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Old 06-12-2017, 16:01   #29
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: May 2007
Cittā: Bidaa
Messaggi: 25710

Patch 2, changelog:
Critical Fixes:
- Fixed multiple crashes while shooting or travelling through Daokas.
- Fixed several memory leaks possibly impacting stability and performance.
- Fixed various pathfinding issues and stuck characters.

Gameplay Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where Naarn would be missing (also fixed in existing saved games).
- Fixed an issue where Illot would refuse to talk after being healed and where Shamaaz became stuck trying to heal Illot (also fixed in existing saved games).
- Fixed an issue where Sadar would not propose to go back to Oru’s Island as intended.
- Fixed a pathfinding issue which would cause Zoran to become stuck.
- Fixed an issue where Zine would not go to the crusher.
- Fixed an issue where Zidar’s friend would not talk when intended.
- Fixed an issue with Shadi, whom would not play the tune or give back the map as intended.
- Fixed an issue which would sometimes cause Kuryan to be missing.
- Fixed an issue where Egar was stuck in water.
- Fixed an issue where Zidar’s boat would not return to the dock as intended.
- Fixed an issue with medikits disappearing from backpack when using one of them under some circumstances.

- Players can now return to Zorkatraz.
- Added support for multiple auto-saved slots (when slots are available).
- Added F-Link telepod visualization in full screen map.
- Added an option to disable Talan word definitions.
- Added an option to disable dodge rolls.
- Added a help screen displaying control mapping.
Ci son anche un paio di fix a bug che gli ho indicato personalmente, mantenendo quindi la tradizione (personale) di aver segnalato dei bug che sono in seguito stati fixati per ogni release di Outcast, so' soddisfazioni

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 06-12-2017 alle 19:17.
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