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Old 12-04-2014, 21:31   #97
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: May 2007
Cittā: Bidaa
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Update 3 [13/04/2014]

Nuovo update, il terzo. Questa volta viene presentata IA, il G.A.I.A. che avevo a suo tempo giā illustrato nel thread ufficiale di Outcast:
Outcast features very advanced AI for its NPC. It is based upon a system of concurrent jobs working in parallel on a single NPC. Each job has sensors, goals and resource allocation needs. For instance if a job requires a character to move to a particular location, it will ‘lock’ the legs and use that resource by asking the locomotion system to play a walk animation. Then another job could receive an information from a sensor hearing noise and require the system to orient the head to check for potential danger. If there’s real danger, another agent may take over the legs resource to play a running animation to move away from the danger source.
This complex AI system provides NPC with emerging behaviors that are not hard-coded unlike those found in many games even today. In Outcast Reboot HD, the animation system will be replaced by a modern one to provide even more convincing behaviors.
La parte che ho sottolineato non sono parole campate in aria, basta installare Outcast e giocarlo per accorgersi che i comportamenti e le routine del IA non hanno nulla da invidiare ai titoli moderni.

Con il prossimo update stanno preparando video di sezioni a confronto fra il titolo originale e il prototipo attuale:
Yann is preparing a new video showing the game running with both the old and new dataset simultaneously. Stay tuned.
Inoltre, parlando degli oggetti fisici dei pledge:
Many of you have requested preview images of the physical rewards and we are working on it, so here’s the first one, the pyro-engraved leather map.
Please note this is a mockup and not an actual photo. Some graphical elements are yet to be finalized.

Per quanto riguarda le statuine, nello specifico le dimensioni:
Actual size will depend on the vendor, and we'll try to choose the best possible quality. But usually small is around 10 cm and medium around 20 cm.

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 13-04-2014 alle 07:36. Motivo: aggiunte immagini
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