Hercules GF2 64Mb review

Hercules GF2 64Mb review

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Gamer's Depot ha pubblicato la recensione della scheda video Hercules 3DProphet 2 64mb; tale scheda è dotata del chipset NVidia GeForce2 GTS e 64Mb di DDR-ram con piccoli dissipatori montati su ogni chip di memoria; trovate l'articolo a questo indirizzo

From our roundup guide of 64MB GeForce2 GTS cards, the Prophet II GTS was only differentiated from most of the other cards by mere fractions. Statistically, a dead heat with just about everything else. So why should you get this card, other than good looks?

Overall, you can’t really go wrong any of the 64MB GeForce2 cards out there, but you can always make choices on features. We like the Hercules because of its flexibility over other cards with regards to the different choices of video output. If you are even considering a digital flat panel, you will want to think about getting this card. This card is also simply cool-looking, and you will be tempted to pull the cover off your enclosure just to show people this unit. Either that, or customize a window over your PCI slots
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