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Old 20-03-2024, 21:29   #222
Senior Member
Iscritto dal: Feb 2015
Messaggi: 3595

Strano che cosė tanti sviluppatori vogliano partecipare al panel tenuto da questi incapaci per questo gioco di mierda

Un po' di roba dalla presentazione
The sound design in Tears of the Kingdom is also incredibly complex. Osada explained that the world contains voxel information to create a 3D terrain. Voxels are data points on a 3D grid that store information. In Zelda, each voxel sources information about the terrain, like if it's inside or outside, near water, near a forest, if Ascend is possible, and more. A search algorithm determines how sound interacts with the voxels, like sound changing when an object is behind a wall.

Just like the design philosophy for the rest of the game, sounds in Tears of the Kingdom play in a system without dedicated implemenation, and in some cases abstract sounds combine to create something entirely new. For example, there is no dedicated wagon sound or paddle boat sound, these sounds are created by the wheels rolling or rotating on the water, with the quality changing based on the size, shape, and material. Osada said, "It’s making sounds that I have no memory of creating! Even the director told us, 'This is basically a physics engine for sound, isn’t it?'”

Tears of the Kingdom is incredibly complicated, and the aspects the developers touched on during the GDC panel barely scratch the surface of everything going on at once in Hyrule.

EDIT: avevo scordato di postare che il gioco di mierda "tecnicamente inaccettabile" ha vinto Best Technology al GDC, votato da altri sviluppatori. Whoopsies

Ultima modifica di Rodin : 23-03-2024 alle 15:31.
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