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Old 16-11-2019, 15:51   #28
Senior Member
Iscritto dal: Jan 2015
Messaggi: 1159
Originariamente inviato da giovanni69 Guarda i messaggi
Carmine, hai controllato se le attenuazioni sono cambiate da ieri sera rispetto ai giorni precedenti? Un utente disturbatore potrebbe essere stato attivato, causandoti diafonia ma in tal caso non vedresti apprezzabili mutamenti dell'attenuazione ma solo del bitrate.

Diverso se č cambiato qualcosa di fisico nella linea, in casa, chiostrina o presso l'ARL.

Tieni presente che la scala del Tim Hub del parametro attenuazione, non č detto che sia la stessa del D-Link. Ma solo tu puoi verificarlo.

Visto che ti preoccupi di monitorare la linea, ti ricordo che il Tim Hub consente un eccellente monitoraggio dinamico e non semplice foto delle linea, quando accoppiato al DGALog, in coincidenza di queste situazioni critiche.

C'č poco da fare: modem reader, DGALog, DSLstats e poco altro se esistono quelle necessitą. Anche se l'augurio č sempre quello di non averne bisogno.

Speriamo bene...

Quale č il messaggio completo del il server non puo' configurare...?
Certo, per scrupolo farei il reset del D-Link; fai attenzione che non ci siano problemi di prese filtrate che disturbano, piantane....
Giovanni forse non sono stato abbastanza chiaro e mi scuso. Ieri sera non c'e' stata disconnessione, ma e' venuta a mancare proprio la linea. Per scrupolo ho ricollegato il Tim Hub i cui led mi confermavano che non c'era assolutamente segnale. Ho lasciato collegato per tutta la notte il Tim Hub nella speranza che si trattasse di un disguido momentaneo. Infatti stamane la linea e' ritornata e si leggevano i soliti valori di attenuazione e di velocita' in dow/up. Rimonto di nuovo il DVA 5503 e mi ritrovo con circa 20 Mega in meno. Per controriprova ho ricollegato l'hub e da circa 7 ore ho i valori che ho sempre avuto abitualmente con il modem Tim :

Stato DSL
DSL tempo di funzionamento
7 ore 48 minuti 43 secondi
Massima velocitą di linea
29.96 Mbps 97.09 Mbps
Velocitą di linea
21.6 Mbps 96.8 Mbps
Dati trasferiti
148.32 MBytes 894.33 MBytes
-1.2 dBm 13.6 dBm
Attenuazione di linea
4.9, 23.9, 36.4, 41.7 dB 12.8, 31.0, 57.4 dB
Noise Margin
9 dB 5.8 dB

Ti ricordo che gia' da qualche mese sono con un profilo SOS settato a 6 db e per me questi valori sono accettabilissimi. Ho il timore che riattaccando il DVA i sistemi possano indurre una riprofilazione a 12db. Quindi riassumendo non c'e' stata disconnessione ma solo un disservizio sulla rete, ma nonostante si sia risolto, il DVA ha perso d'un colpo 20M. Cosa devo fare ? reset e nuovo setup? I log che dicevo sono i seguenti e piu' o meno sono gli stessi che leggevo nei router AVM e credo facciano riferimento al servizio TR-069 che ogni ora controlla se ci sono aggiornamenti:

12/11/2019 07:14:24 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [2787] seconds
12/11/2019 07:14:24 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [2790]sec
12/11/2019 07:14:24 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 98: connection refused
12/11/2019 07:14:24 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
12/11/2019 07:14:24 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
12/11/2019 07:14:21 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
12/11/2019 07:14:21 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
12/11/2019 07:14:21 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
12/11/2019 07:14:21 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
12/11/2019 07:14:21 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
12/11/2019 07:14:21 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
12/11/2019 07:14:21 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
12/11/2019 06:24:53 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [2968] seconds
12/11/2019 06:24:53 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [2971]sec
12/11/2019 06:24:53 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 97: connection refused
12/11/2019 06:24:53 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
12/11/2019 06:24:53 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
12/11/2019 06:24:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
12/11/2019 06:24:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
12/11/2019 06:24:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
12/11/2019 06:24:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
12/11/2019 06:24:50 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
12/11/2019 06:24:50 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
12/11/2019 06:24:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
12/11/2019 05:03:27 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [4883] seconds
12/11/2019 05:03:27 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [4887]sec
12/11/2019 05:03:27 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 96: connection refused
12/11/2019 05:03:27 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
12/11/2019 05:03:27 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
12/11/2019 05:03:24 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
12/11/2019 05:03:24 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
12/11/2019 05:03:24 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
12/11/2019 05:03:24 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
12/11/2019 05:03:24 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
12/11/2019 05:03:24 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
12/11/2019 05:03:24 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
12/11/2019 04:13:22 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [3002] seconds
12/11/2019 04:13:22 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [3005]sec
12/11/2019 04:13:22 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 95: connection refused
12/11/2019 04:13:22 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
12/11/2019 04:13:22 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
12/11/2019 04:13:19 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
12/11/2019 04:13:19 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
12/11/2019 04:13:18 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
12/11/2019 04:13:18 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
12/11/2019 04:13:18 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
12/11/2019 04:13:18 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
12/11/2019 04:13:18 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
12/11/2019 03:19:20 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [3238] seconds
12/11/2019 03:19:20 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [3241]sec
12/11/2019 03:19:20 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 94: connection refused
12/11/2019 03:19:20 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
12/11/2019 03:19:20 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
12/11/2019 03:19:17 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
12/11/2019 03:19:17 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
12/11/2019 03:19:17 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
12/11/2019 03:19:17 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
12/11/2019 03:19:17 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
12/11/2019 03:19:17 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
12/11/2019 03:19:17 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
12/11/2019 02:11:53 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [4044] seconds
12/11/2019 02:11:53 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [4047]sec
12/11/2019 02:11:53 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 93: connection refused
12/11/2019 02:11:53 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
12/11/2019 02:11:53 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
12/11/2019 02:11:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
12/11/2019 02:11:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
12/11/2019 02:11:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
12/11/2019 02:11:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
12/11/2019 02:11:50 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
12/11/2019 02:11:50 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
12/11/2019 02:11:50 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
12/11/2019 01:08:03 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [3827] seconds
12/11/2019 01:08:03 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [3831]sec
12/11/2019 01:08:03 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 92: connection refused
12/11/2019 01:08:03 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
12/11/2019 01:08:03 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
12/11/2019 01:08:00 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
12/11/2019 01:08:00 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
12/11/2019 01:08:00 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
12/11/2019 01:08:00 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
12/11/2019 01:08:00 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
12/11/2019 01:08:00 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
12/11/2019 01:08:00 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
11/11/2019 00:03:02 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [3898] seconds
11/11/2019 00:03:02 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [3901]sec
11/11/2019 00:03:02 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 91: connection refused
11/11/2019 00:03:02 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
11/11/2019 00:03:02 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
11/11/2019 00:02:59 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
11/11/2019 00:02:59 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
11/11/2019 00:02:58 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
11/11/2019 00:02:58 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
11/11/2019 00:02:58 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
11/11/2019 00:02:58 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
11/11/2019 00:02:58 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
11/11/2019 22:42:12 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [4846] seconds
11/11/2019 22:42:12 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [4849]sec
11/11/2019 22:42:12 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 90: connection refused
11/11/2019 22:42:12 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
11/11/2019 22:42:12 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
11/11/2019 22:42:09 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
11/11/2019 22:42:09 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
11/11/2019 22:42:09 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
11/11/2019 22:42:09 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
11/11/2019 22:42:09 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
11/11/2019 22:42:09 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
11/11/2019 22:42:09 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
11/11/2019 21:31:16 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [4253] seconds
11/11/2019 21:31:16 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [4256]sec
11/11/2019 21:31:16 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 89: connection refused
11/11/2019 21:31:16 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
11/11/2019 21:31:16 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
11/11/2019 21:31:13 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
11/11/2019 21:31:13 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
11/11/2019 21:31:13 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
11/11/2019 21:31:13 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
11/11/2019 21:31:13 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
11/11/2019 21:31:13 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
11/11/2019 21:31:13 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
11/11/2019 20:40:52 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [3021] seconds
11/11/2019 20:40:52 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [3024]sec
11/11/2019 20:40:52 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 88: connection refused
11/11/2019 20:40:52 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
11/11/2019 20:40:52 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
11/11/2019 20:40:49 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
11/11/2019 20:40:49 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
11/11/2019 20:40:49 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
11/11/2019 20:40:49 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
11/11/2019 20:40:49 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
11/11/2019 20:40:49 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
11/11/2019 20:40:49 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
11/11/2019 19:33:14 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [4055] seconds
11/11/2019 19:33:14 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [4058]sec
11/11/2019 19:33:14 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 87: connection refused
11/11/2019 19:33:14 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
11/11/2019 19:33:14 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
11/11/2019 19:33:10 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
11/11/2019 19:33:10 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
11/11/2019 19:33:10 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
11/11/2019 19:33:10 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
11/11/2019 19:33:10 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
11/11/2019 19:33:10 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
11/11/2019 19:33:10 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events
11/11/2019 18:17:41 TR-069 Agent INFO next Inform in [4529] seconds
11/11/2019 18:17:41 TR-069 Agent INFO Inform retry [10] delay [4532]sec
11/11/2019 18:17:41 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 4 - Inform failure 86: connection refused
11/11/2019 18:17:41 TR-069 Agent ERROR ARS 16 - Cannot connect to ACS: error -4 (connection refused)
11/11/2019 18:17:41 TR-069 Agent WARNING connect error [110][Connection timed out]
11/11/2019 18:17:38 TR-069 Agent INFO Socket bound to local port 7556
11/11/2019 18:17:38 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting socket 8, INET address
11/11/2019 18:17:38 TR-069 Agent INFO Connecting to, port 8018
11/11/2019 18:17:38 TR-069 Agent INFO Payload ready. Now sending to ACS...
11/11/2019 18:17:38 TR-069 Agent INFO 0 BOOTSTRAP
11/11/2019 18:17:38 TR-069 Agent INFO 1 BOOT
11/11/2019 18:17:38 TR-069 Agent INFO Flushing inform events

Stamane un tecnico Tim incontrato al bar mi chiedeva perche' non voglio usare un loro modem visto che Tim fa "PROVISIONING" costantemente da centrale(???) Mi sta venendo il dubbio che in Italia il "modem libero" tanto libero non č. Sarebbe una cosa grave.

Ultima modifica di Carmine59 : 16-11-2019 alle 15:56.
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