Recensione Abit VP6

Recensione Abit VP6

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Insane Hardware ha pubblicato, a questo indirizzo, la recensione della scheda madre Abit VP6, modello dual Socket 370 basato su chipset Via Apollo PRO 133A. Questa scheda madre è stata specificamente pensata per l'impiego in configurazioni dual delle cpu Intel Pentium III Coppermine, mentre l'utilizzo con i processori Intel Celeron PPGA è fortemente sconsigliato per problemi di stabilità:
The VP6 supports dual Pentium III Processors but not dual Celeron processors in either PPGA or FC-PGA format. The board does however support single PPGA Celeron processors but our testing proved otherwise. A Celeron 400 was used in the VP6 in CPU Socket 1 but the board ran very unstable, almost crashing within a few minutes of bootup. A single Pentium III ran flawlessly for days on end. Cyrix III processors are also supported on this board, however due to the fact that there isn't a huge demand for space heaters in an already hot Australia this time of year we were unable to test a unit in the VP6. No big loss really because the Cyrix III really isn't an ideal processor for a power user. Just be aware all you BP6ers or any dually Celeron users who want a newer board but want to keep their finely tuned Celerons ... it ain't gunna happen. Dual PPGA processors is a no-go zone on this board.

An issue of late, which I am sure most RMA departments around the world will agree on, is the placement of surface mount resistors and capacitors near the CPU sockets. The biggest and most deadliest issue is the damage that a heatsink clip can do to the board, making it inoperable. Most motherboards have a few small SMRs near the clips on the socket itself. This restricts the size of the clip that can be used. If your's is too big then you could knock a few off quite easily without even noticing. A good board killer is the Intel Stock Heatsink & Fan, which will indeed bust a few moves on your board if you are not careful with it. These awkward resistors and capacitors might limit your cooling solutions aswell if your heatsink does not fit correctly. Here is the VP6 with both Socket 1 and Socket 2 being occupied by a pair of Pentium IIIs and Agilent ArctiCoolers. This was not an easy task I'll give you the tip.
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