Installare un hard disk

Installare un hard disk

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Dans Data ha pubblicato, a questo indirizzo, una guida all'installazione passo passo e alla corretta configurazione di un hard disk:
To determine which controller works and which stands idle, you set one drive to "Master" and one to "Slave", with little plastic jumper blocks that slide onto pins on the back of the drive. It's possible for that setting to be determined by "cable select", but you need a special cable to do that which practically nobody bothers to use, and you still need to change the jumper settings - the setting marked as "CS" is cable select mode.

Hard drives normally come pre-set to Master. Other devices are usually Slaves by default. These days, though, pretty much any IDE device will work as Master with pretty much any other device as Slave. As a general rule of thumb, you should make the fastest device the Master, on the assumption that it'll have the better controller.
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