scheda aggiornata il 27/01/2009
- Graphics Menu:
- Added "Water Quality", "Shadow Quality" and "Reflection Resolution" sliders in graphics menu.
- Added "Definition" and "VSync" toggles in graphics menu.
- Rendering optimizations.
- VSync optimizations.
- Nvidia 7000 series
- Mirrors fixed
- Direct input device support is now disabled by default and can only be enabled with the commandline: "-usedirectinput"
- Supported Controllers:
- Logitech Dual Action
- Logitech RumblePad 2
- Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2
- Saitek P2500
- Supported Wheels:
- * Note: Controls are unmapped, user must map controls using Manufacturer's mapping software.
- Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
- Logitech Wingman Formula GP Wheel
- Logitech MOMO Racing
- MOMO Force
- Driving Force Pro
- Driving Force
- Formula Force
- Added Commandline "-notimefix" which will help some users who are experiencing the fast/slow gameplay issue after patch 1 was applied.
- Fixed a bug that caused some users to experience endless looping audio effects after Patch 1 was applied.
- Benchmark was disabling sounds after Patch 1 was applied, this is now fixed.
- Unable to load game fixed - For some users, a DOS window would open and close immediately upon Game Launch, GTA IV would never launch.
- Hang on Initial Game Loading Screen fixed - Some users experienced Character Art Loading screens in an endless loop.
- Certain causes of the RESC10 error have been fixed (Alt-Tab, change resolution). If you experience an RESC10 error, you must restart.
- Certain Instances of the "GRAND THEFT AUTO IV has encountered a problem and needs to close" error have been fixed.
- Naming clips is now mandatory on Export
- Legitimate players being kicked from Multiplayer matches has been fixed.
- Wireless 360 controllers not functioning - Triggers were full on/off, fixed.
- In the Options menu accessed from the Title Screen a "Game" section has been added with the ability to turn Clip capture on/off.