scheda aggiornata il 15/05/2013
Versione 21 finale in lingua italiana del browser Firefox, per sistemi operativi Windows, Linux e Mac OS X. Di seguito la lista dei bug legati alla sicurezza che sono stati corretti con questa versione del browser, oltre alle varie novità implementate:
- The Social API now supports multiple providers
- Enhanced three-state UI for Do Not Track (DNT)
- Firefox will suggest how to improve your application startup time if needed
- Preliminary implementation of Firefox Health Report
- Ability to restore removed thumbnails on New Tab Page
- CSS -moz-user-select:none selection changed to improve compatibility with -webkit-user-select:none (bug 816298)
- Graphics related performance improvements (bug 809821)
- Removed E4X support from Spidermonkey
- Implemented Remote Profiling
- Integrated add-on SDK loader and API libraries into Firefox
- Added support for <main> element
- Implemented scoped stylesheets
- Added support for window.crypto.getRandomValues
- Some function keys may not work when pressed (833719)
- Browsing and Download history clearing needs unification to avoid confusion on clearing download history (847627)
- 21.0: Security fixes can be found here