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Appian: non solo low code. La missione è l’ottimizzazione dei processi con l'IA
Appian: non solo low code. La missione è l’ottimizzazione dei processi con l'IA
Abbiamo partecipato ad Appian World 2024, evento dedicato a partner e clienti che si è svolto recentemente nei pressi di Washington DC, vicino alla sede storica dell’azienda. Nel festeggiare il 25mo anniversario, Appian ha annunciato diverse novità in ambito intelligenza artificiale
Lenovo ThinkVision 3D 27, la steroscopia senza occhialini
Lenovo ThinkVision 3D 27, la steroscopia senza occhialini
Primo contatto con il monitor Lenovo ThinkVision 3D 27 che grazie a particolari accorgimenti tecnici riesce a ricreare l'illusione della spazialità tridimensionale senza che sia necessario utilizzare occhialini
La Formula E può correre su un tracciato vero? Reportage da Misano con Jaguar TCS Racing
La Formula E può correre su un tracciato vero? Reportage da Misano con Jaguar TCS Racing
Abbiamo visto ancora una volta la Formula E da vicino, ospiti di Jaguar TCS Racing. In questa occasione però curve e rettilinei erano quelli di un circuito permanente, molto diverso dagli stretti passaggi delle strade di Roma
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Old 02-01-2019, 12:56   #1121
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Iscritto dal: Apr 2004
Città: Milano
Messaggi: 3619
Secondo me valeva la pena provare un altro cavo... Gira tanta fuffa cinese
Sulla one x lo trovi incluso ad esempio.. Oppure ne compri uno di marca

Inviato dal mio LYA-L29 utilizzando Tapatalk

Nvidia Shield TV
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Intel Nuc10i7beh
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Raspberry 4 + Allo Boss Master
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Old 03-01-2019, 06:06   #1122
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Iscritto dal: Apr 2004
Città: Milano
Messaggi: 3619
Guarda che sui forum troverai sempre gente che lamenta guai, se ti sei trovato male cambia prodotto. Io un altro cavo l'avrei provato tutto qui.. A dicembre ho preso un cavo hdmi /dispalyport e non andava amen. Il mio monitor (lg 34uc98) non è 4k quindi non posso aiutarti.

Inviato dal mio LYA-L29 utilizzando Tapatalk

Nvidia Shield TV
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Intel Nuc10i7beh
Google Home Hub
Raspberry 4 + Allo Boss Master
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Old 03-01-2019, 09:15   #1123
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Iscritto dal: Jan 2005
Città: ichnusa
Messaggi: 17339
Io so che i nuc hanno avuto problemi col 4k, serie 6 e la peggiore, serie 7 così così, serie 8 dovrebbe essere la migliore... Aggiornando BIOS e firmware la situazione migliora, ma dipende anche dal televisore, marca e modello

Inviato dal mio Xiaomi Mi5 utilizzando Tapatalk
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Old 06-01-2019, 14:22   #1124
Iscritto dal: Nov 2015
Messaggi: 177
Ciao a tutti, qualcuno ha riscontrato problemi di estrema lentezza nell'usare Anydesk o TeamViewer (soprattutto succede con Anydesk) per controllare remotamente l'Intel NUC?
In sostanza ho installato Anydesk sul NUC Serie 8 con i5 e 16 GB di RAM, tutto gira perfettamente, anche i 4K vanno che è una meraviglia, ma se cerco di collegarmi da un altro dispositivo verso il NUC che ha Anydesk, va ultra lento.
Se ad esempio, controllando il NUC remotamente da un altro dispositivo, riduco ad icona una finestra, sul monitor collegato al NUC avviene in tempo reale, invece nel display del dispositivo remoto (sto facendo le prove in casa) vedo che l'azione avviene anche dopo alcuni secondi.
Ho provato sia da un Android, sia da un altro computer abbastanza potente, stesso risultato. Succede una cosa simile anche con TeamViewer.
Ho già provato a giocare con i parametri di Anydesk nel NUC, ma non cambia nulla.
Ho controllato anche le performance di rete, sono connesso in WiFi 5G e gli Speedtest mi vanno a circa 300 Mbit in down e in up.
Ho i driver del NUC aggiornatissimi all'ultima versione disponibile.
Con RDP va meglio, ma anche qui capita che il tutto si rallenti, ad esempio mettendo in play un video YouTube va in crisi.
Questi problemi non li avevo con il mio vecchio Surface del 2013 con i5 e 4 GB di RAM.
Non so cos'altro fare, credo sia un problema di driver grafico, ma più che averne uno aggiornato che già c'è...

Qualche esperienza in merito?
E' nota qualche incompatibilità?
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Old 02-02-2019, 09:22   #1125
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Iscritto dal: Jan 2005
Città: ichnusa
Messaggi: 17339
Se I files 4k vanno bene e non hai problemi con le uscite video, i firmware conviene non toccarli... Non si sa mai. Non avevo letto i post precedenti, altrimenti ti avrei chiesto di fare la prova con un altro sistema operativo, tipo Ubuntu. TeamViewer è disponibile anche in quella piattaforma, e funziona perfettamente, quindi se con quello non avevi problemi più che il firmware forse è Windows il problema. Però ormai hai il nuovo, se non hai più problemi meglio così.

Inviato dal mio PLK-L01 utilizzando Tapatalk
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Old 12-03-2019, 07:53   #1126
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Iscritto dal: Jul 2013
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Originariamente inviato da filippom Guarda i messaggi
Non sono io quello dei problemi con TeamViewer
A me non andava l'uscita HDMI in 3 boot su 4.
Salve a tutti, un po' che non frequento questi lidi. Assemblato un nuc i7 di ultima generazione, problemi con uscita hdmi, va, non va non va, poi va, non va ecc. Come hai risolto? RMA?
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Old 12-03-2019, 17:25   #1127
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Iscritto dal: Apr 2004
Città: Milano
Messaggi: 3619
Io ho un Nuc8i5, mi trovo abbastanza bene ogni tanto scatticchia credo sia un problema di driver anche se ho tutto aggiornato prima o poi devo provare a reinstallare da zero.
Ho visto che è uscito il case per renderlo completamente fanless ma costa una fucilata (120) strano che i cinesi non si siano attrezzati per un clone alla fine parliamo di un blocco di alluminio.

Inviato dal mio LYA-L29 utilizzando Tapatalk

Nvidia Shield TV
Xbox One X
Intel Nuc10i7beh
Google Home Hub
Raspberry 4 + Allo Boss Master
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Old 05-07-2019, 17:45   #1128
Iscritto dal: Dec 2007
Messaggi: 189
Ciao a tutti, ho acquistato il BOXNUC7I7BNHX1, ma sto riscontrando problemi di vario genere, primo e più dolente è il non riconoscimento delle chiavette usb e schede micro sd. Se ci collego periferiche usb come tastiera e mouse funziona tutto correttamente. Le usb mi servono per poterci installare il sistema!
Ho provato a smanettare nel bios ma non sono riuscito a risolvere, sapete aiutarmi?

Ram installata: Crucial CT16G4SFD824A

MEM: Crucial DDR4 2x16GB 2400 MHz - HD1: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB - HD2: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB
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Old 06-07-2019, 08:25   #1129
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L'Avatar di unnilennium
Iscritto dal: Jan 2005
Città: ichnusa
Messaggi: 17339
che pendrive stai usando? cosa devi installare? come hai creato la pennina avviabile? forse conviene provare con software tipo rufus usando l'opzione gpt per creare la pennina avviabile, secondo me il problema potrebbe essere quello, e non il funzionamento delle porte
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Old 06-07-2019, 11:07   #1130
Iscritto dal: Dec 2007
Messaggi: 189
Originariamente inviato da unnilennium Guarda i messaggi
che pendrive stai usando? cosa devi installare? come hai creato la pennina avviabile? forse conviene provare con software tipo rufus usando l'opzione gpt per creare la pennina avviabile, secondo me il problema potrebbe essere quello, e non il funzionamento delle porte
La chiavetta l'avevo già creata con il tool di Windows, ne ho 2 diverse, 1 da 16gb SanDisk e una da 32gb lexar entrambe usb 3.0 + una sd da 128 Samsung.

Ho provato a montare un HD con win 10 già installato, (botta di c...) è partito e comunque qualsiasi chiavetta inserisca non viene letta proprio. Altro problema (ma forse risolvibile installando win come si deve) è la ram utilizzabile, 2gb su 16gb installati...
MEM: Crucial DDR4 2x16GB 2400 MHz - HD1: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB - HD2: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB
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Old 10-07-2019, 15:57   #1131
Iscritto dal: Dec 2007
Messaggi: 189
Sono riuscito ad installare win 10 ma adesso ho un problema con optaine, sotto spoiler la procedura da incoscenti:
Dimenticando il nuc acceso e connesso a internet ha automaticamente installato tutti i driver (gli stessi che cercavo di installare io dal sito intel! senza risultato) e magicamente la chiavetta è stata riconosciuta. A questo punto ho verificato che fosse riconosciuta anche nel bios e come per magia lo era! inserisco l'SSD entro nel bios e la chiavetta non era più visibile (l'unico nuc posseduto l'ho beccato io). Smonto SSD e rimetto HDD, magia, chiavetta rilevata. Riavvio in bios A PC ACCESO (sconsigliatissimo) stacco l'HDD e metto SSD ed installo win da chiavetta. Ram fortunatamente riconosciuta senza problemi come il resto dei driver.

A questo punto provo ad installare optaine (resta utile anche se ho messo un SSD?) ma mi viene restituito un messaggio d'errore:

Questo è il log che viene generato:
2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   >>>Dumping deffered logs2019:07:07 10:53:22:130:   Adding Windows10-x64 (0x90000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:07 10:53:22:130:   Adding W2K16-x64 (0xA0000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Banned Applications loaded2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Expected version: v2.0.507272019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Expected version: v3.02019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Expected version: v3.52019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Expected version: v4\Client2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Expected version: v4\Full2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Expected version: v4.5\Client2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Expected version: v4.5\Full2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:07 10:53:22:162:   Loading saved properties2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Looking for C...2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Shortcut doesn't exist.2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Effective command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   >>> Log start2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Mutex with given name doesn't exist. Creating new one.
2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Obtained mutex succesfully.2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Single-instance mutex has been obtained2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Core version: 2.5.552019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Setup version: 10:53:22:178:   Command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   OS data: 10.0 64-bit2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   System up time: 133 sec2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Reboot pending: No2019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Current UI language: 00002019:07:07 10:53:22:178:   Language folder: C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp2019:07:07 10:53:22:196:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:212:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:212:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:228:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:243:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:243:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 12019:07:07 10:53:22:259:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:274:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:274:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:297:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:300:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:316:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:316:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:332:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:347:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:347:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:363:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:379:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:379:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:395:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:410:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:410:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:426:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:426:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:442:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 02019:07:07 10:53:22:442:   Loading language 04092019:07:07 10:53:22:459:   Setup mode: Installation2019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Starting enumerating all devices of type PCI2019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15D8&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D10&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_282A&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24FD&SUBSYS_90108086&REV_782019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D15&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5927&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_062019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1911&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_002019:07:07 10:53:22:459:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D17&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D21&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5904&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_032019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D71&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D23&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_5229&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_012019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D31&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPUID is 0x806e92019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === PlatformChecker: Checking is PCH supported2019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === PlatformChecker: Found matching device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === PlatformChecker: PCH is supported2019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPU is supported2019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === UefiManager: Checking is UEFI mode on2019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === UefiManager: GetFirmareEnvironmentVariable ended with error: 12019:07:07 10:53:22:475:    === UefiManager: UEFI mode is off2019:07:07 10:53:22:496: E Win32 exception occurred!!2019:07:07 10:53:22:497:     Error code: 0x520E (21006)2019:07:07 10:53:22:497:     Error text: ''2019:07:07 10:53:22:498:     Extended error text: 'Your BIOS is set in Legacy Mode'2019:07:07 10:53:22:498:     Debug info: 'SourceFiles\Optane.cpp (250)'2019:07:07 10:53:22:499:   Node is not valid. Failed to resolved error string from config file error: 210062019:07:07 10:53:22:500: E Failed to resolve message for error code: 21006. Installation failure error will be displayed.2019:07:07 10:53:22:500:   propertyId: 8095, serror: Errore irreversibile durante l'installazione.
 errorCode: 210062019:07:07 10:53:22:501:   Reading storyboard2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Page count: 312019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: Welcome2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: WelcomeWithSteps2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: Modify2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: OptaneEnabledError2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageError2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageSystemVolumeError2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: SataPort6Or7UsedError2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: WarningInstall2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: WarningUninstall2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: LicenseUpdate2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: LicenseInstall2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: DestinationConfirmationAndCreateDesktopIcon2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: Progress2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: InjectionFailedWarning2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: AhciRaidSwitchFirstStepFinish2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: Finish2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: ErrorAhciRaidSwitch2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: UnsupportedOsError2019:07:07 10:53:22:501:     Added: UnsupportedCpuError2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: UnsupportedNvmeDisk2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: UnsupportedBiosError2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: UnsupportedPchError2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: UnsupportedSystemDrivePartitionTypeError2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: ErrorCheckingPchCompatibility2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: ErrorCheckingPartitionCompatibility2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: ErrorCheckingAvailableDriveSpace2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: ErrorBlockedPartition2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: ErrorFailedToShrink2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: RSTInstalledError2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     Added: Error2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:   Reading string map2019:07:07 10:53:22:516:     No string map present2019:07:07 10:53:22:573:   Showing page: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:07 10:53:30:353:   Dumping properties (30 total)2019:07:07 10:53:30:353:     IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=40962019:07:07 10:53:30:353:     IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=Yes2019:07:07 10:53:30:353:     IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\Intel\Logs2019:07:07 10:53:30:353:     IIF_SETUPVERSION= 10:53:30:353:     IIF_PACKAGEVERSION= 10:53:30:369:     IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads2019:07:07 10:53:30:369:     IIF_CACHELOC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Package Cache\{fca73a1d-2062-4ba7-9951-8bd39116b154}2019:07:07 10:53:30:369:     IIF_OS=10.02019:07:07 10:53:30:369:     IIF_IS64=12019:07:07 10:53:30:369:     IIF_NET40CLIENT=12019:07:07 10:53:30:384:     IIF_NET40FULL=12019:07:07 10:53:30:384:     IIF_NET45CLIENT=12019:07:07 10:53:30:384:     IIF_NET45FULL=12019:07:07 10:53:30:384:     IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Optane Memory2019:07:07 10:53:30:384:     IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=it-IT2019:07:07 10:53:30:384:     IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)2019:07:07 10:53:30:400:     IIF_HASBATTERY=02019:07:07 10:53:30:400:     IIF_VC14X86_INSTALLED=02019:07:07 10:53:30:400:     IIF_VC14X64_INSTALLED=02019:07:07 10:53:30:400:     IIF_NO_INJECT_SWITCH=02019:07:07 10:53:30:400: 10:53:30:400:     IIF_CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=02019:07:07 10:53:30:400:     IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFB02.tmp2019:07:07 10:53:30:400:     IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL2019:07:07 10:53:30:400:     IIF_STEP_COUNT=62019:07:07 10:53:30:400:     IIF_CONFIRMATION_STEP_ID=42019:07:07 10:53:30:400:     IIF_PROGRESS_STEP_ID=52019:07:07 10:53:30:415:     IIF_EXITCODE=210062019:07:07 10:53:30:415:     IIF_LICENSE=2019:07:07 10:53:30:415:     IIF_README=2019:07:07 10:53:30:415:   Dumping feature states2019:07:07 10:53:30:415:     Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 10:53:30:415:     Feature: 'ApplicationFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 10:53:30:415:     Feature: '' | Package: '' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 10:53:30:415:   Exit code (command line): 16032019:07:07 10:53:30:415:   >>> Log End2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   >>>Dumping deffered logs2019:07:07 16:16:54:615:   Adding Windows10-x64 (0x90000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:07 16:16:54:615:   Adding W2K16-x64 (0xA0000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Banned Applications loaded2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Expected version: v2.0.507272019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Expected version: v3.02019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Expected version: v3.52019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Expected version: v4\Client2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Expected version: v4\Full2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Expected version: v4.5\Client2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Expected version: v4.5\Full2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Loading saved properties2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Looking for C...2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Shortcut doesn't exist.2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Effective command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   >>> Log start2019:07:07 16:16:54:646:   Mutex with given name doesn't exist. Creating new one.
2019:07:07 16:16:54:662:   Obtained mutex succesfully.2019:07:07 16:16:54:662:   Single-instance mutex has been obtained2019:07:07 16:16:54:662:   Core version: 2.5.552019:07:07 16:16:54:662:   Setup version: 16:16:54:662:   Command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:07 16:16:54:662:   OS data: 10.0 64-bit2019:07:07 16:16:54:662:   System up time: 55 sec2019:07:07 16:16:54:662:   Reboot pending: No2019:07:07 16:16:54:662:   Current UI language: 00002019:07:07 16:16:54:662:   Language folder: C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp2019:07:07 16:16:54:678:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:693:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:700:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:715:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:715:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:731:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 12019:07:07 16:16:54:747:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:747:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:762:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:778:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:778:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:800:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:800:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:816:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:816:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:831:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:847:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:863:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:863:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:878:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:894:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:900:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:916:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:932:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:932:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 02019:07:07 16:16:54:947:   Loading language 04092019:07:07 16:16:54:947:   Setup mode: Installation2019:07:07 16:16:54:947:    === Device Enumerator: Starting enumerating all devices of type PCI2019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D03&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15D8&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D10&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D18&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24FD&SUBSYS_90108086&REV_782019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D15&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5927&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_062019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1911&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_002019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D17&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D21&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5904&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_032019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D71&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:963:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D23&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_5229&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_012019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D31&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2522&SUBSYS_38068086&REV_002019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPUID is 0x806e92019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === PlatformChecker: Checking is PCH supported2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === PlatformChecker: Found matching device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === PlatformChecker: PCH is supported2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPU is supported2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === UefiManager: Checking is UEFI mode on2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === UefiManager: GetFirmareEnvironmentVariable ended with error: 12019:07:07 16:16:54:978:    === UefiManager: UEFI mode is off2019:07:07 16:16:54:978: E Win32 exception occurred!!2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:     Error code: 0x520E (21006)2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:     Error text: ''2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:     Extended error text: 'Your BIOS is set in Legacy Mode'2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:     Debug info: 'SourceFiles\Optane.cpp (250)'2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:   Node is not valid. Failed to resolved error string from config file error: 210062019:07:07 16:16:54:978: E Failed to resolve message for error code: 21006. Installation failure error will be displayed.2019:07:07 16:16:54:978:   propertyId: 8095, serror: Errore irreversibile durante l'installazione.
 errorCode: 210062019:07:07 16:16:54:994:   Reading storyboard2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Page count: 312019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: Welcome2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: WelcomeWithSteps2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: Modify2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: OptaneEnabledError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageSystemVolumeError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: SataPort6Or7UsedError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: WarningInstall2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: WarningUninstall2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: LicenseUpdate2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: LicenseInstall2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: DestinationConfirmationAndCreateDesktopIcon2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: Progress2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: InjectionFailedWarning2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: AhciRaidSwitchFirstStepFinish2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: Finish2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: ErrorAhciRaidSwitch2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: UnsupportedOsError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: UnsupportedCpuError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: UnsupportedNvmeDisk2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: UnsupportedBiosError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: UnsupportedPchError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: UnsupportedSystemDrivePartitionTypeError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: ErrorCheckingPchCompatibility2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: ErrorCheckingPartitionCompatibility2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: ErrorCheckingAvailableDriveSpace2019:07:07 16:16:55:001:     Added: ErrorBlockedPartition2019:07:07 16:16:55:016:     Added: ErrorFailedToShrink2019:07:07 16:16:55:016:     Added: RSTInstalledError2019:07:07 16:16:55:016:     Added: Error2019:07:07 16:16:55:016:   Reading string map2019:07:07 16:16:55:016:     No string map present2019:07:07 16:16:55:079:   Showing page: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:07 16:17:00:060:   Link: Launching ' '2019:07:07 16:24:03:960:   Dumping properties (30 total)2019:07:07 16:24:03:960:     IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=40962019:07:07 16:24:03:960:     IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=Yes2019:07:07 16:24:03:960:     IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\Intel\Logs2019:07:07 16:24:03:960:     IIF_SETUPVERSION= 16:24:03:976:     IIF_PACKAGEVERSION= 16:24:03:976:     IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads2019:07:07 16:24:03:976:     IIF_CACHELOC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Package Cache\{fca73a1d-2062-4ba7-9951-8bd39116b154}2019:07:07 16:24:03:991:     IIF_OS=10.02019:07:07 16:24:03:991:     IIF_IS64=12019:07:07 16:24:03:991:     IIF_NET40CLIENT=12019:07:07 16:24:03:991:     IIF_NET40FULL=12019:07:07 16:24:03:991:     IIF_NET45CLIENT=12019:07:07 16:24:03:991:     IIF_NET45FULL=12019:07:07 16:24:04:007:     IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Optane Memory2019:07:07 16:24:04:007:     IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=it-IT2019:07:07 16:24:04:007:     IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)2019:07:07 16:24:04:007:     IIF_HASBATTERY=02019:07:07 16:24:04:007:     IIF_VC14X86_INSTALLED=02019:07:07 16:24:04:022:     IIF_VC14X64_INSTALLED=02019:07:07 16:24:04:022:     IIF_NO_INJECT_SWITCH=02019:07:07 16:24:04:027: 16:24:04:029:     IIF_CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=02019:07:07 16:24:04:032:     IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFD83F.tmp2019:07:07 16:24:04:035:     IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL2019:07:07 16:24:04:037:     IIF_STEP_COUNT=62019:07:07 16:24:04:039:     IIF_CONFIRMATION_STEP_ID=42019:07:07 16:24:04:041:     IIF_PROGRESS_STEP_ID=52019:07:07 16:24:04:043:     IIF_EXITCODE=210062019:07:07 16:24:04:046:     IIF_LICENSE=2019:07:07 16:24:04:048:     IIF_README=2019:07:07 16:24:04:050:   Dumping feature states2019:07:07 16:24:04:052:     Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 16:24:04:054:     Feature: 'ApplicationFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 16:24:04:055:     Feature: '' | Package: '' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 16:24:04:057:   Exit code (command line): 16032019:07:07 16:24:04:061:   >>> Log End2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   >>>Dumping deffered logs2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Adding Windows10-x64 (0x90000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Adding W2K16-x64 (0xA0000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Banned Applications loaded2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Expected version: v2.0.507272019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Expected version: v3.02019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Expected version: v3.52019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Expected version: v4\Client2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Expected version: v4\Full2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Expected version: v4.5\Client2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Expected version: v4.5\Full2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:07 19:57:49:337:   Loading saved properties2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Looking for C...2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Shortcut doesn't exist.2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Effective command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   >>> Log start2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Mutex with given name doesn't exist. Creating new one.
2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Obtained mutex succesfully.2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Single-instance mutex has been obtained2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Core version: 2.5.552019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Setup version: 19:57:49:352:   Command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   OS data: 10.0 64-bit2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   System up time: 3681 sec2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Reboot pending: No2019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Current UI language: 00002019:07:07 19:57:49:352:   Language folder: C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp2019:07:07 19:57:49:383:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:383:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:399:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:415:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:415:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:430:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 12019:07:07 19:57:49:446:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:461:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:461:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:477:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:493:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:493:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:508:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:524:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:524:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:540:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:555:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:555:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:571:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:586:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:586:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:602:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:618:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:633:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:649:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 02019:07:07 19:57:49:649:   Loading language 04092019:07:07 19:57:49:649:   Setup mode: Installation2019:07:07 19:57:49:649:    === Device Enumerator: Starting enumerating all devices of type PCI2019:07:07 19:57:49:649:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D03&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:649:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15D8&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:649:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D10&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D18&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24FD&SUBSYS_90108086&REV_782019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D15&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5927&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_062019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1911&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_002019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D17&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D21&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5904&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_032019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D71&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D23&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_5229&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_012019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D31&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2522&SUBSYS_38068086&REV_002019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPUID is 0x806e92019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === PlatformChecker: Checking is PCH supported2019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === PlatformChecker: Found matching device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === PlatformChecker: PCH is supported2019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPU is supported2019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === UefiManager: Checking is UEFI mode on2019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === UefiManager: GetFirmareEnvironmentVariable ended with error: 12019:07:07 19:57:49:665:    === UefiManager: UEFI mode is off2019:07:07 19:57:49:680: E Win32 exception occurred!!2019:07:07 19:57:49:680:     Error code: 0x520E (21006)2019:07:07 19:57:49:680:     Error text: ''2019:07:07 19:57:49:680:     Extended error text: 'Your BIOS is set in Legacy Mode'2019:07:07 19:57:49:680:     Debug info: 'SourceFiles\Optane.cpp (250)'2019:07:07 19:57:49:680:   Node is not valid. Failed to resolved error string from config file error: 210062019:07:07 19:57:49:680: E Failed to resolve message for error code: 21006. Installation failure error will be displayed.2019:07:07 19:57:49:680:   propertyId: 8095, serror: Errore irreversibile durante l'installazione.
 errorCode: 210062019:07:07 19:57:49:680:   Reading storyboard2019:07:07 19:57:49:680:     Page count: 312019:07:07 19:57:49:680:     Added: Welcome2019:07:07 19:57:49:680:     Added: WelcomeWithSteps2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: Modify2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: OptaneEnabledError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageSystemVolumeError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: SataPort6Or7UsedError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: WarningInstall2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: WarningUninstall2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: LicenseUpdate2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: LicenseInstall2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: DestinationConfirmationAndCreateDesktopIcon2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: Progress2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: InjectionFailedWarning2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: AhciRaidSwitchFirstStepFinish2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: Finish2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: ErrorAhciRaidSwitch2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: UnsupportedOsError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: UnsupportedCpuError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: UnsupportedNvmeDisk2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: UnsupportedBiosError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: UnsupportedPchError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: UnsupportedSystemDrivePartitionTypeError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: ErrorCheckingPchCompatibility2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: ErrorCheckingPartitionCompatibility2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: ErrorCheckingAvailableDriveSpace2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: ErrorBlockedPartition2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: ErrorFailedToShrink2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: RSTInstalledError2019:07:07 19:57:49:696:     Added: Error2019:07:07 19:57:49:711:   Reading string map2019:07:07 19:57:49:711:     No string map present2019:07:07 19:57:49:727:   Showing page: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:07 19:57:57:777:   Dumping properties (30 total)2019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=40962019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=Yes2019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\Intel\Logs2019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_SETUPVERSION= 19:57:57:777:     IIF_PACKAGEVERSION= 19:57:57:777:     IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads2019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_CACHELOC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Package Cache\{fca73a1d-2062-4ba7-9951-8bd39116b154}2019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_OS=10.02019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_IS64=12019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_NET40CLIENT=12019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_NET40FULL=12019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_NET45CLIENT=12019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_NET45FULL=12019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Optane Memory2019:07:07 19:57:57:777:     IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=it-IT2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_HASBATTERY=02019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_VC14X86_INSTALLED=02019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_VC14X64_INSTALLED=02019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_NO_INJECT_SWITCH=02019:07:07 19:57:57:793: 19:57:57:793:     IIF_CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=02019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2B26.tmp2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_STEP_COUNT=62019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_CONFIRMATION_STEP_ID=42019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_PROGRESS_STEP_ID=52019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_EXITCODE=210062019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_LICENSE=2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     IIF_README=2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:   Dumping feature states2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     Feature: 'ApplicationFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:     Feature: '' | Package: '' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 19:57:57:793:   Exit code (command line): 16032019:07:07 19:57:57:793:   >>> Log End2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   >>>Dumping deffered logs2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Adding Windows10-x64 (0x90000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Adding W2K16-x64 (0xA0000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Banned Applications loaded2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Expected version: v2.0.507272019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Expected version: v3.02019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Expected version: v3.52019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Expected version: v4\Client2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Expected version: v4\Full2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Expected version: v4.5\Client2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Expected version: v4.5\Full2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:07 20:10:47:971:   Loading saved properties2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Looking for C...2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Shortcut doesn't exist.2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Effective command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   >>> Log start2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Mutex with given name doesn't exist. Creating new one.
2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Obtained mutex succesfully.2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Single-instance mutex has been obtained2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Core version: 2.5.552019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Setup version: 20:10:47:986:   Command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   OS data: 10.0 64-bit2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   System up time: 4459 sec2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Reboot pending: No2019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Current UI language: 00002019:07:07 20:10:47:986:   Language folder: C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp2019:07:07 20:10:48:017:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:017:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:033:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:049:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:049:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:064:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 12019:07:07 20:10:48:080:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:080:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:096:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:111:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:111:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:127:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:142:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:142:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:158:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:174:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:174:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:189:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:205:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:221:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:221:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:236:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:252:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:252:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:268:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 02019:07:07 20:10:48:268:   Loading language 04092019:07:07 20:10:48:283:   Setup mode: Installation2019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Starting enumerating all devices of type PCI2019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D03&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15D8&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D10&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D18&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24FD&SUBSYS_90108086&REV_782019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D15&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5927&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_062019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1911&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_002019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D17&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D21&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5904&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_032019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D71&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D23&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_5229&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_012019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D31&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2522&SUBSYS_38068086&REV_002019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPUID is 0x806e92019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === PlatformChecker: Checking is PCH supported2019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === PlatformChecker: Found matching device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:07 20:10:48:283:    === PlatformChecker: PCH is supported2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPU is supported2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:    === UefiManager: Checking is UEFI mode on2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:    === UefiManager: GetFirmareEnvironmentVariable ended with error: 12019:07:07 20:10:48:299:    === UefiManager: UEFI mode is off2019:07:07 20:10:48:299: E Win32 exception occurred!!2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Error code: 0x520E (21006)2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Error text: ''2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Extended error text: 'Your BIOS is set in Legacy Mode'2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Debug info: 'SourceFiles\Optane.cpp (250)'2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:   Node is not valid. Failed to resolved error string from config file error: 210062019:07:07 20:10:48:299: E Failed to resolve message for error code: 21006. Installation failure error will be displayed.2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:   propertyId: 8095, serror: Errore irreversibile durante l'installazione.
 errorCode: 210062019:07:07 20:10:48:299:   Reading storyboard2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Page count: 312019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Added: Welcome2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Added: WelcomeWithSteps2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Added: Modify2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Added: OptaneEnabledError2019:07:07 20:10:48:299:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageSystemVolumeError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: SataPort6Or7UsedError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: WarningInstall2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: WarningUninstall2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: LicenseUpdate2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: LicenseInstall2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: DestinationConfirmationAndCreateDesktopIcon2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: Progress2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: InjectionFailedWarning2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: AhciRaidSwitchFirstStepFinish2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: Finish2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: ErrorAhciRaidSwitch2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: UnsupportedOsError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: UnsupportedCpuError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: UnsupportedNvmeDisk2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: UnsupportedBiosError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: UnsupportedPchError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: UnsupportedSystemDrivePartitionTypeError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: ErrorCheckingPchCompatibility2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: ErrorCheckingPartitionCompatibility2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: ErrorCheckingAvailableDriveSpace2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: ErrorBlockedPartition2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: ErrorFailedToShrink2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: RSTInstalledError2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     Added: Error2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:   Reading string map2019:07:07 20:10:48:314:     No string map present2019:07:07 20:10:48:330:   Showing page: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:07 20:10:49:862:   Dumping properties (30 total)2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=40962019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=Yes2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\Intel\Logs2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_SETUPVERSION= 20:10:49:878:     IIF_PACKAGEVERSION= 20:10:49:878:     IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_CACHELOC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Package Cache\{fca73a1d-2062-4ba7-9951-8bd39116b154}2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_OS=10.02019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_IS64=12019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_NET40CLIENT=12019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_NET40FULL=12019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_NET45CLIENT=12019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_NET45FULL=12019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Optane Memory2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=it-IT2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_HASBATTERY=02019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_VC14X86_INSTALLED=02019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_VC14X64_INSTALLED=02019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_NO_INJECT_SWITCH=02019:07:07 20:10:49:878: 20:10:49:878:     IIF_CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=02019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFCA7.tmp2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL2019:07:07 20:10:49:878:     IIF_STEP_COUNT=62019:07:07 20:10:49:893:     IIF_CONFIRMATION_STEP_ID=42019:07:07 20:10:49:893:     IIF_PROGRESS_STEP_ID=52019:07:07 20:10:49:893:     IIF_EXITCODE=210062019:07:07 20:10:49:893:     IIF_LICENSE=2019:07:07 20:10:49:893:     IIF_README=2019:07:07 20:10:49:893:   Dumping feature states2019:07:07 20:10:49:893:     Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 20:10:49:893:     Feature: 'ApplicationFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 20:10:49:893:     Feature: '' | Package: '' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:07 20:10:49:893:   Exit code (command line): 16032019:07:07 20:10:49:893:   >>> Log End2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   >>>Dumping deffered logs2019:07:08 15:03:07:577:   Adding Windows10-x64 (0x90000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:08 15:03:07:577:   Adding W2K16-x64 (0xA0000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Banned Applications loaded2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Expected version: v2.0.507272019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Expected version: v3.02019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Expected version: v3.52019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Expected version: v4\Client2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Expected version: v4\Full2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Expected version: v4.5\Client2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Expected version: v4.5\Full2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Loading saved properties2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Looking for C...2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Shortcut doesn't exist.2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Effective command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   >>> Log start2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Mutex with given name doesn't exist. Creating new one.
2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Obtained mutex succesfully.2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Single-instance mutex has been obtained2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Core version: 2.5.552019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   Setup version: 15:03:07:593:   Command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:08 15:03:07:593:   OS data: 10.0 64-bit2019:07:08 15:03:07:608:   System up time: 128 sec2019:07:08 15:03:07:608:   Reboot pending: No2019:07:08 15:03:07:608:   Current UI language: 00002019:07:08 15:03:07:608:   Language folder: C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp2019:07:08 15:03:07:624:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:624:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:640:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:655:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:655:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:671:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 12019:07:08 15:03:07:686:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:686:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:702:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:718:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:733:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:733:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:749:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:765:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:780:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:780:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:796:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:811:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:811:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:827:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:843:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:858:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:858:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:874:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:890:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 02019:07:08 15:03:07:890:   Loading language 04092019:07:08 15:03:07:890:   Setup mode: Installation2019:07:08 15:03:07:890:    === Device Enumerator: Starting enumerating all devices of type PCI2019:07:08 15:03:07:890:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D03&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:890:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15D8&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:890:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D10&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D18&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24FD&SUBSYS_90108086&REV_782019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D15&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5927&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_062019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1911&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_002019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D17&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D21&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5904&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_032019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D71&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D23&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_5229&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_012019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D31&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2522&SUBSYS_38068086&REV_002019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPUID is 0x806e92019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === PlatformChecker: Checking is PCH supported2019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === PlatformChecker: Found matching device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === PlatformChecker: PCH is supported2019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPU is supported2019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === UefiManager: Checking is UEFI mode on2019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === UefiManager: GetFirmareEnvironmentVariable ended with error: 12019:07:08 15:03:07:905:    === UefiManager: UEFI mode is off2019:07:08 15:03:07:921: E Win32 exception occurred!!2019:07:08 15:03:07:921:     Error code: 0x520E (21006)2019:07:08 15:03:07:921:     Error text: ''2019:07:08 15:03:07:921:     Extended error text: 'Your BIOS is set in Legacy Mode'2019:07:08 15:03:07:921:     Debug info: 'SourceFiles\Optane.cpp (250)'2019:07:08 15:03:07:921:   Node is not valid. Failed to resolved error string from config file error: 210062019:07:08 15:03:07:921: E Failed to resolve message for error code: 21006. Installation failure error will be displayed.2019:07:08 15:03:07:921:   propertyId: 8095, serror: Errore irreversibile durante l'installazione.
 errorCode: 210062019:07:08 15:03:07:936:   Reading storyboard2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Page count: 312019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: Welcome2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: WelcomeWithSteps2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: Modify2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: OptaneEnabledError2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageError2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageSystemVolumeError2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: SataPort6Or7UsedError2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: WarningInstall2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: WarningUninstall2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: LicenseUpdate2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: LicenseInstall2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: DestinationConfirmationAndCreateDesktopIcon2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: Progress2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: InjectionFailedWarning2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: AhciRaidSwitchFirstStepFinish2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: Finish2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: ErrorAhciRaidSwitch2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: UnsupportedOsError2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: UnsupportedCpuError2019:07:08 15:03:07:936:     Added: UnsupportedNvmeDisk2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: UnsupportedBiosError2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: UnsupportedPchError2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: UnsupportedSystemDrivePartitionTypeError2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: ErrorCheckingPchCompatibility2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: ErrorCheckingPartitionCompatibility2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: ErrorCheckingAvailableDriveSpace2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: ErrorBlockedPartition2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: ErrorFailedToShrink2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: RSTInstalledError2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     Added: Error2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:   Reading string map2019:07:08 15:03:07:952:     No string map present2019:07:08 15:03:07:999:   Showing page: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:08 15:04:56:451:   Dumping properties (30 total)2019:07:08 15:04:56:451:     IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=40962019:07:08 15:04:56:451:     IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=Yes2019:07:08 15:04:56:451:     IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\Intel\Logs2019:07:08 15:04:56:451:     IIF_SETUPVERSION= 15:04:56:467:     IIF_PACKAGEVERSION= 15:04:56:467:     IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant2019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_CACHELOC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Package Cache\{fca73a1d-2062-4ba7-9951-8bd39116b154}2019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_OS=10.02019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_IS64=12019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_NET40CLIENT=12019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_NET40FULL=12019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_NET45CLIENT=12019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_NET45FULL=12019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Optane Memory2019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=it-IT2019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)2019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_HASBATTERY=02019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_VC14X86_INSTALLED=02019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_VC14X64_INSTALLED=02019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_NO_INJECT_SWITCH=02019:07:08 15:04:56:467: 15:04:56:467:     IIF_CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=02019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFF538.tmp2019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL2019:07:08 15:04:56:467:     IIF_STEP_COUNT=62019:07:08 15:04:56:483:     IIF_CONFIRMATION_STEP_ID=42019:07:08 15:04:56:483:     IIF_PROGRESS_STEP_ID=52019:07:08 15:04:56:483:     IIF_EXITCODE=210062019:07:08 15:04:56:483:     IIF_LICENSE=2019:07:08 15:04:56:483:     IIF_README=2019:07:08 15:04:56:483:   Dumping feature states2019:07:08 15:04:56:483:     Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:08 15:04:56:483:     Feature: 'ApplicationFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:08 15:04:56:483:     Feature: '' | Package: '' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:08 15:04:56:483:   Exit code (command line): 16032019:07:08 15:04:56:483:   >>> Log End2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   >>>Dumping deffered logs2019:07:09 17:11:14:518:   Adding Windows10-x64 (0x90000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:09 17:11:14:518:   Adding W2K16-x64 (0xA0000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Banned Applications loaded2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Expected version: v2.0.507272019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Expected version: v3.02019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Expected version: v3.52019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Expected version: v4\Client2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Expected version: v4\Full2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Expected version: v4.5\Client2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Expected version: v4.5\Full2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Loading saved properties2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Looking for C...2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Shortcut doesn't exist.2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Effective command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   >>> Log start2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Mutex with given name doesn't exist. Creating new one.
2019:07:09 17:11:14:534:   Obtained mutex succesfully.2019:07:09 17:11:14:549:   Single-instance mutex has been obtained2019:07:09 17:11:14:549:   Core version: 2.5.552019:07:09 17:11:14:549:   Setup version: 17:11:14:549:   Command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:09 17:11:14:549:   OS data: 10.0 64-bit2019:07:09 17:11:14:549:   System up time: 107 sec2019:07:09 17:11:14:549:   Reboot pending: No2019:07:09 17:11:14:549:   Current UI language: 00002019:07:09 17:11:14:549:   Language folder: C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp2019:07:09 17:11:14:565:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:565:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:580:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:596:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:612:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:612:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 12019:07:09 17:11:14:627:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:643:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:643:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:659:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:674:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:690:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:690:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:705:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:721:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:737:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:737:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:752:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:768:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:784:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:784:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:799:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:815:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:830:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:830:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 02019:07:09 17:11:14:830:   Loading language 04092019:07:09 17:11:14:846:   Setup mode: Installation2019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Starting enumerating all devices of type PCI2019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D03&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15D8&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D10&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D18&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24FD&SUBSYS_90108086&REV_782019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D15&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5927&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_062019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1911&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_002019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D17&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D21&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5904&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_032019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D71&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:846:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D23&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_5229&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_012019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D31&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2522&SUBSYS_38068086&REV_002019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPUID is 0x806e92019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === PlatformChecker: Checking is PCH supported2019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === PlatformChecker: Found matching device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === PlatformChecker: PCH is supported2019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPU is supported2019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === UefiManager: Checking is UEFI mode on2019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === UefiManager: GetFirmareEnvironmentVariable ended with error: 12019:07:09 17:11:14:862:    === UefiManager: UEFI mode is off2019:07:09 17:11:14:877: E Win32 exception occurred!!2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:     Error code: 0x520E (21006)2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:     Error text: ''2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:     Extended error text: 'Your BIOS is set in Legacy Mode'2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:     Debug info: 'SourceFiles\Optane.cpp (250)'2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:   Node is not valid. Failed to resolved error string from config file error: 210062019:07:09 17:11:14:877: E Failed to resolve message for error code: 21006. Installation failure error will be displayed.2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:   propertyId: 8095, serror: Errore irreversibile durante l'installazione.
 errorCode: 210062019:07:09 17:11:14:877:   Reading storyboard2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:     Page count: 312019:07:09 17:11:14:877:     Added: Welcome2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:     Added: WelcomeWithSteps2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:     Added: Modify2019:07:09 17:11:14:877:     Added: OptaneEnabledError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageSystemVolumeError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: SataPort6Or7UsedError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: WarningInstall2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: WarningUninstall2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: LicenseUpdate2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: LicenseInstall2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: DestinationConfirmationAndCreateDesktopIcon2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: Progress2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: InjectionFailedWarning2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: AhciRaidSwitchFirstStepFinish2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: Finish2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: ErrorAhciRaidSwitch2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: UnsupportedOsError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: UnsupportedCpuError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: UnsupportedNvmeDisk2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: UnsupportedBiosError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: UnsupportedPchError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: UnsupportedSystemDrivePartitionTypeError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: ErrorCheckingPchCompatibility2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: ErrorCheckingPartitionCompatibility2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: ErrorCheckingAvailableDriveSpace2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: ErrorBlockedPartition2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: ErrorFailedToShrink2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: RSTInstalledError2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     Added: Error2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:   Reading string map2019:07:09 17:11:14:893:     No string map present2019:07:09 17:11:14:940:   Showing page: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:09 17:11:16:443:   Dumping properties (30 total)2019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=40962019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=Yes2019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\Intel\Logs2019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_SETUPVERSION= 17:11:16:459:     IIF_PACKAGEVERSION= 17:11:16:459:     IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant2019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_CACHELOC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Package Cache\{fca73a1d-2062-4ba7-9951-8bd39116b154}2019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_OS=10.02019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_IS64=12019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_NET40CLIENT=12019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_NET40FULL=12019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_NET45CLIENT=12019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_NET45FULL=12019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Optane Memory2019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=it-IT2019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)2019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_HASBATTERY=02019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_VC14X86_INSTALLED=02019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_VC14X64_INSTALLED=02019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_NO_INJECT_SWITCH=02019:07:09 17:11:16:459: 17:11:16:459:     IIF_CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=02019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFA2F2.tmp2019:07:09 17:11:16:459:     IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL2019:07:09 17:11:16:474:     IIF_STEP_COUNT=62019:07:09 17:11:16:474:     IIF_CONFIRMATION_STEP_ID=42019:07:09 17:11:16:474:     IIF_PROGRESS_STEP_ID=52019:07:09 17:11:16:474:     IIF_EXITCODE=210062019:07:09 17:11:16:474:     IIF_LICENSE=2019:07:09 17:11:16:474:     IIF_README=2019:07:09 17:11:16:474:   Dumping feature states2019:07:09 17:11:16:474:     Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:09 17:11:16:474:     Feature: 'ApplicationFeature' | Package: '{110f000e-ef82-47d9-8034-3ee8c85df1d2}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:09 17:11:16:474:     Feature: '' | Package: '' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'2019:07:09 17:11:16:474:   Exit code (command line): 16032019:07:09 17:11:16:474:   >>> Log End2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   >>>Dumping deffered logs2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Adding Windows10-x64 (0x90000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Adding W2K16-x64 (0xA0000A00 == 0x80000A00)2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Banned Applications loaded2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Expected version: v2.0.507272019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Expected version: v3.02019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Expected version: v3.52019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Expected version: v4\Client2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Expected version: v4\Full2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Expected version: v4.5\Client2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Checking .NET version...2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Expected version: v4.5\Full2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Found registry key for the expected .NET version.2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above2019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Found version: 4.7.031902019:07:10 16:32:24:306:   Loading saved properties2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Looking for C...2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Shortcut doesn't exist.2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Effective command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   >>> Log start2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Mutex with given name doesn't exist. Creating new one.
2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Obtained mutex succesfully.2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Single-instance mutex has been obtained2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Core version: 2.5.552019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Setup version: 16:32:24:321:   Command line: "C:\Users\Pietro\Downloads\Intel Driver and Support Assistant\SetupOptaneMemory.exe" 2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   OS data: 10.0 64-bit2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   System up time: 32 sec2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Reboot pending: No2019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Current UI language: 00002019:07:10 16:32:24:321:   Language folder: C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp2019:07:10 16:32:24:337:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:352:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:368:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:384:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:399:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:415:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 12019:07:10 16:32:24:431:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:446:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:446:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:462:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:477:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:493:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:509:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:524:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:540:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:556:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:571:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:571:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:587:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:607:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:623:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:638:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:654:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:670:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:685:     Found C:\Users\Pietro\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF7D1F.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 02019:07:10 16:32:24:685:   Loading language 04092019:07:10 16:32:24:701:   Setup mode: Installation2019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Starting enumerating all devices of type PCI2019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D03&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15D8&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D10&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D18&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24FD&SUBSYS_90108086&REV_782019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D15&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5927&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_062019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1911&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_002019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D17&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_F12019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D21&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5904&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_032019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D71&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D23&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_5229&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_012019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D31&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:701:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2522&SUBSYS_38068086&REV_002019:07:10 16:32:24:716:    === Device Enumerator: Found device with first hardware id: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:716:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPUID is 0x806e92019:07:10 16:32:24:716:    === PlatformChecker: Checking is PCH supported2019:07:10 16:32:24:716:    === PlatformChecker: Found matching device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D4E&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_212019:07:10 16:32:24:716:    === PlatformChecker: PCH is supported2019:07:10 16:32:24:716:    === PlatformChecker: Your CPU is supported2019:07:10 16:32:24:716:    === UefiManager: Checking is UEFI mode on2019:07:10 16:32:24:716:    === UefiManager: GetFirmareEnvironmentVariable ended with error: 12019:07:10 16:32:24:716:    === UefiManager: UEFI mode is off2019:07:10 16:32:24:732: E Win32 exception occurred!!2019:07:10 16:32:24:732:     Error code: 0x520E (21006)2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Error text: ''2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Extended error text: 'Your BIOS is set in Legacy Mode'2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Debug info: 'SourceFiles\Optane.cpp (250)'2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:   Node is not valid. Failed to resolved error string from config file error: 210062019:07:10 16:32:24:748: E Failed to resolve message for error code: 21006. Installation failure error will be displayed.2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:   propertyId: 8095, serror: Errore irreversibile durante l'installazione.
 errorCode: 210062019:07:10 16:32:24:748:   Reading storyboard2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Page count: 312019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Added: Welcome2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Added: WelcomeWithSteps2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Added: Modify2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Added: OptaneEnabledError2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageError2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Added: CpuAttachedStorageSystemVolumeError2019:07:10 16:32:24:748:     Added: SataPort6Or7UsedError2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: WarningInstall2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: WarningUninstall2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: LicenseUpdate2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: LicenseInstall2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: DestinationConfirmationAndCreateDesktopIcon2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: Progress2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: InjectionFailedWarning2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: AhciRaidSwitchFirstStepFinish2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: Finish2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: ErrorAhciRaidSwitch2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: UnsupportedOsError2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: UnsupportedCpuError2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: UnsupportedNvmeDisk2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: UnsupportedBiosError2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: UnsupportedPchError2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: UnsupportedSystemDrivePartitionTypeError2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: ErrorCheckingPchCompatibility2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: ErrorCheckingPartitionCompatibility2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: ErrorCheckingAvailableDriveSpace2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: ErrorBlockedPartition2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: ErrorFailedToShrink2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: RSTInstalledError2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:     Added: Error2019:07:10 16:32:24:764:   Reading string map2019:07:10 16:32:24:780:     No string map present2019:07:10 16:32:24:811:   Showing page: UnsupportedBiosModeError2019:07:10 16:32:34:120:   Copied to clipboard: 'C:\Users\Pietro\Intel\Logs'
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MEM: Crucial DDR4 2x16GB 2400 MHz - HD1: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB - HD2: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB
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Old 27-09-2019, 17:59   #1132
Iscritto dal: Dec 2007
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Se sono compatibili con Windows Media Center Ovvero nell'elenco dei codici c'e' anche quello per Windows Media Center, dovrebbe funzionare.
Io personalmente ho un Telecomando Logitech Harmony 350 ti lascio la pagina di supporto
Ciao, sono alla ricerca anch'io di un telecomando, ma non riesco a capire prima di tutto cosa devo configurare per riuscire ad accendere e spegnere il nuc da telecomando. Sapete aiutarmi? Sapete consigliarmi anche un telecomando compatibile di compatte dimensioni?

MEM: Crucial DDR4 2x16GB 2400 MHz - HD1: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB - HD2: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB
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Old 27-09-2019, 18:45   #1133
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FLIRC e risolvi tutti i tuoi problemi.
Guardati qualche video sul tubo così capisci cos'è e a cosa serve :P
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Old 27-09-2019, 20:27   #1134
Iscritto dal: Dec 2007
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FLIRC e risolvi tutti i tuoi problemi.
Guardati qualche video sul tubo così capisci cos'è e a cosa serve :P
Ti ringrazio per il suggerimento, ma non vedo perché occupare una porta usb per avere una replica di qualcosa già integrata in modo nativo.
Vorrei capire come usare gli ir già integrati, sapete aiutarmi?
MEM: Crucial DDR4 2x16GB 2400 MHz - HD1: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB - HD2: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB
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Old 28-09-2019, 18:35   #1135
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Qualcuno usa un NUC per ROON Core?
Mac Mini 2018, iMac 21,5 4K; Macbook Air 2012; iPad Air 2021; iPhone 11; Apple TV 4K, 3 e 2; Synology DS 418j e 918+, Intel Nuc 8i3BEH, Chromecast, Time Capsule...
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Old 28-11-2019, 22:09   #1136
Iscritto dal: Jan 2007
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i3-5010U video 4K?

Ciao a tutti, ho il pc del titolo con scheda grafica integrata HD Graphics 5500, volevo chiedervi un'opinione sulla possibilità di riprodurre in maniera decente video 4k, dalle caratteristiche sembrerebbe di si (tramite cavo displayport), però quando ci provo c'è sempre qualche problema di scatti o peggio.
Attualmente il pc è collegato ad un monitor full hd e come secondo schermo ad un tv 4k tramite cavo mini displayport 1.1, sul quale però non riesco ad avere la risoluzione 3840 x 2160, può bastare utilizzare un cavo più recente secondo voi?
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Old 28-11-2019, 22:13   #1137
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Intel NUC: inizia l'avventura.

Originariamente inviato da supertopix Guarda i messaggi
Qualcuno usa un NUC per ROON Core?

Scusa il super ritardo, ho visto solo ora il tuo post; comunque io si però non ho installato core os ma ho installato roon su ubuntu 19.04

CPU Intel i9 13900K - MB Asus Rog Strix z790-H Gaming Wifi - RAM Kingstone 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5 6000MT/s CL40 FURY Beast Black XMP - GPU MSI RTX 4090 Suprim X - PSU MSI MEG Ai1300P PCIE5 - STORAGE WD_BLACK SN850X 4TB - SAMSUNG 990 PRO M.2 TB - CASE Lian Li - O11 Dynamic Evo + Vertical GPU - FAN 3X Lian Li UNI FAN SL120 V2 RGB - 4X Lian-Li Uni Fan AL140 V2 ARGB - MONITOR Gigabyte Aorus FO32U2P

Ultima modifica di Rumpelstiltskin : 29-11-2019 alle 11:19.
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Old 29-11-2019, 09:17   #1138
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Scusa il super ritardo, ho visto solo ora il tuo post; comunque io si però non ho installato core os ma ho insidioso roon su ubuntu 19.04


Vorrei prenderlo per installare Roon (Rock) ma mi sta frenando la compatibilità ballerina col mio sistema Nad/Bluesound...
Mac Mini 2018, iMac 21,5 4K; Macbook Air 2012; iPad Air 2021; iPhone 11; Apple TV 4K, 3 e 2; Synology DS 418j e 918+, Intel Nuc 8i3BEH, Chromecast, Time Capsule...
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Old 29-11-2019, 09:55   #1139
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Originariamente inviato da supertopix Guarda i messaggi
Vorrei prenderlo per installare Roon (Rock) ma mi sta frenando la compatibilità ballerina col mio sistema Nad/Bluesound...
Ti ho risposto in pvt, però secondo me prendere un nuc per metterci l'os Roon Rock è uno spreco totale. Puoi installare Roon server anche su ubuntu, così almento hai un sistema dove puoi far girare altre cose (kodi, jdownloader, tightvnc, samba, vpn etc)
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Old 29-11-2019, 11:03   #1140
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Originariamente inviato da Rumpelstiltskin Guarda i messaggi
Ti ho risposto in pvt, però secondo me prendere un nuc per metterci l'os Roon Rock è uno spreco totale. Puoi installare Roon server anche su ubuntu, così almento hai un sistema dove puoi far girare altre cose (kodi, jdownloader, tightvnc, samba, vpn etc)

È più un pallino mio, la scusa per avere un NUC, che mi ha sempre attirato e non ho mai avuto 😄
Così avrei Plex Server che gira sul Nas, Roon su piattaforma ad hoc, musica su Nas e Tidal, veicolata su multiroom Bluesound.

Mi piacerebbe 👍
Mac Mini 2018, iMac 21,5 4K; Macbook Air 2012; iPad Air 2021; iPhone 11; Apple TV 4K, 3 e 2; Synology DS 418j e 918+, Intel Nuc 8i3BEH, Chromecast, Time Capsule...
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