AMD760 new revision

AMD760 new revision

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Ace's Hardware ha riportato oggi una notizia che sembra chiarificare notevolmente la questione relativa alle voci sul ritardo di alcune MoBo AMD760 e la loro smentita successiva. Pare infatti che i primissimi produttori di MoBo a utilizzare AMD760, (Gigabyte, FIC, EPoX) abbiano utilizzato la prima revision del chipset AMD760, che è affetta da alcuni problemi di surriscaldamento, probabilmente causa delle instabilità segnalate. Da Lunedì i produttori riceveranno la nuova revision del chipset AMD760, e questo sta a spiegare il leggero ritardo nel rilascio di alcune motherboard:

The new revision of the AMD760 chipset was supposed to be completed this week, and manufacturers were supposed to get the new revision on Monday. Some manufacturers are shipping boards based upon the last revision, which has some heat issues requiring massive heatsinks. This has supposedly been corrected in the new revision, so there are other manufacturers who have decided to wait.

This, I believe, is what caused the confusion on the part of the reporter from The Register. Gigabyte apparently was the one who reported the heat problem, and decided to wait. EPoX also decided to wait. I believe FIC decided to wait also. They all are aware of the heat problem, but consider it 'old news' because it was reported and fixed already...
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