GigaByte 8TX review

GigaByte 8TX review

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Digit-Life ha pubblicato la recensione della motherboard GigaByte 8TX, dotata del chipset Intel i850, per cpu Pentium IV; la trovate a questo indirizzo

The performance of the board is mainly defined by the memory subsystem. No secret that the Rambus memory heats considerably and all chips are covered with the heat-eliminating aluminum finless heatsink. Besides, there is a mode of reduced power consumption for better cooling of memory, switching of which off requires a lot of time. The ASUS P4T prevents it artificially, and as a result the delays become minimum. It seems like exactly this factor defines the less performance shown by the Gigabyte 8TX. It's worth noting that RIMM modules heats with the 8TX considerably less than with the P4T.
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