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Old 17-08-2016, 12:40   #1048
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: May 2007
Città: Bidaa
Messaggi: 25716
Più o meno, in realtà le dinamiche della storia sono un po' cambiate, ne avevano parlato in quel messaggio di aprile (qui). Ovvio, non c'è da aspettarsi roba articolata alla Telltale, ma nemmeno un semplice collage di tutorials

Estraendo da quel messaggio le informazioni meno spoilerose:
The original plan was to play the story of Will Mackenzie. Instead, you’ll be playing the story from two points of view — Mackenzie’s, and Dr. Astrid Greenwood [cut] you play two distinct characters, and experience two distinct points of view.
The original plan was to have all character interactions and story moments happening in 2D motion-graphics cinematics, divorced from the game world. Instead, we’re delivering all our narrative moments in the world, in first person, with full 3D characters, with motion-captured animation and and facial expressions and all the things that help bring characters to life.
Instead, the majority of Episodes One and Two take place in brand new regions that will launch for the first time with Story Mode, so nobody will have seen them before. Besides all that, we’ve added mechanics to the game that are unique to Story mode, things you won’t even see in Sandbox until we launch the game “for real”.
Quando parla di episodi è perché The Long Dark inteso come Season One, sarà composto da 5 episodi di 2 ore circa ciascuno e quando verrà rilasciato il primo pezzo della story mode, sarà composto da 2 episodi (per un totale circa 4-6 ore).

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 17-08-2016 alle 12:52.
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