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Star Wars Outlaws e il nuovo Canone
Star Wars Outlaws e il nuovo Canone
Ecco qualche considerazione sull'ultimo videogioco di Star Wars, Outlaws, e sui suoi rapporti con il Canone di Star Wars. Accolto in maniera troppo severa, al limite di qualche difetto tecnico Outlaws si rivela interessante in termini di nuove tecniche di narrazione.
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Recensione Turtle Beach Vulcan II TKL Pro: una tastiera analogica senza compromessi
Abbiamo messo le mani sulla Vulkan II TKL Pro, tastiera hall effect di Turtle Beach che offre un'ampia gamma di funzionalità molto ricercate dai giocatori più esigenti. Ci ha accompagnati per oltre un mese nelle nostre sessioni di gioco e non solo: ecco le nostre impressioni.
SuiteWorld e CloudWorld: nel 2024 le parole d'ordine sono neutralità e apertura
SuiteWorld e CloudWorld: nel 2024 le parole d'ordine sono neutralità e apertura
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Old 28-09-2003, 12:19   #1
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Iscritto dal: Nov 2001
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[ESA] Lanciata con successo la sonda a ioni di xeno SMART-1

Grazie al totale silenzio dei media, nessuno ha notato che l'Europa ha messo in orbita con successo per la prima volta 3 satelliti con il nuovo vettore Arianne 5 e in particolare la sonda SMART-1 per la prima missione dell'Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA) diretta sulla Luna.


Europe's moon mission blasts off

KOUROU, French Guiana -- Europe's first mission to the moon has successfully blasted off aboard an Ariane 5 rocket from French Guiana.

The rocket, carrying the unmanned SMART-1 lunar exploration probe and two other commercial satellites, took off at 8.14 p.m. (2314 GMT) Saturday from the European Space Agency (ESA) launch centre at Kourou, on the northeast coast of South America.

The probe was released into space 41 minutes after launch, beginning a 15-month journey before it reaches orbit around the moon.

Once in position SMART, short for Small Missions for Advanced Research and Technology, will begin detailed mapping of the moon's surface, including the far side, which is never seen from Earth.

It will also look for evidence of water on the moon and gather data on its chemical make up, possibly helping to answer the age-old question of how the moon came into existence.

One theory is that Earth's nearest neighbor was created out of the debris from a devastating collision between the Earth and a Mars-sized body about four and a half billion years ago.

"There are many unsolved questions about the Moon, even though six NASA Apollo missions and three unmanned Soviet spacecraft have landed on it and brought back rock samples,"

ESA's SMART-1 Project Scientist Bernard Foing said.

"The far side of the Moon -- the one that never faces Earth-- and the Polar Regions remain fairly unexplored. The existence of water on the Moon has also never been confirmed."

Ion drive

On its way to the moon SMART's primary objective is to test an innovative propulsion system known as an ion drive.

The system uses solar power to produce a beam of charged xenon atoms, or ions, which are expelled from the back of the probe producing thrust that drives the spacecraft forward.

To power the drive SMART-1 is carrying just 60 liters (about 15.8 U.S. gallons) of fuel for a journey of 100 million kilometers (62 million miles).

In automotive terms that converts to an enviably efficient fuel consumption rate of 3,911,671 miles per U.S. gallon -- the average American family car consumes somewhere in the region of 30 miles per gallon.

If successful scientists hope the ion drive will pave the way to lighter and hence cheaper means of exploring deep space.

SMART-1 itself is a relatively low budget mission in space terms, having cost just 110 million euros ($126 million).

That's about a fifth of the cost of previous large-scale ESA space missions.

Much of the cost saving came from using miniaturization of key components, producing a lighter spacecraft weighing 370 kilograms (815 lb) and measuring just one meter across.
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Old 28-09-2003, 12:21   #2
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Iscritto dal: Nov 2001
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Europe's Ariane 5 Lofts Satellites to Orbit, Probe to Moon

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- Europe's first science mission to the Moon was launched into space Saturday.

The Small Missions for Advanced Research and Technology (SMART-1) lunar probe hitchhiked a ride atop a massive Ariane 5 rocket that blasted off from the Guiana Space Center on the edge of the Amazon Jungle in South America at 7:14 p.m. EDT (2314 GMT).

Launched by the European commercial firm Arianespace, the booster's main job was to lift two large communications satellites into Earth orbit, which it did without incident, before sending the office desk-sized science platform on its way to Earth's nearest neighbor in space.

"Bravo for this superb success," said Jean-Yves Le Gall, Arianespace's chief executive officer. "It is the first time that an Ariane 5 has launched three satellites and it's the first time we have launched a lunar probe. Judging by the orbit it is in, it's on its good way."

SMART-1 is the first robotic spacecraft the European Space Agency (ESA) has ever sent to the Moon. Moreover, its launch marked the first time in four years that any nation has dispatched a lunar mission.

ESA in the past has either directly or indirectly been involved in missions to explore Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, comets, asteroids and the Sun -- but this is the first time Europe has looked in Earth's backyard.

Equipped with ion thrusters -- which are not very powerful but can be fired for days at a time to constantly accelerate a spaceship -- SMART-1 will take about 16 months to reach the Moon, when it will then begin its six-month science mission.

Instruments aboard the Swedish-built SMART-1 will map the lunar surface in fine detail and hopefully discover new evidence that will solve the mystery of how the Moon was formed some four billion years ago.

Other devices on the spacecraft might help confirm if there is water ice hiding in shadows within craters near the lunar poles, as some previous observations have hinted.

Finding water ice on the Moon would be a big deal because the hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up molecules of water could provide a source of fuel and air for future explorers or colonists.

Total mission success

Also celebrating Saturday's launch were the operators of two major communications satellites deployed during the Ariane 5 shot.

First to be separated from the rocket was Insat 3E, a satellite designed and built by the Indian Space Research Organization in Bangalore, India.

Insat 3E is the eleventh Indian satellite flown by Arianespace during the past 22 years. It will be positioned over the equator at 55 degrees East Longitude and provide a full range of communications services, including video transmission, to the Indian sub-continent using 24 C-band and 12 extended C-band transponders.

The second spacecraft released from the rocket was e-BIRD, a satellite designed and built by Boeing Satellite Systems in El Segundo, Calif. Its 20 Ku-band transponders will be operated by Eutelsat to provide broadband Internet service to Europe and Turkey.

The e-BIRD satellite is the 20th Eutelsat spacecraft launched by Arianespace. It will be positioned over the equator at 33 degrees East Longitude.

Following the on-time liftoff of Arianespace's flight 162, the Ariane 5G with its single main engine and pair of solid rocket boosters worked perfectly as it climbed into the night sky over the Atlantic Ocean.

Launch commentators confirmed every milestone on schedule, including the separation of Insat 3E about 29 minutes after launch, e-BIRD at 34 minutes and 17 seconds, and finally SMART-1 at 41 minutes and 40 seconds into the flight.

The launch was Arianespace's fourth this year and the company's 150th commercial shot. The flight took place about a month later than originally targeted.

Mission managers were preparing for an Aug. 28 launch when the Insat 3E team called a halt to operations because of concerns with parts on its spacecraft, which required a round of tests to ensure they were properly working.

The delay apparently did not sit well with fellow passenger Eutelsat, who following the launch postponement announcement released a statement saying "Eutelsat deplores this new postponement and the consequent delay to the launch of its e-BIRD satellite."

Everyone was all smiles on Saturday, however, following the successful launch.

Liftoff took place 12 minutes into the launch window, the result of a new procedure in which countdown clocks hold on purpose seven minutes before launch for a variable amount of time. During the hold engineers are precisely conditioning the first stage propellant and main engine for the mission.
Cosmos Pure | Core i7 860 | P7P55D-E Deluxe | 16GB DDR3 Vengeance | HD5850 | 2x850PRO 256GB | 2xRE3 250GB | 2xSpinPoint F3 1TB
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Old 28-09-2003, 12:22   #3
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Links utili:

ESA - European Space Agency

Complete Launch and Mission Coverage from

SMART Technology: Moon Mission to Test Solar Engine With No Limits

SMART Science: Europeans Prepare for First Mission to the Moon
Cosmos Pure | Core i7 860 | P7P55D-E Deluxe | 16GB DDR3 Vengeance | HD5850 | 2x850PRO 256GB | 2xRE3 250GB | 2xSpinPoint F3 1TB
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Old 28-09-2003, 12:26   #4
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Tra pochi giorni TUTTI SUL SITO ESA per vedere la propulsione ionica!
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Old 28-09-2003, 12:37   #5
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Tra pochi giorni TUTTI SUL SITO ESA per vedere la propulsione ionica!

La propulsione ionica?Di cosa si tratta esattamente?
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Old 28-09-2003, 16:30   #6
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Originariamente inviato da Willyyyy
La propulsione ionica?Di cosa si tratta esattamente?
Direttamente dal sito dell'ESA:

SMART1 ha un motore che non funziona a propellente chimico, come quelli a cui siamo abituati a vedere sulle rampe di lancio. La spinta del motore di SMART1 è invece ottenuta con un meccanismo particolare.

Innanzi tutto SMART-1 viene alimentato dall'energia solare, grazie ai suoi pannelli. L'energia solare è usata per accelerare degli elettroni, che urtano contro atomi di Xenon, un gas nobile, e lo ionizzano. Gli atomi di Xenon ionizzati hanno una carica positiva e vengono accelerati da una differenza di potenziale, ed espulsi dall'ugello del razzo. La spinta dei motori è di circa 70 milliNewton, una spinta molto piccola, equivalente alla forza esercitata da un foglio di carta tenuto sospeso sul palmo della mano. Ma è una spinta minuscola che rimane constante per mesi e mesi: la propulsione ionica è conveniente quando si ha bisogno di una spinta costante per lungo tempo. In questo modo si raggiungono velocità maggiori che non attraverso una spinta a propellente chimico, come nel caso della partenza di un lanciatore: i motori a propulsione ionica sono 10 volte più efficienti di quelli standard.
Cosmos Pure | Core i7 860 | P7P55D-E Deluxe | 16GB DDR3 Vengeance | HD5850 | 2x850PRO 256GB | 2xRE3 250GB | 2xSpinPoint F3 1TB
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Old 28-09-2003, 17:18   #7
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Praticamente è come se una pattinatrice sul ghiaccio molto figa lanciasse dei sassi che tiene in tasca.
Ask not what your country can do for you: Ask what you can do for your country.
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Old 28-09-2003, 17:21   #8
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Originariamente inviato da Willyyyy
La propulsione ionica?Di cosa si tratta esattamente?

anziche' usare una reazione chimica per ottenere un gas caldo ed in pressione da far fuoriuscire ad alta velocita' da un ugello (motore a razzo) nella propulsione ionica si lavora molto piu' di fino accellerando praticamente ogni singolo atomo del propellente con l'uso di campi magnetici.

In questo modo il motore e' MOLTO piu' efficiente , infatti la velocita' di uscita degli ioni dal ugello del motore e' molto elevata, inoltre non serve portarsi dietro combustibili e comburenti pericolosi, esplosivi ed ingombrandi ma basta un pannello solare che fornisca elettricita' e un po' di gas inerte come lo Xeno.

La spinta e' molto bassa ma puo' essere mantenuta per molti anni (il fattore limitante e' il gas inerte)
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Old 28-09-2003, 17:31   #9
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facendo un rapido calcolo per accelerare un satellite di 10kg alla velocità di 1000m/s ci vuole circa un giorno e mezzo.
Ask not what your country can do for you: Ask what you can do for your country.
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Old 28-09-2003, 18:15   #10
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Evvai !! forza europa !!
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Old 28-09-2003, 18:16   #11
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Old 28-09-2003, 18:17   #12
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su cosa basi i tuoi calcoli?
®Sirio cerco Hd 2,5" >= 320GB EIDE - Ho trattato positivamente con un sacco di gente
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Old 28-09-2003, 18:21   #13
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F=M a
Ask not what your country can do for you: Ask what you can do for your country.
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Old 28-09-2003, 18:46   #14
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facendo un rapido calcolo per accelerare un satellite di 10kg alla velocità di 1000m/s ci vuole circa un giorno e mezzo.
Il vantaggio della propulsione ionica e' che puo' funzionare per anni ....
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Old 28-09-2003, 19:52   #15
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minchia se vanno le smart.
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Old 28-09-2003, 20:10   #16
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ma l'accelerazione rimane costante per anni?
che razza di velocita raggiunge allora??
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Old 28-09-2003, 20:16   #17
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Originariamente inviato da francesco25
ma l'accelerazione rimane costante per anni?
che razza di velocita raggiunge allora??
Quella della luce?
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Old 28-09-2003, 20:20   #18
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Quella della luce?
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Old 28-09-2003, 20:25   #19
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E' una bellissima notizia!
E' quello che ci aprirà la porta ai viaggi fuori dalla nostra galassia.
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Old 28-09-2003, 20:26   #20
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se è di 10 kili come dice spike..

1.5 giorni = 1KM/s
3 giorni = 2
6 =4
60 giorni = 40 Km s
600 = 400 Km s
6000 = 4000
60000 = 40000

450.000 = 300000 KM s = VELOCITA LUCE

450.000 giorni =37.500 anni

praticamente nel vuoto ad accelerazione costante se fosse di 10 kili e se i miei calcoli sono giusti impiegherebbe solo 37.500 anni per arrivare a velocita luce
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