Detonator 5.22/5.3X test

Detonator 5.22/5.3X test

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Tresh's FiringSquad ha pubblicato una prova comparativa fra i drivers NVidia Detonator 5.22, 5.30 e 5.32; la trovate a questo indirizzo
Quake 3 showed some minimal gains, on the order of a frame or two. FSAA values seemed to not budge from what we have observed in 5.22. Needless to say you should probably upgrade if you play games like Need For Speed, or any other D3D game. Quake junkies can probably just hang back and sit pretty with the 5.22 officials. Just saw that the 5.32s have been leaked, we should have an update on this pretty soon.
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