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yume the ronin 18-12-2013 23:02

[ASPETTANDO] - Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is first-person, open-world
realistic RPG set in medieval Europe. Enjoy unique melee combat,
castle sieges, battles and quests in this epic RPG.


Lo studio ceco Warhorse ha ufficialmente alzato il sipario su un nuovo RPG: Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Previsto in uscita nel 2015 su PC e Console next gen, Kingdom Come è sviluppato su Cryengine 3, presenterà un mondo open world ed è ambientato nel Sacro Romano Impero durante gli ultimi giorni del Medioevo, non prevede nessuna magia o mostri, niente draghi, armi incantate, nessuna delle caratteristiche che normalmente si aspettano da un gioco di ruolo con cavalieri e castelli.

Ci sarà "solo" il mondo reale. Che in quei tempi era un posto abbastanza brutto, anche senza la presenza di demoni e poteri oscuri. Warhorse sostiene che il gioco sarà dotato di una "storia non lineare" e di un "rivoluzionario, sistema di combattimento in prima persona".

As players traverse expansive, strikingly detailed locales, they'll grapple with a range of period- accurate fighting techniques, horseback combat, open-field sieges, and large-scale battles, all while developing relationships and a reputation that will inform the greater story.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance promises no magic, high fantasy or mythical overtones - it draws its inspiration instead from historically authentic characters, themes, and warfare.

The Czech studio is made up of people who have worked on games like Crysis, ArmA and Mafia, so who knows, they might actually be able to pull it all off. And even if they can't, an ambitious open-world European RPG with an obsession over history still sounds like something worth keeping an eye on.


yume the ronin 18-12-2013 23:03

riservato :D

Gensi2k 18-12-2013 23:22


demiurgous 18-12-2013 23:33

interessantissimo, è dall'uscita di M&B che aspetto una cosa del genere con un motore grafico "up-to-date"

momo-racing 19-12-2013 00:57

Jon Irenicus 19-12-2013 06:07

In realtà: http://www.hwupgrade.it/forum/showthread.php?t=2558053
Cmq teniamo questo, così ho una roba in meno da aggiornare...:asd:

yume the ronin 19-12-2013 07:25


Originariamente inviato da Jon Irenicus (Messaggio 40450013)
In realtà: http://www.hwupgrade.it/forum/showthread.php?t=2558053
Cmq teniamo questo, così ho una roba in meno da aggiornare...:asd:

azz non l'ho visto sorry :(

e l'ho anche cercato eh :doh:

Jon Irenicus 19-12-2013 07:53

Beh considerando che hanno messo il nome definitivo adesso era un po' dura trovarlo (io mi ricordavo giusto perchè l'ho aperto). Poi considerando che non ci avevo messo chissà che info (come da standard per i miei thread :asd:) meglio così.;)

Cmq... Io voglio un combat fatto come si deve, che sia ben bilanciato e che abbia una programmazione decente (no troppi bug o pesantezza insensata, per quanto non sarà certo un fuscello immagino). Soddisfatto questo, un open world in cui è veramente bello combattere mi farebbe perdere un mucchio di tempo.

Originariamente inviato da demiurgous (Messaggio 40449801)
interessantissimo, è dall'uscita di M&B che aspetto una cosa del genere con un motore grafico "up-to-date"

A chi lo dici...

Jon Irenicus 24-01-2014 00:41

Nessuno che segnala nel thread aspettando?

Tentato di pledgiare per la mancanza si strecht... Potevano sparare 1M come goal tranquillamente mi sa...

cronos1990 24-01-2014 07:19


T_zi 24-01-2014 07:29

I paesaggi sono fantastici. Poi usano la palette di colori che preferisco, colori belli accesi. Bella la bussola stile oblivion :asd:

Inviato dal mio GT-I9505 con Tapatalk 2

Ghigi 24-01-2014 12:04

Progetto a dir poco ambizioso, ma già dalle prime scene trasuda gameplay persino nel borseggiare (bellissima l'animazione) e nel crafting (i devs promettono mini-game skills based). Attendo con un pò di bava un video sul combat (che dovrebbe arrivare a breve, visto che hanno già raggiunto la quota in soli 3 giorni).

Peccato non si possa pagare con PayPal, la Baron (digital) mi tenta...

ulukaii 24-01-2014 12:43

Seguo con interesse :cool:

Alfa89 24-01-2014 13:07

Presente :D

Ci saranno anche battaglie su larga scala :sbav:

Per quanto riguarda le console:
"Publishing on closed platforms is subject to approval by the platform holder. This can also influence release date there."


Originariamente inviato da Ghigi (Messaggio 40621466)
Attendo con un pò di bava un video sul combat (che dovrebbe arrivare a breve, visto che hanno già raggiunto la quota in soli 3 giorni).


sonmiananxa 24-01-2014 15:06

Iscritto anch'io :cool:

gaxel 25-01-2014 16:09

Iscritto, fatto il pledge appena partita la campagna (£25)

gaxel 25-01-2014 18:20

Intanto informo del successo in 36 ore, già raggiunto anche il primo stretch goal, direi che si dovrebbe facilmente arrivare almeno a 600.000 sterline, a 700.000 ci sarà motion capture, speriamo.

Mi hanno convinto qui:
Win hearts as a popular bard, persuading nobles with your silver tongue and convincing them to fight one another. Use your wits rather than your muscles to get the job done. Share drinks with people, be the funny guy everyone likes… and then stab your rivals in the back when they least expect it.

Fa molto Game of Thrones :D

Darkless 25-01-2014 18:54

Dubito ce la faranno mai.

romange 25-01-2014 19:49

Mi ha veramente colpito questo gioco.
Peccato manca più di un anno....... :(


gaxel 26-01-2014 08:56


Originariamente inviato da Darkless (Messaggio 40628244)
Dubito ce la faranno mai.

600.000 è plausibile, io spero almeno nel personaggio femminile che sembra interessante.

giacomo_uncino 26-01-2014 12:14


Originariamente inviato da gaxel (Messaggio 40629487)
600.000 è plausibile, io spero almeno nel personaggio femminile che sembra interessante.


Badruk 26-01-2014 23:05

presente :)

Lanzus 27-01-2014 07:44

Eccomi. Ho optato per la versione barone. Questo gioco ha tutte le carte in regola per essere indimenticabile. :cool:

Zappz 27-01-2014 10:43

Sembra veramente bellissimo!!! Sono tentato di comprare l'accesso anticipato... Ma l'alpha quando inizia?

gaxel 27-01-2014 10:46


Originariamente inviato da Zappz (Messaggio 40634290)
Sembra veramente bellissimo!!! Sono tentato di comprare l'accesso anticipato... Ma l'alpha quando inizia?

Dicono in sei mesi dalla chiusura del Kickstater.
Sarà composta da un'area piccola in cui testare tutte le caratteristiche del gioco.

Zappz 27-01-2014 10:47


Originariamente inviato da gaxel (Messaggio 40634303)
Dicono in sei mesi dalla chiusura del Kickstater.
Sarà composta da un'area piccola in cui testare tutte le caratteristiche del gioco.

Ottimo grazie!!! :)

Darkless 27-01-2014 11:27


Originariamente inviato da gaxel (Messaggio 40629487)
600.000 è plausibile, io spero almeno nel personaggio femminile che sembra interessante.

Non parlavo dei soldi ma proprio di riuscire a realizzare come si deve quello che promettono.

gaxel 27-01-2014 11:34


Originariamente inviato da Darkless (Messaggio 40634574)
Non parlavo dei soldi ma proprio di riuscire a realizzare come si deve quello che promettono.

Ah, bé... gli stretch goal sono abbastanza semplici.

Il resto ok, non è semplice, ma nemmeno così complesso come possa sembrare... soprattutto se "crafti" tutto a mano e non fai un'area immensa (e 2.5km2 non sono tantissimi).

Darkless 27-01-2014 11:56


Originariamente inviato da gaxel (Messaggio 40634630)
Ah, bé... gli stretch goal sono abbastanza semplici.

Il resto ok, non è semplice, ma nemmeno così complesso come possa sembrare... soprattutto se "crafti" tutto a mano e non fai un'area immensa (e 2.5km2 non sono tantissimi).

Macchè stretch, proprio la base di partenza. E' dalle prime uscite sul blog che mi pare davvero troppo ambizioso.

gaxel 27-01-2014 12:02


Originariamente inviato da Darkless (Messaggio 40634774)
Macchè stretch, proprio la base di partenza. E' dalle prime uscite sul blog che mi pare davvero troppo ambizioso.

Finora abbiamo avuto giochi, anche PC only, tarati per 512MB di ram, single massimo dual core e 32bit... questo è tarato per 8 core a 64bit, 8GB di ram.

La cosa più difficile di tutte sarà sincronizzare le animazioni con gli eventi del gioco, ma gestire l'IA di un mondo che si muove da se, ma che può essere influenzato, lo faceva già Elite 30 anni fa.

francescoG1 27-01-2014 12:32


Originariamente inviato da gaxel (Messaggio 40634630)
Ah, bé... gli stretch goal sono abbastanza semplici.

Il resto ok, non è semplice, ma nemmeno così complesso come possa sembrare... soprattutto se "crafti" tutto a mano e non fai un'area immensa (e 2.5km2 non sono tantissimi).

Sono 9 Km^2, il paese fortificato (non sono ancora riuscito a capire dove si trova e il nome) che si vede è in scala reale, il territorio circostante invece in 1:3. Le altre mappe saranno località separate e non "vicine" (cioè ci sarà un caricamento, questo per poter usare la stessa scala); questa è un'OTTIMA idea per ottimizzare il tutto senza finire nell'effetto "diorama" come per esempio in skyrim dove la scala è tipo sui 1:1000....

Non promettono niente di più di quello promesso in the wicther 3 solo che la durata e le dimensioni della mappa saranno proporzionati alla loro forza lavoro.

Se 30 ore possono sembrare poche in verità se ci sono scelte che escludo altre allora si possono fare altre run con scelte diverse (ci sono tre stili principali guerriero, ladro e bardo)

BeppeAV 27-01-2014 13:04


Originariamente inviato da gaxel (Messaggio 40634303)
Dicono in sei mesi dalla chiusura del Kickstater.
Sarà composta da un'area piccola in cui testare tutte le caratteristiche del gioco.

E quando si chiuderà il kickstater? Per metà anno ce la fanno?

gaxel 27-01-2014 13:35


Originariamente inviato da BeppeAV (Messaggio 40635212)
E quando si chiuderà il kickstater? Per metà anno ce la fanno?

Since we are going to self-publish the game and are asking for the help of the community, we are also willing to give something back and develop the game with the community.

What does it mean? In about 6 months, we will release an early build of the game, with one smaller location (village and a part of the countryside) where you will be able to test core mechanics of the game. We will start with the basic mechanics (interaction with the world, inventory, map, NPC cycles) and we will constantly update this build with new features as we progress with the development (dialogues, bows, hunting, crafting, combat, horses). This is the access to Alpha version of the game and it will be available to all tiers from the Baron onwards.

When the game is in Beta stage, we will release the full game beta as Early Access on PC (or any other platform where it’s going to be possible) for all backers up from the Knight Tier.

Our backers can influence the development, help us improve the game, and give us feedback about our game mechanics.

Il Kickstarter finisce tra 24 giorni, dire che se tutto va bene in estate arriva la Alpha.

Lanzus 27-01-2014 18:06

Non so se hanno letto tutti l'update 3 del progetto, sopratutto chi reputa le console il male dell'industria videoludica, perché quello che vi è scritto è agghiacciante.

"Before I spill the beans about how it worked out, let me digress for a minute. Our meeting with the investor took place 13 days before the launch of PS4. What has that got to do with us? A lot, because I had deduced one interesting, almost shocking revelation from our negotiations: one of the main reasons why nobody had signed for our game was the fear, I would say almost horror, of the established big publishers that the new consoles would be a washout, that they weren’t powerful enough and that people today wanted nothing but free-to-play MMOs for iPad. So they were all preparing a few guaranteed mega-titles and waiting to see what happened with regard to everything else, which sent a few studios to the wall and might also result in a big drought for good console games in 2015, because I get the feeling from behind-the-scenes talk and indications that most publishers have nothing prepared for that year, because they didn’t want to plan that far ahead in such an uncertain climate and now they can hardly come up with something epic in less than two years. (But I might be wrong. Feel free to put me right if you know more than I do, which is entirely possible.)"

City Hunter '91 27-01-2014 20:40

Interessato, ma un po' scettico.

gaxel 27-01-2014 20:46

Altro stretch goal raggiunto, orchestra sinfonica per la musica in-game.

gaxel 27-01-2014 22:57

Update con info varie

When we were readying our Kickstarter campaign we were wary of announcing stretch goals and stuff like that. We didn’t want to be in a situation where we announced US$2,000,000 stretch goal and in the end did not manage to raise more than US$200,000. We wanted to wait until the project was on solid footing before announcing more about our ambitions.

We didn’t anticipate needing to raise our target goal is less than two days. We’re humbled and deeply thankful to our supporters. However, we are simply overwhelmed at the moment! Consider the following: the Kickstarter ‘Comments’ forum has almost 9,000 posts in five days, we got almost 1,500 private messages (mostly questions), our Inboxes are overflowing with hundreds extra emails, and of course there are questions on our Facebook page and on Twitter. All our designers are working around the clock to answer all the queries, but they are still lagging behind. We’re doing our best, but as this is our first crowdfunding effort, we’re learning as we go along. So, to hopefully get a bit caught up and answer the most pressing issues, we’ve created this update and summarized the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

There is also FAQ section down on the project description (Home) page of Kickstarter and this update repeats some of the material there, however, we think it may get more attention here.

To our supporters: if there are things the FAQ, doesn’t address, please continue to keep the inquiries coming!! We WILL get back to you. Thank you everyone!

Lot of people would like to pay through PayPal. Unfortunately, we are not able to set up new payment methods, this is fully controlled by Kickstarter and they chose not to support that platform. Once the campaign ends, we will continue with pledges on our web site with more options. We are doing everything we can to launch our PayPal store as soon as possible. So if PayPal is you only option of backing us, it is going to be possible in near future.

Character customization
There are many questions about possibilities of your character customization. Our game is story-based and the hero is a specific character, whose background, personal history, etc. are already developed. You cannot change his gender, voice or face. However, you can change almost everything else – we have a very sophisticated equipment/clothing system, you can change hair styles (in-game, not before starting the game), there are not class limits on attributes.

A specific type of character customization question is the one about option to play as a female. This is unfortunately not possible, as explained above. However our stretch goal is allow you to take the role of a female character for a while.

We’re creating the game in English and with English voiceovers. We would like to make French, Italian, German and Spanish versions of the game as well. Our past experience also suggests there will be a Polish, Russian and Czech version of the game, not necessarily with voiceovers, though.

The other languages are matter of contracts with local distributors. We are not going to create the localizations ourselves and we do not know at this moment of time what are they going to be.

Many people wonder how much of a sandbox our sandbox is going to be. You will be able to solve quests in multiple ways, kill most of NPCs or influence their day/night cycles. We have a complex system of reputation, relationships and law. You can influence local economy to an extent (price of goods).

The player’s character is going to have a place to stay and live, but you will not be able to buy and sell real estate. Nor you can control other characters. Companions/henchmen have their own AI and they are quest-specific. Your character will develop relationships with NPCs.

Map size
Some people are concerned about our maps size and seem to think that 9 sq. km. is not enough. Please trust us that it is. Our map is bigger than the one in Read Dead Redemption and about the size of the one in Oblivion. The population/point-of-interest density is going to be on par with RDR. We want the world to look natural.

There seems to be demand for multiplayer experience. Unfortunately, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a singleplayer game only. We are thinking about cooperative multiplayer in some further future, but definitely not for Act I.

Oculus Rift
Oculus Rift captured the imagination of many players and you ask about it very often. Cryengine supports Oculus Rift by default, however we realize that the game has to be developed with Oculus in mind and we are aware of their recommended Best Practices. We shall try to stick to these recommendations, but VR is still an uncharted territory and we can’t guarantee ideal results from get go. To create horse riding experience that won’t give you motion sickness looks like a real challenge.

3rd person view
We are sorry, but we do not plan to allow you to control your character in 3rd person view (you will be able to see your character e.g. in cutscenes, dialogues or on the inventory screen, you can also see your body and hands all the time). We believe that FPV allows for better immersion in the world; we also think that we can make the FPV combat work.

Platforms, HW requirements and digital vs. physical
The subject of platforms, digital vs. physical distribution and extra licenses is complex and bit overwhelming. We’ll try to do our best untangling it:

Let’s start with hardware. We are developing the game to run smoothly on “good gaming PC” and next-gen consoles. If you have a PC, hardware-wise similar to Xbox One or PS4, you should be able to run Kingdom Come: Deliverance well.

We are using proven technology (Cryengine by CryTek) that runs on both PS4 and Xbox One, as well as on Windows PC, Mac and Linux. While we are developing on Windows, we definitely want to bring the game to other platforms, like Mac or Linux. On closed platforms we need to deal with the platform holders and we cannot prejudge their decision. In an ideal world, we would release the game on all five platforms at the same time.

In our world, we can offer you PC/Mac/Linux version in all tiers. From the Baron tier above, you will be able to choose our game on any platform you wish from those mentioned above (i.e. Windows PC / Mac / Linux / Xbox One / PS4), with the proviso that on consoles the game must be approved by the platform holders first. In case we are not able to finish or release the game on the platform you chose for any reason, you will be able to choose again (from available platforms) or demand your money back.

You don’t have to specify your desired platform in advance. Just choose a pledge that suits you. Your pledge will be filed and you will be asked to choose a platform once the release date draws nigh. You can change this any time later – we will inform you how to do that via an e-mail.

However, on lower tiers at least you have to decide whether you want physical or digital copy of the game. For Soldiers and Knights we are unable to give you both, so you have to choose the one you want.

While it may seem that from Baron upward you get two copies of the game, it’s important to understand the distinction between copy and license. On Baron and Earl tiers you will get both digital and physical copy, however, it’s just one license (e.g. the same Steam key). So you can play either one, but you cannot for example sell the box and keep the digital copy. Obviously, both physical and digital license have to be on the same platform.

From Duke tier upwards you receive additional digital copy, meaning extra digital license. The physical and 'first' digital copy again have to be for the same platform, but the extra license can be for a different one.

To sum it up:

Soldier: Win/Mac/Linux, 1 license, digital OR physical
Knight: Win/Mac/Linux, 1 license, digital OR physical
Baron: Win/Mac/Linux/Xbox/PS4, 1 license, digital AND physical
Earl: Win/Mac/Linux/Xbox/PS4, 1 license, digital AND physical
Duke: Win/Mac/Linux/Xbox/PS4, 2 licenses, digital AND physical
… all higher tiers are like Duke in this respect
We get many questions about DRM and whether our game is going to be DRM free. Frankly, we have to admit we are not sure at this moment. We are planning to use Steam on open platforms, so the game will be using Steam default copy protection mechanics. Other options including GOG.com are being considered but can't be confirmed as of yet.

We definitely intend to release most of our game-making tools to allow the community to create mods for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Part of our heritage are games like Operation Flashpoint and we realize how important the modding community is. We plan to support it as much as we can. It should be noted though, that the modding tools will be available for PC only.

The sword in higher tiers is a medieval European 15th century type of one-handed sword (for Emperor, Wenzel der Faule, and Pope tiers) or hand-and-a-half sword, also called bastard sword (Illuminatus and Saint tiers). It is a real-sized hand-forged weapon created by a local blacksmith, not a serial production. It can be used for combat or combat training; you can choose whether it's sharpened or not. Delivering the sword should not be a problem to most countries (US, EU). There are countries where ownership of cold weapons is regulated (UK has ban on Katana swords, but normal sword should be OK). We are not able to verify the legal aspects sword ownership in your country and therefore we have to ask you to check the appropriate regulation beforehand and if it appears that a life-sized sword could be a problem, we ask you to kindly select a different tier. There are various exceptions, so to help you with the checks, here are the salient points: our sword is hand-forged, it’s straight (i.e. not curved), and we can deliver it with blunt edge. Our sword is not a toy! We cannot deliver it to persons under 18 years of age.

Act structure
This is a complex topic that is subject of many questions. We shall deal with it in one of the future updates.

Combat and Weapons
This is one of the key features of the game and one of the video updates will deal with it exclusively.

We shall be launching our own forum in the next few days. They will provide a better and more structured way of talking about game features, discussing various aspects, plans and expectations. We shall be sending you a message via Kickstarter about the details of creating your account on our forums with the right backer's badge.

gaxel 28-01-2014 08:31

Primo video making of, su ambientazioni e mondo di gioco

momo-racing 28-01-2014 08:50


Originariamente inviato da Lanzus (Messaggio 40637132)
Non so se hanno letto tutti l'update 3 del progetto, sopratutto chi reputa le console il male dell'industria videoludica, perché quello che vi è scritto è agghiacciante.

"Before I spill the beans about how it worked out, let me digress for a minute. Our meeting with the investor took place 13 days before the launch of PS4. What has that got to do with us? A lot, because I had deduced one interesting, almost shocking revelation from our negotiations: one of the main reasons why nobody had signed for our game was the fear, I would say almost horror, of the established big publishers that the new consoles would be a washout, that they weren’t powerful enough and that people today wanted nothing but free-to-play MMOs for iPad. So they were all preparing a few guaranteed mega-titles and waiting to see what happened with regard to everything else, which sent a few studios to the wall and might also result in a big drought for good console games in 2015, because I get the feeling from behind-the-scenes talk and indications that most publishers have nothing prepared for that year, because they didn’t want to plan that far ahead in such an uncertain climate and now they can hardly come up with something epic in less than two years. (But I might be wrong. Feel free to put me right if you know more than I do, which is entirely possible.)"

bel concetto:
- abbiamo paura che le nuove console facciano il flop
- ergo non prepariamo giochi decenti per le nuove console
- ergo faranno il flop
- ergo "avete visto, hanno fatto il flop, era quello di cui avevamo paura"


gaxel 28-01-2014 08:59


Originariamente inviato da momo-racing (Messaggio 40639423)
bel concetto:
- abbiamo paura che le nuove console facciano il flop
- ergo non prepariamo giochi decenti per le nuove console
- ergo faranno il flop
- ergo "avete visto, hanno fatto il flop, era quello di cui avevamo paura"


Giochi decenti sulle scorse console, non prodotti da MS o Sony, ne ho visti pochi... sicuramente non prima di 2-3 anni dal lancio delle stesse.

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