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Old 28-03-2010, 12:06   #3
Il Bruco
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: Jun 2001
Cittā: Roma
Messaggi: 10744
The removal of shortcuts is caused by a cleanup task in Windows 7 that is planned to run on sunday at 1 o'clock AM. This cleanup task scans the shortcuts on the desktop and removes any shortcuts for which it cannot find the destination file (or when it doesn't have the appropriate permissions).

This task is called "Diagnosis". To disable it:

Open the Start Menu.
Go to Control Panel , System and Security , Administrative Tools (near the bottom) , Task Scheduler , Task Scheduler (Local) (near the upper left) , Task Scheduler Library , Microsoft , Windows , Diagnosis. In the right pane , Right click on Scheduled , choose 'Disabled'.

btw ... This task can be started manuelly here:
Control Panel > Troubleshooting > System & Security > Run Maintenance Tasks.

Questo č quello riportato da Microsoft

Per W7 in Italiano

Pannello di controllo
Sistema e sicurezza
Strumenti di amministrazione
Utilitā di pianificazione
Libreria utilitā di pianificazione
Tasto dx del mouse su "Scheduled"
Click su "Disattiva"
Chiudi utto.
"Il computer non e' una macchina intelligente che aiuta le persone stupide, anzi e' una macchina stupida che funziona solo nelle mani delle persone intelligenti. "Umberto Eco"

Ultima modifica di Il Bruco : 29-03-2010 alle 23:35.
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