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Old 12-03-2009, 14:05   #93
Senior Member
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Iscritto dal: Mar 2006
Cittā: Palermo
Messaggi: 660
Originariamente inviato da WildBoar Guarda i messaggi
il paragone č uscito fuori perchč S1L3Nt parlava di superioritā dei grangangoli in casa olympus, quanto invece mi sembra che in olympus per avere grandangoli spinti devi spendere quasi come un sistema professionale (come il 14-24 appunto) quando giā una d90 o una pentax k20 con un sigma 10-20 o una 50d con 10-22 regge tranquillamente il confronto, anzi...
Compared to the Olympus Zuiko Digital 9-18mm F4-5.6, the Sigma is simply outclassed in practically every regard, with only its excellent control of chromatic aberration to boast about. In contrast the Olympus is significantly sharper, especially wide open, and has much lower distortion and falloff, making it the clear winner in this contest (although it is also rather more expensive).
On Four Thirds, the new Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm F4-5.6 offers a wider angle of view and markedly superior optics in a lighter and more compact package; so while it's more highly priced, on balance it's a better buy for most users.

Il 9-18mm si trova in Italia a 500 euro qui, non proprio "rather more expensive"
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