfruttare certe caratteristiche del gioco, che so missioni sottomarine, in cave, in ambienti estremi, costruzione basi, archeologia, ecc

Il bello e che tutti i reward di una expedition si posson trasportare in qualsiasi save. Quindi non è che uno butta via l'attuale partita. Come reward c'è una bella nave dorata? Faccio l'expedition, che tecnicamente è una nuova partita con un nuovo pool di missioni craftate a mano, ma che inizia in maniera sempre diversa e senza le rotture del tutorial e di artemis, ottengo la nave, torno al mio vecchio safe e la riscatto dal tizio dei quicksilver.
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Old 31-03-2021, 16:34   #5060
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Se ho capito bene, sempre difficile , ogni milestone ha reward da usare nella expedition, tipo nuovi slot o upgrade, mentre ogni fase ha reward che si possono trasportare su altri save.

Ci saranno nuove Expedition regolarmente, di durata e lunghezza variabili dato che ognuna sarà unica e esplorerà temi differenti, avrà nuove sfide e esclusive ricompense.

Comunque a breve inizio la mia prima Expedition, poi vi faccio sapere.
Ah, per Juan che chiedeva, per GamePass (e Xbox) ancora nessun update.

Ultima modifica di GoFoxes : 31-03-2021 alle 16:42.
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