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La Formula E può correre su un tracciato vero? Reportage da Misano con Jaguar TCS Racing
La Formula E può correre su un tracciato vero? Reportage da Misano con Jaguar TCS Racing
Abbiamo visto ancora una volta la Formula E da vicino, ospiti di Jaguar TCS Racing. In questa occasione però curve e rettilinei erano quelli di un circuito permanente, molto diverso dagli stretti passaggi delle strade di Roma
Lenovo LEGION e LOQ: due notebook diversi, stessa anima gaming
Lenovo LEGION e LOQ: due notebook diversi, stessa anima gaming
Lenovo ha puntato forte sul gaming negli ultimi anni e lo testimoniano i marchi LEGION e LOQ, il primo per gli amanti delle massime prestazioni e dell'assenza di compromessi, il secondo per chi desidera soluzioni dal buon rapporto tra prestazioni e prezzo. Abbiamo provato due esponenti dell'offerta, così da capire l'effettiva differenza prestazionale.
Nothing Ear e Ear (a): gli auricolari per tutti i gusti! La ''doppia'' recensione
Nothing Ear e Ear (a): gli auricolari per tutti i gusti! La ''doppia'' recensione
Nothing propone sul mercato non uno ma ben due auricolari nuovi: Ear di terza generazione e Ear (a) ossia un nuovo modello a basso costo pronto a ritagliarsi una fetta di mercato. Entrambi rimangono fedeli al marchio per il design ancora trasparente ma fanno un balzo in avanti notevole per qualità e soppressione del rumore.  
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Old 07-07-2020, 12:38   #21
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Gеntilе cliеntе,

Il tuо dоminiо é аttuаlmеntе оspitаtо dа аrubа.

Mаlgrаdо pаrеcchiе richiеstе dа nоi, аffrоntiаmо sеmprе il rifiutо cоn lа vоstrа bаncа quаndо tеntа di аddеbitаrе i cоsti dеll'ultimо rinnоvаmеntо dеi vоstri sеrvizi chе аmmоntаnо а 5,42 еur.

Vi invitiаmо cоmunquе а cоmpilаrе il mоdulо di rinnоvо dеi vоstri sеrvizi mаnuаlmеntе sеguеndо lе istruziоni sul link qui sоttо:

accedi al tuo account

Dеsidеriаmо ricоrdаrе chе, quаlоrа il dоminiо nоn vеngа rinnоvаtо еntrо tаlе dаtа, quеsti е tutti i sеrvizi аssоciаti, cоmprеsе lе cаsеllе di pоstа vеrrаnnо disаttivаtе е nоn pоtrаnnо più еssеrе utilizzаtе pеr l’inviо е lа ricеziоnе.

L’оpеrɑziоnе di rinnоvо è sеmplicе е vеlоcе: è sufficiеntе еffеttuаrе l’оrdinе оnlinе е rеlɑtivо pаgɑmеntо.

Cоrdiаli Sаluti

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Ovviamente cestinata e bloccato il mittente.
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Old 07-07-2020, 15:31   #22
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Abbiamo riscontrato più tentativi di accesso non riusciti,
Indirizzo IP :

Se non sei stato tu a tentare di accedere, devi aggiornare con alcuni semplici passaggi il tuo online banking.Se sei stato tu, non completare il processo di aggiornamento e dovrai venire in una delle nostre filiali per confermare.
Non sono stato io
Si prega di completare il processo di aggiornamento il piu presto possibile.
Ringraziamo per la tua gentile collaborazione. Servizio Assistenza Intesa Sanpaolo 2020 Partita IVA 11991500015.
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Ultima modifica di George Stobbart : 07-07-2020 alle 16:25.
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Old 08-07-2020, 15:22   #23
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53

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Old 09-07-2020, 08:00   #24
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Attention: Fund Beneficiary,

Compliment of the season,how are you doing and your family.

This is to bring to your notice that I have finally made arrangement with the issuing bank that will transfer your total fund sum of US$6.500,000.00 from our head office in Cayman Islands to your nominated bank account without further delay.

You will receive your fund through online wire transfer as implies by the management to avoid further delay, below is the contact
information of the bank. Contact them as soon as you can so they will instruct you further on how to receive your fund.

Bank Director:..Mr. Michael Scott
Bank Name:...Bank Of The West.
Bank E Mail:... ( )
Bank phone:....+1 (305) 595-0833

Do let me know once you contact them so you will receive your funds without further delay.

Thanks and Remind bless
Mr. Grett Browman,

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Old 09-07-2020, 16:25   #25
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53

Hai 1 nuovo aggiornamento!
Per motivi di sicurezza abbiamo sospeso il suo acceso on-line al suo conto corrente.

Accedi aIIa mia area cIienti xxxx://

Ti ringraziamo per la tua comprensione

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Old 13-07-2020, 09:07   #26
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
(Office of the Under Secretary)
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington D.C. 20220

Urgent Attention ,

I am Mr.Steven Mnuchin, Under Secretary for International Affairs of the United States Treasury Department and was sworn in as the 77th Secretary of the United States Department of the Treasury in a ceremony attended by President Donald Trump, and Vice President Mike Pence. , see below: xxxx://

Following series of complains from Citizens of the United States as well as Citizens of Other Countries In Europe over the Discrepancies and fraudulent ways in which fund transfers are handled by Africans which has made it impossible for a lot of People to claim their Winning or Inheritance funds from most African Countries due to frauds and illegal activities, A decision was reached recently by the United States Treasury Department under the authority of the White House to compel African Financial bodies (Banks) to urgently release all funds of American and European citizens that are trapped in most Banks and Courier Companies in Africa. It was discovered that some bureaucratic bottlenecks was put by these Banks and Couriers to make it impossible for beneficiaries to claim their funds so that they will fraudulently divert those funds to their private accounts.

Consequent upon the aforementioned, I was personally mandated to handle this matter to ensure that all funds of our Citizens and others which are fraudulently being trapped in African Banks are urgently retrieved and paid to the actual Beneficiaries under a legal manner. Our team of experts were delegated to Benin Republic, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Ghana for this task and we discovered your File NO: BR227/9005666/00 as unclaimed fund.It was discovered that officials of the Bank has only put up illegal requirements in order to make it difficult for you to claim your fund.

The United States Department of Treasury has retrieved all Files of illegal transactions and we will be working under a legitimate arrangement to ensure that you follow the normal process to receive your fund.You are requested to Re-confirm the following information to Barr.Anderson Jack Bernard by e-mail:

5. AMOUNT TO BE CLAIMED: $36,500,000.00usd

Be informed that the above information will only enable us to make due confirmation. We shall ensure that normal process is followed to ensure that your fund gets to you without delay.Contact BARR. SCOTT WILSON who is right in Benin Republic as the Legal Practitioner to United States Department of Treasury e-Mail below: ( Call Barr.SCOTT WILSON his phone for urgent attention: +229 6153 7417 or text
Warm Regards
Mr.Steven Mnuchin
(Under Secretary).

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Old 13-07-2020, 10:40   #27
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Gentile utente di Amazon, Sei stato selezionato per la possibilità di ottenere un nuovo iPhone X, Samsung S9, Apple iPad! Per qualificarsi per questo, completa il nostro sondaggio di marketing di 30 secondi sulle tue esperienze con Amazon.

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Old 13-07-2020, 17:12   #28
Senior Member
L'Avatar di shoxblackify
Iscritto dal: Nov 2010
Messaggi: 3580
a cosa serve sto thread
Ho concluso positivamente con Jundo- kaballinus <......>
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Old 14-07-2020, 21:09   #29
L'Avatar di Yechem100
Iscritto dal: Jul 2015
Messaggi: 67
Personalmente quando mi arriva una email di phishing che non viene cestinata dal filtro anti-spam, perchè inviata da un indirizzo email "pulito" a cui sono riusciti ad accedere, perdo due minuti di tempo e segnalo la cosa agli amministratori della email hackerata. La mia speranza è che grazie a tali segnalazioni risolvano la loro falla di sicurezza e impediscano ai truffatori di operare.
I contatti li recupero dal "whois" del dominio e invio loro anche l'header della mail.
Se c'è altro che possa fare fatemi sapere, ultimamente mi sono arrivate due email di phishing da due indirizzi mail di università brasiliane e una da una società di costruzioni indonesiana (mi pare).
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Old 15-07-2020, 16:28   #30
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Originariamente inviato da shoxblackify Guarda i messaggi
a cosa serve sto thread
"Segnala l'email di phishing e spam che hai ricevuto - NON VISITARE I SITI PUBBLICATI"

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Old 17-07-2020, 13:15   #31
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
La tua iscrizione a Netflix sta per essere cancellata!

Ci scusiamo per l'interruzione, ma stiamo riscontrando problemi nell'autorizzazione della tua carta. Visitare la pagina di pagamento dell'account all'indirizzo

il tuo account›
Immettere nuovamente le informazioni di pagamento,
o utilizzare un metodo di pagamento diverso.

I tuoi amici su Netflix
Sito da non visitare
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Old 18-07-2020, 07:59   #32
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Attention: Fund Beneficiary,

Compliment of the season,how are you doing and your family.

This is to bring to your notice that I have finally made arrangement with the issuing bank that will transfer your total fund sum of US$6.500,000.00 from our head office in Cayman Islands to your nominated bank account without further delay.

You will receive your fund through online wire transfer as implies by the management to avoid further delay, below is the contact
information of the bank. Contact them as soon as you can so they will instruct you further on how to receive your fund.

Bank Director:..Mr. Michael Scott
Bank Name:...Bank Of The West.
Bank E Mail:... ( )
Bank phone:....+1 (305) 595-0833

Do let me know once you contact them so you will receive your funds without further delay.

Thanks and Remind bless
Mr. Grett Browman
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Old 20-07-2020, 10:40   #33
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Sicurezza dell 'Account - PayPal
Caro cliente,

Il nostro team di sicurezza ha rilevato alcune attività insolite sul tuo account su :
Ip :
Data : July, 20 2020 PDT
ID rapporto PayPal : ID-(PP-34297179)
Pertanto abbiamo bloccato il tuo account in modo permanente prima della verifica completata.
Abbiamo una tua raccomandazione per proteggere il tuo account, consulta i dettagli di seguito.
1. Abbiamo bisogno di una verifica sul tuo account.
2. Verifica le informazioni del tuo account.
Verify Now
Fai clic sul pulsante sopra per reindirizzare alla pagina di verifica.

Saluti Posta di supporto PayPal
Link del sito che imita paypal
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Old 20-07-2020, 19:29   #34
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Dear Customer – We're making a few changes View Online

Your account access has been limited
At PayPal, your security is a top priority. we’ve taken extra precaution to confirm that your PayPal account is secure and have assigned your account with a temporary limited.

You will need to restore your account to re-access your PayPal account.
To restore your account?
Click the link below and Follow the steps to restore your PayPal account
Verify Account Now

Help Contact Security
How do I know this is not a fake email?

An email really coming from PayPal will address you by your first and last names or your business name. It will not ask you for sensitive information like your password, bank account or credit card details. Most fake emails threaten that your account will be in jeopardy if you do not take action immediately. An email that urgently requests you to supply sensitive personal information is usually an attempt at fraud. Also, fake emails often contain misspellings and grammatical errors or are written in a language which you did not set as preferred for your PayPal account. Remember not to click any links in suspicious looking emails.

Click here to learn how to defend yourself against phishing and spoofing.
This email was sent to

Copyright © 1999–2020 PayPal. PayPal Pte. Ltd. Address: 5 Temasek Boulevard #09-01, Suntec Tower 5, Singapore 038985. Registration number 200509725E.

Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.
Link da non cliccare: xxxxx://

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Old 20-07-2020, 19:31   #35
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Altra mail, vuota, con link: xxxx//

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Old 21-07-2020, 08:35   #36
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
I wish to inform you that I concluded this transaction successful last
year with a lady in London and I am currently residing in London with my
family for project investment with the fund.

I dropped the (cheque in bank draft) with my secretary Mr. John Benson
for your compensation, by trying to assist me but it did not work out
between us . The amount is US$1,500,000.00.

I did this out of sympathy for your efforts and I hope you will be
satisfied with my compensation I will advise you to contact him
immediately through his e-mail for the
delivery of the bank draft to you. I hope you will have a nice life with
my token of compensation for your efforts and God bless you.


Mr. Jerry Ade
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Old 22-07-2020, 07:33   #37
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Mail mittente : Link nella email
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Old 22-07-2020, 10:40   #38
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53

Attention Dear Lucky Winner, We are pleased to announce to you as one
of the 6 lucky winners in the COCA COLA NATIONAL LOTTERY held on 25th
of June 2020. All 6 lucky winning addresses were randomly selected
from a batch of 50,000 international emails.Your email address emerged
alongside 5 others as a 2nd category winner in last month's draw.
Consequently, you are therefore been approved for a total pay of
$500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollar)

This promotional program will now take place once in a Year, and is
promoted and sponsored by eminent personalities like the Sultan of
Brunei,Bill Gates of Microsoft, Michael Dell of Dell Computers Coca
cola and other co-operate organizations.this is to encourage the use
of the Internet and computers worldwide and for those who are affected
in this year COVID-19.For security purpose and clarity, we advise that
you keep your winning information confidential until your claim have
been received and your money remitted to you. This is part of our
security protocol to avoid double claims and unwarranted abuse of this
program by some participants.

You are requested to contact the security company because your winning
Check has been handed over to them for immediate delivery to you.The
following particulars are attached to your lottery payment Check:

REF No: COVID-19L/200-26937
BATCH No: 2005MJL-01
TICKET No: 20511465463-7644
SERIAL No: S/N-00168
LUCKY No: 147-13-865-37-10-83

Please contact the under listed Company for immediate delivery of your
winning as soon as possible with the following details:

1. Full Name,and Address
2. Phone and Fax Number,
3. Nationality,

Contact Person Mr.Robert Jones Director DHL
Courier Service.
PHONE:+234 9013-5785-70

Once again on behalf of all our staff CONGRATULATIONS!!!


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Old 23-07-2020, 07:15   #39
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Your account has been limited.
Hello, Customer

We've limited your account

After a recent review of your account activity, we've determined you are in violation of PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy. Please log in to confirm your identity and review all your recent activity

You can find the complete PayPal Acceptable Use Policy by clicking Legal at the bottom of any PayPal page
Indirizzo sito web da non visitare
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Old 23-07-2020, 10:51   #40
George Stobbart
Iscritto dal: Feb 2014
Messaggi: 53
Notifica importante
È stata inserita una limitazione temporanea sul tuo account
Cher Client,
Il tuo conto PayPal viene utilizzato per pagare $403,00 per articoli da eBay. Prendiamo molto sul serio la sicurezza per proteggere il tuo PayPal. pertanto il tuo account è stato limitato.
Per attivare il tuo conto PayPal, devi verificare la tua identità. Per completare il processo, fai clic sul link seguente per accedere al tuo account e continuare con i passaggi di verifica che saranno seguiti dai termini e condizioni.
Se entro 24 ore non verifichi il tuo account, il tuo account sarà permanentemente limitato.
Link da non cliccare :
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