Thunderbird 1,1Ghz reviews

Thunderbird 1,1Ghz reviews

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
E' scaduto oggi l'NDA e sulla rete cominciano ad apparire le prime recensioni della nuova cpu AMD Thunderbird 1,1Ghz; trovate la recensione di AnandTech, come sempre molto dettagliata, a questo indirizzo

First of all, if you have older peripherals, hard drives, etc... that could be slowing you down, upgrading to a faster CPU won't yield the incredible performance improvement you're hoping for. As our Quake III Arena benchmarks have shown, in some cases there was no more than a 5 fps difference in performance between a 600MHz Athlon and a Thunderbird running at 1.1GHz because of the fact that the video card was limiting the overall performance of the system. So definitely make sure that there are no other bottlenecks, or very few, present in your system before considering upgrading to one of these CPUs.

Secondly, if you find yourself with a solid BX board, the upgrade is simple. As long as your motherboard supports the Pentium III, you'll be much better off just making that upgrade since you don't have to worry about the cost of purchasing a new motherboard. If you aren't satisfied with your current platform, then the number of upgrade options increases.
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