scheda aggiornata il 20/01/2009


  • Versione: 1.0
  • Dimensione: 26 MB
  • Licenza: Freeware closed source
  • Scaricato: 4478 volte
  • Link:
  • 9


AMD Fusion for Gaming Utility permette di ottimizzare il funzionamento del proprio sistema basato su processore AMD, così da renderlo più performante nell'esecuzione di videogiochi. Il tool ha 3 differenti modalità di configurazione:

  • Basic: con questa impostazione vengono spenti alcuni task di sistema e attivata una configurazione chiamata AMD Boost, che permette di accelerare a livello hardware le prestazioni. Tra i vari servizi che vengono disattivati dal sistema segnaliamo alcuni servizi che Windows carica in memoria come Fax, iSCSI Initiator Service, Internet Connection Sharing e Application Management.
  • Advanced: il livello d'intervento è simile a quello Basic, ma c'è maggiore flessibilità nella tipologia di servizi che vengono disattivati e nel loro numero.
  • Expert: selezionando l'impostazione expert vengono coinvolte anche le utility AMD Overdrive, che interviene sui parametri di funzionamento del processore e della scheda madre, e ATI Catalyst Auto-Tune, parte del pacchetto ATI Catalyst Control Center e quindi legato alle prestazioni delle schede video ATI Radeon. Il numero di task che vengono interrotti incrementa ulteriormente, così da liberare ancor più risorse di sistema.

Queste le note fornite a corredo con questa versione:


  • This utility is being released as a version 1.0 and, as such, may have additional bugs or errors that are not outlined in this Errata guide which result in system instability, data corruption or incorrect operation of the software or computer system in which it is implemented
  • We are looking into these issues, and new releases will be available on this site
  • AMD Fusion for Gaming will run on any PC with an AMD processor, but offers additional tuning for such systems with AMD chipsets and graphics


  • The system may hang when running profiles utilizing AMD OverDrive cpu tuning on Windows Vista 64-bit and XP 64-bit operating systems, requiring a reboot
  • The system may hang when engaging a profile from the simple mode (button) interface, if the mouse click is held and the mouse is moved off of the application, on Windows XP systems, requiring a reboot
  • The system may hang when a profile is disengaging if the user is moving and/or clicking the mouse, requiring a reboot
  • It may not be possible to create custom profile with ATI Catalyst Auto-Tune GPU tuning enabled on Windows XP 64-bit systems
  • In Windows XP 64-bit and Vista 64-bit operating systems, there may be a long delay waiting for a profile to engage
  • When AMD Fusion for Gaming is disengaged, the system may not be fully restored to its previous state, requiring a reboot
  • Valve’s Steam online gaming platform will be shut down when engaging a profile
  • Some applications that are shut down will not automatically start back up when AMD Fusion for Gaming disengages
  • Some applications may not shut down as intended when AMD Fusion for Gaming engages
  • AMD OverDrive upgrades may not install properly with AMD Fusion for Gaming installed on the system
  • Some special characters in custom profile names do not save correctly
  • A message that states that ATI Auto-Tune has not yet been performed may not display when running profiles utilizing GPU tuning
  • When editing or creating a profile, the Enter key will cancel the operation without a warning message
  • Profiles with leading or trailing white space characters may cause multiple profiles to appear to have the same name
  • On the status screen, the font appears to change from top to bottom
  • Profile names can not be changed
  • The application window will not remain on a secondary display when switching between the simple and advanced views
  • A new profile will overwrite an existing profile with the same name, without a warning message
