KT7 e ventola chipset

KT7 e ventola chipset

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
TweakMax ha pubblicato una guida a come rimuovere e sostituire la ventola montata sul chipset KT133 della motherboard Abit KT7/KT7 RAID; la trovate a questo indirizzo

Another thing that annoyed me was the fact that my chipset fan which is present on the KT7-Raid motherboard, made an awful amount of noise (Like it was ready to break anytime), especially when the computer was just started. Actually, I have even replaced this fan once. The new fan was pretty quite at the start, but after a while I got that horrible noise again. And it's not only the noise itself that bother's me. It's just as much the indication of that the fan isn't working properly (and probably not running at full speed). Unfortunately it seems like Abit didn't put a very high-quality fan on the chipset.
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