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13-07-2014, 13:27
Quindi mai:muro:

13-07-2014, 16:38
Quindi mai:muro:

È stabile e giocabile, lo aggiornano lentamente ma costantemente...... potenzialmente non ci vedo problemi.

Certo preferirei che facessero come Prison Architect, una release al mese puntuali come un orologio svizzero.

13-07-2014, 17:17
L'hanno scorso era più o meno così... da gennaio si sono adagiati sugli allori... secondo me non sanno neanche da che parte girarti. Ti invito a leggere un reverse engine fatto da un ragazzo siciliano http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.it/5-mod-zone/1032-ottimizzare-ksp-risultati

13-07-2014, 22:18
Basta che sistemino il bug che sovrappone le parti durante la costruzione dei razzi, ho smesso di giocarci proprio per quello.
Non è bello che dopo 2 ore che lavori alla costruzione di un razzo, ti si corrompa in modo irrimediabile dovendo rifare tutto da capo, con alta probabilità che succeda di nuovo! :muro:

13-07-2014, 23:39
In che senso ti si corrompa? il sovrapporsi delle parti (glitching) stà diventando una peculiarità e se inveci intendi che per sbaglio prendi una torre (una delle parti duplicati, ad esempio il vettore con tanto di strut, rcs e tubi gialli) e mandi all'aria tutto rompendo la simmetria ci sono i tasti ctrl + z come ultima spiaggia...

14-07-2014, 03:34
L'hanno scorso era più o meno così... da gennaio si sono adagiati sugli allori... secondo me non sanno neanche da che parte girarti. Ti invito a leggere un reverse engine fatto da un ragazzo siciliano http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.it/5-mod-zone/1032-ottimizzare-ksp-risultati

è anche vero che stanno cercando di introdurre "ciccia" ad ogni aggiornamento ora. Prima la ricerca, ora i contratti in maniera abbastanza "fatta e finita" anzichè introdurre un abbozzo di tecnologia, poi aggiungere pezzi, poi bilanciarlo in favore della giocabilità, e un approccio del genere credo richieda più tempo. Non che a me non piacerebbe uno sviluppo meno discontinuo ( anche perchè siamo alla 0.24, se dobbiamo arrivare alla 1.0 di sto passo non lo finiranno mai ) però dirò una cagata ma vista la complessità ( superiore al 90% dei giochi che escono sul mercato ) direi che è più completo e funziona meglio già alla versione 0.24 di tanti titoli dal budget e dalle ambizioni estremamente superiori rilasciati da grandi software house al day one e fatti pagare fior di quattrini.

14-07-2014, 13:25
In che senso ti si corrompa? il sovrapporsi delle parti (glitching) stà diventando una peculiarità e se inveci intendi che per sbaglio prendi una torre (una delle parti duplicati, ad esempio il vettore con tanto di strut, rcs e tubi gialli) e mandi all'aria tutto rompendo la simmetria ci sono i tasti ctrl + z come ultima spiaggia...

E' un problema credo dovuto alla simmetria, quando usi il tool "symmetry mode" praticamente indispensabile per i razzi più avanzati.
Ti finisci di costruire il razzo magari dopo 2 ore di lavoro, vai sulla rampa di lancio e questo esplode all'istante...
Torni nell'hangar e ti accorgi che se provi a prendere uno dei razzi, lo "prendi in mano" dato che il puntatore prende la forma di quel pezzo, ma ne rimane un'altro attaccato al razzo, come se quello che hai preso fosse sovrapposto ad un'altro identico, che per forza di cose causa l'esplosione.
Ma quando succede questo anche l'editor si bugga, il tuo puntatore rimane il pezzo che hai clonato e prelevato, e non c'è modo di posarlo o cancellarlo. :muro:

Ecco un'esempio di una costruzione che si è buggata (lo so è un progetto particolarmente assurdo. :asd:), notare che la fila di razzi sulla destra appare più chiara (e lampeggia di continuo col gioco in movimento), proprio perchè ci sono due file di razzi sovrapposta l'una all'altra:

http://i.imgur.com/OjrhneWl.jpg (http://imgur.com/OjrhneW)

14-07-2014, 14:48
Quello è un bug che mi capita spesso ma ho capito che a causarlo sono le parti glitchate, mi succede ad esempio con gli intakes glitchati uno dentro l'altro, se provo a spostare le parti a cui sono attaccati poi non mi fa più selezionare l'intero veicolo che rimane attaccato al cursore :doh: :asd: ho risolto salvando spesso e cancellando e rifacendo da zero le parti con componenti glitchate.

14-07-2014, 15:30
Ahhh ora mi è chiaro. Si succedeva anche a me ma quando cominciavo a passare parecchie volte dall'hangar alla rampa e comunque con razzi medi-grossi di 300-400 parti... purtroppo quello è un bug ma ho notato che dalla 0.21 all'attuale 0.23.5 la cosa è migliorata. Sicuramente con la 0.24 imminente migliorerà ancora.

Ps: non ci sono "progetti assurdi" su KSP... ci sono solo... progetti:asd:

ho riletto il messaggio
ma ne rimane un'altro attaccato al razzo, come se quello che hai preso fosse sovrapposto ad un'altro identico, che per forza di cose causa l'esplosione.ma intendi che il pezzo che prendi su duplica? uno lo prendi in mano e l'altro rimane al suo posto? perchè se fosse questo il caso non è che premi accidentalmente Alt che duplica i pezzi?

14-07-2014, 15:46
Ahhh ora mi è chiaro. Si succedeva anche a me ma quando cominciavo a passare parecchie volte dall'hangar alla rampa e comunque con razzi medi-grossi di 300-400 parti... purtroppo quello è un bug ma ho notato che dalla 0.21 all'attuale 0.23.5 la cosa è migliorata. Sicuramente con la 0.24 imminente migliorerà ancora.

Ps: non ci sono "progetti assurdi" su KSP... ci sono solo... progetti:asd:

ho riletto il messaggio
ma intendi che il pezzo che prendi su duplica? uno lo prendi in mano e l'altro rimane al suo posto? perchè se fosse questo il caso non è che premi accidentalmente Alt che duplica i pezzi?

No è già duplicato e sovrapposto sul razzo stesso, (facendo esplodere tutto appena lo metti sulla rampa di lancio).
Se lo prendi senza premere alt ne prendi uno, ma l'altro rimane attaccato al razzo, e quello che prendi in mano rimane buggato e non lo puoi più ne posare ne cancellare.

14-07-2014, 17:16
Scusa me se sovrapponi due pezzi è normale che esplode...sovrapporre e glitchare sono due cose diverse... così come è normale che non puoi prendere più 1 pezzo alla volta, sopvrapposto o glitchato che sia:confused:

14-07-2014, 18:21
Qualcuno mi può spiegare per quale motivo questo gioco costa ancora così tanto pure durante i saldi di Steam ?

14-07-2014, 19:32
Perchè non è in saldo forse... la settimana scorsa o 2 settimane fa ha avuto un picco minimo di 9.90 se non ricordo male

14-07-2014, 21:24
Scusa me se sovrapponi due pezzi è normale che esplode...sovrapporre e glitchare sono due cose diverse... così come è normale che non puoi prendere più 1 pezzo alla volta, sopvrapposto o glitchato che sia:confused:

Ma non li sovrappongo io volutamente, si sovrappongono da soli! :p
Non è facile da spiegare, io uso semplicemente il tool "symmetry mode" per mettere simmetricamente altri razzi intorno al vettore principale disposti "a stella", a volte il tool funziona correttamente, altre si bugga aggiungendo un "raggio" di troppo sovrapposto ad un'altro raggio uguale.
Quando non si bugga puoi spostare anche molti pezzi insieme, quando raccogli un un pezzo col mouse automaticamente prendi anche tutti quelli che ci hai "attaccato" in seguito.
Vedi lo screenshot che ho postato prima? Io costruisco una fila di razzi, poi seleziono il "symmetry mode", in quel caso x3 in modo di avere costruire 3 file idendiche e simmetriche.
2 file sono OK, ma nella terza (quella che vedi più bianca) mi ha creato file di razzi identiche sovrapposte l'una all'altra, (invece di una sola come avrebbe dovuto) che ovviamente fa esplodere il razzo, e non si riesce nemmeno più a levare, costringendoti a buttare tutto il lavoro nel cesso. :muro:

14-07-2014, 22:18
Ok adesso stò capendo meglio ed è una cosa che non mi è mai capitata... ma fammi capire, la simmetria la crei sul momento nel senso: selezioni un serbatoio e poi attivi la simmetria a 2,3,4,6 quello che è e posizioni il serbatoio. Poi passi ad un altro pezzo (che sò facciamo un rcs) che posizioni sul serbatoio e automaticamente (con al simmetria) l'rcs si mette anche sugli altri serbatoi e quindi vai avanti così pezzo per pezzo oppure... crei prima una sola fila (quindi in questo caso serbatoio + rcs) e solo in un secondo momento selezioni tutto insieme e crei la simmetria?

Che casino:muro:

14-07-2014, 23:18
Video da 9 minuti della 0.24 da parte di uno dei più assidui youtuber fan di KSP:


16-07-2014, 09:52
0.24 First Contract - The FAQ


16-07-2014, 12:49
Secondo me l'unico vero passo avanti è il poter sfruttare i processori a 64bit...

16-07-2014, 13:09
Si alla fine i contratti, i soldi e tutto il resto sono solo fuffa... anche perchè c'è già una mod che implementa la gestione del denaro... comunque questi 64bit spero l'abbiano fatto con decenza...

16-07-2014, 13:18
Secondo me l'unico vero passo avanti è il poter sfruttare i processori a 64bit...

Più che altro il poter gestire più di 2gb di ram...
Poi a livello di prestazioni non cambia molto da un 64bit puro ad un 32+32.

Ma bisognerebbe che riuscisse a sfruttare appieno le risorse, sopratutto il motore fisico, dato che se non imposto la fisica al minimo, quando utilizzo navi composte da tante parti, o peggio ancora mi avvicino ad una stazione orbitante, il gioco mi fa 2fps, nonostante il carico CPU e GPU non superi il 20%! :doh:
Non so se in questo l'eseguibile x64 possa migliorare la situazione...

17-07-2014, 22:20
KERBAL 0.24 Rilasciata!


:cincin: :ubriachi: :ave:


Kerbal Space Program, the award-winning, indie space agency sim game from Squad, is launching its latest update, Kerbal Space Program: First Contract, as part of its active development cycle. This major release, numbered 0.24, is a substantial advancement in the game's Career Mode, which challenges players to run a space agency. It also takes advantage of an update to Unity3D, which is the engine KSP is built on, to offer a 64-bit version for Windows via STEAM and the KSP STORE.

Players will now have the opportunity to take on Contracts, manage Funds, a new in-game currency that allows players to buy rocket and plane parts and earn Reputation for their efforts. Players will take advantage of three new widgets on screen, Funds, Reputation and Science. Players aren't charged for funds until their vessel launches and your total science amount is now displayed via the widget. Reputation is raised as you complete contracts and bring your Kerbals back in one piece. Failing missions, leaving Kerbals stranded, or gasp, blowing them up will lower your Reputation.

"First Contract really delivers a full-fledged Career Mode for the first time in Kerbal Space Program," creator and lead developer Felipe Falanghe said. "New players will learn quickly the need for efficiency while veteran players will look at the game in a totally new way."

Contracts will define the space agency, as players will earn funds, reputation and science for accepting them and then have the chance to earn more by completing them. Attempts to conquer the Kerbin solar system will revolve around five different types of contracts after the initial set:

Rescue: Return a Kerbal from orbit around a celestial body back to Kerbin. And make sure you bring them back alive and well while you're at it
Part Test: Use a part from the tech tree – use it as many times as you want – just prove you know how to use it well in the desired situation
Explore: Venture to the different celestial bodies in the solar system and get in orbit or land to collect science
Science: Return from specific situations with science
Grand Tour: Explore at least three bodies and earn the chance at these contracts, which require intercepts on a number of bodies

Contracts will be found in the new Mission Control building, which was previously not an interactive part of the Kerbal Space Center. Players will enter Mission Control and have the option of choosing between available contracts.

Players will also find new engines, updated parts and vessel recovery, which means you can reclaim the value of landed parts and any resources they contain, in the update.

17-07-2014, 22:35
compatibilità coi precedenti mod ( ne ho una caterva )?

prime impressioni sui 64 bit più ancora che sulla carriera?

17-07-2014, 23:26
Dati di fatto: più fluido e più veloce nei caricamenti. Si possono caricare razzi con 800 e passa parti senza particolari lag.

Poi ci sono pareri discordanti. Ad alcuni crasha come prima, ad altri, come me, è più stabile. Non ho più lag e soprattutto non ho più quella preoccupazione del "reggerà o crasherà?"

Compatibilità molto elevata, all'avvio ti dice quali mod sono incompatibili. Io ne ho 35 installate e me ne ha date solo 2 non compatibili.

Intanto vi posto un'immagine presa fresca fresca dal mio Kerbol System:cool:

18-07-2014, 08:40
Intanto vi posto un'immagine presa fresca fresca dal mio Kerbol System:cool:

Stupendo... sembra lo Space Engine più che KSP lol, anche se in Kerbal preferisco lo skybox scuro con poche stelle+ distant object enhancement ( consigliato: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69907-0-23-Distant-Object-Enhancement-v1-3-Planets-satellites-in-the-night-sky%21-%283-3%29)

18-07-2014, 11:43
è ora di rimetterci le mani :D

23-07-2014, 16:25
Avete visto i video di Scott manley? In due lanci ha sbloccato tutto l'albero della scienza :eek:
Comunque dice che la versione a 64 bit da problemi con il tasto destro, confermate? Differenze pratiche tra 32 e 64bit?
Io non l'ho ancora comprato sono ancora alla demo :D

Inviato da Nexus 7

23-07-2014, 17:08
Se è per questo c'è ne uno che è riusto a sbloccarlo anche solo con un lancio... comunque si a volte mi si incanta il tasto dx e devo bestemmiare un pò prima che riparta e la differenza tra le 2 versioni è solo quella ovvia, niente più crash per il raggiungimento del limite della memoria (tutti gli altri rimangono e infatti i crash ci sono ancora per tutti), più veloce nei caricamenti e in generale una leggera maggior stabilità del gioco.

23-07-2014, 17:49
Sto ancora con win 32 quindi per ora passo :stordita:

23-07-2014, 18:49
Avete visto i video di Scott manley? In due lanci ha sbloccato tutto l'albero della scienza :eek:
Comunque dice che la versione a 64 bit da problemi con il tasto destro, confermate? Differenze pratiche tra 32 e 64bit?
Io non l'ho ancora comprato sono ancora alla demo :D

Inviato da Nexus 7

ecco cos'era allora, l'altra sera ci giocavo e pensavo mi si stesse rompendo il mouse, dovevo cliccare 20 volte per fargli prendere un comando

24-07-2014, 23:55
First Contract (v0.24.1)

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

* Fixed a relatively serious issue with module loading which could result in missing modules if loading old craft.
* O-10 Maneuvering engine scaling was off. Engine rescaled to proper size (smaller).
* Fixed an issue with propellant-defined resource flow modes which prevented some configurations of Vernier engines from working correctly.
* Fixed an issue with some decoupler modules failing to apply ejection forces when activated.
* Fixed missing FX components on root parts after resuming a saved game or reverting.
* Fixed a potential issue with the internal maths in ModuleRCS, which could result in odd RCS response from center-aligned or stack-mounted RCS modules.

* Fixed an issue with the App Toolbar where mod apps wouldn't display/hide properly at the VAB.
* Fixed an issue with custom staging icons and switching vessels.
* Fixed an issue where the Messages Dialog in the VAB would drift out of place when discarding many messages.

* Fixed a bug in Rescue Kerbal contracts, where rescue by means of external seats or claws wouldn't complete the contract.

* Fixed a save-related bug which made the Orbiting 101 tutorial impossible to complete.

* Fixed vessels not leaving 'pre-launch' condition during take-off roll.
* Fixed a very annoying and potentially destructive bug where approaching another vessel could mess up your control state.

Game Balance:
* Tweaked costs for several spaceplane and aerodynamic parts:
- Advanced Canard: 900 -> 800
- Standard Canard: 1500 -> 720
- Delta Wing: 500 -> 680
- Swept Wing: 500 -> 620
- Wing Connector: 500 -> 560
- R8 Winglet: 500 -> 640
- Structural Wing: 500 -> 540
- Aerodynamic Nose Cone: 680 -> 240
- C7 NCS Nose Cone: 680 -> 320
- Rocket Nose Cone (large): 1000 -> 450
- Standard NC (small): 680 -> 180

* Added IPartCostModifier interface, to allow part modules to tweak a part's cost.

25-07-2014, 01:16
Qui (http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.it/blog/patch-0-24-1-rilasciata/) la traduzione;)

IMHO: potevano sprecarsi un pò di più e fixare qualcosa di più utile...

26-07-2014, 01:30
Hotfix 0.24.2 rilasciato. Corretto il problema che affliggeva il tasto destro del mouse.

28-07-2014, 11:09
Ecco un altro kerbonauta :D

L'ho preso, seguendo i vostri feedback, veramente per due spicci

28-07-2014, 11:17
dove? quantifica due spicci :D

28-07-2014, 11:47

28-07-2014, 14:06

a parte che avendolo già non è che mi interessi concretamente ma per pura curiosità dov'è che lo fanno pagare così? io sarà da almeno la 0.22 che non lo vedo a meno di 12/13 euro quando va in offerta

28-07-2014, 14:48
a parte che avendolo già non è che mi interessi concretamente ma per pura curiosità dov'è che lo fanno pagare così? io sarà da almeno la 0.22 che non lo vedo a meno di 12/13 euro quando va in offerta

Isthereanydeal non lo segnala e la pagina fb ufficiale neanche....

06-08-2014, 19:24
Devnote Tuesdays: The "Development of 0.25 Has Started" Edition

Felipe (HarvesteR): Development of 0.25 has started and picking up a good solid pace. The massive clean-up from last week definitely did help there. The project not only compiles faster, but even more importantly, things are much more easy to find and everything seems to have a place (and one place only). This week, we’ve settled the design for the new Administration Facility and we’re starting to develop the UIs and backend systems to support it. We’ve got a monumental list of things to do ahead of us though. It’s going to be a huge amount of work, but it feels good to be working on something new again.

Alex (aLeXmOrA): Doing some tweaks and setting some changes to the KSP Store website. More information about this soon.

Mike (Mu): After last week’s monumental cleanup and reorganization, I’ve been working on some of the core systems for the Administration Facility. The, as yet, secret contents of which are going to provide some interesting dynamics and decisions in career mode.

Daniel (danRosas): On vacation somewhere with a coastline.

Jim (Romfarer): Last week was spent planning and designing the gui for the Administration Facility and this week i started working on laying out all the components in the unity editor. The planning stage took longer than expected because we decided to scrap the idea we first came up with for a different approach…

Miguel (Maxmaps): Helped set tasks for the team as far as developing 0.25 goes. Glad to see everyone at full steam. Also got my fingers in some design stuff for the admin building you will learn about at some point in the future.

Bob (Calisker): I am going to spend some time this week on GDC speaking submissions, which are due later this month. It’s a very intense process, as I went through it last year and was fortunate enough to be selected to speak. Hopefully, we’ll be able to put together some great talks that are considered for the 2015 show too.
I am also looking forward to sharing something fun that details how quickly the community has taken to Curse.com as our new official mod site later this week.

Anthony (Rowsdower): Firstly, I’d like to welcome OverloadUT to the KSP-TV team. You’ll be able to watch him Monday nights at 11PM EDT. He’s the first of others you’ll be hearing about in due time. I’d also like to take this time to announce that Kerb-O-Nautix has official captured the Kerbin Cup! Their final entry was chosen as the winning one by the dev team. Both they and Crotchety Old Modders put up a great show. It’s a shame there could only be one final winner, but regardless, a big, hearty congrats go out to Kerb-O-Nautix on this day!

Eduardo (Lalo): Lalo was not available for today’s devnotes on account of sudden onset fatherhood.

Rogelio (Roger): I’m working on 3D in-game assets. For now, I’m just planning on how they will fit with the existing ones. It has been fun to see how everything in the game is modeled and I’m very excited to be working on this stuff.

Hugo (Hugol): Working on improving some pieces. Went through some designs with Felipe and decided to add a couple new parts too. Other than that, I’ve mainly been designing the changes in models and textures.

06-08-2014, 22:46
quindi a gennaio esce la 0.25 ? :sofico:

Di sto passo la 1.0 la lanceranno i figli degli attuali sviluppatori :sofico:

06-08-2014, 22:51
quindi a gennaio esce la 0.25 ? :sofico:

Di sto passo la 1.0 la lanceranno i figli degli attuali sviluppatori :sofico:

Spero prima. :D

Comunque con i contratti mi sto divertendo molto. Inoltre la performance è notevolmente migliorata (almeno sul mio pc).

20-08-2014, 08:36
Dal devlog di ieri:

"Indeed, we are all working frantically towards a very large goal. This is one of the largest, if not the largest concerted effort to develop a single feature we’ve ever had. We’ll share our plans as soon as they reach a point where they are matured enough to be discussed openly."


20-08-2014, 09:34
Dal devlog di ieri:

"Indeed, we are all working frantically towards a very large goal. This is one of the largest, if not the largest concerted effort to develop a single feature we’ve ever had. We’ll share our plans as soon as they reach a point where they are matured enough to be discussed openly."


e si sa di quale goal stan parlando? dev'esser per forza qualcosa di qui presente e le cose della prossima release dovrebbero essere interfaccia grafica e amministrazione. che sia la prima?


20-08-2014, 11:20
e si sa di quale goal stan parlando? dev'esser per forza qualcosa di qui presente e le cose della prossima release dovrebbero essere interfaccia grafica e amministrazione. che sia la prima?


L'edificio amministrativo è già di dominio pubblico da 2 devlog.

In questo devlog di ieri hanno detto che è ancora top secret e di non perdere tempo a speculare.....

Dimenticavo: il celebre mod Spaceplane Plus di Porkjet, leggermente modificato, entrerà a far parte di Kerbal come pezzo originale!

Speriamo che segua una lunga schiera di inclusioni di mods nel gioco base.

Preciso: nulla contro i mod a parte, ma tra mod non aggiornati puntualmente, mod non compatibili tra loro, mod non ottimizzati...... già il gioco è pesantuccio di suo (sebbene la 0.24 ha alleggerito e non poco).

20-08-2014, 13:35
stavo per prenderlo l'altro ieri sera ma non avevo soldi nella carta, ieri ho ricaricato e non mi fanno più usare lo sconto su gmg :doh:
a 15€ sono indeciso, a 12€ avevo meno dubbi... se mi sbloccassero gli achievement di playfire che mi devono da aprile :muro: :muro: :muro:
Dal devlog di ieri:

"Indeed, we are all working frantically towards a very large goal. This is one of the largest, if not the largest concerted effort to develop a single feature we’ve ever had. We’ll share our plans as soon as they reach a point where they are matured enough to be discussed openly."

per il multiplayer è un po presto credo...

20-08-2014, 15:31

Come gioco spaziale multi-player di genere diverso da Kerbal, Space Engineers: orientato a costruzioni stile Lego e Meccano

Link nella mia firma.

20-08-2014, 15:38
Il multi c'è come mod. Funziona, è un pò buggato, ma fare rendez-vous e rientri iniseme da parecchie soddisfazioni :)

SE ci avevo pensato anch'io ma dopo avere visto molti gameplay mi è passata la voglia. Come stile è tipo Minecraft e non fa proprio per me.

20-08-2014, 19:28
Oggi mi è capitato un contratto niente male: 299000 Kerbal Dollari e 84 punti scienza di guadagno.

Premetto che ho sbloccato ancora poche parti.

Dovevo portare in volo e accendere a 24.000 m di altitudine ad una velocità compresa tra 420 m/s e 720 m/s un S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster. Una bestiolina di massa 9.75 t


La tanica di carburante più grossa a disposizione era la FL-T800 Fuel Tank 4.50 t


Ergo aggancio 8 di queste taniche alla bestiolina e a 4 di queste collego altrettanti motori LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine.

Le altre 4 taniche collegate con i fuel duct.

Ovviamente mi sono premurato di ridurre quasi a zero il carburante S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster per ridurre il peso.

Contratto perfettamente riuscito e grazie a 4 Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute sono riuscito a riportare quasi tutto a terra eccetto le quattro taniche esterne espulse in fase di volo.

21-08-2014, 01:38
Sono rientrato anche io nel tunnel di KSP (ho quasi raggiunto 200 ore di volo!), finalmente hanno corretto il bug che mi corrompeva le costruzioni usando il mirroring. :)
I contratti sono carini, anche se ti portano a fare cose poco piacevoli come lasciare i poveri kerbonauti abbandonati sui vari pianeti solo per piantare bandierine o inviare dati scentiffici all'occorrenza. :asd:
Non è nemmeno molto giusto che ti chiedano di atterrare sui pianeti ma non di tornare indietro... :stordita:

Peccato che ora c'è un bug (prina della patch non mi succedeva) che ogni tanto perdo completamente il cotnrollo del razzo, che non risponde più ai comandi, e per riprenderlo devo o salvare e ricaricare, o tornare allo space center e riprendere il razzo. (cosa non sempre possibile)

Spero che aggiungano anche contratti più variegati (alla fine son sempre gli stessi) e un po più "realistici", come lanciare satelliti in orbita

21-08-2014, 08:04
Sono rientrato anche io nel tunnel di KSP (ho quasi raggiunto 200 ore di volo!), finalmente hanno corretto il bug che mi corrompeva le costruzioni usando il mirroring. :)
I contratti sono carini, anche se ti portano a fare cose poco piacevoli come lasciare i poveri kerbonauti abbandonati sui vari pianeti solo per piantare bandierine o inviare dati scentiffici all'occorrenza. :asd:
Non è nemmeno molto giusto che ti chiedano di atterrare sui pianeti ma non di tornare indietro... :stordita:

Peccato che ora c'è un bug (prina della patch non mi succedeva) che ogni tanto perdo completamente il cotnrollo del razzo, che non risponde più ai comandi, e per riprenderlo devo o salvare e ricaricare, o tornare allo space center e riprendere il razzo. (cosa non sempre possibile)

Spero che aggiungano anche contratti più variegati (alla fine son sempre gli stessi) e un po più "realistici", come lanciare satelliti in orbita

Oramai ho compreso che i Devs spalmano le nuove feature su più updates. 2 devlog fa parlavano di potenziare i contratti. Ma già ora ti pagano solo se la navicella rientra e recuperi astronauta e pezzi.

Si, i contratti sono un po ripetitivi ma per chi come me ha iniziato da poco sono un ottima maniera per prenere confidenza con le varie situazioni ovvero vedere come si comportano i pezzi a varie velocità, altitudini, ecc...

Se vuoi aspettare nuovi contratti, i Devs stessi dal blog ufficiale consigliano questo mod:


Fine Print

Want more contracts to flesh out the base game? Wondering why not one agency is interested in building a station orbiting Laythe, or a mobile base on Eeloo? Confused as to why the scientists of Kerbin have not been interested in retrieving asteroids, doing atmospheric surveys, or exploring the surface of planets using rovers? Pondering why not one kerbal news agency has been interested in a geostationary satellite? Well wonder no more, because Fine Print is here to fill out all the minutiae missing from your contracts!


Six new contract types, more than doubling the initial amount included with Kerbal Space Program v0.24!
Many contracts have side objectives that may or may not be attached, further increasing variety.
Asteroid Retrieval Mission: Track and grab and asteroid, and bring it into orbit of Kerbin, other planets, or even jettison it out of the solar system.
Build Orbital Station: Build a station in orbit around a planet to the agency's specifications. They want a specific crew capacity, certain capabilities, sometimes labs, and occasionally they want it built into an asteroid.
Build Planetary Base: Similar to building a station, but on the ground. Sometimes an agency might require that it be a mobile base.
Aerial Survey: Uses the new waypoint system (see below) that has you fly over specific points of interest at specific altitudes.
Rover Search: Clusters a large amount of waypoints in a small area where some anomalous data was found. You must find the source by finding the right waypoint using a rover.
Satellite Deployment: Places an orbit somewhere that you have to put a satellite into with very little deviation. The satellite may require specific parts, and the orbit might be geostationary, geosynchronous, or even a tundra or Molniya "lightning" orbit.

21-08-2014, 11:50
Per chi parlava del multiplayer:

Esiste una mod e già molti server dove giocare (uno anche tutto italiano, per chi segue il canale di Youtube). Personalmente lo trovo molto divertente con l'unico limite che quasi tutti i server sono Vanilla e quindi senza mechjeb tutto è parecchio complesso :mc:

21-08-2014, 12:08
Se è complesso senza l'autopilota allora non sai fare le orbite:D

21-08-2014, 12:30
Se è complesso senza l'autopilota allora non sai fare le orbite:D

Io agli inizi ero stato tentato dal mechjeb, ma poi ho soprassieduto. Dopo oltre 50h in game non dico che sono esperto di orbite, ma riesco ad andare dove voglio o quasi.

Nella 0.25 miglioreranno la navball.

21-08-2014, 12:32
Se è complesso senza l'autopilota allora non sai fare le orbite:D

Mechjeb si usa solo per fare le orbite? :D Quello lo si impara a fare dopo 5h di gioco e una qualunque guida :P Mechjeb guida i droni, i rover, fa il dock, si preoccupa dell'atterraggio etc. Tutte robe complesse :D

22-08-2014, 00:48
Ma sono l'unico che ha giocato KSP per più di 200 sempre e solo rigorosamente vanilla? :p
La più grossa soddisfazione è proprio atterrare sui pianeti e attraccare alle base orbitanti, operazioni complesse ma comunque fattibili (e una volta capito il meccanismo nemmeno troppo complesse)... se facesse tutto un'autopilota che gusto ci sarebbe? :confused:

22-08-2014, 07:36
Ma sono l'unico che ha giocato KSP per più di 200 sempre e solo rigorosamente vanilla? :p
La più grossa soddisfazione è proprio atterrare sui pianeti e attraccare alle base orbitanti, operazioni complesse ma comunque fattibili (e una volta capito il meccanismo nemmeno troppo complesse)... se facesse tutto un'autopilota che gusto ci sarebbe? :confused:

Come dicevo sopra, niente mod neanche io. Qualche mese e raggiungerò le 200h pure io. :D

22-08-2014, 10:00
mod tutta la vita. Certe cose sono divertenti la prima volta, la seconda, alla terza diventano ripetitive e inutilmente lunghe. Oltretutto un mechjeb è più simulativo della versione vanilla perchè non è che gli astronauti facciano tutto a mano.

comunque io di mod ne ho parecchie e alcune sono quasi indispensabili, altre arricchiscono decisamente il gioco

22-08-2014, 11:56
Io sono sempre dell'idea che i giochi vadano giocati per come sono stati concepiti dai programmatori.
Poi una volta terminato il gioco Vanilla si possono anche provare le varie mod, ma kerbal una fine non ce l'ha! :)
Ma ormai ho portato kerbonauti su tutti i pianeti del sistema, ora devo solo riportarli a casa (che ė la cosa piu difficile) dopodiche proveró qualche mod, mi incuriosisce sopratutto quella del vero sistema solare. :)

Poi sarå anche che io sono negato ma tutte le volte che ho provato a moddare pesantemente un gioco poi non funzionava piu niente! :muro:

C'ė qualche mod che rende piu precisa l'anteprima delle manovre?
Ora il casino ė programmare effetti fionda per accelerare o frenare la navicella in prossimità dei pianeti, dato che difficilmente si riesce ad agire sugli assi inquadreando l'anteprima del flyby sul pianeta da molto lontano, e anche quando ci si riesce muovendo l'asse di un millimetro la traiettoria si sposta di milioni di KM.

22-08-2014, 16:09
Ciao a tutti!

Ho acquistato da poco KSP (da steam), l'ho provato ma ho dei seri problemi di performance, roba che il gioco addirittura si blocca completamente per qualche secondo per poi ripartire, o, alcuni momenti in cui va vistosissimamente a scatti.

C'è un workaround, oppure è un problema noto?

Phenom II X4 @ 3,2 ghz
R9 280X
4gb ram
Win 8.1

Grazie :)

22-08-2014, 16:54
Se hai impostato tutto al massimo non mi stupisce. Controlla la ram occupata mentre giochi. Probabile sei pieno perchè questo gioco per quanto bello è programmato da "un grupo di amici" quindi lato performance e ottimizzazione è meglio stendere un velo pietoso.

22-08-2014, 17:12
Mhhh... bene :stordita:
ci sono opzioni note per essere "succhia-ram" oppure vado a tentativi?

22-08-2014, 17:58
E' KSP stesso che è succhia ram :asd:
Io lo gioco moddato e se non chiudo qualsiasi altra applicazione e non metto l'active texture management diventa un mattone e crasha dopo quattro cambi di schermata, ho un sistema simile al tuo per processore e ram, solo win7 32, le opzioni non le ho toccate però ...

22-08-2014, 18:02
Io le opzioni le ho toccete eccome, ho maxato tutto il maxabile :asd:

Scenderò un po' a compromessi... o forse è il momento buono per regalare 8gb in più di ram al pc :stordita: .

22-08-2014, 18:31
o forse è il momento buono per regalare 8gb in più di ram al pc :stordita: .Quasi d'obbligo per KSP soprattutto ora che hanno rilasciato la versione a 64bit.

Comunque i settaggi più bastardi sono il terreno, le texture e gli fx.

22-08-2014, 20:29
Il mattone piu grosso fi KSP ė il motore fisico, anche sul PC in firma se non lo imposto al minimo con le navicelle composte da molte parti diventa ingiocabile da quanto scatta, se poi provi ad avvicinarti ad un'altra navicella o stazione orbitante mi va anche meno di 1fps.
Come impostazioni grafiche invece non mi cambia praticamente nulla da min a max.

Prima cosa da fare ė diminuire il numero massimo di detriti memorizzabili, dato che il gioco calcola il tempo reale orbite e traiettorie di tutti gli oggetti presenti nel sistema planetario, detriti compresi.

23-08-2014, 07:43
Administrative Center 0.25


27-08-2014, 08:28
Estratto dal devlog odierno:

Felipe (HarvesteR): Essentially completed the stuff I was working on last week, which is still not discussable I’m afraid, but now I’m moving on to the much less secretive Difficulty Options panel. This panel will be available when starting a new game (and possibly also through the in-game settings dialog), and will allow you to set up parameters which affect gameplay, like whether crews can respawn or will be perma-killed, whether reverting flight is allowed or not, and so on. Turning off all ‘allowances’ should make for a brutally hard challenge. Zero room for error when you can’t rewind time if things go wrong.

I’ve got the panel itself working, and it’s already possible to set up a few basic parameters. It also features a few presets to make setting up less finicky, and a ‘custom’ option which opens up all parameters for you to tweak. I’ve also updated the main menu code a bit to use proper Input Locks, like all other scenes do, instead of awkward, conflict-prone flags to control whether menu items are clickable or not. This won’t change much on the surface, but the code is cleaner and easier to maintain, which is always a good thing.


29-08-2014, 00:26
Dopo aver essere atterrato su tutti i pianeti, ed aver catturato diversi space Object, alcuni parcheggiati vicini allo spazioporto, altri lasciati ad orbitare intorno a Kerbin o a Mun, direi che ho assaporato tutto ciò che il gioco Vanilla ha da offire ed è arrivato il momento di provare qualche mod...

C'è una buona raccolta di mod funzionante al 100% onde evitare di scaricare 70 mod e uscirci pazzo senza riuscire a farle funzionare (già sto cristonando per far funzionare mechjeb), per poi eliminare per sempre il gioco dalla mia vita. come tutte le volte che ho provato a moddare qualcosa? :stordita:

29-08-2014, 08:18
Raccolte non mi risulta ce ne siano, però se vuoi alzare l'asticella della sfida non c'è niente di meglio della Real Solar http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-24-2-Real-Solar-System-v7-2-8-14-14
che ha tutta una serie di submod raccomandate. E' come ricominciare da zero, i DV sono quelli reali, pertanto se nel vanilla con 9500 DV arrivi su Jool con la Real sono appena sufficienti per entrare in orbita bassa su Kerbin :D

29-08-2014, 18:31
La 0.25 inizia ad arrivare nel repository privato di Steam. Ben 117.42 MB di nuovi contenuti....


29-08-2014, 18:39
Mai sentito questo repository di steam... a cosa serve?

29-08-2014, 18:48
Mai sentito questo repository di steam... a cosa serve?

Ogni gioco su steam ha uno o più repository.

Quello pubblico è ovviamente la release corrente per i giocatori.

Si possono avere infiniti repository privati per alpha, beta, test di specifiche build....

Kerbal in genere ne ha 2 privati:

scratchpad: ovvero le cose appena aggiunte.

experimentals: per le rifiniture.

Da experimentals poi si confluisce in public.

30-08-2014, 09:19
Hey guys. It’s time we show you our grand plan for update 0.25.

Now, we want to make something crystal clear before we carry on. This is a plan, and to borrow a quote from military history; No plan survives contact with the enemy. The enemy here aren't mongol hordes, chichimeca raiders or Ghandi’s nuclear missiles (Civ 5 bitterness aside). The enemy are bugs. The enemy are features ending up not as cool or fun as they were on paper. Or art assets more complex than drafted or code conflicts. Thus, we have to adapt. Maybe a feature is cut, or a new one pops up. Or the plan for something goes into a radically different direction.

I’ll give you a small example. The game mechanics planned for the Admin Facility in were originally far simpler (somewhat similar to the Market from Age of Empires) and not very interesting overall. We redesigned them into a proper gameplay-enhancing set of mechanics that we are confident will be much more interesting than what we had before, which wasn’t much more than a UI to convert one currency into another. The bottom line is, things change, so please don’t take this list as is and understand that our ideas are likely to continue evolving. This list here has merely our current goals at the time of this post.

So, without further ado, here’s the (current) plan:

Administration Building
A new facility at KSC which will allow you to choose from a set of Strategies to boost certain areas of your space program, usually at the expense of some other area. Start an Unpaid Internship Program to increase your Science gains at the cost of Reputation, or take up an Open Source Technologies Initiative to boost your Reputation gains at the cost of decreased Science rewards. All these combinations will be possible using Strategies, along with many more. Also, Strategies are fully mod-enabled and new ones can be added very easily. Just keep in mind, however, you can only take up a limited amount of strategies at a time, so choose wisely.

New effects
We’ve done a huge overhaul on particle and sound fx. We’ve got much better-looking and better-sounding explosions and rocket effects coming.

Spaceplane Part Overhaul
We are adding several new parts, along with the integration of fan-favorite mod Spaceplane Plus.

Accessibility improvements
More markers on your navball and a pointer to where your node is?A way to transfer Kerbals without them leaving their craft? A button to push your thrust all the way to 100%? We’re adding all that.

Kerbal Experience
Recovering Kerbals will now reward your reputation based on where they’ve been (and what they’ve done there), and their accomplishments will be stored in persistent ‘career’ logs for each crewmember.

Difficulty panel
We’re setting up a much needed Difficulty Options panel, to allow you to set up the game to your liking. Does reverting flights make everything too easy? Try disabling that to see what playing with no room for error feels like. Are you constantly broke without cash to continue? Give yourself some extra boost off the start by increasing your starting Funds. The list of tweakable options goes on, but you get the idea.

You’ll have to wait for this one a bit longer. If we had our way, we would tell no one about it and just let you guys discover it through gameplay with hilarious results.

So there you have it. That’s our grand plan for 0.25. We are doing our best to bring all this to you, and hope you will be understanding if it changes a little on the way.

http://i.imgur.com/8onJaH9l.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/8onJaH9.jpg)


03-09-2014, 07:42
La patch 0.25 è entrata nella fase di QA. (Quality assurance).

A meno che non trovino bug critici o inconsistenze di gameplay, è il passo che precede la release.


Nel devnote è presente il link ad un sondaggio su come vorremmo i futuri devnote.

06-09-2014, 10:12
Buongiorno a tutti :)
Sto valutando l' acquisto di questo gioco.
Volevo chiedervi semplicemente se vale la pena, se c'è davvero il potenziale che sembra, e se essendo un accesso anticipato è ugualmente "decente" (non voglio ripetere le esperienze di DAYZ).


06-09-2014, 10:33
Buongiorno a tutti :)
Sto valutando l' acquisto di questo gioco.
Volevo chiedervi semplicemente se vale la pena, se c'è davvero il potenziale che sembra, e se essendo un accesso anticipato è ugualmente "decente" (non voglio ripetere le esperienze di DAYZ).


Assolutamente decente. Se non fosse per la dicitura "alpha" e le aggiunte continue di contenuti, sembrerebbe un gioco completo.

E qualora ti "annoiassi" del gioco base dopo qualche decina o centinaio di ore, la community dei mods ne ha per tutti i gusti: pianeti, texture, componenti, meccaniche......

Bug di rilievo in oltre 40 ore non ne ho notati.

06-09-2014, 10:38
Assolutamente decente. Se non fosse per la dicitura "alpha" e le aggiunte continue di contenuti, sembrerebbe un gioco completo.

E qualora ti "annoiassi" del gioco base dopo qualche decina o centinaio di ore, la community dei mods ne ha per tutti i gusti: pianeti, texture, componenti, meccaniche......

Bug di rilievo in oltre 40 ore non ne ho notati.

Ottimo :)
Come modalità ? Si parte tipo dal nulla e poi si comincia a costruire i primi prototipi, dico bene ?

06-09-2014, 10:43
Ottimo :)
Come modalità ? Si parte tipo dal nulla e poi si comincia a costruire i primi prototipi, dico bene ?

3 modalità:

Sandbox: tutti i pezzi disponibili da subito, fai quello che vuoi (inizialmente è dispersiva)

Scienza: inizi con pochi pezzi e guadagni punti scienza esplorando qui e lì. Con questi punti sblocchi altri componenti.

Carriera: hai fondi, reputazione e punti scienza. I contratti ti fanno guadagnare soldi, reputazione e scienza. Ogni lancio costa soldi e con i punti scienza sblocchi nuovi componenti. I contratti con la scusa dei più disparati test di componenti ti mostrano le meccaniche e ti spingono a design funzionali.

La wiki ufficiale è ricchissima di info.

06-09-2014, 10:54
3 modalità:

Sandbox: tutti i pezzi disponibili da subito, fai quello che vuoi (inizialmente è dispersiva)

Scienza: inizi con pochi pezzi e guadagni punti scienza esplorando qui e lì. Con questi punti sblocchi altri componenti.

Carriera: hai fondi, reputazione e punti scienza. I contratti ti fanno guadagnare soldi, reputazione e scienza. Ogni lancio costa soldi e con i punti scienza sblocchi nuovi componenti. I contratti con la scusa dei più disparati test di componenti ti mostrano le meccaniche e ti spingono a design funzionali.

La wiki ufficiale è ricchissima di info.

La carriera sembra davvero bella !! :)

Per la Wiki direi che posso essere contento: credo che appena iniziato il gioco non sarà proprio semplicissimo. O almeno questa è l' impressione che mi da.

06-09-2014, 11:05
La carriera sembra davvero bella !! :)

Per la Wiki direi che posso essere contento: credo che appena iniziato il gioco non sarà proprio semplicissimo. O almeno questa è l' impressione che mi da.

Io per ora gioco solo carriera.

È complesso ma non frustrante. Non strafare. Non andare sulla luna subito. In qualche ora si comprendono le meccaniche e poi per padroneggiare ci vorrà più tempo.

Occhio che i contratti non vanno accettati tutto: alcuni richiedono troppe risorse specie se non hai alcuni pezzi. Tipo testare il motore da aereo se non hai sbloccato le prese d'aria e impossibile.

06-09-2014, 11:15
Io per ora gioco solo carriera.

È complesso ma non frustrante. Non strafare. Non andare sulla luna subito. In qualche ora si comprendono le meccaniche e poi per padroneggiare ci vorrà più tempo.

Occhio che i contratti non vanno accettati tutto: alcuni richiedono troppe risorse specie se non hai alcuni pezzi. Tipo testare il motore da aereo se non hai sbloccato le prese d'aria e impossibile.

Grazie del consiglio :)

Boh direi che non ho bisogno di sapere altro, ero già molto tentato prima ma ora che so che il gioco quanto a bug è a posto e che c'è una carriera che non sembra affatto male non ho più dubbi.
Appena mi libero dagli impegni della vendemmia procedo con l' acquisto :D :D

06-09-2014, 11:33
Grazie del consiglio :)

Boh direi che non ho bisogno di sapere altro, ero già molto tentato prima ma ora che so che il gioco quanto a bug è a posto e che c'è una carriera che non sembra affatto male non ho più dubbi.
Appena mi libero dagli impegni della vendemmia procedo con l' acquisto :D :D

Prego. :)

Ah, i devs pubblicano ogni martedì un post sui progressi settimanali: http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/

Gli update non sono frequentissimi ma sono corposi. Immaginati di dover ritestare ogni singolo componente alla luce dei nuovi inserimenti.

2 patch fa la missione cattura un asteroide by Nasa, la patch scorsa i contratti. La prossima patch: miglioramenti ai contratti e alla modalità carriera in generale più il centro amministrativo più lo space plane: un mod che hanno deciso di inglobare nel gioco base previo miglioramento del mod stesso.

06-09-2014, 11:56
il gioco quanto a bug è a postoNon direi proprio... il gioco è pieno di bug di ogni genere: a metà salita la fisica va a quel paese e il razzo comincia a girare su se stesso, cambi stage e il decoupler fa esplodere il nodo a cui è collegato tutto, per razzi più complessi (dalle 300 parti in su) comincia ad essere un vero incubo e molto altro...

Non per sminuire il gioco per carità che rimane comunque un gioco stupendo, le mie 200 e passa ore le ho fatte tutte ma dire che è privo di bug... bhe magari:sofico:

Secondo me anche chi non vuole installare mod dovrebbe comunque installarci le due mod per eccellenza che migliorano la stabilità generale: ATM e kerbal joint reinforcement. La prima elimina parecchi crash del gioco e la seconda aiuta molto la fisica evitando che le parti sbarellino a destra e a sinistra senza senso...
Avrebbero dovuto inglobare queste 2 mod, mica la SPP:rolleyes:

06-09-2014, 12:14
Non direi proprio... il gioco è pieno di bug di ogni genere: a metà salita la fisica va a quel paese e il razzo comincia a girare su se stesso, cambi stage e il decoupler fa esplodere il nodo a cui è collegato tutto, per razzi più complessi (dalle 300 parti in su) comincia ad essere un vero incubo e molto altro...

Non per sminuire il gioco per carità che rimane comunque un gioco stupendo, le mie 200 e passa ore le ho fatte tutte ma dire che è privo di bug... bhe magari:sofico:

Secondo me anche chi non vuole installare mod dovrebbe comunque installarci le due mod per eccellenza che migliorano la stabilità generale: ATM e kerbal joint reinforcement. La prima elimina parecchi crash del gioco e la seconda aiuta molto la fisica evitando che le parti sbarellino a destra e a sinistra senza senso...
Avrebbero dovuto inglobare queste 2 mod, mica la SPP:rolleyes:

Ciao :)

Ok, dunque qualche bug c'è. Ma lo immaginavo, per carità, dopotutto è un accesso anticipato. Quello che mi interessa però è che risulti già giocabile e godibile, e a questo punto mi pare che ci siamo, no ?

06-09-2014, 12:24
Ciao :)

Ok, dunque qualche bug c'è. Ma lo immaginavo, per carità, dopotutto è un accesso anticipato. Quello che mi interessa però è che risulti già giocabile e godibile, e a questo punto mi pare che ci siamo, no ?

Dei bug riscontrati da Gnaffer non ne ho riscontrato neanche uno.

Mai un crash né razzi che andavano a destra e a manca.

Nessun mod installato.

Non so che altro dire.

06-09-2014, 12:32
Dei bug riscontrati da Gnaffer non ne ho riscontrato neanche uno.

Mai un crash né razzi che andavano a destra e a manca.

Nessun mod installato.

Non so che altro dire.

Lo testerò di persona :)

PS: Anche io non installerò mod per i primi tempi. O almeno, è molto difficile che succeda.

06-09-2014, 13:20
Bhe Axios fatti un giro su un qualsiasi forum che parla di kerbal, da quello italiano a quello ufficiale e chiedi in giro... sarai stato fortunato o magari ti limiti a fare razzi semplici con poche decine di parti. Beato te :)

06-09-2014, 21:27
Non direi proprio... il gioco è pieno di bug di ogni genere: a metà salita la fisica va a quel paese e il razzo comincia a girare su se stesso, cambi stage e il decoupler fa esplodere il nodo a cui è collegato tutto, per razzi più complessi (dalle 300 parti in su) comincia ad essere un vero incubo e molto altro...

Non per sminuire il gioco per carità che rimane comunque un gioco stupendo, le mie 200 e passa ore le ho fatte tutte ma dire che è privo di bug... bhe magari:sofico:

Secondo me anche chi non vuole installare mod dovrebbe comunque installarci le due mod per eccellenza che migliorano la stabilità generale: ATM e kerbal joint reinforcement. La prima elimina parecchi crash del gioco e la seconda aiuta molto la fisica evitando che le parti sbarellino a destra e a sinistra senza senso...
Avrebbero dovuto inglobare queste 2 mod, mica la SPP:rolleyes:

per i decoupler mai avuto problemi, può essere che uno debba imparare a montarli a dovere e a usare quelli corretti visto che ne esistono di diversi tipi.

per i razzi che dondolano o fanno cose del genere, bisogna di solito ricorrere alle barre di irrigidimento strutturale, spesso fanno miracoli. in più anche coi razzi veri ci sono problemi di freccia ed inflessione, magari uno fa un razzo che è un grissino lungo e sottile e poi da la colpa al gioco se si scassa al decollo. un'altra cosa da non fare e mai usare l'opzione avanti veloce in decollo o quantomeno mai superare il 2x, la fisica ne risente e lì si che il razzo può spezzarsi o deviare dalla traiettoria per cause non legate alla progettazione.

la cosa più frustrante del gioco a mio avviso è, per le missioni spaziali sui corpi celesti più lontani, dover ricorrere a quella maledetta struttura a carciofo che è inguardabile. se poi si progetta di atterrare e ridecollare da alcuni pianeti, a meno di complicare notevolmente le cose ( tipo spedire delle navi, farle orbitare attorno al pianeta con risorse di scorta e poi mandare la nave di decollo atterraggio con la quale attingere da queste risorse ) si devono costruire degli abomini talmente brutti e grossi da rendere il tutto piuttosto discutibile.

06-09-2014, 21:37
per i decoupler mai avuto problemi, può essere che uno debba imparare a montarli a dovere e a usare quelli corretti visto che ne esistono di diversi tipi.

per i razzi che dondolano o fanno cose del genere, bisogna di solito ricorrere alle barre di irrigidimento strutturale, spesso fanno miracoli. in più anche coi razzi veri ci sono problemi di freccia ed inflessione, magari uno fa un razzo che è un grissino lungo e sottile e poi da la colpa al gioco se si scassa al decollo. un'altra cosa da non fare e mai usare l'opzione avanti veloce in decollo o quantomeno mai superare il 2x, la fisica ne risente e lì si che il razzo può spezzarsi o deviare dalla traiettoria per cause non legate alla progettazione.

la cosa più frustrante del gioco a mio avviso è, per le missioni spaziali sui corpi celesti più lontani, dover ricorrere a quella maledetta struttura a carciofo che è inguardabile. se poi si progetta di atterrare e ridecollare da alcuni pianeti, a meno di complicare notevolmente le cose ( tipo spedire delle navi, farle orbitare attorno al pianeta con risorse di scorta e poi mandare la nave di decollo atterraggio con la quale attingere da queste risorse ) si devono costruire degli abomini talmente brutti e grossi da rendere il tutto piuttosto discutibile.

Io di barre di rinforzo ne uso a iosa. E mai accelerato il tempo sotto i 40k m di quota. Forse è per questo che non riscontro problemi.....

07-09-2014, 01:01
Ovvio che queste precauzioni vanno prese. Struts a non finire e niente timewarp sotto i 70Km. Ora io non sò quante ore avete alle spalle e quanti lanci avete fatto ma avendoci giocato dalla 0.17 (più di 1 anno fa) ne ho provate di ogni.

Per il decoupler no, non sono io che ad essere incapace. Ho imparate a fare un pò di cose in questo gioco:
E' una gru totalmente movibile, ogni cerchio luminoso bianco è indipendente e il braccio in cima si muove a 360° si avanti che indietro.
Poi altre cose qui (imgur.com/a/l8MWE/embed) e via dicendo.

Ti garantisco che è un bug, altrimenti come me lo spieghi? (http://i.imgur.com/191pJsp.jpg) Certo non parliamo di un bug fisso, è successo una volta sola ed è successo quando ho staccato il serbatoio del razzo.

07-09-2014, 08:24
Ti garantisco che è un bug, altrimenti come me lo spieghi? (http://i.imgur.com/191pJsp.jpg) Certo non parliamo di un bug fisso, è successo una volta sola ed è successo quando ho staccato il serbatoio del razzo.

E' successo una volta e con il gioco moddato e quello dei pezzi che spariscono o esplodono è un bug tipico delle parti fatte dai modder e dall'immagine si vede che usavi parti non vanilla, quindi affermi tu stesso che questo bug di fatto non esiste :fagiano:

07-09-2014, 10:59
Buono a sapersi.

07-09-2014, 11:26
Kerbal IXS Mod:

http://img.youtube.com/vi/rDdvMvZLYLY/0.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDdvMvZLYLY)

07-09-2014, 13:29
Ho appena iniziato la carriera: divertentissimo :D :D :D .
Sto facendo vari contratti per guadagnare punti scienza, che al momento sono il vero fattore limitante.

Come fondi, invece, sono strapieno :D

07-09-2014, 22:33
Ho appena iniziato la carriera: divertentissimo :D :D :D .
Sto facendo vari contratti per guadagnare punti scienza, che al momento sono il vero fattore limitante.

Come fondi, invece, sono strapieno :D

Aspetta qualche contratto e becchi da 34 a 75 punti scienza con poco.

Io ho beccato 28 punti scienza con un contratto a terra! Provare un decoupler sulla rampa di lancio.

08-09-2014, 09:02
Aspetta qualche contratto e becchi da 34 a 75 punti scienza con poco.

Io ho beccato 28 punti scienza con un contratto a terra! Provare un decoupler sulla rampa di lancio.

Si si, ho notato :D . I test a terra sono veramente punti regalati.
Anche se la vera sfida è passare più test in un solo lancio, al momento il mio record è quattro :D .

Ma l'eseguibile KSP_x64 che ho trovato nella cartella di KSP in steam... è utilizzabile e ne vale la pena, oppure rimango con la 32 bit? (ho 12 gb di ram, quindi potrei trarne vantaggio se il gioco lo sfruttasse a modo).

08-09-2014, 09:05
Si si, ho notato :D . I test a terra sono veramente punti regalati.
Anche se la vera sfida è passare più test in un solo lancio, al momento il mio record è quattro :D .

Ma l'eseguibile KSP_x64 che ho trovato nella cartella di KSP in steam... è utilizzabile e ne vale la pena, oppure rimango con la 32 bit? (ho 12 gb di ram, quindi potrei trarne vantaggio se il gioco lo sfruttasse a modo).

Anch'io sono a 4 di fila, ora cerco di arrivare a 5 con quelli in orbita.

Sui 64 bit non saprei che dirti. Io ho win 7 32bit. Pare aiutino ma li hanno introdotti da solo una patch. Sicuramente li miglioreranno con la 0.25. Tu prova.... casomai torni alla 32bit.

08-09-2014, 09:36
La 64 bit serve solo se hai intenzione di moddare pesantemente il gioco, altrimenti vai di 32 che al momento è più stabile.

08-09-2014, 11:26
No usa la 64bit. Quando comincierai ad avere 1 o più razzi (tipo durante il rendez vous) o un solo razzo con tante parti vedrai che con la 32 bit smadonnerai da far schifo.

Io di problemi con la 64 non ne ho anzi... la trovo molto più stabile sia vanilla sia con mod.

08-09-2014, 15:15
Probato ad installare il sistema solare reale (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-24-2-Real-Solar-System-v7-2-8-14-14) ma ovviamente crasha sistematicamente all'avvio! :muro:

Mi sa che Il Modding non fa proprio per me, mai una volta che sia riuscito a moddare pesantemente un gioco e farlo funzionare! :cry:
P.S. lanciando l'eseguibile a 64bit è partito, non mi ero mai reso conto di quanto in realtà fosse piccolo Kerbin rispetto alla terra. :asd:
Ora stavo cercando di installare anche il Realism Overhaul (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84689) (dato che con le parti vanilla è praticamente impossibile muoversi nel molto più vasto sistema solare reale) ma è davvero un macello, ti rimanda ad altre mod necessarie che a loro volta hanno altre mod necessarie, ma è così difficile unire tutto in un'unico pacchetto? :nera:

Non ho proprio più la testa per questi sbattimenti allucinanti, che tanto so già che alla fine non mi funzionerà più una fava. :muro:

09-09-2014, 09:35
dopo innumerevoli offerte lasciate andare, humble store ha vinto ed eccomi qui pure io :fagiano:

09-09-2014, 10:10
dopo innumerevoli offerte lasciate andare, humble store ha vinto ed eccomi qui pure io :fagiano:

Congratulazioni per l'acquisto!

09-09-2014, 10:23
Probato ad installare il sistema solare reale (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-24-2-Real-Solar-System-v7-2-8-14-14) ma ovviamente crasha sistematicamente all'avvio! :muro:

Mi sa che Il Modding non fa proprio per me, mai una volta che sia riuscito a moddare pesantemente un gioco e farlo funzionare! :cry:
P.S. lanciando l'eseguibile a 64bit è partito, non mi ero mai reso conto di quanto in realtà fosse piccolo Kerbin rispetto alla terra. :asd:
Ora stavo cercando di installare anche il Realism Overhaul (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84689) (dato che con le parti vanilla è praticamente impossibile muoversi nel molto più vasto sistema solare reale) ma è davvero un macello, ti rimanda ad altre mod necessarie che a loro volta hanno altre mod necessarie, ma è così difficile unire tutto in un'unico pacchetto? :nera:

Non ho proprio più la testa per questi sbattimenti allucinanti, che tanto so già che alla fine non mi funzionerà più una fava. :muro:
Realism Overhaul mica richiede solo Module Manager per funzionare? MM è solo un file da piazzare in cartella GameData.

09-09-2014, 10:35
NOOOOOO ho ammazzato il mio primo Kerbonauta!!! :cry: :cry:

R.I.P. Jebediah Kerman, mortgo da eroe con decine di lanci all'attivo :cry: :cry:

In pratica dovevo testare un motore in orbita.... solo che non volevo buttare via i vari motori e razzi usati per arrivare fin lì, quindi ho messo un centro di controllo (unmanned) su uno dei razzi che poi si sarebbero staccati, aggiunto un paracadute, ecc ecc.

Ho avuto la (pessima) idea di farli scendere assieme, solo che ho scoperto dopo che in atmosfera non ti fa fare lo switch da un oggetto all'altro... così mi sono trovato bloccato sui razzi e non ho potuto far aprire il paracadute alla navetta con su Jebediah :cry: .

09-09-2014, 21:33
Realism Overhaul mica richiede solo Module Manager per funzionare? MM è solo un file da piazzare in cartella GameData.

Io vedo un sacco di mod richiesti, ed altri altamente raccomandati:

Advanced Jet Engine by camlost (v1.4)
NON-OFFICIAL 0.24.* update HERE
Deadly Reentry Continued by NathanKell (v5.2)
Engine Ignitor by HoneyFox. (v3.4)
[NOTE: DO NOT install the MM files located in the "extract to use" zip files that are included.]
Ferram Aerospace Research by ferram4 (v0.14.1.1)
Module Manager by sarbian, swamp_ig, and ialdabaoth - INCLUDED (v2.3.4)
ModuleRCSFX by ialdabaoth. Updated by NathanKell - INCLUDED
RealChutes by stupid_chris. (v1.2.4)
Real Fuels by NathanKell (v7.3)
Real Solar System by NathanKell (v7.2)

Very Highly Recommended:
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (v2.4.3)
RemoteTech 2 by Remote Technologies Group (v1.4.1)
[NOTE: If you want to send data back, you need this!]
TAC Life Support by TaranisElsu (v0.10)
TweakScale by Biotronic (v1.43)

09-09-2014, 22:43
NOOOOOO ho ammazzato il mio primo Kerbonauta!!! :cry: :cry:

R.I.P. Jebediah Kerman, mortgo da eroe con decine di lanci all'attivo :cry: :cry:

In pratica dovevo testare un motore in orbita.... solo che non volevo buttare via i vari motori e razzi usati per arrivare fin lì, quindi ho messo un centro di controllo (unmanned) su uno dei razzi che poi si sarebbero staccati, aggiunto un paracadute, ecc ecc.

Ho avuto la (pessima) idea di farli scendere assieme, solo che ho scoperto dopo che in atmosfera non ti fa fare lo switch da un oggetto all'altro... così mi sono trovato bloccato sui razzi e non ho potuto far aprire il paracadute alla navetta con su Jebediah :cry: .

c'è una mod mi pare che serve a questo, ovvero a simulare i paracaduti ( ovviamenti devi metterceli in fase di progetto ) sulle parti che si staccano in modo da salvarle e poterle recuperare limitando quindi i costi di missione ( e presumo anche la morte di eventuali kerbonauti ).

09-09-2014, 22:50
Certo, sono richiesti data la particolarità della mod stessa ma non sono dependencies. Quella mod modifica la dimensione delle parti e li rende in scala 1:1 alla realtà quindi realistiche. Di conseguenza dicono di installare varie mod atte ad aumentare il realismo (non le rielenco perchè sono tutte fatte per aumentare il realismo). Così da avere un gioco super-figo e ultra realistisco.
In KSP non esistono mod che richiedano per forza altre mod per funzionare (escluso module manager ma è un discorso a parte), non è nella logica dei modder (per fortuna aggiungo... SC4 moddato è un vero inferno).

Personalmente non l'ho provato (odio troppo realismo in KSP) ma credo che puoi tranquillamente installare Realism Overhaul senza tutto quel popò di roba lì.

Prova, al massimo non ti parte il gioco e se succede ti basta cancellare la relativa cartella :)

10-09-2014, 08:00

Devlog settimanale: http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/97096429204/devnote-tuesdays-the-notice-my-bug-report-senpai

10-09-2014, 10:42
voi che mod usate? ho seguito molto il gioco anche se l'ho acquistato solo ieri, e mi sembra che le più interessanti siano ferram, deadly reentry, remote tech.. ne avete altre da consigliare?

10-09-2014, 11:04
Dipende dal tuo stile, dipende cosa vuoi. Io ad esempio ho mantenuto il livello di difficoltà e realismo perchè non m'interessa aumentarli ma essendo un amante del "bel vedere" ho pompato di mod grafiche e mod che aggiungessero parti per poter variare di più i miei razzi. C'è chi ha installato solo la FAR e lo Space Shuttle perchè voleva usare i bracci in orbita. Insomma c'è n'è per tutti i gusti... dipende solo da quello che vuoi.

10-09-2014, 15:46
La mia domanda era una specie di sondaggio aperto, volevo sapere quali erano le più utilizzate e allo stesso tempo conoscerne di altre :)

Inviato da Nexus 7

15-09-2014, 13:47
I mod che ritengo, per me, essenziali:
- Krebal Alarm Clock
- Kerbal Engineering
- Active Memory reduction (specie se usi KSP 32bit e un fraggo di mod, obbligatorio se usi B9 aeropsace)
- PreciseNode
- Naval Docking Alignment
- ScanSAT
- Procedural Fairing
- Toolbar (e' un prerequisito per molti mod)
- Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

30-09-2014, 07:51
Traduzione "semi ufficiale" in ita per kerbal:



Patch 0.25: edifici Kerbal space center distruggibili...... quindi occhio a dove sganceremo pezzi dei razzi. :asd:

30-09-2014, 08:32
Mah, imho è inutile la traduzione in ita, manco fosse un RPG.

Ci sono quattro vocaboli in croce.

01-10-2014, 08:13
Dal devnote di ieri:

Felipe (HarvesteR): Experimentals continue at a solid pace, bugs are being squashed left and right, and things are moving along nicely. I’ve added two new Strategies after the first initial 6, so we now have 4 departments and 8 strategies. The two new strategies are: Aggressive Negotiations - lowers the cost of new missions at the cost of a reputation hit on each ‘discount’, and Recovery Transponder Fitting - Increases launch costs, but also boosts the recovery factor for vessels landed far from KSC. These are offered under the Operations dept, headed by Gus Kerman.
Other than that, I’ve mostly been working on bugfixing, but added a couple of features as well, and a couple of new stock vessels: The Learstar A1, a shuttle-like vessel that does, well, whatever a shuttle does; and the Stearwing D45, a two-stage, twin-engine spaceplane. I have to say, our flight model may not be the nicest piece of code in the game, but the revised tuning on the new SP parts does make a huge difference. Flying is a whole new level of fun now.

http://i.imgur.com/Yo2Dkgul.png (http://i.imgur.com/Yo2Dkgu.png)

03-10-2014, 10:08
Ieri sera mi sono messo ad aggiornare le mod e ripreso a giocare noto che non "funziona" più l'atmosfera e non si aprono i paracaduti :eek:
praticamente precipiti come un proiettile :asd:

devo aver pasticciato qualcosa :doh:

04-10-2014, 08:37
Sneak peak della 0.25, giocato dal Dev MaxMaps:

http://bit.ly/1rH0P0A (youtube)

04-10-2014, 11:17
tanta roba :sbav:

04-10-2014, 13:48
Ieri sera mi sono messo ad aggiornare le mod e ripreso a giocare noto che non "funziona" più l'atmosfera e non si aprono i paracaduti :eek:
praticamente precipiti come un proiettile :asd:

devo aver pasticciato qualcosa :doh:

non avevo fatto casini io era la versione della deadly reentry buggata :D

06-10-2014, 19:15
Patch 0.25 "Economic Boom" played by Scott Manley:


07-10-2014, 22:09
http://i.imgur.com/6wXJz4Ll.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/6wXJz4L.jpg)

http://i.imgur.com/vKYTvvKl.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/vKYTvvK.jpg)

Kerbal Space Program, the award-winning, indie space agency sim game from Squad, released its latest update, Economic Boom, and it is available to play today.Updates are free to existing players. KSP: Economic Boom offer new players the most fully-realized version of the game, which is still in active development for PC, Mac and Linux as an Early Access title on Steam and via the game’s website.

Players will experience a new challenge as the Kerbal Space Center, where players build and launch their rocketships, is now fully destructible. Buildings can be decimated by poorly-steered rocketships and in the game’s Career Mode, require costly repairs for players trying to manage their space agency.

Among these buildings is the new Administration Facility, in which players can select and activate Strategies. The Strategy system is a new gameplay mechanic, where each strategy, once accepted, applies effects over several game aspects, specifically Kerbal Space Program’s three in-game currencies, Funds, Reputation and Science. Some examples include:

Aggressive Negotiations: Enables players to get a discount on the cost of parts but at a cost to Reputation on each ‘discount’

Open-Sourced Technologies: Divert Science earnings to make them public domain, increasing Reputation.

Unpaid Intership Program: Boost your Science earnings without spending any Funds by hiring unpaid interns to do the data crunching. Working for the Space Program surely is its own reward, isn’t it? Well, as long as an agency’s Reputation lasts that is.

“Career Mode is getting a significant addition with the Administration Building and all that comes with it,” Felipe Falanghe, Kerbal Space Program creator and lead developer said. “The Strategy system gives players great freedom to change the rules around, and ultimately it allows them to tune the game to fit their own ways of playing. Also, as it’s fully moddable and new strategies can easily be added, this new feature has a lot of potential for expansion.”

The team also worked with modder, Christopher “PorkJet” Thuersam, to incorporate his popular SpacePlane+ parts pack mod to the game. This was more than a simple addition however: Each part was updated for even better looks, and to offer players parts that are there not just specifically for spaceplanes, but that can be used in as many combinations as possible.

What is KSP: Economic Boom?
This is a new update to Kerbal Space Program, also numbered 0.25, as each update to the game has a number attached to it. It is free for existing players and new players will install this version when they download the game. It focuses on expanding the reach of career mode, as well as enhancing existing features, like spaceplane parts, visual effects, plus the usual batch of bugfixes and improvements. Check out the full changelog which always accompanies the release for a complete list of changes.

When is it coming out?
Update 0.25 will be available the 7th of October, 2014

This update came out really fast. It's not a dream, is it?
We’ve taken on a new direction in the way our development schedule runs. It allows us to plan and implement a smaller set of features that we can deliver to you without some of the wider update gaps we’ve released things under in the past.

What are the main new features in Update 0.25?
New spaceplane parts, the administration building with the strategies contained within, and an in-depth difficulty settings panel that will let you customize your gameplay experience. There is also the matter of destructible buildings at the KSC, which is a smaller (though much more visible) feature in this update that lays the groundwork for something coming in 0.26.

What are some of the smaller new features in Update 0.25?
An enhanced navball, a key binding for maxing out your throttle immediately, a button to return you to the space center much like the Recover Vessel one, also on the altimeter, a function to turn off surface attaching on a part to help with the brand new cargo bays, vessel markers at KSC, destructible buildings, just to mention a few.

Have any old features been tweaked?
We’ve added in the ability to toggle surface attachment for parts by the way of pressing the modifier key (Alt for Windows). Construction also got a small tweak. Spaceplanes are way cooler now. The navball is highly functional. We even fixed a couple terrain textures. There’s a ton of small scale fixes.

What bugs were fixed in Update 0.25?
We’ve had a bunch of good ol’ bugfixes and tweaks for Economic Boom. Nothing too massive, other than the OSX mouse input issue, but definitely much needed ones. The changelog in the readme.txt should have all the juicy details.

Will this update break my saves?
On the tests conducted on the stock version of 0.25, saves were not broken. We do not intend to push an update that will break saves, but due to the sometimes unpredictable nature of an update push, combined with other factors, there’s always a small risk involved. If there are any problems, check out the support forums for help, or report them to the bug tracker right away and we will have a look at the issue. Please keep in mind that modded installs are much more likely to stop working. We recommend starting off with a clean install and add mods gradually so you can spot if one isn’t working.

Is the 64 bit Windows build any more stable than from 0.24?
Ted: The 64-bit Windows build suffered some significant stability issues with 0.25. However, after a lot of debugging, issue tracking and all around hard work by the developers and testers, we've implemented some hopeful fixes for the issues that were presenting themselves. Despite this though, it should be noted that the 0.25 64-bit Windows build is still inherently unstable and may be prone to crashing - even stock. These issues are unfortunately beyond our reach to fix, but please let us know if you find any useful test cases or workarounds, as those can possibly lead to fixes either from us or from Unity.

Why are the parts on my craft misaligned? Why does my craft look screwed up? Is this fixable? Will I have to redo my craft?
Because we’ve removed a bunch of the old Spaceplane parts and replaced them with shiny new Spaceplane+ parts, the game will be loading in the new Spaceplane+ parts in place of the older ones. The reason for these offsets is that the new parts aren’t the same dimensions as the old ones. But no fear! For vessels that you’ve still got in the SPH/VAB and aren’t rolled out yet, you can simply pick up the offset parts and place it back down to correct the misalignment. For existing vessels, that vessel will have the offset on the parts and you won’t be able to change that - outside of going into the persistence file and manually editing the connections. We recommend recovering all vessels that contain spaceplane parts before the update.

What’s this about a shrunken SAS?
Using the most advanced methods of editing part configs, we’ve changed the Inline Reaction Wheel to be a 0.625m size part. The SAS values have also been adjusted with this in mind, so it’s not as powerful as it once was. After all the revisions to the SAS system, the old Inline Reaction Wheel became redundant with the Advanced Reaction Wheel module, so we decided to repurpose it as a size 0 module, which didn’t exist.

What happened to the MK3 parts that were mentioned a while back?
After spending some time with them in QA, we decided that they weren’t ready for public consumption and didn’t reflect what we actually want the Mk3 parts to function as. Needless to say, they shall make a return and the old Mk3 parts still remain for the time being.

For that matter, what happened to Kerbal experience?
Kerbal experience is planned for 0.26. We decided to hold off on our original design, and we’re very glad we did. More on that later.

Why is my game no longer set to 1080p? Why can't I switch back?
If your resolution and textures got reset after applying the update and you cannot get them back to how they were, that means your settings.cfg file got reset. You will need to redo every setting you had before the update, including custom keybindings. While this does not appear to be a common issue, we will be looking into it further.

Why the big fuss over destructible buildings?
They fit the aesthetics and theme of KSP, were fun to make and in reality are just a bonus from a big feature coming in 0.26. Ted also has a shorter reason: Because they're Destructible. Freaking. Buildings.

What’s this long term plan we’ve been hearing about and what does it have to do with the buildings?
We’re not quite ready to unveil this one but pay attention to the devblog because once we are ready, we’ll unload all the gory details there.

How’d the idea for destructible buildings come up and how long did it take to implement?
Destructible buildings have been in the roadmap since just about the beginning. Changing our effects system and adding the new building-centric system just gave us the perfect opportunity to put them in. In the process of implementing them, we also created several very useful tools that will be very handy to add other features. For instance, the new KSC vessel markers share the same base implementation we wrote originally for the context menus to let you repair the destroyed facilities.

What does having destructible buildings add to the gameplay?
A harsh punishment for reckless flying near KSC. Breaking one of your buildings could possibly end your career right there. Also, fun to blow up in Sandbox.

Why was destructible buildings implemented over new biomes, planets or other community requests?
As explained before, adding them wasn’t precisely hard or time consuming once we got the new systems in. Their being there is really just the visible side of a much larger revision of the KSC and Kerbin setup, plus the addition of new sound and particle effects. Adding support for destructible facilities was the best way to implement all these new things, and didn’t require us to go silent for several months on a large part of development.

How does the admin building work?
You go in and enact strategies, which cost a certain amount of your currencies to be turned on. Provided, of course, you can afford them. Also, to get to the highest levels of commitment for a strategy, your reputation must be above a minimum level.

What are strategies?
In RPG-speak, they’re passive buffs and nerfs to different parts of your space program. They affect simple things, like contract payouts and currency interactions, or more complex ones like improving the recovery factor for vessels recovered away from KSC.

I know that I can earn resources, but are there any costs involved? Any penalties?
There’s a cost for setting up the strategy, a minimum reputation level for each level of commitment, and all strategies also have penalty factors. No freebies here.

How tricky will it be to employ these strategies in order to get the resources I want?
The stronger your commitment to the strategy, the higher the payoff, and usually the lower the penalties. However, setup costs increase very steeply, and you’ll need plenty of reputation to max out commitment levels. Careful planning is advised, welcomed and expected.

How balanced are these strategies?
Strategies are balanced against themselves. That is, in order to gain something you must lose something else, like increased Launch Costs for increased Recovery Gains, or a reputation hit for a discount in launch costs, but really, the purpose of Strategies is to make the overall balance of the game more flexible. You should be able to find a system which maximizes results for your style of playing, or set yourself up with huge challenges to break out of your comfort zone.

How moddable are the strategies?
Like almost all of KSP, the strategies are highly moddable. Have fun!

What’s Spaceplane+?
It’s a particularly excellent pack of parts that many players have put to good use to augment and enhance their plane-making experience. The modder, Porkjet, does remarkable work.

Why has this mod been implemented into stock KSP?
We thought Porkjet did a great job creating the parts so it made sense to ask him to work with us on implementing his parts into the game as a stock feature. He was great to work with and we think it will be pretty clear for those who haven’t used his mod, what a massive addition this is to our parts.

Do you have the permission of the mod author to do this?
Yes. We worked with Porkjet to make this happen. He’s been a great partner to Squad during this process and we’re really pleased we could work with him in this fashion.

Was any work done to better implement Spaceplane+ into the game or did you just do a 1:1 mod port?
Most of the parts in SP+ were improved from the original mod. Porkjet is really passionate about his work, and made a point of delivering top-quality assets for us. We were not disappinted. The new Mk2 fuselage sections are incredibly versatile, and well, the improved visuals speak for themselves.

Are there any other new parts in the game?
Other than the superbly styled and detailed SP+ parts from Porkjet, we’ve also revised the mk1 fuselages and cockpit to fit the KSP style and tweaked the balance on several parts for improved consistency.

The cockpits that belonged to the SP+ part pack have brought with them their own IVA views and they’re mighty fine looking. The Mk2 cockpits have a spectacular IVA space, which was adapted to not have any mod dependencies..

What will happen to the old parts?
Parts that have direct equivalents in Spaceplane+ have been removed with the ones from Spaceplane+ taking their place. The old Spaceplane parts that don’t have equivalent parts in Spaceplane+ remain. There's a possibility that we may one day collect all our old parts into a Legacy Pack and release it as a mod, but that isn’t certain at the moment and definitely shouldn’t be expected before we complete all the part revisions we have planned.

Is there any indicator that marks the difference between new parts and legacy parts?
No, but it should be easy to tell just by looking at them.

Tell us all about the new navball markers.
Additional to the vectors you could already see on the NavBall you will now see the radial and normal vectors as well, if you are familiar with maneuver nodes you already know them, if not, the normal and antinormal (the pink ones) are perpendicular to your orbital plane, in the positive and negative direction respectively. The radial ones (blue-ish) point directly towards and away from the current reference celestial body. For more information about the effects each has we recommend you redo the tutorials, as they’ve been updated to include this information.

In addition to the radial and normal vectors, now there’s also an arrow indicating the general direction of the maneuver marker on the NavBall when you are using one, so no more looking around like crazy looking for it, now you will know exactly where to point.

Why did you make new navball improvements instead of implementing enhanced navball, similar to what you did with Spaceplane+?
The way we implemented the NavBall markers is not exactly the same as the Enhanced NavBall mod from a gameplay point of view. That’s not the case for Spaceplane+, which was exactly what we were looking for out of the box.

How were the explosion FX redone?
One of the best things about Unity is that there is no shortage of add-on packages to be found.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, we searched for the best FX packages out there and put together a stunning collection of blasts, thumps, thuds, sparks, flares and fire, plus a vast collection of new sound effects. Then we set out to modify them to work in the absurd coordinate spaces of KSP (did you know the Space Center is sideways? Kerbin is aligned north-side up, and KSC is at the equator, so it’s rotated 90°).

Were any other new or redone FX put in?
Indeed. After we had these new explosions done, it would have been wasteful to only use them for destructible buildings. We replaced pretty much all of the old explosion effects from parts, for much more impressive, loud and violent displays of rocketry going wrong.

Why just those instead of X feature?
Couldn’t that be asked of anything? There are tons of ideas, but our development resources are very much finite. That means we always have to make choices when we set out the plan for a new update and these features not only fell nicely in line with our longer-term goals, they also provided nice achievable steps to implement larger subsystems that will support other features on the following updates. Sometimes the logic behind these choices may not be immediately apparent, especially when you consider that every player has their own unique wishlist of features, sometimes pulling in completely opposite directions. Not only that, but also consider that we strive to improve the game not just for veteran players, but also for players who will have their first encounter with KSP on this version.

How many new difficulty options are there?
There are four levels of difficulty - Easy, Normal, Moderate and Hard. We also have a Custom mode that lets you dig in deeper and modify each difficulty parameter on its own. Our goal is to offer as much freedom for players as possible, to make the game easier, or to set up nearly impossible challenges for themselves.

Can I mix and match the new options?
In Custom difficulty mode you absolutely can! Some of the variables can be toggled, such as permadeath for your Kerbal buddies. Others are percentages that you can use a slider to tweak, such as Reputation income.

Can I have different options with each save?
Yep! On creation, each save has the ability to be created with its own set of difficulty option values.

Are there recommended easy or hard settings?
We recommend you choose the difficulty level you like best. We do not recommend taking the advice of others about what the recommended difficulty to play at. If it’s fun, then it’s right.

What are those markers all over the KSC?
Once a vessel is safely landed (or splashed) reasonably close to KSC, A marker in the Space Center scene will appear at its position, this will give you information about the vessel and shortcuts to either resume flight or end it.

Wait, what markers all over the KSC?
Once you go on at least one successful mission and return home safely you will see what we’re talking about.

How does an internal crew transfer work?
Mouse over the crew hatch of a crewable part, once you see the Crew Hatch label left click to bring up the Crew Hatch Dialog, in there you will see the part’s crew, with options to EVA or transfer, once you are in transfer mode, click any other crewable part with at least one available seat et voila (or press Esc to cancel).

Will I be able to transfer a Kerbal through anything? Squeeze it through a tiny grate?
Yes, a Kerbal can go from crewable part A to crewable part B, no matter what comes in between. Just how the Kerbal managed to get to part B is open to interpretation.

Any hints as to what might be in store for 0.26?
Good question. There have been a few hints already if you’ve been reading carefully this far, but that’s all we have to share at the moment. Stay tuned for new announcements soon though.

08-10-2014, 00:07
Pare che alcuni utenti stiano riscontrando texture di bassa qualità a causa di un non corretto update delle impostazioni del gioco.

Workaround 1: cambiare la risoluzione ad una inferiore, applicare, indi tornare a quella solita.

Workaround 2: cancellare setting.cfg

08-10-2014, 09:41
me l'ha scaricata ieri sera, 300mb di patch :eek:

non ho ancora avuto modo di provarla, dovrò cancellare le mod e provarla liscia e poi aspettare che tutte quelle che uso di solito siano aggiornate e stabili

15-10-2014, 08:11
Felipe (HarvesteR): I’m working on something this week that is being an almost cathartic experience. I think you’ll agree when I tell you what it is… Which is now: Editor Gizmos!
Tired of trying to guess which key from WSADQE you should press to rotate some way or another? So are we. The gizmos are but one part of a massive Editor overhaul we are working on for 0.26, and they should make life a LOT easier. Really, there aren’t many ways to overstate just how much of an improvement this should be. I think trying to guess part rotations during construction is the most frustrating part of the game at the moment, so finally being able to work on this… Well it feels good! I’m adding both a rotation and a translation gizmo here. Translating parts is going to be something of a new feature actually… More on that later, but construction is going to feel like a whole new game if things go as planned here.

Another big thing I was able to do here, which isn’t very visible but should make life much easier going forward, I’ve merged both the VAB and SPH into one single scene. How? Well, apart from scenery, craft orientation, designated launch site and camera behavior, there isn’t anything else the SPH and VAB scenes have different from each other. In fact, about 90% of the scene logic is an exact copy on both of them, so instead of having two scenes with a lot of repeated components, there is now a single Editor scene, and the game moves into it by calling a method where you specify which Facility you want to head into. The options there being SPH or VAB, of course. The implications of such a feature are very far-reaching, but at the moment all we want from it is the added simplicity of working with a single Editor scene (the scenery is loaded on top from separate scenes). Also, this should make it very simple to add a switch to the editor UI to let you simply flick between Mirror (SPH-style) or Radial (VAB-style) symmetry modes. On the same build, on the same vessel.


15-10-2014, 08:14
The Grand 0.26 Plan

Hey guys! It’s that time again, here with the general plan for 0.26

But before that, let's talk about the 0.25 plan. As I explained in the previous version, we were showing you what we were trying to get into the game, I am happy to say we succeeded in most of this except for these two things. Call this a mea culpa. Or the best laid plans of Max and men.

Kerbal Experience - We got the coding done on this part, the system is functional, Kerbals can log where they go and all that… but we found the aspect of having to pay Kerbals per mission turned them from enthusiastic volunteers to mercenaries. Thus we decided to sit on the feature til we came up with a better approach.
MK3 Overhaul - We got the models done! We got most of the code done… but the scale of the overhaul didn’t feel right. Going up a tier should feel like a sufficiently large upgrade, and as such it should have more options open up for you. Being as Porkjet was fantastic about adapting SP+, we figured we could go even further next time around.

However - we have a general plan to stick to, features to deliver on and motivational whipping sessions to hand out, so let’s talk about what’s coming in update 0.26!

Editor overhaul - Boy has this one been a long time coming. We’re improving part sorting, adding 3d widgets to make building way easier and overall make it a more pleasant, reliable experience. No more fiddling to get things to fit!
Kerbal Experience - We’re using the created experience tracking system to give Kerbals traits. These traits will level up as they partake in missions and accomplish goals, increasing the unique passive bonuses each Kerbal will be generated with.
Extra Contracts - We’re adding a couple new contract types. We’re also integrating the related mod ‘Fine Print’ to stock. S’really good.
Biomes Everywhere - Revising all of the old ones and adding new ones to every single planet and moon.
MK3 Overhaul - We’re going to be working with Porkjet to get as much of this as we can for 25. The general scope for this one dwarfs the content in SP+, so we hope you can understand this one will take time. Attempts to clone Porkjet have so far been unsuccessful.
Upgradable buildings - The last big feature missing from career mode and the reason why our art team has been chained to their desks for months now. Every building is getting a tech progression path which will slowly unlock all of their current capacities and some new ones. Take your space center from an amateur project to a world class space center.

15-10-2014, 10:45
È una mia impressione o ultimamente si stanno impegnando di più con il rilascio degli aggiornamenti e l'aggiunta di funzioni?

Inviato da Nexus 7

15-10-2014, 10:58
È una mia impressione o ultimamente si stanno impegnando di più con il rilascio degli aggiornamenti e l'aggiunta di funzioni?

Inviato da Nexus 7

Qualche devlog fa, hanno detto che hanno deciso di aumentare la frequenza degli update ed hanno riscritto buona parte del gioco, specie dopo la consulenza della Nasa.

15-10-2014, 21:16
Vorrei tanto che un giorno facessero anche il sistema solare reale, il MOD è carino finchè sei in orbita, ma quando atterri ovviamente i pianeti sono solo una texture gigantesca. :cry:

Che dite vale la pena togliere il Real SS e tornare al vanilla per giocarmi queto nuovo update, o meglio aspettare aggiornamenti più corposi?

15-10-2014, 22:52
Beta Than Ever: The Future of KSP
by HarvesteR
Published on 15th October 2014 14:48 11

It’s time we talk about THE FUTURE. I don’t mean hoverboards and self-tying sneakers (2015, we’re counting on you), I mean the future of Kerbal Space Program.

The next update will mark a big milestone for us at Squad, as it is the last update focused on Career Mode. After the next release, Kerbal Space Program will reach an internal milestone we call “Scope Complete”.

Let me back up a little here and explain what Scope Complete means, it means KSP now has all the features we considered vital to be in the game that we designed so many years ago. It doesn’t mean the game has everything we want it to have, it means everything we considered necessary for it to be Kerbal Space Program exists, even if only in a minimal form.

Scope completion means that every big system that the game needed is there, some closer to completion than others, of course, but they’re all there. So, what’s next then? This is the good news: After Scope Completion, development focus shifts towards completing those unfinished features, balancing and adding some smaller stuff. No more groundwork, no more laying down infrastructure. We’ve finished building the kitchen, it’s time for us to start cooking.

As soon as the next update is released, KSP will enter a new phase of development, which for want of a better term, we’re calling ‘Beta’. Beta development is going to be a new stage for the project, and that also means our development workflow will change, and by consequence, this will have an effect on the releases. There shouldn’t be any huge frameworks that we have to build for months on end and still have to release with barely more than enough content to showcase the system.

Beta means we’ll be focusing on creating content, on using the tools we’ve built. It means a different approach to selecting which features go in, since we won’t be constrained by the development constraints of one feature requiring another. Priorities should level out, which means the things we consider important should also match what everyone considers important. Beta essentially means we’ll be working a lot more on stability, usability, performance, balance, aesthetics, all the while still throwing in little and some not-so-little things we hope you will enjoy.

To make this clear to everyone (even those who don't read this post), we’ve decided to not call the next release version 0.26, as convention would have it. Instead once the update is out, we’ll be officially in Beta, so we’re calling the next release version 0.90.0 (zero-ninety-zero).

There’s a ton of things we’re constantly discussing internally regarding what exactly we’ll add during Beta, but I figure we should at least tell you about the first two things we really want to add to the game before we can call it anything close to ready:

Overhauled Aerodynamics - The current system has been fantastic at… existing, really. It can’t be beat at ‘being a system that exists and works within KSP’, but we can do better. We’ve been a long time planning a major overhaul to make it more realistic, reliable, predictable, and hopefully a lot less arcane.

Deep Space Refueling - We’re aware there is one big end-game mechanic missing in the game: Being able to refuel a vessel once you’re out in Space. This is what we originally set out to achieve with the old Resource Mining plan and saw ourselves running into a very tedious dead-end. The Resources system was flawed because it overcomplicated accomplishing a basic need: To be able to find something out in space which can be used to fill up the tanks again. That’s the essence of it, and we don’t need 40+ single-purpose parts and 9 different resources to do it. In fact, all that complexity was going to be very effective at making sure most attempts to build a refueling outpost would fail. We are now planning a new, more elegant system, which hopefully will add a new, fun element of gameplay, as well as the massive boost to continuity this feature implies.

Here is also a (not so) small FAQ with some answers we imagine you’ll probably be wanting to ask about:

Q: You’re not pulling the plug on KSP, are you?
A: Of course not! We still have a long way to go. We just want to let everyone know we’re going to reach a new stage of development soon.

Q: I won’t consider KSP complete until Feature X is implemented!
A: That’s not a question. However, if you asked everyone which features they would like to see in KSP, you’d get different answers from just about everybody. We all have our wishlist of ideas and features we’d like to see, us devs included. The fact is, we must be very level-headed here with what we want to do, and what we can in fact achieve in the time we have. That’s not to say of course, we aren’t planning to tackle the biggests requests from our community. Just remember that all features are judged in a big-picture perspective, and how it affects the game experience for everyone, and sometimes even what would seem like fun ideas are going to fall outside the scope of the game, or just be plain too much to take on. Time and Manpower are our main limiting resources now, and those must be spent wisely, pursuing the goals that will add the most enjoyment for everyone.

Q: What about the features you “promised” on the Wiki’s Planned Feature List?
A: That list is maintained by the community, and doesn’t imply any promise on our part. In fact, the best thing to do about that list is disregard it. We did implement a significant portion of it, in any case, but let me go ahead and quote the very first lines on that page:

This list is not an official road-map for KSP. It is maintained by the community, and has no direct relation to what may or may not be included in the final product.

Q: Can you give us an official list of planned features for 1.0 then?
A: Not without a time machine. Seriously though, any lists we publish can only result in leaving people disappointed. The problem here is that no amount of disclaimers and notices will keep everyone from taking every feature on a list as a commitment from us. We don’t want to commit to anything we’re not sure about ourselves, so if we do have to leave something out, we should be the only ones to be disappointed. It’s not great, we know, but it’s for the best.

Q: Are you going to make KSP more realistic?
A: That depends. Does that added realism make KSP more fun? The key point to keep in mind here is that KSP is a game first, a simulator second. We want to add realism in places where we feel those additions will make the game more enjoyable, but we aren’t just going to add realism features just for the sake of being realistic.

Q: How long until 1.0 now, then?
A: That’s a very good question, but I’m afraid it’s kind of the same as asking ‘when is the next release coming?’. We can’t give you a release date, because chances are high we’ll end up changing it afterwards. Knowing in advance will only lead to disappointment.

Q: And after 1.0 comes out, is that the end?
A: Nope. There’s still going to be a lot to be done even after that, but when we hit 1.0, KSP will be coming out of Early Access. Our main focus during the Beta phase will be to improve the overall playing experience of the game as much as possible. Once we’re outside the Early Access umbrella, KSP will have to stand on its own as-is, and not rely on upcoming features and perceived potential affecting players’ opinions. That’s not to say we rely on that now (or have ever), but that’s an unavoidable side-effect of being in Early Access. People will fill in the gaps with imagined features, and no real addition can hope to live up to everyone’s hopes and expectations. We can only try our best to have a solid game when release time comes.

Q: What’s coming after 1.0 then?
A: Now we’re getting way ahead of ourselves. Let’s wind this back to the near future.

Q: What about Multiplayer?
A: Multiplayer is something we’ve been working on for quite a while, but it still has a long way to go before it’s ready. MP is planned for after 1.0. So that’s still coming, but let’s take this one step at a time.

Q: Does the term Beta really apply here?
A: Not in the strictest sense, but then again, there isn’t a term that would better describe what we are planning. Beta is the period in software development when all planned capabilities are implemented, and dev focus is centered on polish and bugfixing. Yes, we do that already in experimentals, but we’re going to be doing it in a wider scope during Beta phase. For an update’s QA and Experimental periods, testing is focused mostly on the new features being added. Beta means taking a step back, and seeing all areas of the game under equal focus for testing and improvement. We know there are several bugs we haven’t fixed yet. This is the time to make those fixes and assure the game is working as well as possible. The term Beta is definitely fitting here.

Q: Does that mean we’re going to have access to Experimental releases?
A: No. We’re still going to go through the same branch-testing->QA->Experimentals system as we have always done. I’m just saying we’re going to work on the game under a wider perspective, more focused on the overall experience than on any single feature. This could translate to more ‘diversified’ changelogs on each release.

Q: Are ‘Beta’ updates going to be released quicker?
A: We hope so, but we can’t make any promises. We have tried shortening updates once before, and became aware of how the QA and experimental phases don’t really scale in proportion to the shorter update, so the result was that we spent more time testing, and less time developing, which needless to say, wasn’t very efficient. We’ll have to find our stride again for Beta, just as we did during Alpha.

Q: Are updates going to be released in a regular interval?
A: Most likely not. Imposing such a strict process on us would either cause features to be rushed to make a release, or some releases having very few features on them. Probably both. The plan is to play it by ear, and do a release when we feel we have something worth releasing.

Q: I’m still concerned this means you’re going to abandon KSP.
A: We know, and this is why we’re doing this announcement now. We want to give everyone as much early notice as possible about what’s coming up, so nobody runs into any surprises. We’re not even in Beta yet actually. There’s still the next update to go, and after that, a period of Beta updates until 1.0, and even after that, we still have more stuff planned. So worry not, we’re going to be at it for quite a while.

Q: Are you going to add more whatever-it-is-you-want-added?
A: We want to add as much content as we can during Beta, but time is the main limiting factor, and development manpower is finite. We’ll have to make choices through the Beta period about what we want to add, against how much time and effort that will take, compared to adding something else instead in the same span of time. As always, we’ll be weighing the gains of adding some piece of content versus another, and choosing the ones we feel will have the best effect in improving the game overall.

Of course, some areas are obviously short on content at the moment (Contracts and Biomes come to mind). Those are going to be highest on our lists as they’re the least developed sets of content at the moment. The logic behind reaching for Feature-Completion and 1.0 is very similar to the logic we used to reach for Scope Completion. We focus on the area of least development. The good news now is that the area of least development is always going to be something we already have in the game, and the lack of content there is likely noticed by everyone already.

Q: Are you going to integrate “Mod X” into the game? (a.k.a. Q:How can I get my mod integrated into stock?)
A: This depends on several factors. First of all, we have to ask ourselves: Is this mod doing something we wanted to do ourselves already? Some mods, awesome though they are, aren’t part of what we have planned for KSP, and that’s fine. That’s why we support modding in the first place, but it also means a mod isn’t going to be auto-added just because it’s cool.
Second of all, if we do find a mod that does exactly what we wanted to do ourselves, and it’s done well, follows the style of the game, all that stuff, then we get in touch with the author, and we get the conversation rolling from there. There isn’t a system for adding a mod into the game. That said, we very well might find mods that do stuff we wanted to do, and we wouldn’t want to reinvent the wheel if we can avoid it.

A: Being in version 0.25 now, don’t you have 75 updates left to do before 1.0?
Q: Eek, no! Thankfully, version numbers don’t work that way. The minor version (as the ‘n’ in v0.n.0 is called), isn’t a decimal fraction of the major version. There isn’t a pre-established convention in the software industry on how to increment version numbers, so each studio tends to do it in their own way. We’ve been relatively consistent with our versioning scheme, adding 1 to the minor version on each new update, and a 1 to the revision number when we release hotfixes and small patches. So the answer here is, there won’t be 75 updates between 0.25 and 1.0 in the same way we don’t have to release 10 revisions to go from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0.

A: How is ‘release 26’ going to be identified as Beta then?
Q: We’re going to call our first Beta version KSP v0.90.0 (zero-ninety-zero, or oh-ninety-oh if you live across the pond), to make it clear to everyone that KSP is nearing a state of completion. Of course, that doesn’t mean we plan to do exactly 10 Beta patches to reach 1.0. It could be more, it could be less, we can’t tell. If we run past 0.99. the next version could be 0.100.0, or we could change the system a bit, and increment the revision numbers instead, depending on how much we feel a release has added. In a way, Beta updates really are more like revision patches actually. We’ll keep announcing new releases as we have always done in any case, so just hang around the community and you’ll never miss a release.

We want to thank you from the bottom of our heart for supporting our crazy project all the way from the earliest alphas builds up to Scope Completion, and we hope you’ll stick with us from here through Beta and up to the long-awaited 1.0

Many Cheers,

The KSP Development Team, and everyone at Squad.


16-10-2014, 22:55
Il Programma Apollo visto con KSP:


01-11-2014, 09:46
Sneak peak della 0.90

Foto (https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1010485_879520852067140_2983443311715039086_n.jpg?oh=29e4f138df134762f4e6d10fa5291e78&oe=54AF58B7&__gda__=1423515274_6c7ecd9f5e88740021d9b55114152a4d)

01-11-2014, 13:17
io credo che sarebbe ora, se andiamo verso il rilascio ufficiale, avendo introdotto il tech tree, di mettere finalmente un bastone tra le ruote con qualche espediente ai razzi a carciofo ed eventualmente introdurre qualche tecnologia futuristica che sostituisca in termini di prestazioni quel tipo di configurazione.

Life bringer
02-11-2014, 13:33
Ho un problema, ho aggiornato alcune mod, ma ora quando vado nell'edificio dove si costruiscono i razzi e schiaccio il tasto loading non accade nulla, posso creare nuovi razzi ma non riesco a salvarli o caricarli...
Nell'hangar invece funziona tutto senza problemi...

02-11-2014, 14:05
Sarà un incompatibilità tra mod... quale usi e che versioni? e quale versione usi di KSP?

Life bringer
02-11-2014, 17:12
KSP 0.25 come mod uso:
Active Texture Management v3.8 86x basic
KW Release Package v2.6d

Ora faccio un controllo fra le mod aggiornate ieri...

Edit: E' un problema di savegame, negli altri non capita... non so se esserne rincuorato o preoccupato...

02-11-2014, 17:34
qualcuno ha dato un occhiata al nuovo Buzz Aldrin SPM e s'è fatto un idea di come sia?

03-11-2014, 22:26
Galleria di immagini con il rendering dei nuovi Kerbal:


04-11-2014, 11:52
Galleria di immagini con il rendering dei nuovi Kerbal:


se devono rimodellare che rimodellino i pianeti, prima di entrare nella vera beta sarebbe ora di offrire un bell'overhoul grafico, penso che con unity si possa fare di meglio, in fondo anche l'occhio vuole la sua parte

04-11-2014, 11:53
se devono rimodellare che rimodellino i pianeti

Non è escluso che lo facciano.

07-11-2014, 10:14
qualche suggerimento per fare ssto con la ferram aerospace?

funzionano ma durante il volo ondeggiano da morire, se disattivo il sas si stabilizzano ma non stanno in assetto... cerco di fare cose molto semplici e con i pezzi mk2, che dovrebbero essere i migliori.

sono in carriera ho quasi tutti i pezzi, mi mancano quelli nasa

13-12-2014, 08:21
Kerbal Space Program: Beta Than Ever.

Trailer ufficiale Beta 0.90

LINK: http://bit.ly/1wpalFr

13-12-2014, 15:08
Kerbal Space Program: Beta Than Ever.

Trailer ufficiale Beta 0.90

LINK: http://bit.ly/1wpalFr

:eek: :eek: :sbav: :sbav: :sbav:
volere! adesso! :huh:

13-12-2014, 16:18
si hanno date per il rilascio?

13-12-2014, 17:43
si hanno date per il rilascio?

Presumo imminente... magari martedì prossimo. Ma è solo una mia intuizione dal fatto che la patch precedente arrivò pochi gg dopo il video su twitch.

15-12-2014, 09:03
KSP - 0.90 Beta Update Preview: http://youtu.be/ugn4Z91WxiE

15-12-2014, 13:11
da un certo punto di vista sono contrariato da questo salto direttamente alla 0.90. il gioco in se è una perla ma ha bisogno di ancora tanto sviluppo e non vorrei che ci si limiti a rilasciarlo per poter incassare e poi lasciarlo un po' a se stesso. la struttura modulare è una garanzia in quanto al rilascio di sempre nuovi contenuti ma a livello di cuore del gioco ci sarebbe ancora molto da fare ( primo tra tutti assoldare un grafico che possa dare una marcia in più all'estetica piuttosto essenziale) ma poi ancora a livello di ottimizzazione, a livello di contenuti ( più pianeti e una maggiore caratterizzazione degli stessi che non si limiti ai soli biomi, fasce di asteroidi, un rethinking completo delle anomalie and so on ) e tanta altra roba che al momento manca.

15-12-2014, 13:35
per me il problema più grosso che dovrebbero risolvere è imparare a programmare bene in unity o cambiare motore grafico... ci sono giochi in unity con una grafica e una fisica parecchio migliori di ksp

sarei totalmente d'accordo se mi dicessero: con la 0.90 puntiamo a inserire tutte le feature fondamentali che abbiamo in mente, nel passaggio alla 1.0 rivediamo il motore grafico (prendetevi anche 6 mesi ma fatelo bene perdio..), e come patch successive ampliamo il gioco, integriamo altre mod, nuovi oggetti/funzioni/modalità/..., dlc di espansione -anche a pagamento-, ecc

15-12-2014, 13:42
da un certo punto di vista sono contrariato da questo salto direttamente alla 0.90. il gioco in se è una perla ma ha bisogno di ancora tanto sviluppo e non vorrei che ci si limiti a rilasciarlo per poter incassare e poi lasciarlo un po' a se stesso. la struttura modulare è una garanzia in quanto al rilascio di sempre nuovi contenuti ma a livello di cuore del gioco ci sarebbe ancora molto da fare ( primo tra tutti assoldare un grafico che possa dare una marcia in più all'estetica piuttosto essenziale) ma poi ancora a livello di ottimizzazione, a livello di contenuti ( più pianeti e una maggiore caratterizzazione degli stessi che non si limiti ai soli biomi, fasce di asteroidi, un rethinking completo delle anomalie and so on ) e tanta altra roba che al momento manca.

per me il problema più grosso che dovrebbero risolvere è imparare a programmare bene in unity o cambiare motore grafico... ci sono giochi in unity con una grafica e una fisica parecchio migliori di ksp

sarei totalmente d'accordo se mi dicessero: con la 0.90 puntiamo a inserire tutte le feature fondamentali che abbiamo in mente, nel passaggio alla 1.0 rivediamo il motore grafico (prendetevi anche 6 mesi ma fatelo bene perdio..), e come patch successive ampliamo il gioco, integriamo altre mod, nuovi oggetti/funzioni/modalità/..., dlc di espansione -anche a pagamento-, ecc

http://www.hwupgrade.it/forum/showpost.php?p=41655991&postcount=378 :read:

Dicono che passando all beta, iniziano ad inserire countenuti, a differenza della alpha dove la priorità erano le strutture del framework.

15-12-2014, 14:16
si lo avevo letto, loro parlano "solo" di modifiche al sistema aerodinamico ("solo" per l'appunto) e magari stanno tenendo segrete molte altre cose, anzi quasi sicuramente è così, per evitare di creare false speranze e hype a mille. per quanto riguarda i contenuti a me va anche bene così, sia a livello di oggetti che di funzionalità, forse la mancanza di una mod tipo kerbal engineer si fa sentire più di altre. per le altre cose ci sono appunto le mod e credo sia meglio rimangano tali, non ha senso rimpinzare di contenuti senza smussare i bug esistenti.

ovvio tutto imho, ovvero io se fossi in loro farei così, preferirei integrare contenuti dopo che il gioco raggiunge un minimo di stabilità.. è anche vero che un 50% del successo di ksp è dovuto dalle mod.. insomma è una questione delicata...

chiaramente da fan vorrei fosse perfetto e stupendo in ogni suo punto :D

15-12-2014, 14:50
Dopo la NasaMission si sono dati una bella svegliata e non è cosa da poco. Resta comunque il fatto che si stanno concentrando troppo su cose inutili. La gente vuole maggiore stabilità, vuole poter non essere sempre col fiato sul collo nella ram, vuole poter giocare a 64 bit senza timore (siamo nel 2015 oramai). Chissenefrega dei pezzi simili agli shuttle. E' qui che sbagliano. Il problema è che la community è molto permissiva e gli stà bene tutto quindi loro fanno quello che vogliono.

15-12-2014, 19:23
Dopo la NasaMission si sono dati una bella svegliata e non è cosa da poco. Resta comunque il fatto che si stanno concentrando troppo su cose inutili. La gente vuole maggiore stabilità, vuole poter non essere sempre col fiato sul collo nella ram, vuole poter giocare a 64 bit senza timore (siamo nel 2015 oramai). Chissenefrega dei pezzi simili agli shuttle. E' qui che sbagliano. Il problema è che la community è molto permissiva e gli stà bene tutto quindi loro fanno quello che vogliono.

in realtà la quasi totalità dei nuovi pezzi che hanno introdotto nelle varie versioni erano mod sviluppati dalla community e poi successivamente implementati direttamente nel gioco per quanto mi risulta.

15-12-2014, 19:35
si lo avevo letto, loro parlano "solo" di modifiche al sistema aerodinamico ("solo" per l'appunto) e magari stanno tenendo segrete molte altre cose, anzi quasi sicuramente è così, per evitare di creare false speranze e hype a mille. per quanto riguarda i contenuti a me va anche bene così, sia a livello di oggetti che di funzionalità, forse la mancanza di una mod tipo kerbal engineer si fa sentire più di altre. per le altre cose ci sono appunto le mod e credo sia meglio rimangano tali, non ha senso rimpinzare di contenuti senza smussare i bug esistenti.

ovvio tutto imho, ovvero io se fossi in loro farei così, preferirei integrare contenuti dopo che il gioco raggiunge un minimo di stabilità.. è anche vero che un 50% del successo di ksp è dovuto dalle mod.. insomma è una questione delicata...

chiaramente da fan vorrei fosse perfetto e stupendo in ogni suo punto :D

Non danno una lista precisa dei contenuti appunto per come dici tu non creare false aspettative se poi non riescono ad implementarla.

Uno dei "problemi" da me incontrati finora è il piazzamento esatto dei pezzi, ma con quanto visto nel trailer presumo non ci saranno più posizionamenti approssimativi.

Dopo la NasaMission si sono dati una bella svegliata e non è cosa da poco. Resta comunque il fatto che si stanno concentrando troppo su cose inutili. La gente vuole maggiore stabilità, vuole poter non essere sempre col fiato sul collo nella ram, vuole poter giocare a 64 bit senza timore (siamo nel 2015 oramai). Chissenefrega dei pezzi simili agli shuttle. E' qui che sbagliano. Il problema è che la community è molto permissiva e gli stà bene tutto quindi loro fanno quello che vogliono.

Teoricamente il gioco è loro, dei Developer. L'ascoltare la community è una gentile concessione ed anzi, magari tutti gli sviluppatori fossero come loro: comunicativi, cortesi, professionali....
A rigor di logica il cliente è libero di comprare o meno. Non è che il cliente è azionista della società.

Con questo non sto dicendo che debbano fregarsene della community, ma decidono loro che strategia seguire.

Meglio così che non come sta finendo The Forest, che per dare ascolto alla massa, non si sa più se sia un survival hardcore / casual / misto / coop / single / multi / fps / rpg / strategico.....

Poi, come in ogni gioco, non sarà mai possibile accontentare chiunque nè dal punto di vista dei contenuti nè delle priorità seguite nello sviluppo.

15-12-2014, 22:30

Kerbal Space Program, the award-winning, indie space agency sim game from Squad, released its latest update, Beta Than Ever and it's available to download today through the KSP Store, Steam and other participating online retailers. Updates are free to existing players. While still in active development for PC, Mac and Linux, KSP: Beta Than Ever marks a major milestone, as it is the game’s first beta release. It’s the first major step in the process of growing out of early access and into a fully launched game.

Building upon a long term project that was introduced with the last update’s destructible facilities, players will now have the ability to start from the ground up with a basic space center and turn it into a sprawling compound in the new upgradable facilities feature. It’s not just buildings, either. Players will unlock new capabilities and bonuses as their career path progresses.

Speaking of progression, the new Kerbal Experience system allows for the Kerbals, themselves, to progress as they never have before. Kerbals have gained specialized skills that players can improve by taking them on missions. Advanced piloting, science gathering and spacecraft repairs are just a few of the things Kerbal crews can do as they gain experience.

In surprise move, Squad and the European Space Agency (ESA) have banded together to provide a special treat for players. They have granted Squad use of their logo and imagery in Kerbal Space Program. Fresh off the unprecedented success of their Rosetta mission, their cooperation adds even more detail to players who’d like to recreate their own ESA missions in the game.

Other exciting features include:

A Retooled Craft Editor: Build crafts better than ever before with advanced part sorting and construction gizmos that allow players to place, offset and rotate the different parts on your craft.
Expanded Contracts: Brian “Arsonide” Provan, creator of the highly rated mod, “Fine Print,” has implemented and expanded his mod into the game, granting greater variety, depth and difficulty to the previously implemented contract system.
Biomes Everywhere: KSP-TV host, Alyson “Tanuki Chau” Young created new biomes for the game, bringing them to over 100 areas from which Kerbals can collect, store and send science data. The new biomes have been placed all across the universe, giving players bigger incentive to explore every inch of the game.
New Mk3 SpacePlane parts: Prolific modding community member, Christopher “Porkjet” Thuersam has overhauled and added to the popular collection of Mk3 parts that allow crafts to carry larger payloads.

"We've come a long way," said KSP lead developer, Felipe Falanghe. "The decision to go into beta is a big step and there's no better way to say it than with an update the size of Beta Than Ever. It means we're in the home stretch. We're not done with the game by any means, but it's matured to a point where we can safely say that hitting 1.0 is within sight."

21-12-2014, 18:08
devo dire che sono in difficoltà. praticamente sono entrato in un loop del tipo:

- non riesco a fare soldi per fare l'upgrade degli edifici.
- senza fare l'upgrade degli edifici non riesco a costruire astronavi che permettano di completare i nuovi contratti
- senza completare nuovi contratti non riescoa fare soldi.

e non riesco a uscirne

21-12-2014, 18:25
ci sono andato vicino anche io, gioco a difficoltà moderata, la soluzione a cui sono arrivato è sbloccare le parti degli aerei, costruire un aereo efficiente, leggero e manovrabile, diciamo in grado di planare per molto tempo e stabile alle basse velocità e fare i contratti di esplorazione su kerbin, prima quelli vicini, poi sempre più lontani

l'idea è mettere l'aereo in assetto orizzontale a una velocità di circa 150m/s (per consumare poco), e andare di time accelerate 4x, se l'aereo è stabile farai il giro del pianeta con pochissima deviazione e senza toccare i tasti

per i contratti lontani dove serve troppo carburante (o troppo tempo) e quindi l'aereo diventa pesante, ho costruito un lanciatore attorno all'aereo in grado di portarlo in volo suborbitale e poi sganciarlo fino a farlo planare al punto desiderato

molti di questi contratti richiedono di fare crew report sotto una certa soglia e poi rilevazioni a terra, scegli questi, quelli da fare sopra certe soglie richiedono molto carburante per aerei così leggeri e rischi di andare in stallo

EDIT: ho fatto due screen al volo:

l'aereo, due serbatoi di carburante, uno vuoto, uno pieno a metà, con il volo descritto sopra fai quasi un quarto di pianeta (ci vuole tempo, neh! :D), ci ho messo un antenna per spedire gli esperimenti e ho aggiunto quello di temperatura per scienza in più
http://i.imgur.com/YAkjJL6l.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/YAkjJL6.jpg)
il lanciatore, riesce a portare in orbita l'aereo e a fargli fare una buona parabola discendente, non sufficiente ad arrivare dall'altra parte del pianeta però: i limiti sono la poca governabilità nonostante i 4 moduli sas, e la necessità del motore del jet al decollo
http://i.imgur.com/1nMnhypl.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/1nMnhyp.jpg)

fai conto che se faccio atterrare l'aereo perdo pochissimo soldi perchè il carburante caricato è molto poco, con il lanciatore bisogna verificare se i 40k richiesti vengono compensati con i soldi dei contratti, ma 9 su 10 è sì. il lanciatore è molto rozzo e richiede attenzione durante il gravity turn ma non avevo voglia di perdere altro tempo a sperimentare altro :D funziona, a fatica ma funziona e mi basta :asd::asd::asd:

sono vicino a sbloccare il livello 1 per il centro ricerche così potrò spendere sti punti scienza che sto accumulando :D

zeus 77
29-12-2014, 11:20
Ho da poco cominciato una nuova carriera, ma mi sono accorto di non poter inserire i nodi di manovra durante i voli.
E' una cosa voluta? Nel senso che devo sbloccare qualche cosa per poterlo fare o è un bug?
O provato a iniziare una nuova partita ma nulla da fare, il problema persiste.
E' capitato mai a qualcun'altro?

29-12-2014, 20:23
si con la 0.90 per inserire i nodi delle manovre devi sbloccare portare al livello 1 mi sembra il l'edificio delle missioni e il mission control

01-01-2015, 22:22
Video trovato pochi minuti fa sulla pagina fb ufficiale di Kerbal:

"Houston, abbiamo un problema!"


:doh: :asd:

03-01-2015, 15:23
video interessante sulla costruzione dei razzi, in aiuto a chi è in difficoltà o alle prime armi, spiega come fare con l'ausilio della mod kerbal engineer, una di quelle che reputo indispensabili per giocare

link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WMkoJ96jWc)

trovo che questo utente faccia tutorial interessanti e chiari, merita una visita ;)

14-01-2015, 09:07
Hi again,

It's time to talk aerodynamics. More specifically, about what we have in mind for the upcoming patch and what you should (and shouldn't) expect from it.

First off, though, let me go ahead and say that our main goal with this is to make the game more fun. We are not looking to make things more realistic just for the sake of being realistic. If it doesn't make the game more enjoyable overall, then it's not worth adding.

That said, there are many planned changes that will indeed improve the realism of the flight model, because in many ways, a more realistic model means a more intuitive model, and more intuitive does mean improved overall enjoyment of the game.

You should keep in mind at all times, however, that KSP is a game first, a simulation second. We are constantly trying to maintain this precarious balance between too much realism vs too much simplicity. Both would frustrate some part of our players. Ultimately though, this is about making the game more fun.

So, let's first talk about the problems of the current system, from a gameplay point of view. Realism aside, what are the gameplay limitations we have at the moment?

* Cargo bays and nose cones have no use.
This is a big one. Nose cones and cargo bays are no more than dead weight (and wasted Funds) if they offer no advantage over launching an exposed payload.

* Streamlined designs don't fly any faster than non streamlined ones.
This is important from a gameplay POV because it's counterintuitive. If I build a javelin-shaped ship, I would expect it to cut through the air with far less resistance than a disk-shaped craft flying flat-side-first. This isn't happening with the current system, and it should be improved, if nothing else just because it makes sense that streamlined looking things should fly faster than flat-looking things.

* Wings are inefficient, making it overly difficult to design a spaceplane that will reach orbit with a meaningful amount of payload
At the moment, the lift and control surfaces are producing less lift than they ought to, which of course, affects gameplay negatively in that you need excessive wing parts or excessive speed to lift any amount of payload. This is further aggravated when climbing out of the thicker parts of the atmosphere, as the reduced air density provides even less lift there.

* Spaceplanes are fiddly to design and build
This doesn't concern the realism of the simulation so much as it does the UI around building spaceplanes. At the moment, there isn't enough information displayed to help players intuitively build aircraft that will fly properly and be controllable.

There are, of course, other issues, but these are our main concerns for the upcoming overhaul. Some of these issues will in fact require solutions that improve realism. Others will require some lateral thinking.

Another big concern that must be kept in mind here is that many players are already used to the existing system, and have build their fleets of spaceplanes based on the existing conditions. As much as possible, we want to ensure existing functional designs will still perform acceptably. It would be no fun to find out your spaceplanes aren't controllable anymore because of the new system. That wouldn't be an improvement at all from a fun point of view.

So that brings us to the core of the matter. These are the changes we are planning to change as of today (needless to say, this is all subject to change as we develop further):

* Improved Lift Model
We are revising the lift model on lift and ctrl surface modules so that the lift force follows the standard lift equation, where lift is a function of the square of velocity. This will mean all lifting surfaces will produce a lot more lift as speed increases.

Increased lift output will change quite a lot more than just how much payload you can carry. With wings requiring less speed or less air density to produce enough force to take off, we can tune other parameters to solve other problems, without compromising the air-worthiness of existing craft. Furthermore, early testing shows that planes now fly at much more reasonable angles of attack, fly faster at low altitudes (due to less drag from wing surfaces at lower AoAs), and remain controllable when flying fast at high altitudes. This was already a marked improvement even without any changes to the drag itself.

* Improved Drag simulation
The current drag model is flawed not just because it isn't unrealistic. It precludes nose cones and cargo bays from being of any use, and generally behaves in unauthentic and unintuitive ways. This goes beyond the problem of realism. The current drag model isn't capable of simulating things that are essential aspects of a space program, like ejecting fairings and the importance of a streamlined design.

There is one caveat however. The drag model as it is has one good aspect to it: it is far more forgiving to outrageous designs than a more realistic one. To some this further compounds the problem, but from a gameplay standpoint, being able to construct ridiculous designs and get away with it (if you can manage) is a good thing. It wouldn't be much fun if the game simply made it impossible to control those ridiculous contraptions that are so entertaining to build and attempt to fly.

The solution here then must be in either a happy middle ground, which may not exist; or, if that's the case, be somehow adaptable to each player's style of playing. Needless to say, this is not an easy problem to tackle, as it's quite clear to us that a move in either direction will upset some group of players. Too simple will upset those who like things to be realistic. Too realistic will upset those who like to build crazy things for fun.

This problem is further complicated by the very nature of the system we are trying to simulate. Airflow is a notoriously complicated system to simulate accurately, and even more so when you can't know in advance the flight characteristics of the aircraft. All flight simulations use approximations, in varying degrees of realism, for how air behaves around an aircraft. So whatever solution we come up with must not only fit the gameplay requirements above, it must also be computationally viable to not reduce the game into a slideshow.

The main goal of a new drag model then, is to allow the game to properly simulate payloads being protected from the airstream by a cargo bay or fairing, and nose cones properly reducing the drag of parts stacked behind it.

We are implementing a new system already, which is a solution we had planned for quite a while already, but so far hadn't had enough time to attempt. It's a large-ish implementation, but it should give us a new drag model in which parts can be obscured by others, and in which pointy objects will be able to fly faster than flat-faced ones.

This level of realism is what we are aiming for. It's not going to be an intricately realistic flight model, but it should at least be accurate enough to portray the important effects which are currently missing from the game.

That is about as much as I can talk about it without getting into uncertainty territory, but there is more to the overhaul as a whole still:

* Craft Design Difficulties:
From an engineering standpoint, a rocket is a much simpler machine than an airplane. Rockets essentially fire a lot of mass towards the ground, and get pushed towards the sky. That means construction-wise, as long as you've got a nicely balanced craft where engines balance out, things should be quite straightforward.

An airplane is quite another matter. They require a much more complex set of forces acting on it in carefully balanced ways in order to achieve level flight. It's no wonder that rockets existed as fireworks thousands of years before fixed-wing flight was a thing.

Airplanes fly as a result of several forces balancing out: Wings produce lift, which must be balanced so as to not cause the craft to rotate out of control. Try launching a poorly thought out paper airplane to see what an imbalanced plane flies like (it doesn't). But balance alone is not enough. To maintain controlled flight, you must be able to influence this balance to cause the plane to pitch up or down, and thus be able to keep the thing in the air. Elevators are the common solution to that, but the way they work is not immediately obvious. The tail stabilizers on most aircraft doesn't actually keep the tail up, they actually push the tail down, acting on the plane as a lever, to push the nose up. Given enough airspeed, the downforce from the tail will force the nose up enough that the wings will catch enough air to produce the proper amount of lift to counteract gravity. Level flight is achieved when all these forces are in equilibrium.

Now, all that is usually done already for you in a normal flight simulator. Your job is simply to fly using the already-there controls. In our case, however, these concepts must somehow be made apparent to players, in a way that will help you see if your airplane is going to be stable or not.

There is a little-known trick to gauge the stability of a spaceplane before flight. Turn on the CoL and CoM overlays in the editor, then grab the root part with the rotate gizmo, and pitch the craft up and down. Note how the CoL shifts as the craft is subjected to airflow from different angles. A stable craft generally is one where the CoL stays behind the CoM at all times, and flips direction when the plane pitches nose down (i.e., pushing the tail down).

Using this trick, one can almost always achieve level flight without too much trial and error, and even if it's not completely right, level flight can be achieved by trimming the craft.

We can't expect people to figure this out, however, so the plan here is to come up with an improved UI for the SPH, where a more useful overlay will display this information for you in a way which will (hopefully) be clear enough to help you construct a decently stable craft without relying on excessive trial and error.

We don't expect this UI to be enough, however, so we are also working on other systems to warn players of potential issues (possibly based on the upgrade level of the SPH also), and also planning new tutorials where the basics of spaceplane design are explained.

This about covers the extent of our plans for overhauling aerodynamics. Hopefully this will clear up what we intend to do and dispel the concerns about what to expect from it.

There is one last thing to address of course, Modding support. This I think is one of the most frequently heard concerns, that our overhaul will prevent aerodynamics mods from functioning. This, as much as possible, is something we don't want to cause. Mods may very well become incompatible after the upgrade, as they often do, but we are by no means trying to prevent mods from functioning afterwards. If the new system is not to your liking, it should still be moddable just as much as the existing system is. We are changing how the stock aeros work internally, but as much as possible, we're striving to make the transition as transparent as we can to all other components, keeping the changes contained to their original modules.

That's all for now then. More news as they develop.



14-01-2015, 14:33
dalle parole sembra abbiano un idea chiara e precisa e personalmente la condivido appieno, mi ha fatto piacere leggere questo comunicato, va nella direzione che speravo io! vediamo come verrà sviluppato, sono in trepidante attesa :)

14-01-2015, 20:02
E per chi non ha lo sbatti di tradurre un riassuntino veloce c'è?:D

14-01-2015, 21:06
si parla di aerodinamica, attualmente ci sono alcune cose che non vanno, ad esempio:

le cargo bay e i "nasi" per i razzi sono inutili, anzi aggiungono peso
i design realistici, stretti e lunghi, non hanno vantaggi rispetto ad accozzaglie di razzi messi alla peggio, anzi a volte sono più difficili da controllare causa estrema lunghezza ed effetto pendolo
le ali sono inefficienti rispetto a quanto lo sarebbero in un sistema reale
gli aerei sono difficili da costruire, specialmente quelli per carichi pesanti

le cose che hanno intenzione di modificare sono:

rivedere il modello di spinta aerodinamica per le superfici di sollevamento come ali, flap, ecc.
migliorare la simulazione dell'attrito dell'atmosfera (che al momento è basato sulla massa dei componenti e non sulla forma del razzo)
rivedere il sistema di costruzione degli aerei

nei primi due punti hanno tenuto a chiarire che il gioco rimarrà un gioco prima, e una simulazione poi, quindi dovrà essere accessibile un po a tutti. Un modo per dire che non implementeranno la mod FAR, insomma..
anzi secondo me aggiungeranno le nuove modifiche come scelta al momento di scegliere la difficoltà, tipo gli slider che ci sono ora per definire con quanti soldi o reputazione o punti scienza partire

15-01-2015, 00:59
Molto interessante. Insomma hanno intenzione di migliorare la costruzione degli aerei senza però perdere di vista ciò che è: Kerbal:D

Grazie per il riassunto :)

24-01-2015, 08:51
Beyond Beta

As development in Beta has progressed, one thing has become very apparent, Kerbal Space Program is about to reach a state in which every single one of the original goals for the game has been reached, and we can say that our original design document has been fulfilled.

Because of this, the next update will be our 1.0 release, and with it we will be leaving Early Access. This is a landmark moment for us at Squad, as after over four years of development, we feel that KSP is finally ready to be viewed by all as a complete game. However, this is not the end by any means.

What does 1.0 mean for everyone then? Most noticeably, it means KSP will be leaving the Early Access program. And while this does mean we are ready to call KSP a complete game after the next release, it does not mean development itself is complete. Far from it, in fact.

We see no better way to follow up on reaching our initial goals than to continue development on Kerbal Space Program, beyond Beta, past our original plans. This means that after 1.0 is out, we will continue on with free updates 1.1, 1.2, and so on.

This has only been made possible by the astounding, incredible support we have gotten from you all. Consider everything that will come after 1.0 as our way of saying thank you, for believing in our crazy little rocket-launching game, for supporting us through four incredible years, for sticking with us all the way here, and in advance already for staying around for 1.0 and beyond.

So lets talk about the nearby future then, here’s what we plan to have on update 1.0.

* New Drag Model:
We’ve redesigned the way drag is calculated, now it will take into account things such as part occlusion, facing, and got rid of the calculation being based on part mass.

* New Lift System:
Corrected the lift so that it is now (properly) a function of the square of velocity, not linear. This allows for far more effective, and accurate, wings.

* Aerodynamic Stability Overlay:
A new part of the UI that shows you the stability of your crafts as you build them, so you can easily tell at a glance how air-worthy (or not) your design is, and see the effects of any changes as you build.

* Engineer’s Report:
A new panel in the VAB and SPH which will warn you of crucial (and generally frustrating) issues in your design, such as a lack of fuel tanks, engines or landing gear, among many other advanced concepts like those.

* TimeWarp To:
Fumble with timewarp and mess up your burns no more, with this new feature you can choose a point along your orbit and the game will take you there as fast as physically possible.

* Deep Space and Planetary Refueling:
Adding a new system and a set of parts that will allow you to collect matter from Asteroids and other bodies, then process it into useful things, like Fuel or Oxidizer.

* Game Over:
Be careless with your funds and reputation and you might promptly find you no longer have a job at the Space Center.

* New Landing Gears:
With the much larger Mk3 parts, we too felt the need for equally much larger landing gears. We’re giving you larger and more diverse ones to fix that.

* New, Larger Wings:
Mk3 crafts also require you to make large wings out of way, way too many small ones. We’re adding wings that are not only larger than all others, they also carry fuel, so you can finally make room for a properly massive payload area.

* Kerbal Clamber:
Kerbals can now climb over small obstacles and out of ladders up onto flat surfaces; because their job wasn’t dangerous enough already.

* Female Kerbals:
Long time in the making, finally joining the team at KSC.

* Economic Systems Rebalance:
Strategies, Part costs, contract payouts, they all needed to be fixed, and have all gotten a much needed balancing pass.

* Part Stats Rebalance:
We’re making sure no part is too light, too heavy, too powerful, or too weak. Exploiters beware!

* New Contracts:
We aim to bridge the gap between the early and late game contracts, as playtesting showed the difficulty curve could use some easing.

* Tier 0 Buildings:
The originally revealed buildings have been enhanced and modified to meet our original vision for them.

* Sound Overhaul:
Adding sounds to several parts of the game and interface that needed them, as well as improving some existing ones.

* Bugfixes:
A lot of long standing bugs are being fixed, and we do mean a lot of them. Beta means bugfixes, after all.

As always, we ask you to please keep in mind that the items above are not a commitment on our part. Plans can and do change as development progresses, and this update is no different. Same as always, you'll find the complete changelog on the release notes once the update is out, or stay tuned for our development notes every Tuesday to hear the news as they develop.

Happy Launchings!



04-04-2015, 21:49
Guardate questa mod:

Infernal Robotics Rework Trailer - Sampling Duna


06-04-2015, 20:11
apre a possibilità infinite, se non fosse che ci vogliono ore e ore per impostare i comandi :D

Major Clock
10-04-2015, 18:42
KSP 1.0 in testing!


E' la volta che riprendo :asd:



11-04-2015, 09:35
Screens ufficiali KSP 1.0 delle coperture aerodinamiche:


18-04-2015, 08:20
Ksp 1.0 10 screenshoots:


18-04-2015, 14:10
tanta robba buona :sbav:

21-04-2015, 08:34
Ksp release 1.0 27 Aprile 2015

21-04-2015, 10:33
azz, due giorni dopo sono autista ad un matrimonio arriverò mezzo rincoglionito :eek: :D

21-04-2015, 10:52
azz, due giorni dopo sono autista ad un matrimonio arriverò mezzo rincoglionito :eek: :D

Mi raccomando, ricordati la differenza tra auto e astronave.... :asd:

E non ripartire con lo strascico della sposa impigliato nello sportello... :asd:

21-04-2015, 11:25
Ma soprattutto non dimenticare lo sposo se vai a fare carburante:asd:

21-04-2015, 12:00
sono contento e triste allo stesso tempo.

E' bello finalmente vedere la release ufficiale ma d'altro canto è anche chiaro che seppur verrà continuamente seguito le feature e le novità che verranno introdotte da qui in avanti saranno sempre meno e il gioco avrebbe bisogno ancora di tante cose, primo fra tutti on completo overhaul grafico, unity ha potenzialità molto superiori e in fondo il gioco non è pesantissimo a livello grafico ( deve renderizzare quattro tubi delle astronavi e delle sfere che sono i pianeti ) quindi un overhaul di luci ed effetti darebbe grandi risultati ma evidentemente chi è dietro al progetto manca proprio di competenze in tal senso ( e non gliene faccio una colpa visto come è partita l'avventura di kerbal )

21-04-2015, 13:06
alla partenza griderò il countdown :asd:

21-04-2015, 13:12
sono contento e triste allo stesso tempo.

E' bello finalmente vedere la release ufficiale ma d'altro canto è anche chiaro che seppur verrà continuamente seguito le feature e le novità che verranno introdotte da qui in avanti saranno sempre meno e il gioco avrebbe bisogno ancora di tante cose, primo fra tutti on completo overhaul grafico, unity ha potenzialità molto superiori e in fondo il gioco non è pesantissimo a livello grafico ( deve renderizzare quattro tubi delle astronavi e delle sfere che sono i pianeti ) quindi un overhaul di luci ed effetti darebbe grandi risultati ma evidentemente chi è dietro al progetto manca proprio di competenze in tal senso ( e non gliene faccio una colpa visto come è partita l'avventura di kerbal )

Purtroppo quello che pesa veramente in KSP è la fisica, visto che deve gestire ogni singolo pianeta, satellite, asteroide, e ogni singolo componente delle navicelle e stazioni spaziali in orbita.

Il mio sogno sarebbe un KSP con una ricostruzione del nostro sistema solare reale ed accurata, con tutti i pianeti riprodotti realisticamente in 3d, e non semplici sfere texturizzate come la mod. (ma essendo una mod tanto di cappelo comunque a chi l'ha realizzata)

Io dopo aver giocato per 277 ore alla 0.22/0.24, attendo con ansia la 1.0 per rituffarmi in KSP! :)

21-04-2015, 14:35
Purtroppo quello che pesa veramente in KSP è la fisica, visto che deve gestire ogni singolo pianeta, satellite, asteroide, e ogni singolo componente delle navicelle e stazioni spaziali in orbita.

Il mio sogno sarebbe un KSP con una ricostruzione del nostro sistema solare reale ed accurata, con tutti i pianeti riprodotti realisticamente in 3d, e non semplici sfere texturizzate come la mod. (ma essendo una mod tanto di cappelo comunque a chi l'ha realizzata)

Io dopo aver giocato per 277 ore alla 0.22/0.24, attendo con ansia la 1.0 per rituffarmi in KSP! :)

onesatamente, la fisica dei pianeti credo sia di una banalità estrema. Le leggi di gravitazione non sono poi così complesse.

il vero casino il calcolo della fisica lo fa se quando assembli una navicella di 200 parti si calcola la fisica per ogni singola parte come mi sembra che faccia anzichè calcolare la fisica della navicella nel suo complesso, ma li francamente è una lacuna di programmazione.

21-04-2015, 23:10
onesatamente, la fisica dei pianeti credo sia di una banalità estrema. Le leggi di gravitazione non sono poi così complesse.

il vero casino il calcolo della fisica lo fa se quando assembli una navicella di 200 parti si calcola la fisica per ogni singola parte come mi sembra che faccia anzichè calcolare la fisica della navicella nel suo complesso, ma li francamente è una lacuna di programmazione.

Purtroppo quello che pesa veramente in KSP è la fisica, visto che deve gestire ogni singolo pianeta, satellite, asteroide, e ogni singolo componente delle navicelle e stazioni spaziali in orbita.

Il mio sogno sarebbe un KSP con una ricostruzione del nostro sistema solare reale ed accurata, con tutti i pianeti riprodotti realisticamente in 3d, e non semplici sfere texturizzate come la mod. (ma essendo una mod tanto di cappelo comunque a chi l'ha realizzata)

Io dopo aver giocato per 277 ore alla 0.22/0.24, attendo con ansia la 1.0 per rituffarmi in KSP! :)

Per la fisica dovrebbero migrare a Unity 5. Un ity 4 per la fisica non è il massimo, ma quando iniziarono KSP non c'erano molte alternative per fisica e tutto.

Per dirne una: in Space Engineers hanno limitato la velocità delle astronavi a 104 m/s per non avere problemi con fisica e collisioni e dire che loro hanno un engine voxel fatto in casa.

21-04-2015, 23:14
Devnote Tuesday: Thank you!


Felipe (HarvesteR): The crunch is upon us now, most certainly. It seems to be unavoidable in these situations, but experimentals is moving along at a very impressive pace, and we’ve been making some really cool final additions and tweaks to the game. The focus, at least on my end, has been mostly turned towards improving that sense of completion. It is true we’ve been exceedingly fortunate this far in that we’ve had very few critical issues, considering the size of the update. That certainly did help in giving us the opportunities to add these small but really-not-so-small details that make a game feel more complete.

This week, along with various other tweaks and fixes, we’ve been having a look at the Science systems, specifically the purpose of the Lab module, which so far hasn’t been very worthwhile in terms of effort spent vs. the rewards it brings. We’ve completely rethought how Science Labs work now. Instead of merely boosting the xmit factor of a science experiment for a small amount (something that scientists can do now), and allowing you to restore inoperable experiments (also something scientists can do now), the Lab now works much more like a long-term research facility. Now, when you run experiments, you can transfer data to the lab just as before, but instead of a quick process for a small boost in the xmit factor, the data fed to the lab will generate a steady output of Science for a very long time, ultimately yielding far more science than transmitting or even recovering. This, of course, requires the labs to be manned by scientists, and have a steady supply of electricity. It should greatly increase the benefits of setting up orbiting science stations and surface bases, however, and also give you good reason to visit them every now and then. (The data does decay after a while, and the labs can only hold so much processed data before having to transmit, so don’t expect to be able to timewarp your way to infinite science)

A lot of work has also gone into revising the stats for every part, and making sure they go in the proper tech nodes, and have the correct costs and stats. One big change among these was that the old Avionics Nose Cone, which was being used in a kind of placeholder-y manner as an atmospheric scanner science device, has now been given a new purpose as a non-autonomous SAS device. It’s not a probe core, but it provides SAS services to non-pilot crews. Should be useful when you really want your scientists to be able to impress their peers with their elite flying skills. As for the atmosphere scanner, we’ve got a wholly new part for that job.

Speaking of parts now, we’ve had quite a few new ones added this week. Bob “RoverDude” and PorkJet have been working like mad, turning out a huge amount of new parts. I hinted last week at two new parts from Bob. Those are Service Bays, available in 1.25m and 2.5m sizes. These hollow cylindrical bays open up letting you mount sensitive equipment that would otherwise tend to explode during reentry (yes) inside a protective compartment, which works very much like fairings do, only these can be closed back up again. Apart from these, we also have new heat shield parts (all sizes), new Mk3 wings, new landing gears, and PJ’s been hard at work overhauling many of the older spaceplane parts, which really needed to catch up, style-wise.

Lastly, I’ve dedicated a couple of days here to implement a feature which I think has been missing for far too long from the game, and I really didn’t want to leave it out of our 1.0 release. More on that one later though… I’m very happy I got the opportunity to implement it though. I feel it wouldn’t have been a proper release without it.

Anyhow, if you’ve been following our #KerbalCountdown, you’ve probably realized that this is our last dev note before the release. Not that this means there won’t be dev notes after the release of course, but it’s a good opportunity to give you guys a massive THANK YOU!! To the entire KSP community, who stood by us throughout the four years we’ve been developing the game, who believed in our crazy notion of a build-a-rocket-and-fly-it game, and who continuously supported us through good and bad times, from the humble beginnings of our weird little project, all the way through today, as we stand on the brink of this huge moment for the game, and to us.

As for myself, what can I say? KSP has been a life-changing project for me… I honestly can’t imagine what my life would be today without it, and it’s just mind-boggling to look at what next week means for it as my first real game project… It’s exhilarating and frightening, stressful, relieving, satisfying and yet filled with anticipation, and so many other things at the same time… I don’t think it’s quite clicked yet for me… But anyhow, I’m really looking forward for what we have coming for this update and beyond. There’s fun times ahead, that much I can say.

Many Cheers to everyone, and happy launchings! See you on the other side!

Mike (Mu): Another fun week of experimentals. We finished the re-entry occlusion system and have been pressing on with fixing things and implementing some last minute items. The atmosphere and thermal balancing continues unabated, trying to strike a good middle ground between the hardcore players and the not-so-hardcore ones is always tough.
Marco (Samssonart): As many of you know we have a very important date coming next Monday, so instead of boring you people with details of how experimentals are going I want to take this opportunity to thank you, you are a fantastic community, it’s been quite a ride, but you’ve always been there for us, giving us amazing feedback, kind words and a couple occasional headaches.

I hope you enjoy 1.0 and have as much fun playing it as we did developing it, cheers!

Daniel (danRosas): working full steam ahead! Everything is moving forward. The animation is almost done, still figuring out stuff with our sound designer, with Rogelio and myself. We’re missing a couple of shots rendering, that needed some last minute corrections. If everything goes well, they should be done during the night (considering that each frame takes between 10 to 20min to render, yep it takes that long, it could be worse though considering the equipment we’re managing). I can say that it’s the biggest, longest, and filled with kerbal characters everywhere. Most sequences have been color corrected, lens blured and composited, except from the ones that need rendering of course. There are still some missing VFX here and there.

Jim (Romfarer): This week i’ve mainly been working on the tech-tree icons. It was a bit of a nightmare to update the icons before since they were hardcoded into the prefab every node in the tech tree is generated from. So i replaced the whole icon structure, made the tech tree accept any icon thrown at it and updated the dev tech tree tool. With this change i was able to reassign all icons on the tech tree in less than an hour. It also paid off while making further revisions and creating the demo tech tree. As an added bonus, every modded tech tree can have custom icons.

Max (Maxmaps): Last notes before 1.0. I can’t believe I’m typing this. Merch deals finalized. We’ll be joining new stores as well. A whole lot more meetings to partake in this week and I probably can’t really afford to rest or sleep from here til Monday, but as long as everything works out as planned I simply can’t complain. I love being part of this project and I can only hope you will love 1.0 as much as we loved making it.

Ted (Ted): It’s all happening in Experimentals. By far the most impressive and energetic Experimental Team is hard at work on 1.0 and they’re working at a breakneck pace. It’s a wonder the devs can even still type with all the work that everyone has been putting in!

As for myself, I’ve been performing the usual Experimental duties of Tester Herding, Tracker Cleaning, Bug Triaging and Feedback Reading. It’s all going extremely well though and the Exp Team and I are really looking forward to you all getting your space mitts on KSP 1.0!

Rogelio (Roger): I’ve been doing some post production on the shots that are already rendered, We’re almost done, there are some missing details for the final sequence but hopefully it’ll be ready by tomorrow afternoon. today I’m doing some camera tracking the long and hard way because the shortcut didn’t work for one of the flares that we integrated in post. I’m really excited and happy with the preview that Dan rendered earlier it looks very cool, you guys will tell us what you think soon.

Kasper (KasperVld): I managed to spook the devs a little by mentioning the fact that these are the final devnotes before the release of Kerbal Space Program 1.0. It’s been a wild ride so far and it’ll be a wild ride for a long time to come. At a time like this there’s only one appropriate thing to do: on behalf of everyone at Squad I’d like to convey our deepest gratitude to all volunteers, YouTubers, livestreamers, moderators, experimental & QA testers and everyone who contributed to or was a part of the community. Thank you for going down this road with us and sticking with it through all the bumps that we encountered. Thank you, we couldn’t have done it without you.

Chris (Porkjet): I graduated earlier this month, and since then I’ve had all the time I needed to model a lot of parts, some new ones, and a lot of revamps for old parts. Some of those old friends got quite the face-lift, I hope you’ll still recognize them.

It’s been frantic but also lots of fun. Being part of the development of KSP is one of the coolest things of my life, and I’m proud that i got this chance. I couldn’t in my wildest dreams have imagined this a few years ago, when i picked up this funny little game about green men in explodey rockets. I also wanna give big thanks to the KSP community, you guys just rock and your support has been extremely encouraging. I hope you’ll have a lot of fun with 1.0!

And to end this post with something to look at, here’s a few screenshots of me enjoying new wings in those glorious new aerodynamics!

http://i.imgur.com/bABHjl4m.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/bABHjl4.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/VG5Aemfm.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/VG5Aemf.jpg)

Bob (Roverdude): First off - it’s been awesome working with the folks at Squad on this release! And it’s been a pretty hectic week, mostly around heat and thermal. I’ve been working on the heat shields (including a modification to the shader so you can get scorch effects as the ablator is burned off), also some really cool heat management and auto-throttling logic for the drill and ISRU (so they will throttle down as heat nears the danger zone until they cool off). Here’s a pic of the ablation shader, where you can see the heat shield as it goes through the ablation process:

http://i.imgur.com/zjHxKW0m.png (http://i.imgur.com/zjHxKW0.png)

In addition, knocked out several models including the new Xenon tank and the heat shields, and did a few tweaks to the service bays. With resources pretty much in the can, I also got to do some work on the science system.
Lastly, we’re taking bets on how long before the community discovers the resources easter egg we snuck in for you (I’m betting two months post launch). One hint: It’s a pretty large easter egg.

Brian (Arsonide): I’ve been working with the team for two releases now, and once again it’s been a blast. For me, this release was primarily about thoroughly balancing career mode and polishing up the early game with several new systems that gently nudge the player in the right direction when he might not be sure what to do next. Beyond that, I’ve also been working on implementing tourism, part recoveries, grand tours, and resource extraction contracts, so there will be plenty of things for you folks to try when the patch hits. Everything feels really solid now, and this week has primarily been about those small bits of polish that make it perfect.

I’d definitely like to thank the community for your feedback and support during Experimentals, QA, and the development of Fine Print. I’d like to thank Squad, for this awesome opportunity. I should also probably work my super supportive wife in here somewhere so I don’t get in trouble…anyway, back to work!

22-04-2015, 08:17
Purtroppo quello che pesa veramente in KSP è la fisica, visto che deve gestire ogni singolo pianeta, satellite, asteroide, e ogni singolo componente delle navicelle e stazioni spaziali in orbita.Non è del tutto esatto. Come ha detto momo-racing i pianeti non c'entrano nulla. Quello che pesa sono le parti dei razzi su cui viene calcolata la fisica per ogni singolo componente. Finche sono un centinaio va bene ma quando cominciano a diventare 4-500 la cosa comincia a farsi molto pesante.

Ma quello che più pesa veramente è la grafica. Una delle mod più usate, l'ATM, riesce a migliorare le prestazioni e diminuisce i crash. Si concentra sulla grafica, non tocca nulla sulla fisica.

23-04-2015, 18:34
Ksp release 1.0 27 Aprile 2015

e sarà disponibile anche su gog.com

26-04-2015, 08:57
Ksp 1.0



27-04-2015, 18:16
Kerbal Space Program 1.0 is now available!



Greetings, Kerbonauts!
This is a special one! After four years in development, Kerbal Space Program 1.0 is now officially released!
Kerbal Space Program 1.0 is what we envisioned when development of the game started four years ago: we set out to make a game in which the player is given ultimate control over the exploration of space: from designing their rockets to launching and flying them to their destinations, in a universe that was modelled to have be as realistic as possible while remaining fun to play in.

However, our 1.0 release is more than just a new version number. It’s also the biggest update to the game we’ve ever done, and contains many new and updated features, plus improvements to just about every game system, which we’re sure will appeal to both newcomers and seasoned veterans.

These are the highlights:

The flight model has had a complete overhaul, meaning the lift is now calculated correctly to all lift-generating parts, which includes lifting bodies. The drag simulation has also been completely revised, and uses automatically pre-calculated data based on the each part’s geometry, to be finally applied based on not just the orientation of parts in flight, but also taking other parts into consideration. Stack mounted parts are now occluded from drag by neighboring parts, and lift induced drag is also properly simulated. Both the lift and drag are dependent on air density and the speed of sound, which are calculated from temperature and pressure. Be careful when flying aircraft in this new update: stalls are now properly simulated as well, and spontaneous craft disassembly during high-G maneuvers is now a very real thing.

A new heating simulation has been implemented together with the improved aerodynamics. Now, not only temperature but also energy flux is considered when making heat calculations, meaning radiative, conductive, and convective heating and cooling are all simulated and all parts have their individual thermal properties. Parts will emit a blackbody radiation glow if they get hot enough. Although part temperatures can now be affected by such things as being exposed to sunlight and hypersonic flight heating, they can be properly occluded from these effects as well. Atmospheric temperature (and density) takes into account latitude and the position of the Sun. Celestial bodies now accurately emit thermal radiation that makes nearby craft warmer. Finally, ablative heat shields (with a finite, editor-tweakable ablation material) have been added to protect the parts behind them from reentry heating.

You can now add fairings to your rockets! Fairing construction starts with a base part which will allow you to procedurally create a fairing after you place it. The design of the fairing is left up to you: shape individual sections of fairing with an intuitive visual system which gives you total control over the shape of any fairing.
Once you’ve placed the fairings you can still edit your payload! Mousing over the fairing will make it transparent and will give you an exploded view, allow you to access anything that’s inside. If you later want to edit a fairing, simply right-click the fairing base to modify it as needed.
Fairings will shield anything inside them from drag and heat, making them an ideal tool for making payloads survive even more aggressive aerodynamic stresses. Like cargo bays and service modules, they will also prevent wings from generating lift, as well as science experiments, solar panels and antennas from deploying, which means all these new parts should be a big part of your mission design.

Resource Mining
Mining for Resources is now a part of Kerbal Space Program: set out to find Ore, which can be found throughout the Solar system, including on asteroids. To do this you’ll have access to several different scanners to map out and find the best places to mine, drills to extract it, specialised holding tanks to store it, and a processor / refinery unit to convert it into usable fuels. To help you find the Ore, new map overlays have been implemented on all celestial bodies, and new UI elements have been added to various pieces of equipment. Also, Kerbal engineers are particularly good at keeping those drills humming at peak efficiency.

As always, you can find the complete changelog on our forums.

There is a lot more we could talk about, but we’ll let you discover that on your own! We hope you will enjoy Kerbal Space Program 1.0 as much as we enjoyed making it.

The update is now available on the KSP Store, Steam and GOG.


- Added 'Ore' resource, which can be mined across the Solar System
- New drill part added
- Ore container tanks added
- ISRU Ore processor unit added, converts Ore into Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer or MonoProp
- Three new Ore scanner parts added
- Added new MapView overlays displaying Ore density for all Celestial Bodies.
- Support for moddability of resources added (including atmospheric and oceanic)
- New Difficulty Setting to scale resource abundance (both stock and modded).
- Asteroids can also be mined for Ore.
- Engineer Kerbals are able to ‘overdrive’ drilling equipment for increased yield (and less safety).

- Female Kerbals added, with new randomly-generated female names
- Valentina Kerman (Pilot) added to initial Crew Roster
- Kerbals are now able to clamber onto ledges within reach, because their jobs weren’t dangerous enough already.
- Kerbals can now climb out of ladders onto ledges.
- Tourist Kerbals added. They have zero skills, are unable to control vessels, and are required to keep their heads inside the vessel at all times.
- Kerbals now cost increasingly larger amounts of Funds to hire in Career Games.

- R&D Tech Tree completely revised. Several new nodes added; many, many parts reassigned for a better progression.
- Kerbal Scientists are now able to restore inoperable experiment modules.
- The Science Lab has been retooled to run long-term research on experiment data, providing much higher amounts of science over time.

- New Smoke effects added to Launchpads
- New Surface Effects added whenever rocket engines fire near terrain
- New Water Effect added whenever rocket engine fire near water
- Revised all part shaders for improved rendering of lighting effects and shadows.
- Main Flight UI can now be made transparent.

- Added new Tourism contracts and tourist kerbals.
- Added ISRU resource extraction contracts.
- Added Grand Tour contracts.
- Replaced Rescue contracts with Recovery contracts, which can ask the player to recover a part, a kerbal, or both, and can spawn on the surface of planets, with “props” nearby.
- Added two 'immediate' Strategies to convert existing Reputation and Science into Funds.
- World First contract line now extends all the way out to Eeloo, and is dependent on player progression.
- Record contracts are now always active, and will complete in order even over the course of a single mission.

- All tutorials revised and rewritten to explain most game features.
- Expanded Flight Basics Tutorial to cover the essentials of launching into orbit.
- Added new Return from Mun tutorial.
- Added new Science and R&D Tutorial.
- Added new Docking tutorial.

- 'Warp To' action added to orbit context menu. Allows warping to a specific spot along your trajectory.
- 'Warp to next morning' button added to KSC toolbar.
- Asteroids can now be found orbiting near Dres.
- Engine thrust now varies according to Isp and throttle setting, instead of the other way around.

- Completely revised Input Mapping system.
- Flight input bindings is now much more straightforward and more flexible as well.
- Duplicate control bindings for Docking/Staging modes now replaced by a much more robust system based on secondary key bindings.
- Joystick Axes are now consistently enumerated and persist across sessions.
- Up to 10 joysticks with 20 axes each now supported.
- Added secondary channels for Axis Bindings.

- New 'Chase' Camera mode added, old mode now called 'Locked'.
- Added Camera wobble/vibration effects during flight (engine vibration, explosions, ground roll, G-force, and many more)
- TrackIR support added to all game views (toggleable independently in game settings). (FreeTrack also reported to work)
- Added FOV control to main flight camera. (Hold ModKey and zoom)

* Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

- Fixed several issues with editor attachments, attachment node orientation and symmetry.
- Shift+Clicking a 'frozen' part in the editor will detach it from its parent.
- Fixed several bugs with cloned parts and persistence.
- The editor no longer requires a full scene reload to load new craft files.

- The KnowledgeBase panel for Vessels now shows 'Max Accel' and 'Estimated burn time to 0m/s' (as shown on navball) fields.
- Several part context menu actions now properly apply to symmetry counterparts automatically.
- Added new custom cursors.

- Fixed 'infiniglide' bug.
- Switching SOIs no longer causes the next orbit to change at high time warp rates.
- Added a warp speed limit when approaching an SOI transition.
- Kerbal EVAs should no longer fly off when disembarking in space.
- SAS now disengages autopilot modes automatically (and falls back to stability assist) in cases where the target vectors would change very rapidly.
- Parachute deployment should no longer cause vessel disassembly at high physics warp rates.
- Deployed parachute sway now actually has an effect on the vessel.

- LV-N “Nerv” Engine now runs solely on Liquid Fuel and has no gimbal.
- OSCAR-B tank can now be surface attached
- Air-breathing engines now drain fuel evenly from all tanks in a vessel.
- Fixed radial decouplers not applying ejection forces correctly.
- Parachutes no longer cause massive G spikes when opening.
- Control Surfaces can now be deployed as flaps, controllable via context menus and Action Groups.
- Stats of Antennas revised for a proper progression with the more advanced models.
- Added nicknames to all engine parts.
- Revised and balanced part costs.
- Balanced fuel amounts for Mk2 and Mk3 tanks.
- Balanced engines (Isp/thrust/mass) in line with the new aerodynamics.
- Added fuel gauge to LV-1 “Ant” engine.
- Materials Bay now faces away from the part it’s radially attached to.
- RoveMate rover body is now a probe body as well.
- The unshrouded solar panels are now non-retractable.
- Balanced probes electric charge usage, mass and crash tolerance.
- Lowered crash tolerance of the Structural Pylon to 70 from 999!
- All parts given ‘bulkhead profile’ tags in cfg files. Profile tags inferred automatically for parts missing this field.
- Cargo bays now properly detect enclosed parts, and can be grouped to make larger bays.
- Experiment Modules, Solar Panels, Antennas and such will not deploy while stowed inside a fairing or cargo bay.
- RCS thrusters will not function if stowed inside a closed cargo area (or fairing).
- Lifting surfaces will not generate lift if stowed inside a closed cargo area (or fairing).

- Much improved flight ambience sounds for Kerbin and other bodies with atmospheres
- Added new sound effect when pulling high G forces.
- Eliminated audible gaps on several looping clips.

- Improved sound/particle effects for all Air-Breathing engines
- Splashdown effects no longer spawn underwater.

- All part textures converted to DDS format, load times are now 3x faster.
- Fixed a serious persistence bug which prevented Scenario/Training saves from updating scenario modules properly.
- Fixed persistence bugs which caused state data from Upgradeable Facilities to carry over to other saves.
- Fixed an issue which caused Kerbals to not be generated randomly enough, which led to slowdowns with larger Crew Rosters.
- Fixed issues with the terrain during scene switching making scene load times faster.
- Fixed terrain scatter generation which was causing memory leaks.
- ‘Elon Kerman’ added to name pool.
- Crew name generator can now output 10,000+ female names
- Fixed an issue with markers in the KSC scene potentially causing the game to lock up.
- Restructured GameData folder, integrated the NASA folder into the Squad one.
- Valentina Kerman added to Main Menu’s Space scene.

- All contracts other than World Firsts or Records are halted until the player reaches space.
- Prevent “stacking” of various contract types.
- Resource parts added into satellite, station, and outpost contracts.
- Prose of contracts involving kerbals re-evaluated with gender appropriate text.
- All contracts in career given balanced income for all three currencies.
- Science and reputation no longer scale with the celestial body of a contract, and are handed out more conservatively in general.
- All strategies in career given equivalent exchange rates.
- Aggressive Negotiations strategy given a discount on building repair/upgrade.
- Recovery Transponder strategy now lowers maximum recovery rate, while raising minimum recovery rate.
- Facility upgrade costs re-evaluated, lowered by about a quarter overall.
- Kerbals now properly receive experience for suborbital flights.
- Part Test contracts now request much saner flight parameters.
- Survey contracts choose much saner locations to survey.
- Sensor Experiment Modules are now able to perform experiments in all situations.

- The R&D Tech tree is now defined in a cfg-file.
- The cfg file for the Tech Tree is defined separately for each save.
- GameVariables methods are now all virtual and can be overwritten by mods.
- Added a new set of debug tools to tweak Physics parameters.
- Added a new set of debug tools to tweak R&D tech tree nodes and part assignments.

28-04-2015, 10:32
e venne il giorno :eek:

addio :asd:

28-04-2015, 21:46
Patch 1.01 già in lavorazione.

29-04-2015, 09:51
ieri sera ho fatto una partita ricominciando da zero con installazione pulita:

-caricamento iniziale drasticamente ridotto, ora in una decina di secondi sei alla schermata principale dove prima magari ce ne volevano 30-40 (a crescita esponenziale inserendo mod varie) :eek:

-molto curato il nuovo tech tree, molti più rami, ma sopratutto migliore disposizione dei componenti, anche se l'aggiunta di nuovi rami da sbloccare aumenta leggermente la difficoltà per via di maggiori punti scienza necessari. ora se voglio dedicarmi solo agli aeromobili non sono costretto a sbloccare parti inutili e viceversa

-non molto chiara la simulazione del rientro orbitale, non si riesce a capire quando le parti cedono, manca un indicatore di temperatura (non so se si sblocca più avanti), inoltre ho fatto un paio di rientri di "testa" causa cattivo design e non ho avuto problemi di cedimenti o surriscaldamento, mentre con un rientro corretto, con heatshield al lavoro, è comparsa la barra di surriscaldamento del paracadute di testa :confused:

-una funzione utilissima -che non so se avevano annunciato- durante la costruzione dei razzi/velivoli: il pulsante che mostra le dimensioni attuali e massime consentite, ora integra anche la segnalazione di pezzi fondamentali mancanti o la sovrabbondanza di parti, come il monopropellant senza che il razzo possieda rcs, la mancanza di generatori di corrente in presenza di parti che la consumano, l'assenza di carrelli sugli aerei, ecc. :read:

-continua a mancare -ahimè- il calcolo automatico del deltaV nella progettazione dei razzi, sopratutto con le parti nuove e il sistema di aerodinamica introdotto, diventa necessario a meno di fare numerose prove per trovare il setup corretto..

- con l'introduzione della nuova aerodinamica non vale più la regola di non accelerare oltre i 200m/s fino ai 10k metri, anzi ora più vai veloce, più lontano arrivi :confused: testato con un razzo semplicissimo, con il primo (nuovo) solid booster: al 50% della potenza arrivo a 2300m, al 75% oltre i 4000, al 100% quasi a 5000 :mbe:

29-04-2015, 10:57
Nel changelog esteso risulta che hanno convertito le texture in dds e da qui il caricamento rapido.

Sul resto non so che dire in quanto non ci ho mai giocato molto aspettando questa release. Anche se a pelle sento come se mancassero a schermo alcune informazioni.

Be... speriamo in patch e mods....

29-04-2015, 14:57
Ma le missioni "perform visual survey" e "Ferry a VIP" come si fanno?

Nella prima sono arrivato nella zona designata e ho fatto un crew report ma non me la da completata, devo fare qualcosa di particolare?
La cosa brutta è che di ta anche delle missioni che non sei ancora in grado di completare, tipo comunicare qualcosa dallo spazio anche se non ho ancora scoperto la radio, o mi chiede di testare un'oggetto elettrico anche se non ho ancora le battirie per alimentarlo... (andiamo nello spazio e ancora non abbiamo scoperto radio ed elettricità... :asd:)

P.S. Ho notato che ora ci sono anche le kerbaline! :asd:

29-04-2015, 16:45
Ancora quelle due missioni non le ho fatte. Comunque il trovare missioni non attualmente completabili non è un bug: in primis spetta al giocatore scegliere e poi alcune scadono anche dopo 12 mesi e quindi c'è tutto il tempo di progredire.

29-04-2015, 17:43
Ancora quelle due missioni non le ho fatte. Comunque il trovare missioni non attualmente completabili non è un bug: in primis spetta al giocatore scegliere e poi alcune scadono anche dopo 12 mesi e quindi c'è tutto il tempo di progredire.

Il problema è che finchè non si completano quelle missioni non ne da altre, e quindi se non si è in grado di farle come faccio a guadagnare i punti scenza per le nuove ricerche?

29-04-2015, 18:58
Il problema è che finchè non si completano quelle missioni non ne da altre, e quindi se non si è in grado di farle come faccio a guadagnare i punti scenza per le nuove ricerche?

Aspetta, fammi capire: ti sono rimaste disponibili solo queste 2 missioni?

Chiedo perchè per ora sono stato preso a testare pezzi in modalità creativa e ho fatto solo 2 h di carriera.

30-04-2015, 12:52
Aspetta, fammi capire: ti sono rimaste disponibili solo queste 2 missioni?

Chiedo perchè per ora sono stato preso a testare pezzi in modalità creativa e ho fatto solo 2 h di carriera.

Si, avevo solo 4 missioni e tutte impossibili da completare. :doh:
Ad esempio ora mi ha dato da provare un motore da jet. ma non ho alcuna presa d'aria (di cui questi motori hanno bisogno di funzionare) percui non ho modo di testarlo.
Ho dovuto upgradare il mission control perchè me ne desse altre fattibili...

Comunque guadagnare punti scenza all'inizio è veramente dura...

30-04-2015, 12:58
Si, avevo solo 4 missioni e tutte impossibili da completare. :doh:
Ho dovuto upgradare il mission control perchè me ne desse altre fattibili...

Comunque guadagnare punti scenza all'inizio è veramente dura...

Ah, ecco.

Io il mission control l'ho upgradato quasi subito per avere fino a 7 missioni in contemporanea. Tra record e test di parti, i soldi non sono un problema.

Per la scienza: già provato a portarsi 1-2 mystery goo e il science lab?

01-05-2015, 21:21
Qualcuno saprebbe dirmi se esistono delle texture pack in HD per questo gioco? Il più simile alle originali :D

01-05-2015, 21:37
Hi Again,

We've just published KSP v1.0.1. This is a small revision patch to address some of the most noticeable bugs we encountered since the release of 1.0.

Some of these we knew about for a while, but couldn't fix in time for the release (as we approach publishing time, the risk of code-breaking and delaying the entire release outweighs any benefits in the potential fix), others we found out about during the weekend livestreams, and some others we found from your own feedback.

This patch isn't meant to cover every single bug, of course, just the more relevant ones. We're going to keep on with the bugfixing and tweaking as we move into development of version 1.1.

Here's the patch changelog:


Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

* Temperature gauge system.
* Vessels which are splashed will now have much higher convective coefficients making them cool to ambient temperature faster.
* Removed node size from being taken into account for stack occlusion. Added custom drag cubes for remaining hollow parts.
* Parachute heating/burning.
* Fix for bug in FI dealing with unpacking vessels at analytic warp (>=1000) rates.
* Fixed conduction on service bays. Added Module Conduction Modifier to help service bays not incinerate their contents & configs updated
* Updated emissivity for spaceplane configs.
* Lowered heat production on LV-N.

* Replaced overheat mechanic of the ISRU and drills with a skill-based mechanic.
* Removed Overheat Throttle mechanic.
* Increased mass of Ore tanks to match wet/dry ratio of stock tanks.

* New values for physics global drag and lift multipliers.
* Added a CoP offset calculation to procedural fairings
* Fix for the aero debug drag arrows switching directions. Added body lift arrows (cyan)
* Fixed occlusion on mk2 docking port.
* Fix for Laythe's atmosphere.

Solar Panels:
* Solar panels now use the proper inv square from FI's solar flux.
* Removed obsolete power curves from solar panels.
* Rebalanced solar panels against each other.

* Doing science at the flagPOLe, the north POLe, or the south POLe, will no longer mark Pol as visited with the progress tracker.
* Science contracts and science World Firsts can no longer be triggered with science gained by reverse engineering recovered vessels. You have to transmit or recover an actual experiment.
* Ensured that if a grand tour contract includes Kerbin, that Kerbin is chosen as the final stop on the tour.
* Capped amount of recovery contracts that can generate, but increased caps on station and base to increase contract variety.
* Fixed "On Wheels" optional side objective not triggering on outposts when utilizing the new fixed landing gears.
* ISRU contracts round their capacities up, to handle cases where the player brings exactly enough resource capacity.
* Use the word "spaceflight" instead of "flight" when appropriate, to prevent player mistaking certain things for atmospheric flight.
* If the game cannot find an agent listed in the save file, it will pick a random agent.
* Remove some debug information from survey waypoint generation.

* Added Tier 0 rocket fin.
* Added RescaleFactor to the RT-5 (preventing a potential regression bug).
* Removed the allowstack option from the NBS and orbital scanners to fix a bug if they were used as the root part.
* Fixed an issue where the physicsSignificance flag was set to 1 for heat shields.
* Added an option to clamp the lower bound of the deploy pressure of parachutes.
* Adjusted parachutes to open at a slightly higher atmospheric pressure.
* Fixed fairings not initializing their masses in flight properly.
* Added module info section for fairings.
* Rebalanced engine entry costs.

* Moved all Part Loader part info code into a separate method which is run after drag cubes are loaded/created. Thus modules can access the part’s drag cube information in their info.
* MapSO and CBAttributeMapSO methods made virtual and member variables protected.
* Made physics-less part mass effect KB mass value.
* Zero part count vessels will not be run through Flight Integrator.
* Increased mass on some wings.
* Fixed a nullref being caused when clicking between vessels and empty space in map view.
* Vessels that blow up in atmosphere properly kill off their crew members.
* Added Part temperature gauges/highlighting (toggle with F10).
* Part temperature overlay can now be toggled with F11
* Part aerodynamic forces overlay can now be toggled with F12


Hi again,

Just a very quick update this time, version 1.0.2 is now up:


Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

* Fixed ships potentially overheating when splashed down.

* Small tweak to Mk16 parachute drag.

04-05-2015, 10:33
Ma MechJeb per la v1.0.2 non è ancora uscito?
Non fanno in tempo ad aggiornarlo che esche un'altra patch che lo rende incompatibile... :fagiano:

Ah, ecco.

Io il mission control l'ho upgradato quasi subito per avere fino a 7 missioni in contemporanea. Tra record e test di parti, i soldi non sono un problema.

Per la scienza: già provato a portarsi 1-2 mystery goo e il science lab?

La prima lo avevo fatto subito anche io, ma ho dovuto upgradarlo una seconda volta...
Si il scence lab e mistery goo li ho già usati, ma danno scienza una sola volta per location.

04-05-2015, 11:23
C'è solo la versione Dev per ora.. pare:fagiano:

04-05-2015, 16:49
Azz mi crasha sistematicamente quando al rietro nell'atmosfera si aprono i paracadute, avrò già ricaricato 10 volte. :muro:
Era più stabile con la 0.22 (giocandolo vanilla non ricordo mi sia mai crashato, solo moddandolo sporadicamente crashava) che con la 1.02. :doh:

05-05-2015, 10:30
Azz mi crasha sistematicamente quando al rietro nell'atmosfera si aprono i paracadute, avrò già ricaricato 10 volte. :muro:
Era più stabile con la 0.22 (giocandolo vanilla non ricordo mi sia mai crashato, solo moddandolo sporadicamente crashava) che con la 1.02. :doh:

nessun problema per ora con la 1.0.2, giocata senza mod

19-05-2015, 22:17
Devnote Tuesday: Back to Work!

Unity 5!

Felipe (HarvesteR): Things are mostly back to normal now, and I if you’ve been following Max’s tweets recently, you’ll know by now that Unity 5 is the next big thing we have coming up for KSP. We started work last week on porting the game to the new Unity, and I do mean porting the game, because the move from U4 to U5 is by no means a simple automatic upgrade. I had said earlier that it was going to take some doing… I may have grossly understated the situation. U5 is a vastly improved platform, but it is a vastly modified platform as well. As a result we are going over large swaths of game code and assets here, to make sure everything will run properly.

The game UI, which admittedly has suffered from the lack of a robust UI backend in the past, is now being completely revised, to use Unity’s new (and awesome) native UI system. You can readily imagine just how large of a job that is. We’re talking all of the game’s UI. Every button, panel, dialog and icon will have to be revised. In the end though, we should see some really cool benefits, not least among which should be a hefty boost to performance.

Speaking of performance, Unity 5 now uses the much improved PhysX 3.5, compared to the really outdated 2.8 version we had until now. The new PhysX is optimized for multiple threads, is more accurate and more stable, and is generally better in every measurable way. However, it’s not without its own set of changes that are (you guessed it) also backward-incompatible. Wheel colliders for one are completely changed, which means we have to update our own… That should be hopefully straightforward.

One thing I didn’t expect would be a problem though, was a small but far-reaching change: Rigidbodies using Mesh colliders would previously collide just fine with other rigidbody mesh colliders, as long as one of them was a convex mesh. This is no longer the case. Now, if you have two rigidbody objects, both mesh colliders have to be convex. At first glance, this seemed fine, as all our parts are already convex, and the terrain isn’t a rigidbody object, so it can still have a con-convex mesh. So all is good then… except asteroids.

Asteroids are the one exception to this new convex collider rule. They have to be able to collide with other parts (for obvious reasons), and they also have to have rigidbodies, otherwise they wouldn’t be maneuverable. That put us in a bit of a quandary, because using a single convex hull around an asteroid is just not accurate enough. Asteroids can be very large, compared to spacecraft and Kerbals, and we wouldn’t want objects hitting (or grappling on to) invisible walls over and around the rock surface.

We half expected we might run across problems like this, which is the reason why we couldn’t take this upgrade as a small job, or even estimate how long it would take. This one issue in particular did have a solution, which took two days to implement. It’s a piece of code I’m actually quite proud of, 700+ lines to procedurally generate solid collision geometry, and all it does is make asteroids behave no differently from before. It can be a thankless job sometimes… But it was a lot of fun to code, in a geeky, procedural-mesh-enthusiast kind of way.

That aside, we’re also going over shaders. U5 changed the way shaders are compiled, so several of our own shaders broke in various ways, from minor alpha blending issues, to straight up not compiling at all.. We have our work cut out for us now to go through all those problematic shaders, and convince them to work again.

Not all is woe and trouble though. Here’s the good bits: The Unity Editor itself is now 64-bit, meaning we can now finally properly support 64-bit development. This doesn’t immediately translate itself to a 64-bit build coming out again, but the good news is that we caught some bugs in the new editor that were specific to previous KSP x64 builds. This means the Editor’s internal player is very similar to the x64 unity player, and that means we can now look for (and hopefully fix) bugs which until now were impossible to even reproduce in a development environment. As for when x64 will be available again, it’s way too early to tell yet, but we should be able to start targeting that platform once more, and run test builds on it again.

And lastly, I reckon it turned out for the best that we couldn’t include the audio pass we had planned for the 1.0 release due to time constraints, because Unity5 has the most awesome audio toolset I’ve ever seen in a game engine. Imagine tools you’d find in pro audio software like Audition or ProTools, inside the game engine. Multi-channel mixing, EQ control at runtime, the works! It would have been such a wasted opportunity had we managed to get the audio revision in on time for 1.0… Good things did come for those who waited in this case.

Well, that’s the news on my end for this week.

Alex (aLeXmOrA): After a week hanging out with the KSP team here in Mexico City, now it’s time to get back to work. I’ve been helping doing the KerbalEDU builds that will have KSP 1.0 features, so all the schools that have purchased the educational version can enjoy them. Also, as you may know, our websites are in a provisional server solution. Since the release was close and we needed to move the sites, we found the best and temporary hosting for them, but now I’m working to set them up to their final home. All the issues you’ve been experiencing in the Wiki, such as image rendering and math calculations, will be solved after the migration. Sorry for the inconveniences that any of those are causing.

Marco (Samssonart): It’s been a while, much has happened since the release, on the one side are the good times with all the guys, on our meetup week where we discussed future plans and had a very good time; on the other side I’ve been crying over not having Rsync access to the new server yet, which means no patcher and lots of confused people asking how to update, sob sob. This week I’ve been helping Alex out with the KerbalEdu builds and checking that the tutorial UI’s work as expected using the newer Unity system, of course they don’t out of the box, they’re going to take some work.

Daniel (danRosas): This past weeks have been for planning and having that slow time after the storm. On the devnotes side of the week, we’ve prepared two Shapeways models that are pending approval. I guess you know of which models I’m talking about, two Valentina Kerman prints. Also noticed some things that could be improved upon for the Kerbals, which I’ll work on after the Unity 5 issues are resolved.

Jim (Romfarer): Despite the 25 hour trip back and forth i had a really good time in Mexico, i even got to jump/fall out of a plane. The trip was not all fun and games though, little actual work was done but we had some good discussions about the future of KSP. The first thing that hit me is that we are going to replace the 3 previous gui systems with the new unity 5 gui system. As felipe mentioned it is a monumental task also considering i have to learn the new system beforehand. But i am in good spirits and am actually looking forward to overhauling everything.

Max (Maxmaps): We jumped out of a plane, spent a lovely weekend relaxing and overeating in ludicrous manners. Now it’s back to work. I’ve been organizing the update plan for the next few updates (yes, plural) while figuring out how to most effectively organize the team to speed up Multiplayer’s development. Adding to that the fact that the U5 update is turning out to be a tremendous workload, we’ve got quite the busy schedule for the foreseeable future.

Ted (Ted): Ted is currently busy with exams. Good luck Ted!

Rogelio (Roger): Not so much, after having a really nice week with the european team, we’ve been doing some proposals for more shapeways models, we have to try many times because sometimes the wall thickness of the models doesn’t match the shapeways requirements, also I’ve been cleaning my file folders they were a mess.

Kasper (KasperVld): We’re getting back in our regular rhythm now. Personally I’m still recovering from the jetlag after an amazing week in Mexico. It’s been great catching up to what you guys have been doing while we were there, keep the fanart coming! However, there’s one thing that even after more than three years with the community I don’t quite understand yet: what is it with KSP and birthday cakes? Regardless, happy 30th birthday Clayton!

03-06-2015, 11:26
Buon giorno Kerbonati.

Volevo porre la questione delle prestazioni della 1.0.2.

Subisco dei drastici cali prestazionali con le navi più complesse, e volevo confrontarmi con voi.
Ho un "vecchio" pc da gioco, e considerando che sono pure sulla lunga via della sostituzione mi piacerebbe sapere dove porre l'accento per evitare questi spiacevoli rallentamenti.

Per un termine di raffronto la mia configurazione attuale è:
i7 920@3600 6GB Ram HD7950

03-06-2015, 11:41
non direi che il tuo pc è da sostituire, ma comunque (attualmente) contano molto processore e ram, tanta e veloce.

da quanto detto il passaggio a unity 5dovrebbe migliorare molto le prestazioni, ma bisogna vedere quanti mesi ci mettono per fare il passaggio...

personalmente con config in firma ci gioco piuttosto bene senza difficoltà, anche con vettori da 100+ pezzi, ovviamente non sparando tutto al max nei settaggi

03-06-2015, 12:33
Per un termine di raffronto la mia configurazione attuale è:
i7 920@3600 6GB Ram HD7950
Io ho un hardware inferiore al tuo (lo vedi in firma) e in fullHD con settaggi medio/alti, scatter terran a 0, e dettaglio terreno al minimo non ho problemi con navi da 200-250 pz (luci spente s'intende:D )

Poi dipende da cosa intendi per complesse, cioè quante parti, quando e dove precisamente hai dei cali.

03-06-2015, 13:09
non direi che il tuo pc è da sostituire, ma comunque (attualmente) contano molto processore e ram, tanta e veloce.

da quanto detto il passaggio a unity 5dovrebbe migliorare molto le prestazioni, ma bisogna vedere quanti mesi ci mettono per fare il passaggio...

personalmente con config in firma ci gioco piuttosto bene senza difficoltà, anche con vettori da 100+ pezzi, ovviamente non sparando tutto al max nei settaggi

Io ho un hardware inferiore al tuo (lo vedi in firma) e in fullHD con settaggi medio/alti, scatter terran a 0, e dettaglio terreno al minimo non ho problemi con navi da 200-250 pz (luci spente s'intende:D )

Poi dipende da cosa intendi per complesse, cioè quante parti, quando e dove precisamente hai dei cali.

La sostituzione del mio fidato compare di giochi è dovuta più che altro a suoi problemi intrinseci (penso che sia arrivato alla frutta) più che altro di scheda madre (slot pci-e che si sta dissaldando :eek: )

E in ogni caso, ho bisogno di pause ludiche diverse da KSP, che ritengo abbia all'interno un motore di ipnosi, o nella peggiore delle ipotesi, un simulatore di tunnel quantistico dannatamente efficiente nascosto nel codice, per fare un esempio spesso mi succede questo:
"ohhh... un'altra giornata del casso a lavoro è finita, sono le 19 e mi metto un oretta a lanciare roba in orbita... oops, sono già le una del mattino."

Quindi cambio il pc pure per giocare ad altro :D

Purtroppo in giro, non ho visto molti bench, sapevo che più ram ha più è contento, ma anche avere un indicazione di scalabilità sui core non sarebbe male...

03-06-2015, 14:03
Ksp con Unity 4 è mono core. Unity 5 porterà il multicore. Ed anche una versione a 64 bit funzionante.

22-06-2015, 21:50
KSP 1.0.3 now Available!


KSP version 1.0.3 is now live! This revision brings several much-needed bugfixes and improvements, as well as a few new parts.

Most importantly, this patch introduces a big revision to the thermal system for parts. The heat simulation has been greatly improved, heat from reentry is now handled in a totally new (and more accurate) way, and we've also added five new Radiator parts, so you can have much more control over how your ship deals with excess temperatures.

We've also fixed a significant amount of bugs. Here's the complete changelog:

===== v1.0.3 ======


* Added five new Radiator parts, three of which are deployable.

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

* Fixed a bug where using the reset button with an Asteroid loaded would break the Mun tutorial.
* Made part's internal highlighter much more efficient.
* Disabled flashing highlighter in temperature gauges. (fixes memory leak with temperature overlay)
* Fixed KSPUtil.PrintLatitude/Longitude giving wrong result for small negative values.
* Fix for horizontalSrfSpd being incorrectly calculated.
* Fixed unfortunate typo in the Docking Tutorial.
* Fixed an issue where moving the camera using a 3D mouse would break drag-and-dropping of parts in the editors.

* 1.0.3 features a revised thermal mechanic to better balance heating/cooling between pods and spaceplanes.
* Parts now have separate internal temperature and skin temperatures.
* Skin temperature is the temperature used for radiation and convection, as well as engine exhaust damage.
* Part internal temperature is increased by modules that generate heat and is used for part-part conduction.
* Part internal and skin temperature also conduct between each other.
* Solar panel efficiency is now calculated based on skin temperature.
* When in an atmosphere, there is a divide between the exposed (to convection) and unexposed skin temperatures.
* When not in an atmosphere, only one skin temperature is tracked; the two temperatures are unified on atmosphere exit.
* Radiative outflux and influx is tracked separately for exposed and unexposed areas of skin (since the shock temperature is much higher than ambient temperature).

* Added curve to control drag coefficient exponent to DCL and Physics.cs
* With lowered drag for sharply-tapered cubes, wing lift and wing drag lowered to match.
* Convection velocity exponent raised to 3.3 to increase reentry heat, as well as convection factor.
* Convection min area typo corrected.
* Newtonian convection kept pace with hypersonic convection.
* Drag curves modified to lower transonic hump.
* Wing curves modified to lower change in drag based on deflection.
* Calculation of exposed area for convection fixed, spaceplanes no longer get as extreme heat.
* Flight integrator: allow setting of newtonian density exponent (default 0.5) and use density or density^exponent whichever is greater.
* Broke radiation into two parts, you get the regular background temp on your face not exposed to reentry flux, and the very high reentry one for the area that is.
* Clamped convection correctly so you will never pass external temperature.
* Added a factor to simulate the switch from laminar to turbulent flow (in layman's terms, if you're going too fast too low, you get a massive boost to heating). That corrects so steep reentries are in fact deadlier than shallow ones.
* Added conduction-changer module to Mk1 and Mk1-2 pods (necessary to not kill chutes), buffed heat shields for new heat loads. Changed burn/rip numbers for drogue chutes.
* Parachute module updated to use the new convection code.
* Skin temperature variables are controllable on per-part basis.
* Sped up Flight Integrator slightly by minimizing repeated loops through parts.
* Better compute various vessel values This should lower phantom orbit changing and wobble!
* Remove thermal mass as a factor in conduction rate: what matters is area.
* Add conduction between parts' skins (as well as between the internals of parts, between a part's internals and its skin, and between the exposed and unexposed skin of a part, all of which were already in.)
* Fix some small issues in conduction (better clamping), sped it up slightly.
* Fixed issue with radiation (no longer have to use dirty hack to prevent parts blowing up).
* Lowered skin thickness slightly globally, made magic number sane (part.skinMassPerArea is now in kg/m^2).
* Added Hsp (resource thermal mass value) to Ore resource.

* Updated Mk1 Inline Cockpit model.
* Further decrease in LV-N heat production.
* Rebalance of SRB for the new drag changes.
* KR-2L description updated, mass to 9t, SL Isp to 255.
* Jet thrusts rebalanced for new drag (thrusts lowered, BJE curves altered). Jet Isp halved due to increased fuel quantity and lower drag.
* Lowered LV-N heat a bit, still a bit hot.
* Edited KS-25x4 "Mammoth" engine description.
* Update description of radial-mount engines to recommend use for extra attitude control.
* Mk1 fuel tank: uses same dry mass fraction and resource filling compared to its LFO counterpart as Mk2 parts do.
* Radial attachment point cost lowered.
* Shielded docking port radial attach node fixed.
* Aerospike mass lowered as a buff (it needed a buff to compete with late-tier engines) and tangents fixed.
* Heat shield thermal mass modifier increased to 0.05 to deal with increased heating. Max temp lowered to 3000 to avoid totally overpowered radiation heatloss.
* Mk3 cargo bays have override cubes (they got missed when cargo bays got custom cubes) - should now have expected drag.
* New large landing gear have override cubes (cubes were reversed).
* Mk3 parts have breaking forces/torques specified and should no longer break on landing.
* Mk2 cockpits have same breaking force/torque as other Mk2 parts.
* Ablator resource heat capacity increased.
* Rebalanced LV-1 to have Sea Level ISP of 80.
* Rebalanced Poodle to have Sea Level ISP of 90.
* To fix spaceplane vs pod reentry and better allow hot reentries, temp is separated between part internal temperature and part skin temperature.
* Fixed some occlusion issues. Occlusion is now over-generous rather than under-generous.
* Buffed heat resistance of spaceplane parts.
* Added in CoL and CoP offsets for wing parts, no longer at the attach node.
* Fix for ablator and configs not taking skin temp into account.
* Fixed Radian vs Lat/Lon bug in Overlay and made displays more consistent.
* Fixed potential exploits with sci lab.
* Removed transparency and added direct-attach node to heat shields.
* Balanced heat shields for skin temps. A Mk1-2 straight-in reentry to Eve starting at 6.5km/sec surface (more orbital) is just barely survivable (ablator fully depletes), and regular Eve and Kerbin Munar reentries deplete about 1/6 to 1/4 the shield.
* Added a tuning factor to conduction between parts with different shielded states, so a cargo/service bay won't conduct much to parts within it. Since radiation is disabled for parts within bays, they'd just increase in temperature with no way to cool during reentry, and parts in bays would be the first to blow up on reentry.
* Upped non-drogue chute default full-deploy altitude since pods were crashing before the chute fully opened.
* Upped non-drogue chutes' stress/thermal limits for deployment (safe speed is now around 290m/s at sea level rather than 250). Increased the time to fully deploy slightly so less of a G shock.
* Increased max temp of linear RCS, slightly decreased max temp of RCS quad.
* Tweaks to fairings to change the skin:internal thermal mass distribution, and better protect parts inside fairings and cargo bays.
* Not-Rockomax Micronode side stack nodes corrected.
* Parachutes now have deployment warnings in the Part Action menu, when it's safe to deploy etc.
* Halved intakeAir requirements for jets. Slightly raises service ceiling, mainly helps mitigate flameouts due to resource transfer issues.
* Balanced thermal mass of drogue chutes to correct max opening velocities.
* Attach node refinements on Wing Connector Type A and Structural Wing Type A.
* Removed drag from Intake context UI.

Modding API:
* flow multiplier curves can multiply thrust rather than flow.
* Added method to convert string to ConfigNode.
* Un-hardcoded altitude for navball velocity indicator to change modes.

* Heat animations for engine nacelles and 1.25m intakes.
* SR-71 style exhaust flame for TurboRamjet.
* Nose and tail cones heat animation.
* Fixed incorrect transparency on the letter P on the UKSA flag.

23-06-2015, 02:10
Salve a tutti! Anche io da qualche mesetto mi sto dilettando con Kerbal :)
Da una settimana circa ho cominciato a eseguire le prime manovre di rendezvous in orbita (alta) per assemblare una prima stazione spaziale.

http://s13.postimg.org/b6k74th1v/KSP_2015_06_23_02_12_21_52.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/b6k74th1v/)

Non ho mai avuto problemi di performance ma ora che la stazione è cresciuta gli FPS stanno scendendo velocemente e controllando in avvicinamento alla stazione e durante il docking di un nuovo modulo non vado oltre i 10-12 FPS.
Cos'è che mi fa da collo di bottiglia? L'FX6300@4700MHz o la R9 270X? Premetto che ho controllato e non ho ne problemi di temperature ne tantomeno CPU o GPU risultano saturate.

23-06-2015, 05:11
Semplicemente perchè il problema non è nulla di tutto ciò.
Il calo di fps è dato dal numero di parti che a occhio e croce si aggira sui 5-600 se non hai abusato degli struts.

KSP ha questo enorme difetto/limite: calcola la fisica di ogni singola parte. Capisci bene che quando le parti aumentano anche il carico di lavoro del motore del gioco diventa immane, da qui il calo di fps. Puoi provare ad abbassare le impostazioni grafiche ma non aspettarti nulla di che.

23-06-2015, 07:15
Non appena termineranno la migrazione a Unity 5.1 si dovrebbero vedere notevoli miglioramenti......

23-06-2015, 10:26
Grazie delle risposte. In effetti ho notato che abbassando le impostazioni grafiche la situazione praticamente restava immutata...
Comunque "poco male": con questo primo progetto ho voluto fare esperienza con il docking in orbita e l'assemblaggio della stazione, credo di studiare meglio la prossima e di comporla di soli 2 (massimo 3) moduli.
Attualmente come MOD uso solo la FASA: ce ne sono altre che avete provato e meritano di essere installate?

23-06-2015, 11:59
quelle che ormai uso come standard sono:

-Kerbal Engineer (irrinunciabile, non capisco perchè non la inseriscano nel gioco base come hanno fatto per molte altre)
-Remote Tech (aumenta la difficoltà ma aggiunge il comodissimo computer per programmare le manovre)

poi queste sono di aggiunta:
-Universal Storage
-Kerbal Inventory System
-DMagic Orbital Science

23-06-2015, 13:08
quelle che ormai uso come standard sono:

-Kerbal Engineer (irrinunciabile, non capisco perchè non la inseriscano nel gioco base come hanno fatto per molte altre)
-Remote Tech (aumenta la difficoltà ma aggiunge il comodissimo computer per programmare le manovre)

poi queste sono di aggiunta:
-Universal Storage
-Kerbal Inventory System
-DMagic Orbital Science


30-06-2015, 19:13
Introducing "Asteroid Day" - KSP's second official mod!
link (http://steamcommunity.com/games/220200/announcements/detail/800861423964724961)

22-07-2015, 12:25
Development Relay
by Ted
Published on 22nd July 2015 04:43


22-07-2015, 12:33
integrazione della remotetech :read: :winner:

anche se temo che aumenterà la difficoltà per i meno avvezzi...

speriamo integrino una sorta di tutorial, che contratti iniziali a parte è totalmente assente...

22-08-2015, 08:26
Anteprima della patch 1.1


22-08-2015, 12:49
Anteprima della patch 1.1


letto da steam, ottimo il framework per le traduzioni ma vista la mole di mod sicuramente lo continuerò in inglese ;)

27-08-2015, 00:07
Dall'ultimo Devlog su Unity 5

"After last week’s Squadcast there have been questions about how exactly multithreaded PhysX will work in Kerbal Space Program, One of the biggest improvements is that is optimized for multi-threaded processing. The short answer is, we aren’t sure how it’ll work exactly. The insides of PhysX are hardcoded deep under Unity’s hood, which means we have very little access to it from our end."


14-09-2015, 13:52
Comunicazione di servizio...

Passato da 6Gb a 12Gb di RAM (upgrade a prezzo modico), e KSP non va più in crash :D nemmeno con i progetti più complessi che ho in game.

Giusto per riportare una mia esperienza. :D

14-09-2015, 15:04
Comunicazione di servizio...

Passato da 6Gb a 12Gb di RAM (upgrade a prezzo modico), e KSP non va più in crash :D nemmeno con i progetti più complessi che ho in game.

Giusto per riportare una mia esperienza. :D

Si, lo hanno comunicato pure i Devs: https://mobile.twitter.com/maxmaps/status/637283934825349120

"Our record for the 64 bit version of KSP so far is 9 gigs of RAM usage with zero issues. Wonder how high we can go."

15-09-2015, 11:15
e io che continuo a giocarlo con 4GB di ram :eek: :D

09-11-2015, 21:10

Greetings, Kerbonauts!

It has been a while, longer than we anticipated in any case, but we're now here with a new update for Kerbal Space Program: version 1.0.5!

This update features content, bugfixes and rebalances that were part of the upcoming monster update 1.1, which will feature such things as multithreaded physics calculations and 64 bit support for Windows and OSX. That update is taking longer than anticipated, and we came to a point where a lot of content was ready to go through testing and be released on its own merits. With these parts ready we wanted to get them to you as fast as possible, and I think we have succeeded in a speedy delivery of this patch.

Here are some of the highlights in this patch:

-Contextual Contracts & Contract Changes
The contracts system has had a major overhaul with the goal of providing you with more varied and relevant contracts. In short, we’ve added contextual contracts and passive milestone rewards. Contextual contracts monitor your progress in the game and hook into existing existing spacecraft, whereas passive milestone rewards will reward more adventurous players for setting a world first without accepting the corresponding contracts. A new strategy in the Administration Building will boost these rewards.

-Thermodynamic improvements
Update 1.0.5 features many improvements to the thermodynamic systems. The thermodynamics system has been reworked to correct the various issues encountered in 1.0.4, and supports differential skin-internal temperatures and non-instant changes. We've also corrected some issues with the atmospheres of other celestial bodies, and better tuned re-entry and aerobraking across the board. Core heat was introduced, which allows for simulating things such as warm-up time & overheating without it being directly coupled to the part temperature.

-New buoyancy model
The water buoyancy has been completely reworked. Water is now less soupy and it's very possible to build seaplanes. The density of oceans differs across celestials bodies, invoking new gameplay challenges. The impact tolerances take into account just the speed of the craft, but also the angle at which it hits the water.

-New rocket and spaceplane parts
A wide selection of new parts is made available in this patch: from high-vectoring space shuttle main engines and a reskinned toroidal aerospike all the way to tiny and humongous jet engines and a cargo ramp for Mk.3 planes. We’ve also added new stock vehicles to the game to go with these new parts.

-Bugfixes & Tweaks
KSP 1.0.5 has many bugfixes: over 100 issues were fixed, including launch clamps following you to orbit, . And good news for anyone with a fine eye for detail: the black stripes on the NASA tanks now line up perfectly! There were of course plenty more bugs on the 'fixed list', but we refer you to our forums or the readme file for the complete list.

Click here (forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com) for the official release announcement. The update is now available on Steam.

09-11-2015, 21:28
Si, lo hanno comunicato pure i Devs: https://mobile.twitter.com/maxmaps/status/637283934825349120

"Our record for the 64 bit version of KSP so far is 9 gigs of RAM usage with zero issues. Wonder how high we can go."

Io ne ho 32 e mi va in crash comunque piuttosto spesso quando passo dall'editor al launchpad. :muro:

Ma non riescono proprio a renderlo un po più fluido? Mi pare assurdo che col PC in firma con navicelle complesse durante il lancio mi vada a 2fps, con CPU e GPU che lavorano al 20%. :muro: :muro:

Ma nonostante tutte le testate contro il muro che mi fa tirare, da 547 ore non riesco a staccarmi da KSP... :stordita:

P.S. Beh certo se continuo ad usare l'eseguibile a 32 bit tra avere 3gb od averne 128 non cambierà mai nulla... :asd:
Ma dove lo trovo l'eseguibile 64bit?? :confused:
P.P.S. Ah leggendo meglio con la 1.05 non c'è ancora, "multithreaded physics calculations and 64 bit support for Windows" arriveranno con la 1.1 ed allora si che dovrebbero vedersi dei miglioramenti sostanziosi! :sperem:

09-11-2015, 22:56
Pensate che il nuovo sistema fisico renderà piu' realistica la simulazione della turbolenza dell'arria, specialmente a bassa quota?
C'è qualche notizia in proposito?

11-11-2015, 10:41

video con le novità in breve dell'aggiornamento

a 6.06 :sbavvv:

27-03-2016, 05:39
Guardatevi questo vod dal canale ufficiale con la 1.1

Maroooo' navi che per via del rallentamento della fisica dovuto a tante parti ci mettevano 30 minuti ad andare in orbita adesso ci metteno 8/9 minuti.
Sembra quasi comico quanto sia smooth adesso. Il frame rate e' solido, potremo costruire rockets ancora piu' grossi e con piu' parti. Sembra di essere tornati alle prestazioni della build 0.90 se non anche meglio.;) ;)


29-03-2016, 23:19
Waiting for KSP 1.1


30-03-2016, 13:55
se volete provare in anteprima la 1.1 andate nelle proprietà del gioco dalla libreria di steam e selezionate l'anteprima dalla tab beta. sono circa 900MB da scaricare

magari lo sapete già, ma nel caso lo scrivo lo stesso

05-04-2016, 19:39
Scott Manley un paio di balle avete visto questo tizio? :eek: :eek: :eek:


19-04-2016, 22:11

1.1 uscita dalla beta e disponibile!

19-04-2016, 22:34

Hello everyone!

It feels like Christmas in April: after working on our major update for almost a year we’re ready to show you the fruits of our labor. Kerbal Space Program is “Turbo Charged” by the release of patch 1.1!

The update to Unity 5 means that the game’s performance has increased all-round, both on high end and low end machines you’ll notice the difference immediately. The game engine update also allows us to officially support 64 bit binaries for Windows and OSX, which will no doubt prove to be a huge boost to those of you who like to play with (many) mods.

Aside from the engine update we’ve taken the opportunity to rework our user interface, both to increase the game’s performance and to add many new details and small tweaks to improve your experience while playing the game. We’ve also added in a number of completely new features such as the KSPedia reference guide, rewrote our tutorials, added new scenarios and included a number of new parts for you to play around with.

The update is now available on the KSP Store, Steam and will soon be available on GOG and other third party resellers.

As with every release this thread will be used to bundle all general discussion about the new version so that the forums can continue to actively host threads on other topics as well. CLICK HERE for the official release announcement for Kerbal Space Program 1.1. Some of the highlights of the update are listed below, but you may find plenty more improvements and new content when you play the game.

The user interface has been rewritten from the ground up to take full advantage of Unity 5’s new integrated systems. The ‘parallel’ UI systems have been removed and the game now uses only one system, adding to the performance bonus the update already brings. Almost all interface elements have been redesigned and tweaked but have retained the familiar feel for experienced players. The most notable tweaks can be found in the map view, staging, IVA portraits and the right-click part menus.

Players can now search through parts by typing in text greatly reducing the time needed to find that one part needed to complete the rocket. The Tracking Station will inform the player of a craft’s next maneuver node time, helping players to maintain several active flights at any one time. The Space Center overview features buttons for all the buildings, making sure you don’t miss out on any part of the space program by overlooking mission control!

Additionally, more settings can now be tweaked in-game, rather than requiring you to edit configuration files.

KSPedia will be the primary source for information on just about anything in the game. New players will find the basics of building and flying explained here, and more experienced players can take in information about more advanced concepts such as docking, in-situ resource utilisation and all the information they need to plan a successful mission to the next planet or moon.

The tutorials have been extended and reworked from the ground up. The new tutorials will cover topics ranging from basic and advanced construction and flight, to docking and landing on Mun. Learn how to execute the perfect gravity turn, orbit Kerbin and land the Eagle.

Not only tutorials have been reworked: we’ve extended the available pool of scenarios as well, increasing it by 150%! Use a spaceplane to re-enter the atmosphere and land it back on the runway at the Kerbal Space Center, return a craft without heat shield from Duna, or beat SpaceX at their own game by flying back the first stage of a rocket to the launch pad. These new scenarios will unlock these advanced topics for any player!

Aside from the performance upgrades and the new features KSP 1.1 has had a big focus on fixing bugs. A record shattering number of more than 1000 issues (new and old) were fixed, including body lift on fairings, and wings exploding mid-flight after ghost collisions with parts of the Kerbal Space Center. A comprehensive list of bug fixes is included below.

* KSP now runs on Unity5, a massive upgrade from Unity4.

New UI:
* The game UI has been completely rebuilt from the ground up on Unity's new native UI system.
* All UI components and graphics have been improved or reworked to look and feel as they did before.
* Removed expensive render-texture driven rendering scheme from before, expect performance increases everywhere.
* The map view splines have been significantly overhauled, massively increasing performance on map view.
* Map View orbit splines now fade gradually towards the trailing side to indicate orbit direction.
* Completely revised MapView icons implementation for a much cleaner and faster solution that is much more expandable and robust.
* Added search field in Editors.
* Crew Portraits in flight scroll smoothly, allow tweaking how many are displayed at once, show extra crewmember info on hovering.
* Part Temperature gauges reworked and given new graphics.
* Fixed IVA atmosphere gauges to match the UI gauge.
* Fix altitude tumbler saturation when under physical warp.
* Fix negative funds/science, display bugs with strategies affecting costs.
* Action group cluster buttons (gear, lights, sas, rcs) disable with loss of control source (probe without EC, empty pod, etc).
* Landing gear button detects state of landing gear/legs during rollout (no gear or all gear up, and the light will be off).
* The tooltip on the EVA button is now much more verbose if there is a problem.
* Fix some bugs with building unlock abilities text.
* Fix craft thumbnail saving for special characters.
* Astronaut complex and editor action group part names now display the title, rather than the internal part ID.
* All ModuleResource entries now print the same way, offer additional flexibility there for printing (non-default units, SI prefixes).
* Auto-warp (eg, warp to point in orbit and warp to next morning) can be canceled via the GUI (warp triangles or next morning button).
* Date/time formatting is now in a replaceable interface and can be customized by mods.
* True anomaly is now always in radians.
* Tweakables get locked along with Events.
* Update community link in main menu to point directly to new forum.
* Sped up cheat menu delays, and made them autohide cheat menus if held down twice as long.
* Filter debug menu cheats by game mode.
* Part highlighting now respects F2 (hide UI).

* Enhanced ocean water surface shader in Kerbin, Eve and Laythe, greatly reduces visible tiling, and looks much more watery.
* Most parts have been upgraded to use Unity5's new PBR lighting model for more subtle, nuanced lighting.
* Editor interior lighting was redone for all interior scenes, using Unity's new lightmapping engine.
* Improved underwater FX tinting/fogging system.
* Moved underwater tinting into the atmosphere shader.
* Improved atmospheric halo/corona at low altitude thanks to blackrack/SkyToneMapper.

* Added Interior Overlay View mode, draws the interior spaces of a vessel on top of the normal external view.
* All IVA spaces revised and improved to look good in IVA Overlay mode.
* Masking geometry added to IVA spaces so they aren't visible from nonsensible angles or show backface geometry.
* Fixed incorrect sun light direction in IVA space.
* Added new IVA model for the Mk2 inline cockpit.

* Completely overhauled wheels, landing gears and landing legs with a new from-scratch modular implementation.
* Bespoke wheels physics, largely replaces PhysX's stock vehicle physics model.
* Greatly improved tire friction model and general handling.
* Wheel damage module/model which does not require damage meshes to work. All wheels (including landing gear) can now be damaged from overstress.
* Steering model features true Ackermann steering.
* Steering model is much smarter in relation to wheel placement on the vessel, requiring much less tinkering to line up steering on multiple wheels.
* Wheel Motor module drains resources in proportion to torque output, as opposed to the old fixed EC drain when driving.
* Wheel Motor module features automatic, tweakable, overrideable traction control.
* Wheel friction is also tweakable.
* Suspensions are smart and self-adaptive, tuning themselves to always be smooth and springy independently of vessel mass and weight distribution.
* New Extra-Large 6-wheeled landing gear.
* Fix Unity bug that prevents us from ignoring collisions between wheel colliders and parts on the same vessel by disabling wheels that are within a certain range of other parts on a vessel. Where this sphere is and how large it is are configurable in the settings file.
* Add clipping/blocking indicator to wheels.
* Added ability to toggle wheel suspension.
* Balanced spring, damper, and damage ratios for all gears, wheels, and legs.
* Use suspension displacement for true wheel load, rather than contact depth.
* Differentiate impact and deflection stress in wheel damage modules.
* Re-exported all wheels with proper collision layers that ignore their own housing colliders, and other wheels.
* Destroy wheels when not in use, recreate when necessary.
* Clip tips of landing legs when wheel colliders exist, to prevent them from hitting before the collider and blowing up the part.
* Added identifier to wheels, now that legs, gears, and wheels are all the same module.
* Fixed Unity 5 upgrade making our landing legs tiny.
* Reset wheel caliper when steering goes inoperative.
* Fix ground detection issues with wheels.
* Doubled bogey range of landing leg feat, to get them to properly line up with the ground.
* Added game event when wheels are repaired.
* Made wheel grounded state, and type persistent, so contracts could access landed states.
* Allow deployment standin colliders to work with our new collision manager.

New Stock Vessels:
- Jumping Flea
- AeroEquus
- ComSat Lx
- Kerbal 1
- Kerbal 1-5
- Orbiter One
- PT Series Munsplorer
- Science Jr.
- Bug-E Buggy Rover
- Crater Crawler Rover
- Prospector Rover

* All tutorials have either been updated for 1.1 or completely rewritten, and some new ones have been added. The flight and editor tutorials have been replaced by six new tutorials.
-Basic Construction/Getting Started covers the KSC itself and simple vessel construction.
-Basic Flight covers launching that vehicle on a simple flight.
-Intermediate Construction covers building a suborbital craft and adding science instruments, fuel, etc.
-Suborbital Flight covers flying that vessel, using science parts, and reentry.
-Advanced Construction covers building an orbit-capable craft, including tweakables, solar panels, batteries, multiple stages, different engine types, etc.
-Go For Orbit covers flying that craft to orbit (gravity turns, circularization, etc).
-Orbit 101 and Science Basics have been fixed to use 1.1-correct code and information.
-The Mun tutorials are replaced by three new Mun tutorials: one that covers
- trans-munar injection and Munar orbit insertion
- landing on the Mun (including reverse gravity turns)
- taking off from the Mun and returning to Kerbin (and how to EVA on another world).
- Docking and the two asteroid tutorials have been fixed to use 1.1-correct code and information.
- Disable saving and loading in tutorials.
- Can blacklist scenarios/tutorials from showing up by editing a public static list of filenames.
- Add a direction target and a position target for use in tuts and elsewhere.
- Fix an issue where the player could create saves that overwrite tutorials and scenarios.

* Added several new scenarios and upgraded the old ones.
- Land the Dynawing on the runway.
- Experience a fiery re-entry with the Dynawing from Kerbin orbit.
- Beat SpaceX at their own game by landing a flyback booster at the KSC, boat not included.
- Return from Duna in a very basic vessel (no heat shield!).
- Traverse the Mun with the Crater Crawler roving base.
- Enjoy the low gravity delights of Gilly.
- Aerobrake at Jool, then explore the Jool system.
- Look for ore on Eeloo.
- Top up your tanks at Minmus.
- Fly the new Aeris4A from Space Station 1.

* A new UI which features all-new content explaining every aspect of the game in depth.
- Access via AppLauncher button
- Tree of Screens down left
- Navigation buttons across top for Forward and Back

* Symmetry partner action groups now propagate when removing/replacing parts in the editor.
* Symmetric partners no longer get "lost" during build.
* Offset and rotation gizmos now work properly for radial symmetry forks.
* Fix improper symmetry propagation when building singular wings, then mirror attaching in SPH.
* Fix node/stack attach in editor to connect proper nodes (especially with thin parts and cargo bays).
* Editor now displays preference for surface attach first, then node/stack attach.
* Multiple changes for re-root tool. New text message and ability to re-root arbitrary part branches (merged, subassembly, and branches in stand-by).
* Editor now selects proper root for merged craft that have been re-rooted.
* Fix offset gizmo when using on parts attached to hollow parts such as cargo bays, service bays, and structural fuselages.
* Offset gizmo now allows slightly larger offset distance when holding Shift.
* WASDQE no longer corrupts rotations when using the offset tool.
* Parts rotated with rotate gizmo now properly maintain rotation when removed or copied.
* Make editor gizmo input locks matter.
* Make a public property for which action group is selected in the editor.
* Fixed a part highlighting issue when moving the mouse from child to parent part.
* Fixed an issue when copying ghosted parts and attaching them to the main ship.
* Engineer Report recognizes new wheels.
* Fixed part action group editor highlights disappearing at odd times.

Map View:
* Touched up the colors of all icons and orbits in map view.
* Warp To Next Day now functions in every scene, including the tracking station, and deals properly with inclination.
* Contract waypoints revised to run on Unity 5 canvases, and generally look more consistent with the other icons on the map.
* Saved vessels with maneuver nodes set in the future will now alternate between displaying their MET and the time until their next maneuver node in the tracking station.
* Fixed coordinate display to properly wrap around east/west.
* Split map control lock into two different ones (MAP_UI and MAP_TOGGLE).
* Changing camera angle and zoom no longer causes AN/DN lines to disappear (as much)
* Maneuver nodes can be placed on nearly any orbit patch.
* Targeting information is now available when on an escaping trajectory.
* Encounter information now accurately portrays the target's position at time of intercept when the target is on a flyby: the position markers will be in the correct SoI.
* Point at which celestial bodies' meshes are disabled is now tunable in plugins.
* Orbit line fading can be controlled in Settings.
* Conic patches when leaving an SoI are now correct.
* Many drunken relative mode patches fixed.
* Moving a maneuver node that has been set to a future orbit no longer loses track of the setting.
* "Warp to here" and maneuver node placement work on all patches prior to the first maneuver node, not just the patch on which the manuever node has been placed.
* Fix a bug where entering an SoI with an existing manuever node would not allow the above anyway.

Contracts and Milestones:
* Contract types are now weighted, this means as you accept a contract type, it will become more common over time, and appear more often in mission control. As you decline them, they will become less common.
* Satellite contracts no longer utilize waypoints to display node information. They use a regular orbit renderer, and animate the spline to show the direction of the orbit.
* Flybys for tourism contracts and flyby milestones now trigger properly on unfocused vessels.
* Science milestones and contracts now respond to lab and orbital surveyor transmissions.
* Contextual contracts that ask you to add an amount of something to a vessel now display the current amount that the vessel has.
* MiniISRU now counts as ISRU for contract requests.
* Station contracts no longer consider asteroids a vessel is docked to when deciding if it is "new".
* Contextual contracts no longer generate on active vessels.
* Manned vessels with no crew and unmanned vessels with no power do not generate contextual surveys.
* Part test parts are now also highlighted in the technology tree.
* The mobile base contract objective now actually checks if the base is sitting on motorized wheels.
* Fix some contextual contracts mis-identifying certain vessels.
* Add part test subject for new inflatable heat shield.
* Hide failure penalties on contracts that cannot be failed.
* Fix survey contracts displaying waypoints for cancelled contracts.
* Contracts recognize new wheels modules.
* Slightly reworded focused and contextual survey briefings for grammar and readability.
* Fix crew sensitive game progression not being applied in some cheats.

* Use absolute path for Physics.cfg, fixes some path-related bugs.
* Fix a bug with drag cubes and skinned mesh renderers.
* Resources take heat with them on transfer.
* Disable Aero FX when thermo debug colors is enabled.
* Support (correctly) making occlusion change convective coefficient not temperature.
* Fix sun-based temperature curves to properly deal with tilt (basing it off true anomaly) and vary with latitude.
* Make Eve's upper atmosphere slightly gentler.
* Tune engine exhaust heating.
* Rework blackbody glow slightly for more flexibility and less obvious glow.
* Speed up buoyancy calculations.
* Fix an issue with moment of inertia calculations thanks to the kOS and RemoteTech teams.

* Splashed vessels touching or with kerbals standing on them no longer warp to the ocean floor when loading.
* Debris that gets automatically cleaned up in the space center will now attempt to recover for funds, science, reputation, and crew. Free launch clamps!
* Extended range for switching vessels in-flight.
* Fix an issue with vessel destruction and vessel markers.
* Vessels within physics range of active vessel are no longer deleted during quickload.
* Fix for kerbals entering zombie state when crashing and/or ragdolling in external command seat.
* Refactor asteroid spawning to remove duplicate code, fire events.
* A vessel's root part overhanging the edge of the launchpad no longer causes the vessel to be forced into the pad.
* The root part's cached transform is now set correctly, fixing some issues with loading vessels.
* Vessel spawn dialog automatically selects "Auto-Saved Ship" when brought up.
* Vessel spawn dialog automatically tries to put a pilot in the first seat of a vessel.
* Fix vessel spawn dialog not properly sorting in some instances.
* Add Vessel.LandedInKSC in a centralized location.

* Integrated the Probodobodyne HECS2, Communotron HG-55, and OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels from the Asteroid Day official addon.
* Part search has been integrated with a new part tagging feature that lets part configuration files be tagged with arbitrary meta data.
* Every part in the game tagged with arbitrary meta data, to make them more easily searchable.
* Parts are autotagged with certain tags based on their physical characteristics, so even new parts and untagged modded parts are searchable to some extent.
* Launch clamps now use raycasts instead of collisions to determine where they are landed.
* Added toggle option action group for fuel cells.
* Move radial drogue parachute to Survivability, with the first heat shield.
* Tweak heat and aero stress resistance of drogue parachutes.
* Added flight control authority tweak (which also allows inverted control).
* Antenna now retain their state after transmitting (i.e. extended antenna stay extended).
* Fix a bug in parachutes that will not go from active to deployed if below deploy alt if they were not at semi-deploy pressure.
* Fix for guiActiveUncommanded being ignored when building part action windows.
* Airbrakes now properly retain their deployed state when rolling out or quickloading.
* Added callback support when changing a button on a part action window.
* Fix issue with the Twin Boar not providing roll control.
* Add warning to non-retractable solar panel descriptions that they can't.
* Fix bug with rescaleFactor of not 1.0 and MODEL nodes.
* IPartMassModifier now affects part mass as well as display. PartModules should not set mass directly.
* Added an inflatable heat shield. This combines excellent aerobraking with a reasonable level of thermal tolerance (though it is not ablative).
* Reaction Wheels can be set to respond to input from SAS Only, Pilot Only, or both.
* Added keybinding for part searching in the editor.
* Add ten part search algorithms, controlled by prefixing each tag with a symbol.
* Enable the EVA button on parts with noAutoEVA if they are single part vessels, like recovery craft.
* attachRules now have an 8th flag: allowRoot (defaults to 1). If it is 0, the part can neither be the first part placed, nor become the root part using the reroot tool.

Part Modules:
* Save/Load (and KSPField) support for VesselModules.
* Fix issues with ModuleRCS where some fields weren't hooked up right.
* Added staging toggle support to all our stageable modules.
* Support different portions of thrust per transform in ModuleEngines.
* Force a dragcube update when ModuleJettison jettisons.
* Correct typo in ModuleAnimateGeneric field names.
* Allow ModuleAblator to create a resource as it consumes the ablator (i.e. cracked ablator).
* Fix an issue with ModuleLight and symmetry.
* Default engines to working while shielded.
* Control surface actuation speed lerps now, like other speeds, instead of being displaced by a constant delta.
* Fix an issue with engines not properly saving throttle.
* Fix issue with engines disabling when below "sea level" on bodies with no ocean.
* Docking ports no longer become unusable if saved when acquiring, and automatically recover when loading from old saves.
* The grapple is more robust when grabbing the active vessel.
* Added an option to ModuleAnimateGeneric that allows animations to be disabled after a single execution in flight mode.
* You can now customize the menu name shown for ModuleDecouple.
* You can now customize the menu name for jettisoning a fairing.
* ModuleJettison now defaults to 'Jettison Shroud' for its menu name
* Fixed an issue in ModuleReactionWheel where EC was being drained when input was being received from the player even if SAS was off.
* Both deployable and non-deployable radiators have an option to activate/deactivate cooling (and corresponding EC consumption).
* Fixed a regression where static radiators were not respecting their parent/sibling cooling limitations.
* Gimbal reworked. Supports explicit +/-X, +/-Y ranges. Can enable/disable pitch, yaw, roll activation. Fix gimbal not working when an engine is activated rather than staged. Fix gimbal to use gimbal transform not part origin when computing inversing inputs.
* RCS and Gimbals can now have actuation toggled per axis.
* Engines and RCS now support thrust curves (based on percentage of propellant remaining).
* Fixed an issue with exhaust heating and non-full-physics parts.
* Fixed target speed running away when grappling onto a targeted vessel.
* Fixed easting coordinates not wrapping properly for ISRU instruments.
* Changed the method for deploying control surfaces. Mirror attached parts deploy mirrored, Radial attached parts deploy radially.
* Flight control deployment direction is no longer dependent on CoM, so they will not flip or jitter in-flight.
* Fixed a bug in FXAnimateThrottle and multiple animator components.
* Alternators default to not showing their resource bars, instead showing effective output rate.
* Fix bug when attempting to transmit more science while antenna animation is playing.
* Fix bug when attempting science experiment in incorrect locations causing the "run experiment" option to disappear.
* Fix bug with "Transmit Science" option disappearing when transmission aborts.
* UI_FloatEdit, UI_ScaleEdit and UI_ChooseOption field attributes (tweakables) added.
* All field UI controls now have an optional callback and can be made to not fire GameEvents.onEditorVesselModified event.

Science Labs:
* Vessels can now utilize multiple labs at once.
* Labs no longer duplicate science data.
* Labs with science can now be recovered for science.
* Lab button on experiment results dialog always shows if a lab is present, but greys out when it cannot be used.
* When a lab cannot be used, a very specific reason is shown in the lab button's tooltip.
* Lab button tooltip no longer shows just data amounts, but rather the total data, science you will get, and how long it will take to get it (based on current data load)
* Lab processing is now instantaneous
* Fixed a few lab errors that were displaying despite actions being successful.
* Science Labs now have 750 units of data storage to account for large return values from Eeloo

* Clamshell fairings, fixed fairing bugs. Thanks to xEvilReeperx for inspiration!
* Fix fairing center of lift placement.
* Fix infinite recursion state when attaching inverted fairings together
* Fix interstage fairings not connecting/closing nearby overlapping parts.
* Fix interstage "cannot activate while stowed" issue when decoupling with intact fairing.
* Fix fairing not wanting to close in the editor if the wall ever detected a collision.
* Increased fairing transparency in editor when fairing is in standby.
* Fix editor lockup when copying an interstage fairing.
* Fairings now use two collider systems.
* Fairing connection node can now be specified in the .cfg file.

Resources and ISRU:
* Fixed a bug where resource data was unavailable in the Tracking Center.
* Converted the Narrow Band Scanner to a Unity 5 UI.
* Drills should be less prone to shutdown due to physics hops.
* Fixed a drag cube issue with deployable drills that caused them to always be treated as if they were in their extended state.
* Fixed an issue where, upon load, radiators would be extremely hot due to core heat.
* Fixed a bug where resource data would be persisted when saves were changed without re-loading the game.
* Drills now respect InfiniteElectricity and InfinitePropellant cheats. Note that for resource converters, toggling infinitePropellant removes ALL input requirements. This is to better facilitate modder testing.
* Resources now have a volume field (in liters) that can be used by modders where volume calculations are required vs. mass.
* ModuleResourceConverter can now be configured to take inputs in mass (metric tons) vs. units.
* Condense infinite resource cheats into Infinite Propellant and Infinite Electricity.
* Drill action group names now consistent with right-click options.

Miscellaneous Improvements & Fixes:
* Added new Save Upgrading system, automatically upgrades save data from previous version formats into 1.1 and beyond.
- Added Wheel save data upgrade script
- Added part offset upgrade scripts for LT-1, LT-2 and SmallGearBay parts
* Comments can now be directly injected into the debug log.
* Added a new cheat to enable stock vessel usage in career mode saves
* KSP's logging now intercepts log calls from child threads as well. In addition, the log now includes basic information about what mod DLLs are loaded and what folders/files exist in the root of GameData.
* Cached the components of most animated kerbals, like EVA kerbals or the space center ground crew, much more efficient implementation.
* Many, many performance optimizations. Some thermal things are now cached in part or precalculated, gauges refactored, slight PQS improvement.
* ITorqueProvider interface to identify modules that create torque.
* Events for part resource flow state, amount state change.
* Add events for going to/from, saving/loading protovessel/crew/part/progressnode.
* Science experiments can have optional cooldown timers. They can be set to not work when shielded.
* Facility upgrades have more fields and methods exposed for modding.
* Fix an issue with ConfigNode.ParseVector2 not returning one.
* Fix so that all GameParameters are respected.
* Fix an issue with parsing ulong enums.
* Add a debug override to enable quicksaving even when not clear to save.
* Fix a bug with events that remove themselves (was killing docking and other things).
* Add event when vessel reference transform changes.
* Add type-based contains and get to PartModuleList.
* Fix light dimming/brightening rates to use proper .cfg values.
* Warp-to-morning fixed for inclined launch sites. Now warps to a specified time of day regardless of inclination/tilt.
* Fix mysterious bright spots on the terrain with certain vessels.
* Crawlerway and SPH now properly report their names when being crashed into.
* The auto-deletion of debris at KSC can be turned off (settings menu)
* Long saves (> 68 Earth years, 233 Kerbin years) no longer cause negative dates. The date is good for over 140Gyr (though other problems will manifest)
* Quick-loading via alt-F9 a save made in the space center now returns to the space center if the save is not too ancient (pre 0.24).
* Fix issue with certain airlock hatches not properly detecting obstructions.
* Fix an issue with settings.cfg not properly importing or updating from previous installs.
* Added a "Return to 1x time warp" keybinding, default is /
* Fix instances where kerbals could sometimes not plant flags after bounding on low-g worlds.
* Add Config Node Extensions and other nice parsing additions thanks to stupid_chris
* Allow crew respawn time to be configured globally and per part the crew dies in.
* Fix a serious issue with PPFX not properly disabling thanks to Agathorn.
* Added a rolling list of save backups for auto saves and quick saves. Defaults to five backups.
* Cached component calls in many areas of the game.
* Made onCollisionEnhancerHit an actual game event.
* Added Mouse.HoveredPart, and utilized it in many scenes to have a more consistent way to select parts without doing lots of performance intensive raycasts.
* Added utility to CameraManager to grab the current relevant camera regardless of mode and scene.
* Add HighLogic.CurrentGame.CurrenciesAvailable, which flags when all currency scenarios for the current mode are up.
* Max Experience cheat recognizes new UI elements.
* Slight optimizations to KerbalRoster.
* Added ability to cancel build of compound parts (struts and fuel lines) using Delete.
* Fixed "open/close" right-click actions for SciJr while on EVA.
* Added ability to open and close SciJr doors from the ship (to control thermal issues during reentry).
* Fixed issue with splashed vessels being deleted when entering physics range when using NBS.
* Fixed NaNs on hyperbolic solar trajectories.

27-04-2016, 13:02
Ho visto che c'è la traduzione in italiano non ufficiale, è fatta bene?

17-09-2016, 11:30
in arrivo la 1.2, per ora è disponibile come pre-release partecipando alla beta, sto provando...

qualche cambiamento di grafica, animazioni molto più fluide le prime cose che noto

24-09-2016, 19:05
Grazie per la segnalazione :)

11-10-2016, 23:26
Kerbal Space program 1.2: Loud and Clear


=== v1.2.0

+++Unity 5.4
* Engine change from 5.2 to 5.4.0p4

+++Libraries and Packages
* Implemented Text Mesh Pro, which basically vectorizes all of our fonts, making them look much better, especially at larger font sizes. Also has a lot of extra utility that we can leverage for various effects.
* Upgraded Vectrosity to latest version.
* Upgraded Vehicle Physics Pro to latest version.

+++Code cleanup
* Heavily reduced garbage generation caused by foreach loops, Linq usage, and various other things.
* Made sure that all of our singleton classes properly clean themselves up.
* Optimized KerbalEVA.
* Rewrote CrewManifest and related crew handling (roster, vessel crew list, etc).
* Optimized PartModules.
* Optimize latitude/longitude/altitude calls to often use a combined get-all method.
* Fix how some enumerator interfaces are declared in classes.
* Optimized waypoint site name generation to generate a lot less garbage with its string lists.
* Many part modules now cache parts instead of polling the entire vessel multiple times per frame.
* Revised how most forces and torques are applied (see note on this subject below in Moddability).
* Added DoubleCurve
* ScenarioModules now awake and load during game load and so are valid in modules' OnStart.
* Considerable work to Krakensbane and FloatingOrigin to improve precision and performance and lower garbage.
* Various ISRU fixes and performance improvements.
* Default KSPEvents and KSPActions to being nonpersistent in terms of state. This means all their fields won't be serialized/deserialized to and from the save game files.
* Now always use g0 = 9.80665 and G (big G) = 6.67408e-11 for gravitational constants.

+++Flow Overhaul
* Rewrote resource flow entirely. Now just four flow modes. Can set per-tank priority for all but AllVessel and NoFlow. Surface crossfeed for rocket engines as well as jets. Fixed priority issues. Much faster. PartResources no longer MonoBehaviours. Can set crossfeed per attach node. Electric Charge now uses STAGE_PRI so can be prioritized. Resource transfer in flight can be set to require valid crossfeed for those resources which obey crossfeed. With Advanced Tweakables on, can see flow graph in VAB/SPH (right-click on a part).

* Fixed SAS unlocking for all ships in physics range when maneuvering the ship in focus.
* The code for the older “Stability Assist” and somewhat newer “Pilot Steering” modes has been unified.
* SAS now dynamically adjusts for the vessel’s mass properties and available control authority.
* SAS uses a “stability decay” method to reduce oscillations (or twitching) when very near the target orientation.
* Pilot Steering modes now include a “coast” and “stop” mode when transitioning between steering points.

* WheelColliders are now properly handled by collision manager, and no longer require the wheel "blocking" workaround to clip into other parts.
* Fix hill "sticking" force overcompensating, resulting in a not so slow drift uphill when parked on one with wheels or legs.
* Wheel deployment modules now search along the animation timeline upon retraction for the time closest to where the wheel suspension is located, instead of starting from 100%. This fixes the hop when retracting landing legs.
* Added tweakable that allows player to specify whether his wheels deploy while shielded in a cargo bay.
* Fix landing legs being exported to the wrong collision layer.
* Wheel gravity is now properly handled in a standard manner, which should fix a good deal of instability.
* Fix EVA kerbals blowing up wheels on contact. They now go through them.
* Fixed landing legs teleporting from a semi-deployed state to a semi-retracted state when retracted.
* Wheel damage does not process damage for two seconds after a vessel loads, prevents spontaneous explosions.
* Suspension colliders are no longer disabled for 0.5 seconds upon retract, causing them to fall through the ground momenarily, blowing up your engines.
* Deployable landing gear and legs now have deployment sounds.

+++Communications Networks
* Additional functionality and gameplay components to the Antenna and Probe parts through a series of distinct but related mechanics. When CommNet is enabled, probes will require a connection back to Kerbin or to a control point to have full control, and crewed vessels lacking pilots will have slightly limited control without such a connection. Relays can extend the range of such connections and bounce signals around planets and moons that would otherwise occlude. Science transmission receives a bonus for high signal strength. New antenna parts allow building complex networks, which can be visualized in map view. See KSPedia for more details.

* Added KerbNet, which allows the player to see terrain under their satellite, and place custom waypoints with a targeting interface. Allows the player to see biomes and anomalies at higher levels. Scan field of view for KerbNet varies by part and smoothly changes between surface altitude and orbital altitude.
* KerbNet allows all probes and labs manned by a scientist to map as long as they have a communications network connection that eventually bounces to Kerbin.
* Gave KerbNet visibility modes to hide some of the interface around the map.
* Gave KerbNet auto-refresh settings to allow it to refresh without player intervention.
* Gave KerbNet enhanced mode, which activates on some vessels such as rovers to give them better sensors in certain situations.
* Add game option that allows KerbNet to either orient to the orbit normal, preventing flipping when passing over the poles, or to orient to north, which is less disorienting for some players.
* Many aspects of KerbNet given flavor and fluff. Scanning a sun results in yellow and white noise, scanning a gas giant is similar except hued based on that planet. Stars and scan static can appear in the background past the horizon of a scan.
* Resources can specify a scientific abbreviation. Utilized in KerbNet for the mode icon.

+++Debug Window
* Completely overhauled the debug window to utilize new Unity GUI.
* New debug console has syntax highlighting that highlights classes with persistent pastel colors if they bracket their names. [Bracket] your class names in debug logs modders.
* New debug console has command input support which is moddable, type /help for a full listing of commands, and what they do.
* Added new debug screen for creating kerbals with specific names, genders, skills, levels, and classes.
* Debug options for displaying errors/exceptions as screen messages.
* Added set orbit debug cheat screen.
* Added rendezvous controls to set orbit debug cheat screen.

* All anomalies (ObT, mean anomaly, eccentric anomaly, true anomaly) are now consistently negative when approaching the periapsis for both elliptical and hyperbolic trajectories (previously, only hyperbolic trajectories used negative anomalies). This means that eccentric anomaly and true anomaly are now in the range -pi..pi instead of 0..2pi for elliptical trajectories.
* Reference frames instead of quaternions are used for calculating orbital position and velocity, leading to increased speed when rendering patched conics.
* Improved precision in orbit calculations.
* Rewrote orbit targeting / closest approach finding.
* Fixed issues where objects jump when going on and off rails.
* Fix target orientation markers when the target is on rails.
* Refactored such that orbital position and velocity and vessel position and velocity are correct for the FixedUpdate cycle.
* Made target relative velocity work for celestial bodies.
* Trajectories that re-encounter a body just escaped are now detected.
* Trajectories that encounter two bodies now correctly show the first encounter even if it is further out (eg, Mun stealing a Minmus encounter).
* Elliptical encounter trajectories no longer flicker.
* Conic patch settings (draw mode and limit) are now exposed in the Video Settings.
* Added game option for legacy orbit targeting.
* Map node labels space themselves out nicely when cluttered.
* Targeting info for moons in other SoIs now works.

* Contracts are now also weighted by celestial body, so if the player starts declining contracts to Jool, they will see them less often.
* Contracts now keep track of if they have been viewed. There are three states: unseen, seen but not clicked, and clicked and read.
* Contract weighting now applies negative weight if a contract has been viewed when it expires.
* Exploration contracts now always appear in Mission Control if there is not one currently available.
* Explore contracts overhauled, they now utilize the same logic World Firsts used to use to select a "package" of related objectives. They can appear multiple times per planet now, and should have a much more logical progression than they used to.
* Exploration contract progression slowed slightly, now requires science on a planet before allowing a fly by of the next one. Also, in the early game, return from orbit and return from fly by are required before advancing on the Muns of the homeworld.
* Removed old single objective World First contracts, other than the initial four.
* Waypoint captions for survey contracts now state the altitude band of each waypoint.
* Fix contract orbits not cleaning up properly when their contracts are cancelled as opposed to completed.
* Grand tour contracts now require a new vessel to complete, so they cannot be cheesed by keeping one around that has seen every planet.
* Fix contextual surveys not properly bouncing the navigation waypoint.
* Asteroid recovery objective reworded and given a note for clarity.
* Asteroid side objectives in facility construction contracts will now not appear unless the same requirements for asteroid recovery contracts to appear are met.
* Crew transfer progress tracking objective reworded to make it clear that it does not need to utilize existing crew.
* Reworded objective to hold above a waypoint in stationary orbit contracts for clarity.
* If Kerbal G limits are enabled, tourists can either require going unconscious or require not going unconscious during the trip. Check the parameter details!
* Adjusted Exploration contract flavor text to work better in multi-objective scenarios.

* Biomes for many bodies have been redesigned for clarity, beauty, and utility. And we've hidden a few extra surprises around as well!

+++Easter Eggs
* Added hidden fun stuff to almost every planet.
* Mohole given an empty PQSCity, which allows it to appear in KerbNet.
* Gave many easter eggs colliders.
* Fix Duna's SSTV not playing.
* Unburied Duna's MSL.

+++Other Work
* Advanced Tweakables option in Gameplay Settings. With it off, some advanced features are hidden. Defaults off.
* Autostrutting available for all parts (AT).
* Autostruts can be gated behind a technology in career and science mode defined in Physics.cfg, by default it is the same technology regular struts are on.
* Add grandparent mode to auto-struts.
* Parachutes can have automatic holding of deployment until safe (AT).
* Actuation toggles now affect symmetry counterparts in editor (some other RCS/gimbal bits do too). Also hidden under Advanced Tweakables (AT).
* Utilize HSV color space in more locations.
* Quadrupled the amount of loading screen messages. You know, the important stuff.
* Loads of new options in the difficulty settings.
* Science data can be transferred by the part-part transfer mechanic (for certain probe cores).
* Added physics easing for when landed/splashed vessels come off rails.
* Certain probe cores (and the new science container part) can transfer data with no EVA required.
* There is an additional drag curve whose function is to raise drag coefficient to a power based on the mach number. This leads to blunter things having (relatively) more drag supersonic than they did and pointier things having (relatively) less than they did. Pods will slow down better on steep reentries and planes will produce drag in better proportion to how streamlined they are (less overpowered airplane drag).
* Fairings now include support for placing multiple payloads in them (and showing trusses for said payloads).
* Tourist contracts work better with the Kerbal Gee Tolerance option.
* Add a small negative contract weight for contracts that are read but not accepted.
* Existing resource narrow band scanner ported to KerbNet interface, allowing it to zoom, among other things.
* Removed biome readout information and flag rendering on narrow band scanner.
* Added ellipsis to many text labels and fields, to prevent overflow while looking nice.
* Input keys in the settings screen automatically expand with screen resolution.
* Default parachute deployment mode set to "when safe" - players everywhere rejoice.
* All tooltips cooked to a nice golden color.
* Added Viewmatic Survey Satellite stock relay craft.
* Added /b4d455 command, which starts a game off with basically everything.
* Background ambiance in the space center scene now fades smoothly between birds by day and crickets by night.
* Background ambiance in the space center scene now fades out when at max time warp.
* Background ambiance in general no longer always starts at zero, it randomly seeks when the scene loads. Hence, loading a game no longer immediately plays the exact same bird trill.
* Most stock planes given a look over based on player feedback.
* Added editor part categories for ground, electrical, communication, thermal, payload, and coupling parts.
* Screen message text given much higher visibility.
* Facilities in the space center now have verbose context menus in sandbox mode, allowing you to see their upgrades. They always show the maximum level of upgrades.
* "Require Complete" on antennae is now persistent and its state is saved.
* Added community contest winner kerbal and unique waypoint names.
* Camera can now be pointed at parts, not just vessel center of mass.
* Added Plane and Relay vessel types/icons.
* Airbrakes now have deployment limits.
* Rebalance fairing panel mass downwards slightly.
* Difficulty options for limiting part pressure and G-force tolerance.
* Difficulty option for kerbal G-force tolerance. Kerbals go unconscious if their tolerance is exceeded.
* Slight performance tweaks to some early 1.25m engines.
* Swap around some early science parts in the tech tree.
* Redid Eve's atmospheric pressure curve to smooth it out and remove errors. Eve's atmosphere thins out much faster now, so the high atmosphere is thinner. Also tweaked Jool's atmosphere so it rapidly goes from 15 atmospheres to 50 in the last few kilometers to achieve crushing pressures.
* Can right-click on icons in the staging list to trigger the Part Action Window.
* Support Rigid Attachment (non-bendy) option for part joints in cfg and in the PAW.
* Added an "Action Groups Always Allowed" advanced difficulty option.
* Add 0.625m heat shield.
* Lift from capsules and heat shields better handled to make lifting reentries better (easier).
* Restructured in-flight pause menu to better show all options.
* Don't lock all controls when using Warp To, only some.
* Fix terrain vanishing at 1000m depth.
* Allow targeting of close vessels by double-clicking.
* Angle the canopies of parachutes in symmetry away from each other.
* Resource transfer rate when transferring between parts now based on ingame time (taking warp into account) not realtime.
* Fix issues with TR-2L stats.
* Show tooltips on kerbal portraits.
* Fix scientist skill text.
* Fix issue with ladders not being re-grab-able if you board a seat, retract a ladder, leave the seat, then extend the ladder.
* Update maneuver node patches (for targeting) when the vessel target changes.
* The runway lights now follow the day/night cycle.
* Moved a low tech wheel to a lower tech tier.
* Moved an atmospheric sensor down to the science tech branch.

+++Misc Fixes and Changes
* Fixed issue where disabled RCS would enable during staging. Mods need to set stagingEnabled=False in their ModuleRCS blocks (unless they want staging on).
* Catch exceptions during part loading so the loading process doesn't come to a halt.
* Fix some issues with decouple modules, allow specifying the ejection force vector.
* Try/catch the other PartModule update loops so one bad module doesn't interrupt others.
* Don't try to set constant KSPFields.
* Null check when getting resource mass on unloaded vessels with removed resources.
* Remove some debug spam when querying Science Subjects by ID.
* Fix Resource Display to show all resources correctly.
* Improve launch clamp stability on revert.
* Fix an issue with ModuleTripLogger not applying to kerbals in non-root parts.
* Ablative shields with Ablator tweaked down in the VAB no longer show up pre-scorched in flight.
* Ablative shields no longer show solid black when reaching zero ablator.
* Fix serious regression with flow multipliers in ModuleEnginesFX.
* Fix a wrong rotation in Moment of Intertia calculations.
* Correct stock temperature gauges to use gauge threshold.
* Fixed currency symbols not displaying properly when UI scale is changed by using inline Text Mesh Pro sprites.
* Probe cores now have a hibernate feature which offers only partial control when activated but draws much less electricity. Can be set to automatically hibernate in warp (advanced tweakable).
* Added a game setting for default throttle (rather than keeping it in Physics.cfg).
* Fix bug where space center view can be messed up on loading a save from the main menu if the game was switched away from during load (old workaround was clear the input locks).
* Renamed Science Tech to Scanning Tech since that's what it's for.
* Fixed where CoPOffset and CoLOffset had CoMOffset added to them during application.
* Fixed where an exception during loading of parts would stop the game loading.
* IVA navball works like normal navball (vectors hidden when velocity is too small, radial and normal cues show only in Orbit mode).
* Fix an issue where prop requirement met (on engine menus) was not being intuitively correct. See note in Moddability, below, for how to update jet parts.
* Fix kerbals sliding on ladders.
* For EVA kerbals, 'SAS' light shows whether the kerbal will reorient when a translate key is pressed (as set in Input Settings). T toggles this behavior when in EVA mode.
* Several dialogs (such as quicksave) now accept Escape and Enter keys for dismissing or accepting contents. Science reports accept Tab to cycle messages.
* Quicksave and Quickload hotkeys (F5/F9) work in KSC view.
* The VAB/SPH part search tool now clears when pressing Escape.
* Crossfeed toggle module can now require a technology researched to enable itself. Radial decouplers now cannot toggle crossfeed until Fuel Systems.
* Fixed loader info in saves to not contaminate a stock save if you load a modded save while playing pure stock.
* Can toggle whether navball hides going into map view.
* Can now use antenna's Start Transmission action in control groups.
* Added ability to register credit for Kerbal experience gains in the MPL
* When a Kerbal plants a flag, credit is given to all landed/splashed Kerbals in physics range. Prevents the need to have flag-planting parties with large crews.
* Made celestial bodies rotate in the R&D archives again
* Updated in flight Pause Menu to include Load, Save and Exit options
* Updated in flight quickloads to show more detailed load dialog
* Fix CBAttributeMapSO (biome detection) to use only nearby biomes as candidates, not all biomes.
* Fix for vessels not retaining targets on quickload
* Fix for targeting hanging up in limbo state when reverting to launch
* Fix for losing targeting when switching vessels (such as when docking)
* Targeting properly restores for individual parts (i.e. docking ports) during quickload and vessel switching
* Fix for Tracking station list deselcting active vessel on list changes
* Fix for Map filter hiding the current and/or targetted vessel
* Fix an issue with stars fading in/out instantly.
* Add lift and drag displays back to wings/control surfaces.
* Fix some EVA state issues not updating correctly, leading to kerbals getting stuck 'floating'.
* Retractable landing gear produce less drag than they used to when retracted and much more when extended.
* Enable staging toggling on fairings.
* Fix ModuleSAS in standalone mode using real time not game time for resource requests.
* Properly format facility name in editor exit dialog.
* Stopping near things no longer keeps EVA interaction messages open in map.
* Corrected usage of the word "topology" in ScienceDefs.
* Settings screen does not actually set the resolution unless the resolution actually changes.
* Mark 2 docking port given the same tooltips as other docking ports.
* World First speed, distance, and altitude records can no longer be set while in a prelaunch state.
* Fix engineer report entries not updating when their icons change.
* Fix Skywinder stock vessel having no description.
* Fix typos in stock "SatelliteLauncher" craft file.
* Fix early game progression cheat not unlocking the science progress node.
* Manufacturer added to mystery goo.
* Part search now splits search terms on dashes, fixing searches for several engine designations, and things like "Convert-O-Tron".
* Version text made more visible in experimental builds.
* Using curly braces in a vessel name no longer obliterates the universe.
* Resource scanners now show "0%" rather than "Unknown" if the area is known, but the resource abundance is super low.
* Remove roll torque on docking ports (by default).
* Fix pod lights not being in Lights action group by default.
* Fix some zeroed attachment vectors on parts leading to log spam.
* Fix drag from struts and fuel lines.
* Vessel G-force is now reported correctly when on rails.
* Fix issue with ModuleDeployablePart (and solar panels, which derive from it) always reporting multiple drag cubes even when the animation isn't the panel's and it doesn't track the sun.
* Fix long-standing bug with FlightLogger not logging Gs right.
* Fix missing manufacturer for Mystery Goo.
* Ion engine now has resource bars, and will leave a tiny bit of EC remaining when drawing EC so the vessel can still be controlled.
* Fix issue with ladder tests in Engineer's Report.
* Fix explosions moving with vessel.
* Fix issue with command seat and docking port joints.
* Fix vessel counts in vessel type filters.
* Fix shielded docking ports to not be stageable.
* Fix issue where parts would play their staging FX on load, not just on staging.
* Fix an issue with zero drag area breaking physics.
* Deactivate Lab if it is activated and no scientists are present.
* Improve stars' fade-in-fade-out during dawn and dusk.
* Fix issue where loading an unloaded vessel with a converter will lead to it not processing all ore.
* Default to not logging (to flight logger or to the log file) when engine exhaust heats a part.
* Show negative funds and negative altitudes (depth) by turning the widget red.
* Fix issue with screen rotating when KSP is not the active application.
* Ignore launch clamps when getting craft size for facility checks.
* Fix CoP/CoL on two fins being off.
* When finding first vessel control source, require crewed parts to also have the command module on them before they are valid candidates.
* IVA radar altitude gauge shows height from seabed when underwater.
* Fix initial rotation of LT-1 and LT-2 landing legs.
* Don't allow docking port shields to be closed while docked.
* RCS thrust forces array properly zeroed when RCS is not firing.
* Fix Offset Gizmo issue for surface mounted parts with colliders that don't cover the entire visual model (like the LY-01). They will no longer jump when an offset is attempted.
* Fix vessels/kerbals landed on other vessels teleporting to the ground on load.
* Fix issue with a kerbal targeting a vessel and boarding it leading to maneuver node functionality being broken.
* Fix wrong vessel being made dominant during docking if the docking is so fast as to skip the acquire phase.
* Fix Aero FX being improperly applied to some explosion FX causing square particles and slowdown.
* Fix planet orbits sometimes not responding to clicks (or responding when clicked off-orbit).
* Empty science containers (or containers with limited capacity) may show experiment count/capacity.
* Fix problems with sliding maneuver nodes.
* Fix landing legs exploding when landing on Gilly.
* Fix handling of mouse interaction with solar escape trajectories (for maneuver node placement).
* Fix bad things happening when quickloading while warping.
* Fix IVA overlay button not always responding.
* Fix offset target markers when more than 200m away.
* Tweaks to wheel autoboost to help with wheels.
* Increased allowable gizmo offset when holding SHIFT.
* Fix bug when transferring fuel from an empty to an empty tank (causing the universe to come unglued).
* Added highlighter brightness factor to game settings.
* Added settingsload and settingssave commands to debug console.
* Added highlighter colors to settings.cfg so they can be edited as well.
* Added in flight UI for highlighter setting.
* Add Mouselook mapping to settings screen.
* Add shielding status to parts.
* Add Lights to MPL.
* Fix occlusion shielding radius values for Cargo Bays.
* Add version stamps to save files for version save created in and version last saved in.
* Fix issue with WarpTo orbit jumping.
* Add "Always show closest approach for target" markers option.
* Fix AppLauncher not having global scale applied.

API Docs: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/index.html
* Added FlightGlobals.VesselsLoaded and FlightGlobals.VesselsUnloaded which lets us iterate over a specific portion of Vessels without checking the entire list.
* Added onVesselPartCountChanged event, fires any time a part is added or removed, the moment it happens, unlike onVesselModified.
* Added onVesselStandardModification event, collects various vessel events and fires them off with a single one. (onVesselPartCountChanged, onVesselModified, docked, undocked, et al)
* Added onScreenResolutionModified event, fires when the screen resolution is modified.
* Added many accessors/setters.
* Vessel control level can be clamped to a field in Vessel (so can be restricted to Partial even if otherwise would be Full).
* GetModuleMass/Cost methods can now be passed the situation.
* Fix where kerbal mass (if set to nonzero) was not applied in the editor.
* Added two new dictionary-related classes (DictionaryValueList and ListDictionary).
* Celestial bodies now cache all of their PQS Cities.
* All game root nodes now generate a random persistent seed, which is different from game to game.
* All forces on valid parts except wheel forces are now done via Part.AddForce/Torque/AddForceAtPosition. Note that the forcemode used is Force; to use a different forcemode, convert the force to the correct amount. It is the job of the Flight Integrator to then apply all these forces to actual rigidbodies (rather than all the disparate modules' job).
* Use mass-weighted average angular velocity of parts for vessel angular velocity.
* ITorqueProvider now reports two Vector3s, positive torque (that produced by control actuation 1,1,1) and negative torque (that produced by -1,-1,-1).
* Added various accessors.
* Node definitions can take an extra digit after size, either 0 or 1: that sets whether the node can crossfeed. Defaults to 1 (yes). NODE definitions can take crossfeed = True/False
* ModuleEngines now supports `clampPropReceived = True`. This will clamp the ratio of propellant requested based on prior results, so if IntakeAir is listed first and less than the full requirement is returned, it will request only that ratio of further propellants. In this case the "Prop Req Met" display will show the minimum requirement-met ratio rather than the average. Engines that use IntakeAir (or other cases like that) need to have `clampPropReceived = True` in each of their MODULEs that do that, and need to have that PROPELLANT first and the other PROPELLANTs later. See stock jet cfgs for examples.
* Added another crew transfer event.
* Added more startup options for KSPAddon
* Allow kerbals to have/save/load arbitrary experience points.
* ResearchAndDevelopment.GetTechnologyTitle(string id) will convert a tech ID to a tech title and is available as soon as parts start loading (can be used in GetInfo() ).
* Support max pressure (dynamic + static), `maxPressure`, and max G, `gTolerance`, for parts.
* Added system to allow mods to add custom difficulty settings.
* Added CelestialBody.hasSurface so mods that add a PQSController to gas giant don't cause silly things such as "Plant a flag on Jool" contracts.
* Replaced all checks for experience traits (Pilot, Scientist, Engineer) with individual experience effects. They are now loaded before part loading so can be queried in GetInfo().
* Icons in TechTree.cfg can now use a relative path (allows mod icons to live outside the Squad directory).
* Added KSPAssemblyDependencyEqualMajor as an attribute. Use instead of KSPAssemblyDependency if you want to force requiring the stated major version, not >= the major version, from your dependency.
* If you are setting a vessel's position and/or changing its orbit, call Vessel.IgnoreGForces(framecount) on the vessel for the number of frames that g forces should be ignored (try 1, then 2 if that doesn't work, etc).
* ModuleDeployablePart (covers antennas, solars, radiators) also has a gResistance (for Gs) as well as windResistance (for Q).
* Crew transfer now derives from a generic abstract PartItemTransfer class. Classes can derive from it to implement any kind of (crew transfer-style) part-part transfer. Also we fire an event right before a crew transfer is created so mods can just kill it and easily create their own CrewTransfer-derived class and have that be called on that event.
* Extended ModuleScienceContainer to allow sending and, (from ModuleScienceExperiment) receiving, experiment data. Also added support for a Collect All option to such containers.
* ModuleColorChanger supports changing arbitrary shader colors and implements IScalarModule. ModuleAnimationSetter works similarly and is used to more directly link an animation to being set by IScalarModule.
* PartModules now support upgrades. In a MODULE node, add an UPGRADE node. Inside that add one node per techID you wish to provide upgrades, in ascending order. Inside that place keys and nodes you wish to upgrade. e.g. `UPGRADES { basicRocketry { maxThrust = 250 } }` will change maxThrust to 250 once basicRocketry unlocks. Upgrades will never override persistent data. Further, by default they overwrite each other; to make a node apply on a clean slate (so you can, say, add two PROPELLANT nodes and not have them conflict due to the overwrite logic) set `IsExclusiveUpgrade__ = True` in the upgrade's node. That will clear the upgrade state and apply that upgrade fresh. Upgrades are applied only when you add a part to a craft in the VAB/SPH, they don't magically apply in flight. When a part on a craft is upgraded, a new option will appear in the PAW (when in VAB/SPH) where you can view the current stats of all those modules with upgrades.
* ModuleEngines now supports alternate (RealFuels-style) throttling and rates.
* ModuleEngines now supports throttle-Isp interactions. Turn on with useThrottleIspCurve = True and set the throttleIspCurve and throttleIspCurveAtmStrength curves. Final Isp = input Isp * Lerp(1, throttleIspCurve.Eval(throttle state), throttleIspCurveAtmStrength.Eval(atms of pressure))
* Support part upgrades, see docs.
* Added events dealing with kerbals going on/off ladders on parts and added a new vessel field for accessing the vessel of the part of the ladder the kerbal is climbing (if all of those are valid).
* CelestialBody now has thermo/atmo stats methods so FlightIntegrator's temperature calcs can be called from anywhere / any mod.
* Events that throw an exception now print the full stack trace.
* PartModuleUtil.PrintResourceSI() is now just KSPUtil.PrintSI().
* Add ModuleDragAreaModifier with field areaFactor. Note: this will also affect buoyancy and thermo.
* Added ModuleHeatEffects and FXModuleThrottleEffects which can take any number of IScalarModules and are set by skin temp and throttle respectively.
* AvailablePart.entryCost is now get-only and calls a static delegate so they can be
* FindEngineNearby and FindEngineInterface are now PartModuleList methods instead of being duplicates in FXModuleAnimateThrottle and ModuleAlternator.
* Many KerbalEVA, Kerbal, and KerbalExpressionSystem methods made virtual, and kerbal spawning in ProtoCrewMember and EVA spawning in FlightEVA made delegates.
* Added IContractObjectiveModule, which allows mods to specify valid parts for contract objectives, rather than it being configuration based.
* Waypoint captions on the map are now moddable.
* Added game events for CommNet status changes both for the connection in general and the connection to KSC.
* Added game event that fires when PQS starts, just before the sphere is started.
* Added game event that fires when PQSCities start.
* Added game event for orbital resource survey completion.
* Added game event for vessel control state changing.
* Orbit now has a constructor that clones another orbit.
* Vessel now has a method to kill all parts in permanent ground contact (eg: launch clamps).
* Added ModuleGenerator.isGroundFixture for launch clamps.
* The "escape" progress milestone now uses standard World First award methods, which allows it to be disabled by mods properly.
* Icon_Hidden tag now hides all children of the transform so tagged.
* Add requiresFullControl to events, actions, and UI controls. If false, will work normally in full and partial control and refuse to work only with no control. If true, will work only with full control.
* AssemblyLoader ignores abstract classes.
* Support symbols in the font.
* Made Kerbals and EVA kerbals more moddable. EVAs and the flag now have partial part cfgs which can be modded. All Kerbal and KerbalEVA methods are virtual and the FSM is opened up. New hooks added.
* Made vessel load/unload/pack/unpack ranges changeable in Physics.cfg.
* Support adding options to the game difficulty screen.
* Vessel now has radarAltitude. Use it for min(altitude, heightFromTerrain)
* add PartModule.OnIconCreate which runs just before the partmodule is stripped from the icon gameobject when the editor part icon is being created.
* Particle systems can be registered with FloatingOrigin for handling origin/krakensbane offsetting natively.
* ProtoPartResourceSnapshot no longer relies on strings, and its resourceValues node is now inaccessible. Instead, directly get / set the amount/maxAmount/flowState.
* PartModules now come with a resHandler object (of type ModuleResourceHandler) for handling ModuleResource / RESOURCE nodes, so code need not be duplicated.
* When a landed vessel goes off rails and is detected to be landed on parts, not the ground, it is offset up slightly, controlled by one static Vessel field HeightFromPartOffsetGlobal (default 0.5 meters) and one instance field heightFromPartOffsetLocal (default 0 meters). The vessel is offset upwards the sum of those two fields.
* Fix OnVesselSwitching always sending a null reference, add OnVesselSwitchingUnloaded.
* Allow reference to Kerbal's animator cache and renderer cache.
* Add map toggle interface for mods.
* OrbitTargeter opened up, delegate added for creating the on-click context menus so they can be modded.
* Add delegates so KB apps can be modded.
* Add currency-agnostic CanAfford method.
* Add many more options to ModuleLiftingSurface and for customizing body lift.
* ModuleAnimateGeneric now supports defaultActionGroup.
* ConfigNode now formats float and double values such that no data is lost.
* ConfigNode AddValue/SetValue now support most types.
* Flag decals in IVAs (InternalFlagDecal module)
* Add Crew counts to Vessels

12-10-2016, 09:30
Ostia che implementazione!

Variazioni prestazionali dal passaggio di versione dell'engine?

Continuo a notare dei problemi con i modelli poligonali più complessi.
Più che altro noto che in caso di una grossa complessità dei veicoli, la scheda video non switcha su frequenze piene da renedering 3d, ma si siede come se stesse elaborando in 2d.
Con conseguenti crolli di frame rate.

Stesse esperienze?

12-10-2016, 12:27
Ostia che implementazione!

Variazioni prestazionali dal passaggio di versione dell'engine?

Continuo a notare dei problemi con i modelli poligonali più complessi.
Più che altro noto che in caso di una grossa complessità dei veicoli, la scheda video non switcha su frequenze piene da renedering 3d, ma si siede come se stesse elaborando in 2d.
Con conseguenti crolli di frame rate.

Stesse esperienze?
Ho caricato un vecchio salvataggio, in cui tentavo di attraccare ad una base orbitante composta da molti moduli, con una navicella anch'essa complessa (ci avevo mollato perchè scattava talmente tanto da rendere la manovra impossibile...)
Ora invece pare fluidissimo! Finalmente hanno imparato a sfruttare il multi thread... :)

Ora aspetto che rilascino Mechjeb per la 1.2 e si torna ad esplorare il sistema Kerbol! :cool:

12-10-2016, 15:45
Ho caricato un vecchio salvataggio, in cui tentavo di attraccare ad una base orbitante composta da molti moduli, con una navicella anch'essa complessa (ci avevo mollato perchè scattava talmente tanto da rendere la manovra impossibile...)
Ora invece pare fluidissimo! Finalmente hanno imparato a sfruttare il multi thread... :)

Ora aspetto che rilascino Mechjeb per la 1.2 e si torna ad esplorare il sistema Kerbol! :cool:

Aspetto pure io l'uscita di quel paio di MOD vitali per la mia incapacità di gioco e torno a svolazzare :D

12-10-2016, 16:47
è da una vita che non gioco a kerbal, mi sa che pure io aspetto i vari mechjeb e simili e poi lo riapro.

14-10-2016, 13:57

Senza parole!!!

17-10-2016, 14:09

Senza parole!!!

Cioè... ha costruito una Valkyria????

Ma certa gente non ha un casso da fare!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

17-10-2016, 14:47
Aspetto pure io l'uscita di quel paio di MOD vitali per la mia incapacità di gioco e torno a svolazzare :D

Io all'inizio ci ho pure giocato parecchie ore completamente "vanilla", e devo dire che la prima volta che sono riscito ad attraccare in orbita o atterrare su un'altro pianeta è stata una grande soddisfazione... Ma dopo un po di volte diventa solo frustrazione!
E infatti mi chiedo perchè non includano Mechjeb nel gioco ufficiale (come hanno fatto con altre mod, dopotutto si integra anche bene nella modalità carriera non sbloccando tutto subito), non credo proprio che gli astronauti facciano tuttto a mano! :fagiano:

17-10-2016, 16:36
Io all'inizio ci ho pure giocato parecchie ore completamente "vanilla", e devo dire che la prima volta che sono riscito ad attraccare in orbita o atterrare su un'altro pianeta è stata una grande soddisfazione... Ma dopo un po di volte diventa solo frustrazione!
E infatti mi chiedo perchè non includano Mechjeb nel gioco ufficiale (come hanno fatto con altre mod, dopotutto si integra anche bene nella modalità carriera non sbloccando tutto subito), non credo proprio che gli astronauti facciano tuttto a mano! :fagiano:

Se ci pensi il modello di volo è moooOoolto semplificato rispetto a quello orbitale-reale, riusciamo a fare manovre allucinanti con qualche ora di apprendimento, contro una vita di addestramento :D e poi, in fondo, come capisci le meccaniche aerospaziali con KSP, non lo capisci con nessun altra cosa.
E' quindi giusto che vogliano fartele fare a mano.

Di contro io ho sempre trovato "riduttivo" il MJ, fossi nel team di sviluppo, opterei per integrarne una versione che consenta una pianificazione strutturata della missione, con tipo degli script:
-> lancio a T X
-> Orbita a T Y
->Orbita di trasferimento a T Z
Così da avere una ""simulazione"" ancora più realistica.

17-10-2016, 17:32
Più che altro sulle "lunghe distanze" è anche molto difficile (se non impossibile) impostare un trasferimento con l'utilizio di fionde gravitazionali.
Anche perchè ovviamente basta "bruciare" per un nanosecondo in più per variare la rotta di qualche milione di KM, credo sia impossibile impostare traiettorie così precise manualmente.

18-10-2016, 08:40
Il bello del gioco però è proprio nelle difficoltà di questo genere.
Io non ho mai usato e mai userò mod di alcun tipo.
La gratificazione del primo allunaggio e ritorno o del primo randez vous in orbita è stata qualcosa di ineguagliabile a livello di videogiochi.
Forse solo quando ho finito il primo Impossible Mission su C64.

19-10-2016, 15:20
Il bello del gioco però è proprio nelle difficoltà di questo genere.
Io non ho mai usato e mai userò mod di alcun tipo.
La gratificazione del primo allunaggio e ritorno o del primo randez vous in orbita è stata qualcosa di ineguagliabile a livello di videogiochi.
Forse solo quando ho finito il primo Impossible Mission su C64.

KSP è un gioco con molteplici livelli di divertimento.
Per esempio io amo costruire roba e vedere se fa quello per cui l'ho pensata, molto di più che guidarla, al che per eseguire i test ho bisogno di mod e di piloti automatici :)

19-10-2016, 16:42
io invece credo che certe cose dovrebbero fare parte del gioco.

intanto perchè il fatto che ci siano non ti obbliga ad usarle, mentre il fatto che non ci sono ti obbliga a non usarle, a meno di installare mods.

e poi perchè se di simulazione si tratta comunque certe operazioni nella realtà sono assegnate o comunque fortemente coadiuvate dai computers, quindi a meno che uno non voglia simulare il viaggio di ritorno dell'apollo 13 ha anche senso che siano presenti.

la cosa più equilibrata da fare sarebbe al massimo fare in modo che se non installi sul tuo razzo roba tipo il mechjeb le missioni ti danno più punti ricerca e roba simile.

19-10-2016, 16:53
io invece credo che certe cose dovrebbero fare parte del gioco.

intanto perchè il fatto che ci siano non ti obbliga ad usarle, mentre il fatto che non ci sono ti obbliga a non usarle, a meno di installare mods.

e poi perchè se di simulazione si tratta comunque certe operazioni nella realtà sono assegnate o comunque fortemente coadiuvate dai computers, quindi a meno che uno non voglia simulare il viaggio di ritorno dell'apollo 13 ha anche senso che siano presenti.

la cosa più equilibrata da fare sarebbe al massimo fare in modo che se non installi sul tuo razzo roba tipo il mechjeb le missioni ti danno più punti ricerca e roba simile.

Infatti, quando poi si tratta di sonde "unmanned" non ha senso che debbano essere manovrate manualmente (e nella realtà sarebbe molto difficile dato che un comando remoto a seconda della distanza risponderebbe con diversi secondi/minuti di ritardo)
Inoltre come ho scritto prima il Mechjeb è pure integrato molto bene nella modalità carriera, non si sblocca subito. ma appunto nel ramo "unmanned", e si parte da automatismi molto "basici" che poi diventano sempre più avamzati con progredire del ramo scentifico.
Se poi uno non vuole usarlo (o nemmeno sbloccarlo) liberissimo di farlo. :)

Anche io poi il primo gameplay l'avevo giocato completamente vanilla, ed ero atterrato su quasi tutti i pianeti rocciosi manualmente, ma dovevi comunque fare mille mila tentativi prima di riuscire ad atterrare correttamente senza sprecare tonnellate di carburante, cose che un po va anche bene, ma alla fine diventa solo frustrante.
Senza considerare che nelle vecchie versioni quando i moduli cominciavano ad essere tanti, manovrare manualmente ad 1 FPS non era proprio il massimo della vita... :asd:

26-10-2016, 09:23
Infatti, quando poi si tratta di sonde "unmanned" non ha senso che debbano essere manovrate manualmente (e nella realtà sarebbe molto difficile dato che un comando remoto a seconda della distanza risponderebbe con diversi secondi/minuti di ritardo)
Inoltre come ho scritto prima il Mechjeb è pure integrato molto bene nella modalità carriera, non si sblocca subito. ma appunto nel ramo "unmanned", e si parte da automatismi molto "basici" che poi diventano sempre più avamzati con progredire del ramo scentifico.
Se poi uno non vuole usarlo (o nemmeno sbloccarlo) liberissimo di farlo. :)

Anche io poi il primo gameplay l'avevo giocato completamente vanilla, ed ero atterrato su quasi tutti i pianeti rocciosi manualmente, ma dovevi comunque fare mille mila tentativi prima di riuscire ad atterrare correttamente senza sprecare tonnellate di carburante, cose che un po va anche bene, ma alla fine diventa solo frustrante.
Senza considerare che nelle vecchie versioni quando i moduli cominciavano ad essere tanti, manovrare manualmente ad 1 FPS non era proprio il massimo della vita... :asd:

Personalmente sento molto la mancanza di una modalità "simulazione" dei veicoli/missioni, qualcosa che implementato magari dentro il centro di controllo possa simulare rapidamente gli effetti di quei veicoli per quelle missioni. Giusto per acellerare il gioco, caxxo, ho passato mesi solo per riuscire a fare una nave a propulsione ionica a lungo raggio...