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Old 09-12-2015, 10:33   #98
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: May 2013
Città: Casale sul Sile
Messaggi: 540
Mi sono appena letto un pò di post su Reddit.

Un riassunto delle cose più importanti emerse durante le sessioni di AMA degli ultimi giorni:

Il tickrate del server è impostato a 64, ma il refresh per i movimenti degli utenti attualmente è bloccato a 30

We are currently investigating having a higher tick rate, which would improve positioning and shooting replication. The current servers run at a tick rate of 64, but the position of players is updated 30 times per second. We have plans to address this very soon and are currently running tests in which we have a position update rate of 60. If the results are satisfying, we will be deploying this in a future update as soon as possible.
The game server runs different elements at different frequencies. The position update, at the moment, runs at 30.
La prossima patch è prevista per un generico mid-december, e correggerà diverse cose:

Fixed: Pawn rotation latency: the difference between a player’s action, the server’s perception and another player seeing said action had an extra delay due to a bug. This had even more impact on shield wielding Operators since sometimes players using those would think they were protected while they were not because of the additional delay caused by the pawn rotation bug.
Fixed: Shield positioning while rappelling: certain shield angles were not being replicated properly, this caused the shield wielding player to be overprotected in certain cases. This caused hit detection issues for the player shooting at the shield wielding player.
Fixed: Shooting and moving while rappelling: when moving and shooting while in rappel, the hits were sometimes not registered properly by the server.
Improved: Kill cam replication issues: the kill cam was not displaying an accurate representation of hit positions. The point of view seen after death was not the exact point of view of the killer. Moreover, we have instances in which the kill cam shows body parts sticking through walls while they actually weren’t being seen from the killer’s perspective. This has been improved for the next title update, but we still need additional work on this. It is still considered under development.
Riguardo al ping mediamente alto, hanno riscontrato una serie di errori nell'indirizzamento dei giocatori verso datacenter errati (player europei che si collegano al datacenter brasiliano e così via).
Vogliono permettere al giocatore di scegliere a quale datacenter collegarsi

Another issue we will be working on is that right now, some players connect to the wrong data centers. If you are not connected to the nearest data center, your gameplay experience will likely not be ideal. We believe that the best solution for this will be to allow the players to select their data centers and that is what we will be working on.
Riguardo ai presunti cheater:

Cheaters: Right now, you can report cheaters by submitting a Customer Support ticket. We are planning further improvements and will be sharing details through a communication.
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