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SuiteWorld e CloudWorld: nel 2024 le parole d'ordine sono neutralità e apertura
SuiteWorld e CloudWorld: nel 2024 le parole d'ordine sono neutralità e apertura
Siamo volati a Las Vegas per prendere parte a un doppio evento: Oracle CloudWorld e NetSuite SuiteWorld, per la prima volta, si sono svolti in contemporanea. Più che un dettaglio logistico, questa doppia conferenza ci ha permesso di capire come entrambe le aziende stiano cambiando profondamente il proprio approccio: Oracle si posiziona come un fornitore neutrale di tecnologia, mentre NetSuite si apre maggiormente
Recensione Nothing Phone (2a) Plus: poco Plus ma è sempre più convincente
Recensione Nothing Phone (2a) Plus: poco Plus ma è sempre più convincente
Nothing decide di porre sul mercato una versione Plus del suo intrigante Phone (2a). Una versione appena più pompata nel processore, con delle variazioni nel design della scocca e con qualche altra chicca. La sostanza non cambia, il prezzo varia di poco ma il tutto è sempre più convincente. 
Recensione HONOR MagicPad 2, con un meraviglioso OLED da 12,3'' è un vero affare
Recensione HONOR MagicPad 2, con un meraviglioso OLED da 12,3'' è un vero affare
HONOR MagicPad 2 offre hardware premium a un prezzo estremamente concorrenziale, e può essere abbinato a una cover con tastiera e un pennino dedicati con meno di 5€ al lancio. Si tratta di un vero e proprio affare in questa categoria, anche in considerazione dell'ampio display OLED da 12,3 pollici che da vedere è una vera e propria gioia per gli occhi.
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Old 16-06-2010, 22:47   #1
Dark Schneider
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Iscritto dal: Jun 2001
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[Thread Ufficiale] Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo 3DS (3D Dual Screen) è la prima console Nintendo appartenente all'ottava generazione di console videoludiche. La particolarità della console è il suo schermo superiore che permette di visualizzare giochi, immagini ecc. in 3D senza l'uso di occhiali speciali.

A breve dettagli sulle specifiche tecniche...
Ho concluso con:Taxon, IamRoland

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Old 16-06-2010, 22:53   #2
Dark Schneider
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Riservo un secondo post nel caso potesse servire a qualcosa.
Ho concluso con:Taxon, IamRoland
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Old 16-06-2010, 23:07   #3
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Uso il mio post come terzo post di servizio.

Specifiche tecniche attualmente note (fonte sito nintendo)

Size (when closed):
13,46 x 7,37 x 2,03
226,8g .
Final design is TBA (l'immagine in primo post è un prototipo).
Top Screen:
3.53-inch widescreen LCD display, enabling 3D view without the need for special glasses; with 800x240 pixel resolution (400 pixels are allocated for each eye to enable 3D viewing). ->
Touch Screen:
3.02-inch LCD with 320x240 pixel resolution with a touch screen.
One inner camera and two outer cameras with 640x480 (0.3 Mega) pixel resolution.
Pre-Installed Software:
Nintendo 3DS Game Card:
2 GB Max. at launch.
Wireless Communication:
Can communicate in the 2.4 GHz band. Multiple Nintendo 3DS systems can connect via a local wireless connection to let users communicate or enjoy competitive game play. Systems also can connect to LAN access points to access the Internet and allow people to enjoy games with others. Will support IEEE 802.11 with enhanced security (WPA/WPA2). Nintendo 3DS hardware is designed so that even when not in use, it can automatically exchange data with other Nintendo 3DS systems or receive data via the Internet while in sleep mode.

Game Controls:
Touch screen, embedded microphone, A/B/X/Y face buttons, + Control Pad, L/R buttons, Start and Select buttons, "Slide Pad" that allows 360-degree analog input, one inner camera, two outer cameras, motion sensor and a gyro sensor.

Other Input Controls:
3D Depth Slider to adjust level of 3D effect (can be scaled back or turned off completely depending on the preference of the user), Home button to call system function, Wireless switch to turn off wireless communications (even during game play), Power button. The telescoping stylus is approximately 4 inches when fully extended.

A port that accepts both Nintendo 3DS game cards and game cards for the Nintendo DS™ family of systems, an SD memory card slot, an AC adapter connector, a charging cradle terminal and a stereo headphone output jack.

Stereo speakers positioned to the left and right of the top screen.

Lithium ion battery details TBA.


Pica 2000 : 15,4 mln di poligoni e clock di 200 mhz
i5 2500k@4Ghz-8GB RAM CorsairVengeance-HD7850 Sapphire OC
PSN ID F3d3_87_ITA Steam: Fede87

Ultima modifica di Fedozzo : 21-06-2010 alle 17:59.
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Old 16-06-2010, 23:12   #4
Dark Schneider
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Certo che mi va bene.
Ho concluso con:Taxon, IamRoland
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Old 16-06-2010, 23:18   #5
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Iscritto. Alcuni titoli con tanto di screenshot (e a mio parere bullshot nel caso di RE ).
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Old 16-06-2010, 23:21   #6
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Iscritto dal: Feb 2004
Città: Napoli
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iscritto ovviamente
Pc1Phanteks p600s-Arctic liquid freezer ii 360argb-9900k@5ghz - Aorus Gaming 7 - patriot viper16gb 4ghz CL16- 3080ti Fe- 970 evo plus 500gb- 840 Evo 240gb- WDBlu 1TB- Antec HCP 1200w-Sound Blaster Z-G19-Knossos--LG Cx 55.
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Old 16-06-2010, 23:22   #7
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Iscritto dal: Feb 2004
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impressioni di chi ha provato il 3ds

We got our hands on the new three-dimensional portable. Here are our impressions!

First of all, yes, the screen works as-advertised. Everything's very clear (though there is this faint sense of strangeness, but that's no different from watching Avatar). The static images look great, but it really shows its capabilities in the playable demos.

One demo had us taking a picture of our faces, which it then used to make a 3D version. Then it animated it, put it on flying robots, and made us shoot our faces before they kissed us. I wish I were kidding. Still, it was fun. It used the accelerometer, gyroscope and back cameras to make us have to turn in actual space to aim and shoot these little robots. This obviously isn't a full game concept, but it shows off some interesting mechanics.

We also played Pilotwings Resort, a game that seems much more thought out. The demo included a biplane and a rocketpack. Oh, rocketpack, how we missed you. Everything was structured like the original (and set on WuHu Island), and it looked polished enough to play now.

Of course, we also got hands on with Starfox (which the model at the booth kept calling Foxstar, but we were too busy playing to correct her). This game is the kind of thing that will shine on the new device. 3D actually helps with aiming, unlike most games, and the analog controls are great too.

Most of the demos weren't playable, but we saw some interesting titles, including Animal Crossing, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil and a 3-D version of the Kid Icarus trailer. Third parties aren't quite as used to the technology, but it looks like they can get the hang of it.

The system is also capable of taking 3D photos. It's a cool feature, though on its own (and without a way to export them to something), it's not incredibly useful. It's likely, though, that games will incorporate them into special features.

The graphics are largely GameCube-level or higher, and with the small screen, it's as much as you need. The little rocketpack guy was crisp and shiny, and Pit was amazing-looking in the foreground.

The slider is a nice feature. For longer game sessions, you'll want to keep it lower, and different games will have different degrees of depth. The effect on the screen doesn't require you to be right in front of the screen...the effect is slightly diminished, but still there, and you can see someone else playing just fine. (Also, for those curious, going one-eyed doesn't ruin the's just not 3D. Still very playable.)

Simply put, we're excited
Pc1Phanteks p600s-Arctic liquid freezer ii 360argb-9900k@5ghz - Aorus Gaming 7 - patriot viper16gb 4ghz CL16- 3080ti Fe- 970 evo plus 500gb- 840 Evo 240gb- WDBlu 1TB- Antec HCP 1200w-Sound Blaster Z-G19-Knossos--LG Cx 55.
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Old 16-06-2010, 23:23   #8
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Old 17-06-2010, 00:17   #9
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ovviamente nn si sa ancora nulla del prezzo e della data d'uscita, giusto?
Ho concluso positivamente con ---> Chris70 - Slevinpark - Fabioss87 - Josimar75 - AttilaxXx - Dekkar - shark_ita - Ten.Blazkowicz - xenomis - Mendocino89 - felixardente - monkey.d.rufy - mack10 - mich2alic - dragonballfusion - cajenna - oldfield - NOOB4EVER - TuningWanted - Rakarth - SalvaFrancy1 - binosoma - sagomaccio - italia1

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Old 17-06-2010, 00:17   #10
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ovviamente nn si sa ancora nulla del prezzo e della data d'uscita, giusto?
Ho concluso positivamente con ---> Chris70 - Slevinpark - Fabioss87 - Josimar75 - AttilaxXx - Dekkar - shark_ita - Ten.Blazkowicz - xenomis - Mendocino89 - felixardente - monkey.d.rufy - mack10 - mich2alic - dragonballfusion - cajenna - oldfield - NOOB4EVER - TuningWanted - Rakarth - SalvaFrancy1 - binosoma - sagomaccio - italia1

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Old 17-06-2010, 08:27   #11
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“We’ve talked about remixing Ocarina of Time for a long time, saying ’should we remake Ocarina of Time for Wii?’ And, to be honest, I said no. I didn’t want to just re-release it on a different platform — I wanted to have a specific reason to remake Ocarina of Time. I didn’t want to just make a port. And so I was waiting for something to come along that would not only help us to retell the story, but improve upon it. Making it different, more unique in its own way. Now, with 3D, we’re able to take the environments of Hyrule and add depth — giving them a more expansive feeling, a more immersive feeling. In addition to that, now that we have the 3D we can looking forward to new ways to implement 3D into the gameplay and make it fresh and new. And we also have the motion sensors that are built-in to the Nintendo 3DS. So we’re looking at quite a few ways to make the gameplay more immersive, more natural, more accessible. So again, not just a port — but a retelling of the tale using new technologies to reinvent it.”

Vorrei sapere come faranno.
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Old 17-06-2010, 08:40   #12
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lo voglio

lo stravoglio

lo rivoglio

lo desidero

lo bramo

lo sbavo


insomma mio al day one, PARCO TITOLI DA PAURA.

[GigabyteZ370 HD3P]-[i9.9900K.CooledByNoctuaNH-D15]-[ Asus.TUF.OC.3080]-[CorsairVenegance32gbRamDDr4@3000Mhz]-

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Old 17-06-2010, 09:31   #13
Dark Schneider
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Fedozzo sono uscite le misure in cm.

Dovrebbe essere: 13,46 x 7,37 x 2,03 e peso di 226.8 grammi.

Originariamente inviato da Gjovanni07 Guarda i messaggi
ovviamente nn si sa ancora nulla del prezzo e della data d'uscita, giusto?
Purtroppo ancora no.
Ho concluso con:Taxon, IamRoland
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Old 17-06-2010, 09:37   #14
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Iscritto dal: Oct 2004
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Immagino sia utopia sperare in un prezzo non superiore all'attuale DSi
trattative a buon fine :giova22, slipknot2002, DarkSiDE, Spank, SonoJack, Giant Lizard, Jerry65, arizz, Lesto_Fante, Saich70,t1g3m4n, topolino2808, BEAR., ObiTeoKenobi, GOG.
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Old 17-06-2010, 09:48   #15
Dark Schneider
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Originariamente inviato da Lan_Di Guarda i messaggi
Immagino sia utopia sperare in un prezzo non superiore all'attuale DSi
Penso sia tutto da inquadrare in base al periodo di uscita. Certo dovesse uscire adesso costerebbe sicuramente di più. Ma credo che alla fine costerà sui 150-170 euro. Alla fine il DS al lancio costava 149 euro.
Ho concluso con:Taxon, IamRoland
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Old 17-06-2010, 09:49   #16
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Decisamente si: il DSi costa 170 questo minimo costera' 220.
RYZEN 5800X / TAICHI X370 / NOCTUA D15 / 4*8GB DDR4 2933 / VEGA 64/ WD SN520 256GB/ SP 2TB UD90 / Enermax Modu87+ 600W / bequiet 500DX / Win 10 / G34WQC
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Old 17-06-2010, 10:00   #17
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Se devo dire la mia prevedo un lancio a 199
i5 2500k@4Ghz-8GB RAM CorsairVengeance-HD7850 Sapphire OC
PSN ID F3d3_87_ITA Steam: Fede87
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Old 17-06-2010, 10:20   #18
Dark Schneider
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Vedremo!! Però il DSi penso che lo abbasseranno di prezzo a 99 euro quando uscirà. Per quanto mi riguarda, mi aspetto che al DS Lite lo segano come produzione definitvamente, continueranno con il DSi. Ma verrà sicuro abbassato.

Certo c'è da considerare che non ha concorrenza.

p.s. aggiornato il primo post con una breve introduzione presa dal sito nintendo con anche un affermazione di miyamoto. Oltre che alla lista dei titoli.

Poi magari metto qualche immagine indicativa dei giochi nel secondo post. Almeno di quelli un po' più famosi o intriganti.
Ho concluso con:Taxon, IamRoland
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Old 17-06-2010, 10:22   #19
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Originariamente inviato da Fedozzo Guarda i messaggi
Se devo dire la mia prevedo un lancio a 199
Un prezzo così alto sarebbe la prima volta per una console portatile Nintendo, però in effetti...

DS Lite: 149€
DSi: 169€
DSi XL: 189€

Il trend non mi pare positivo per noi
You were torn apart twice. 20320514: the day of the Great Heat.
PC: Ryzen 5 3600, Gigabyte B450M DS3H, Powercolor Hellhound RX 6600 XT 8GB, 16GB DDR4@2666, Kingston KC2500 500GB + A400 1TB, Win11 Pro
Laptop: Acer Swift X 14" with Ryzen 5500U, GTX 1650 (896 CUDA) 4GB GDDR6 35W, 8GB LPDDR4X-4266, NVMe SK Hynix 512GB, Win11 Home
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Old 17-06-2010, 10:25   #20
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Sopratutto immagino che lo schermo 3D senza occhialini, per quanto piccolo, sarà decisamente costoso anche tra un anno.
trattative a buon fine :giova22, slipknot2002, DarkSiDE, Spank, SonoJack, Giant Lizard, Jerry65, arizz, Lesto_Fante, Saich70,t1g3m4n, topolino2808, BEAR., ObiTeoKenobi, GOG.
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