FIC KT133 Review

FIC KT133 Review

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
GamePC ha pubblicato la recensione della motherboard FIZ-AZ11; tale motherboard SocketA, dotata del chipset VIA KT133, ha mostrato un'incompatibilità con i drivers VIA 4-1 4.23, con i quali essa non funzionava; utilizzando altre release dei drivers VIA il problema è stato facilmente risolto. Trovate la recensione a questo indirizzo

VIA's KT-133 chipset may still have some kinks to work out, but for the most it should make a lot of gamers happy. The Duron processor itself is simply fantastic, as with the Thunderbirds as well (even though Socket-A T-Birds are in very short supply these days). FIC's AZ-11 is a decent board for being one of the first on the market, but it's lackluster design, cheap audio components, and inability to break AMD's CPU multiplier will most likely make most gamers go elsewhere for their Socket-A platforms. Notable companies like Asus and Abit are on the horizon for having Socket-A boards on the market, which from the initial looks of them, appear to be more focused at the gaming/enthusiast community.
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